Team Seven: Immortal

Chapter one: New world

The scene starts. A battle field drenched with blood, bodies laid littered about. The area was in ruins, some parts of the landscape were on fire, other parts flooded with water and mud. There were a few parts where the earth was raised and uneven. All in all it looked like an epic battle; one that would scare the land for decades to come, was fought here. Among the chaos stood five figures, four facing off against one lone figure thirty feet away.

"Your army has been wiped out Madara." A male with chin length bluish black hair that was fashioned in a spike-like duck tail growled out. He was battered and blood and had a deep slash going from his right shoulder to the left hip bleeding, he leaned slightly on his long sword that was in cased in lightning looking like he would collapse any second, but even still his red and black star imprinted eyes glared the man across from them.

"And so are all your comrades." Madara, a man with long spiky black hair, said as he calculated an attack.

"It's over Madara!" a sixteen year old girl with waist length blonde hair yelled at the man. She too was battered and bloody although most of her life threatening wound had healed her left arm hung loosely by her side with blood from a deep gash on her shoulder ran down it. Despite the pain and protest her wounds and body were giving her, her sapphire eyes, glared at the man as red surrounded the iris, she too was preparing her final attack. The other female had chin pink hair and bright forest green eyes flashed through hand signs, ignore the cuts that littered her body and the blood that ran from the head into her right eyes slight impairing her vision, she too was preparing her attack.

"Give you your outnumbered." A man with gravity deifying silver hair said. His right hand crackling with lightning. He stood straight despite the gash on his right leg, ready to move at any moment, his mismatch black and red eyes where cold and hard as blood ran from his red one.

"I may be out numbered but you are out classed" the vile man, from whom all this destruction and death hailed from sneered. "I'll end you all!" he said in anger running through hand signs as the four opposing ninja leap toward him, wind sphere, lightning blade, fire flare, and lightning hand at the ready, ready to end the life of the man in front of them. The blonde female and black hair male disappeared, reappeared on either side of the man. The five attack where all called out simultaneously, their names being jumbled and mixed with the next lost in the thunder and roar of techniques. Five attacks went off all five struck home. The four Konoha-nin's attack struck somewhere on Madara's body there was no doubt he was dead, but not before his Jutsu sent the four nin tumbling trough a vortex of the unknown.

*In the Vortex*

They couldn't tell which way was up, which way was sideways or down. They could tell which way was forward as they hurls toward a collidescope of colors, kind of like your mind on LSD. Startled shout left them as they could feel energy coursing through their bodies, not energizing them but more of giving them peace, as if they where one with the cosmos. They were then all enveloped in a white light.

*The Unknown…or random Japanese country side*

"Ugh" a groan came from the blonde hair girl as her mind became clear again, the first thing she realized was that the pain was gone 'I must be dead' she thought as her eyes fluttered open, expecting to see nothing but white, she was greeted with total darkness 'Am I in hell?' she pondered sitting up. Realizing that she was on a bed, briefly she wondered if they had beds in hell. "Sakura-chan?... Teme?... Kaka-sensei?" she called out into the darkness. "Guess they went to heaven." She muttered as tears began to wail in her eyes.

"Ngh" she heard a soft moan from her left and turned to look as the darkness began to lighten as she was then able to see the pink hair of her team mate. She was in a bed next to her. "Saruka-chan!" she leap from her bed to the bed of the pink haired teen. A muffled "oaff" was heard as the Sakura opened her eyes.

"Naru?" she managed to say despite said girl crushing a lung or two.

"Sakura-chan are we dead?" Naru asked as she sat up moving of the girl so that she too could sit up.

"Dead?" Sakura tried to remember why they would have died, where were they any way? "Madara… we killed him then… what?"

"I don't know, I… I remember colors, a warm feeling, and then a white light."

"Same, where are we, I feel 100%." Sakura said feeling her body noticing that despite the bandages on her she was in fact healed, and that she wasn't in her ninja garb any more. She was wearing something made of soft cotton. As the sun began to make its existence known she could tell it was a white Yukata. She tried to molded chakra in her hand and found that she still could.

"I don't think we're dead Naru. I can still use chakra. Where's Sasuke-kun and Kaka-sensei?" she asked looking around looking for any sign of their teammates.

"I do'know" she said rubbing her eyes to rid her tears before Sakura saw them. "I was so scared, I thought that I lost all of you and I was alone again." She felt Sakura pulling her into an embrace and didn't fight it. She burred into the slightly older girls chest her own arms wrapping around Sakura's torso.

"I'm here Naru, not even death could keep us apart." She cooed as she sent out a pulse of chakra partially to calm Naru partially to sense for their teammates. There were several chakra's the house five really low ones, lesser that even that of the average civilian, and two larger ones, the unmistakable signature of their teammates. "Kaka-sensei and Sasuke-kun are here too, there beside us in another room I guess. We're all here." She consoled not only herself but the girl in her lap.

"Yogata(Thank goodness/I'm glad)" she said into the girls bosom. She was so relieved that she let the steady sound of the medic-nin's heart beat lull her to sleep. Sakura smiled down the girl, running her fingers through her long sun kissed hair. Despite wanting to see their other teammates, they knew that they were at least alive and not in any immediate danger of dying, they stayed like that, Naru asleep and Sakura watching over her, her eyes closed but her mind fully awake and aware, (unlike Naru she couldn't sleep again once the sun had risen). Until they heard footsteps approaching, Naru sent out chakra to try and sense a threat, there was none so they stayed as they where, fringing sleep.

The door opened, a woman of middle age and Asian descent walked in and paused in the door way almost dropping her tray of medical supplies. She hadn't expected the girls to have woken up, they had been unconscious for three days. She was debating if she should wake them or not when the girl sitting up, the one with strange pink hair opened her eyes, reveling bright forest green orbs. The women didn't know how to respond still shocked at seeing the girl awake.

"Who are you?" the girl asked

"Oh, um, I'm Usami, Tomiko. We found you all injured in our field, you're in our home. We got a medic to come and tend to your injuries." Tomiko replied, she was maybe thirty, her dark hair was pulled into a tight bun, she was dressed in a light brown cotton kimono tied with a green sash.

"How long have we been…?" the pinkette trailed off.

Understanding what she meant Tomiko replied "Three days, your friends are in the other room if you want to see them." See smiled kindly as the other girl with hair of yellow sat up rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She spoke in a surprising quite voice "Thank you Tomi-san."

The woman chuckled at the nick name as she sit the tray of supplies on the end table, "You're very welcome…" she trailed off realizing that she still didn't know their names.

"Uzumaki, Naruto. But you can call me Naru." Naru replied, "And this is Haruno, Sakura-chan." She also introduced the other girl.

"It's nice to meet both of you." She picked up a roll of bandages "Can I change your bandages?" The girls nodded and moved apart, as Naru untied her yakuta, showing her bandages. As Tomiko un warped them she was shocked to see that the wound she had on her shoulder just the day before had healed. "You're healed." She said amazed.

"I-I guess I just heal fast, maybe Kami-sama blessed me as a baby."

"Yes, blessed in deed." Tomiko agreed as Naru put back on the Yakuta. She went on to check Sakura and was greeted with another surprise she was also fully healed, now while her injuries were not as extensive as the blondes they still heal fast by normal standards. "Oh my, you all must be blessing by the goddess Inari herself." Tomiko said in wonder "I guess I shouldn't be surprised if your friend are also healed." She chuckled not even questioning the absurdities of this all.

"Ne, can we… um," Naru trailed off and Tomiko caught on to what she wanted and nodded. The blonde grabbed the Pinkette's hands and ran at human speed out the room to where they knew their teammates were.

In one bed laid a dark haired and paled male, most likely the same age as the other two girls. In the other bed laid a man roughly twenty-seven years of age, despite his silver hair. Both seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

"WAKE UP!" a yell fixed that, starling the teen into jumping into a sitting position looking around wildly for the source, and the other to open his eyes(he had already woken up and came to the same concussion as the other two and decided more rest was better than waking up people you knew where at least alive) the blanket covering the lower half of his face.

The Male teen fixed the blonde with a glare "Naru." He all but growled out.

"Good morning Sasuke-kun." The pinkette said making the teen mumble something that sounded like 'morning' and look away.

"Maa, Naru-chan no yelling so early in the morning." The Silver haired man said as he sat up relieving what was under the blanket…another mask!

"Gah is that thing glued to your face or something?" the blonde said almost disappointed as she went to sit at the foot of his bed, Sakura sitting at the end of Sasuke's.

"Something like that." Kakashi eye smiled. "Now I suppose this would be a good time as any to ask," he directed his attention to the women standing in the door way "Where are we?"

Tomiko gave the male the same run down as before, "How did you wend up in our field so injured?" Tomiko asked talking a seat in a chair.

"Well we were fighting this old man that was trying to take an old ladies lunch money and fell through a hole in space and ending up here." Kakashi supplied, receiving sweat drops from the group.

"Well, ok then" Tomiko said apprehensively "Your welcome to stay here as long as you'd like. You've been nothing but a good omen."

"What do you mean?" Naru asked tilting her head to the side.

Tomiko chuckle at the jester "Well, ever since you got here our live stock has been so healthy, and producing ten times more than normal, and crops have been growing so much we're going to have to hire help!" The woman said excitedly.

"Thank you Tomiko-san." Kakashi said eye smiling again.

Time went on and after finding out that they had been sent to a different dimension with no way of getting home, as they didn't know the Justu Madara used, the former ninja of Konoha adapted to their new home. Sasuke and Kakashi helped Hotaru, Tomiko's husband and their two sons, and Ichirou, and Jirou, twins. They worked on the farm, tending to the animals, the crops, as well as repairing what needing fixing around the house when needed, and assisting Hotaru in the business at the market. Naru and Sakura helped Tomiko and her daughter Rimi. They helped with the house work, cooking, cleaning, shopping; domestic work. When the work was done and in the early mornings the team would work out and spar, very light, nowhere near to the extent as what they used to do, just to stay in shape should they ever need their skills again. All in all, they moved from a life of fighting, war, and death to a life of peace. They stayed this way, content for years, six to be exact, until they realized that they were not aging.

T/N: So what do think? Good? Bad? Continue? Scrap? This is mostly a prologue in the next chapter there will be a massive time skip. If you haven't realized they are in Rural Japan. Please review they are oh so very helpful in the writing process.

Summary: how in a final attack by Madara team seven (Naru, Sakura, Sasuke[not douche bag in this one], and Kakashi) get thrown into another dimension after killing that piece of crap. There they soon find out that they no longer age and have, by all accounts, become immortal. What happens when our team decides that it's time for a change of scenery and head for Forks, Washington.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Twilight. I do own the plot and my fanfic account though.