Yes, I have decided to go back to my horror roots...even though I only have one non-horror fic that I've been focusing on for a while now. XD Anyways, the style in this fic is pretty much the same as Teketeke: short, sweet, and to the point. I also came up with this on the spot so it was kinda short notice. I'm not really aiming for this fic to be epic and such, I just want to write a fun and simple horror story. That's not so bad, is it? Of course not! Now enough of me blabbing on and let's start the story for crying out loud.

NOTE: Something in this fic will be very different than my other usual horror fics. Though, I'm sure you'll find out what it is by the next chapter.

Toadette and Toadia were walking out late at night by Mushroom Park from the ice cream store.

"I'm telling you, mushroom-chocolate flavored ice cream is the way to go! I buy it twice a week!" Toadia said.

"I don't know about this Toadia...Mushrooms and Chocolate don't really seem like they mix together well. I have a feeling it would leave an extremely bitter taste in my mouth." Toadette replied.

"I thought the same thing too until I was convinced to try it. Boy, was I glad I tastes like an Oreo milkshake and a banana split combined...if that makes any sense of course." Toadia said.

"I guess so." Toadette said plainly and looked around her. The night was absolutely silent. It was actually so silent that it started to freak Toadette out.

"Do you think we should really be out here this late at night? Because with all these people in Mushroom City and Rogueport missing, it's really kind of scaring me." Toadette nervously spoke.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine! Besides, all the people that have gone missing in Mushroom City in the area by the docks, and we live pretty dang far from that." Toadia reassured.

"Really? Well that's kind of relieving...or maybe not..." Toadette shook her head.

"What do you mean by that?" Toadia asked.

"I haven't seen Toad all day today. I've tried calling him, texting him...ever since this morning, I haven't seen him. That's so unlike him to just not be home at all..." Toadette said in worry.

"Woah, that is pretty strange! Did he say where he was going?"

"Yeah. He said he was going to Princess Peach's castle to return something of hers."

"Wait a second, how does he get all the way there if he doesn't have a car?"

"He takes the bus of course!"

"Oh. Duh! Silly me. But did you call Peach and ask her where he might've gone?"

Toadette looked her in the eyes and widened them a bit.

"Oh my could I forget? I'm so stupid! Well, I can't call her right now since she might be in bed. Sigh..."

"Don't worry, girl! I'm sure he'll be back in the morning. Maybe there was trouble at the castle and Toad got caught up in it or something."

"You might be right. For all we know, Peach might've gotten kidnapped by Bowser yet again." Toadette laughed and so did Toadia.

But Toadette stopped laughing as soon as she a dark mass behind Toadia.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" She screamed.

Toadia jumped around to see what she was screaming at, but there was nothing there.

"Um...are you okay?" Toadia asked.

"HUH? Hold on a second...I could've SWORN I saw something by those trees behind you!" Toadette said.

"You're hallucinating. Come on, let's get home." Toadia gestured.

"No wait...I wanna see if there was something there..." Toadette said and started heading into the small forest.

"Oh come on! Are you really gonna do this right now?" Toadia complained and went in after her.

Toadette stopped running as soon as heard an odd sound.

"What on earth was that...?" She asked herself.


Toadette jumped. "There it is again! What the hell is that?"

Toadia came running up to her. "Toadette, come on! Let's get out of here, there's no time for this!"

Suddenly, Toadette fell down to the ground and was dragged away by her legs at an incredibly fast speed.

"OH MY GOD! TOADETTE!" Toadia screamed and started chasing after her.


"SHIT! TOADEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTE!" Toadia screamed and started to lose sight of her. Whatever was pulling her away was too fast for Toadia.

A few seconds later and Toadia stopped running to catch her breath. She could no longer hear the screams of Toadette.

"What...the hell...was that thing...?" She panted and calmed her breathing.

"TOADETTE!" Toadia called out as loud as she could. No response.

"Oh my she...dead?" Toadia said to herself in fear. She started to sob a bit out of pure scaredness.

She then heard a noise. It sounded like footsteps.

"Toadette? Is that you?" Toadia called out and wiped her eyes. She couldn't see anything in the darkness.

"HELLO? WHO'S THERE? WHO ARE YOU!" She yelled and started to turn in every direction to see where the noise was coming from.

She stopped as soon as she saw the figure that was making the noise.

Toadia's whole body was immediately petrified.


Her screams echoed throughout the forest, but no one could hear her. Even if they did, it was too late to save her.


Uhh...-insert interesting commentary here-. Review pretty please.