Well, I got bored and decided to continue this. Yay? Boo? You decide.

I hate the way he always questions my authority.

I hate the way I have to always be right, just to save face.

Especially when I'm wrong.

I hate his puppy dog eyes.

They make me want to squeeze him until he pops.

I'm sure he knows it.

I hate the way he gets jealous of Jason.

He should know by now that he's the only one I love.

I hate the way he lives all the way across the country.

How am I supposed to kiss him when he's that far away?

I hate the way he sometimes locks himself in his workshop for days on end.

Come on, I'm hotter than his stupid machines.

I hate the way he calls me a stupid organic life form.

I hate the way he screws up everything he touches.

How can you dye a Pegasus purple?

It's not even humanly possible.

I hate the way he shows me up in front of Octavian.

I hate Octavian so very much.

I hate the way he refuses to let me dress him.

He would look so sexy in an orange tracksuit.

I hate the way he always antagonizes my mother.

He should have learnt by now you shouldn't mess with a war goddess.

I hate the way he spends so much time on that ship thing.

He should spend more time planning how to kill Greeks with me!

Oh right…he is Greek.

I hate his stupid Abs.

They make me want to run and jump on him.

But that would be too unprofessional.

He isn't even supposed to have Abs anyway.

Why can't he still be scrawny?

I hate how silky his hair feels when I run my hands through out.

I especially hate how cute he looks when he has oil smudged all over his face.

It makes me want to grab him and smother him with kisses.

I hate the way he always sulks when I beat him sparring.

I gotta admit though, it's kinda funny.

I hate the way he steals my clothes.

Okay, so I usually do it to him first, but it's different, I'm a girl.

I hate the way some of the girls sneer at me, just because he's Greek.

He's not a Graecus.

Gods damn it, why don't I hate Greeks anymore?

I hate the way he doesn't even try to get along with Hylla.

I hate the way I have to stop her from killing him whenever they meet.

I hate how good it feels when he runs his fingers through my hair.

I know I can't trust him though.

He'll probably turn it into snakes or something.

I hate it when he tells jokes.

They're so funny.

But I'm the Praetor, I can't laugh in front of all my subordinates.

I hate how he doesn't get annoyed when I remind him how Rome conquered Greece.

All the other Greeks do.

I hate the way he always gets to apologize first after we fight.

It leaves me on the wrong foot.

And how can I be mad at him?

I hate Piper

More than words can express.

I want to slice her into little ribbons for touching my Leo.

Why does he have to be her friend?

I hate to see him cry.

He doesn't deserve it.

How could anybody be so cruel as to make the poor baby cry?

I hate the way he makes me want to ravish him.

I'm pretty sure it should be the other way around.

But he's just so ravishable.

Not ravishing, ravishable.

I hate it when he tells me my cheeks are pokable.

Then pokes them for ten minutes straight.

I hate it when he steals my jelly beans.

Those things don't grow on trees ya know.

I hate the way he doesn't know when I'm flirting with him.

And then he starts talking about hydraulic suspensions.

For hours, and hours, and hours.

I hate the way I can now recite all of Newton's laws backwards.

I should really stop listening to him sometimes.

I'm sure knowing this much Physics must be bad for the health.

And it's taking up space which should be reserved for battle strategy.

I hate the way he can build a supercomputer the size of an i-pod

And yet he can't pick up a sword without accidentally murdering himself and anyone who walks too close to him.

I really don't understand how he manages to do that.

I hate his cooking.

It's so addictive.

And he's way better than me.

That injures my pride.

I hate the way he once vomited on the Legion's eagle.

Now that took some smoothing over.

I hate the way he bought $200 worth of tuna.

For the feast of Fortuna.

I swear he did that just to annoy me.

If he does that again I think Fortuna will curse Camp Jupiter for all eternity.

I hate the way he always speaks Spanish whenever we argue.

He only does it because he knows I can't speak it.

And that it pisses me off.

I hate that stupid smirk of his whenever he gets under my skin.

I want to punch that stupid smirk off his face.

But whenever I do, he whimpers.

And I can't stop myself from hugging him.

He's just so damn adorable.

Like a little fluffy puppy.

An evil fluffy puppy.

But just so damn adorable.

I hate his pointy ears

But most of all, I hate just how much I love him.