The Hunger Games

"There once was a girl, Ariella D'Bringam, born in District 12. She had the most shiny and silky blonde hair in the Seam, and while many a boy attmpted to court her, she would always refuse. Her younger brothers and twin sister needed her. Her parents had died in a fatal mining accident when she was four years old and her brothers were a few months along. Instead of living with her aunt and uncle she found refuge in a small apartment, the manager giving her the room because she was so pretty.

On her brothers' twelfth birthdays, as they were twins, they attended the reaping, expecting a small party afterwards. Instead, Ariella's twin sister was reaped. In a haste, she volunteered herself and entered the games along with her very cute partner, John.

Their chariot was grand and garnered the attention of sponsors all over the Capitol. Her training score was a solid 12, and at her interview she exhibited both sex-appeal and deadliness. During the games, she was allowed into the career pack and killed them all off slowly before reuniting with her very, very cute district partner. After realizing their untold feelings for each other, they attempted suicide. The gamemakers couldn't anticipate this and made them both winners, and they lived out their dreams and had very, very, VERY, cute babies.

The End."

Have you ever encountered a character like this? A girl or boy who seems to excel at everything despite him/her not making any sense what-so-ever? Well, let's go on a journey to turn Miss Ariella into a character we can all be proud of.