A/N : Good morning sunshine, the earth says Hello!

Alrighty, before you start reading, I just wanted to give you all a heads up. This story,while being quite dark, is also filled with non-con yaoi. So if you can't stomach that kind of stuff, I suggest you go back and look for something fluffier or whatever fills your tastes.


If you like being corrupted, well, go on ahead at your own risk. I won't be taking responsibility for any mental scarring or something. And if you happen to be open minded, then...Welcome!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or its characters or anything associated with it. It all belongs to that one guy with the talent of creating the sexiest video game characters I have ever seen. *Drool*

That is all.

You may Proceed *evil laugh*


The sound of a chair scraping against the wooden floors, and of light footsteps, interrupted the stillness of the once quiet house. All the lights were turned off making the house seem rather eerie and unnerving, but it didn't seem to bother the occupant of the house. As he walked towards the front door while trying to muster up the nicest smile possible, he couldn't help but wonder about what kind of person would visit him at these hours.

But when he found a police officer on his doorstep, admittedly he was caught off guard.

"Hello officer, how can I help you?" he asked, making sure the fake smile on his face never wavered one bit. Being polite was important, but that did not mean he had to be genuine about it.

Cops were stereotyped at having a stern and assertive attitude, and the police officer in front of him was no exception. She was actually good looking, but her serious expression made her look older than she really was.

"There has been a recent case of a disappeared teen. His name is Sora Safaia and reports say he was last seen hanging around this block. Would you happen to know anything regarding this case?" Her face remained serious as she said all this.

The man feigned worry and distress; he was a really good actor and it was during times like these when it came in handy.

"They have not found Sora? My god this isn't right, he was such a good kid." He moaned in fake sorrow. To his inner and ever growing amusement the cop seemed to believe his act.

"You know Sora?" Surprise was evident in her voice.

The occupant of the house nodded. "He was my student, I teach British Literature at Destiny High."

In an instant, she took out her notepad and scribbled a quick note. He had a vague idea about what her next incoming question would be and answered it before she could ask.

"I'm Hofuna. Riku Hofuna." She nodded and scribbled another quick note. From her notepad she tore off a small piece of paper, scribbled something, and handed it to the man.

"This is my number. If you find out any useful information please let me know, we are doing everything we can to find him."

The man nodded and accepted the piece of paper. "Will do." He solemnly promised.

In return she nodded and took her leave, wishing him a good day. He went back inside and closed the door, allowing himself to stand in the foyer for a moment to just think. However, the humor in the situation didn't escape him and he couldn't help but erupt into a fit of laughter at the fact that authority these days was getting stupider and stupider. A small 'thump' from somewhere within the house awoke him from his giggle fit, making the man roll his eyes and go back to his interrupted breakfast.

The walls felt slimy, the floor was covered in grime, and over all the room was filled with a slightly displeasing smell. A young brunet boy hurriedly tried to pick up a large heavy looking box. He had tried to be as quiet as possible but it seemed that his plan backfired. He moved the heavy box aside and found a crowbar. If it had been under any other circumstance, he would have done a happy dance but right now happiness or any other joyful emotion was far from what he was currently feeling. He picked up the tool and crawled back to his usual corner. How long has it been? Days?Weeks?Months? How much longer was he going to be kept here? He didn't know and didn't really feel like finding out the answer.

There was a dent on the wall, small but still noticeable. The progress was slow and the work was tedious but he was willing to keep going at it. He wanted to escape, he longed for freedom and in order to get it he would have to give it his all. With the pointy end of the tool he continued his unfinished work, intent on never stopping. Every second of rest was a second wasted and a total dead weight to his goal on gaining freedom.

In the midst of his hard work he didn't hear the opening of a door or the creaking of steps that protested every time someone stepped on them. He didn't notice the presence of a tall figure that seemed to be watching his every move with amusement in its eyes until it decided to speak up.

"You do know it's pointless? You're never getting out of here." The hairs on the back of the brunet's neck stood up straight as dread washed over his body and his senses. He was too afraid to turn around but still did so even if it was against his will. He willed his throat to clear up and speak.

"Mr. Hofuna." He gave an unsure tentative smile and grimaced at how squeaky and pathetic his voice sounded. The man scoffed at the greeting.

"Sora, darling, we've been through this before. You can drop the formalities, just call me Riku." The figure stepped closer as it said this. He didn't stop until he was in front of the brunet boy, centimeters of space being the only thing that separated their bodies. The brunet boy felt overpowered, the man in front of him was taller and stronger and had him cornered against the wall. He was a platinum blonde which explained his odd hair color, and he had the most unusual blue-green eyes that at the moment shined with unknown emotions that Sora never wanted to put a name to. He brought a hand up to the brunet's cheek and lovingly caressed it with the back of his hand. The brunet boy tried to inch away but his efforts were futile when the hand roughly gripped his chin and sternly kept his face in place.

"Were you trying to escape again?" he asked, blue-green orbs boring into blue ones.

The boy shook his head, which only served to make the man give him a distrustful glare. It was really hard for the brunet to accept the reality of his situation. In front of him was his British Lit teacher, a man that he once admired and respected but now hated with all his being, who for some sick and twisted reason decided to kidnap him and lock him up in his basement. It all just happened too quickly. Only a few weeks ago he was walking around the neighborhood, looking for his dog that broke free from its chain and somehow in a sick twist of fate had run into his teacher. The man was barely going home and offered his help which Sora gratefully accepted. After a few hours of restless walking and calling out to the creature in hopes that it would appear, the brunet's teacher invited him into his home for a snack and much needed rest. Sora had trusted the man and didn't think twice about accepting the offer. But given his current situation, he now regretted it.

A strong arm wrapped itself around the brunet's slim waist, bringing both bodies closer. Agitatedly, the boy stretched out his arms to prevent the action, silently praying to the deities for strength as his small hands pushed against a chiseled chest, letting him get a feel of the man's muscles beneath his shirt.

"No! Get away from me!" His protests made the platinum angry, who roughly slammed the teen against the cement wall. The brunet instantly felt pain throughout his body which only served to momentarily disorientate him from his current situation. He was holstered up over a shoulder, and didn't notice until it was much too late that he was being taken upstairs into the kitchen where the older male set him down, and made him bend over the table. In one quick motion, the brunet's pants were undone and along with his underwear were pulled down to his knees, fabric bunching up and getting wrinkled. The brunet widened his eyes in horror, knowing very well what was to come. He tried to scramble away from the man's hold but to no avail, a hand pinned him down against the table. He flailed his arms and kicked his legs, aiming to land a blow on his attacker.

"Stop touching me you fucking pervert!" This only served to fuel the older man's anger. All thoughts of being gentle with the brunet teen left his mind. He unzipped his own pants, releasing his raging hard on from its constraints, and forcefully shoved it into the teen's orifice. The brunet's eyes widened in shock as he let out a pain-filled shriek, the burning sensation within him proving to be too much to bear. Despite having already done this countless times he could never get used to the man's size. He inched up on the table hoping to get away, but those hopes were shot down when strong hands gripped his hips and forced him to stay in place. It did not take long for the man to find the bundle of nerves deep inside him that made his body jolt in pleasure and silently beg for more. Abruptly he was turned over on his back, the rest of his clothes were removed, and his legs were forcibly spread apart as he was roughly penetrated, the head of his teacher's cock hitting that particular spot again.

"Hopefully this will teach you to not ever defy me again" growled the silver haired man into the teen's ear. It made a shudder go down the brunet's spine.

"I'm sorry…" The apology went unheard to the platinum blonde's ears. He thrusted faster, causing tears to blur the brunet's vision as the force behind his thrusts were too much for the young boy to take in.

"I swear…I won't…I won't…" A particularly hard thrust made the teen let out a pleading whine and cut off what he was going to say.

His attacker grabbed the back of his neck and forced him to sit up. Demanding lips forced themselves on his own, sharp teeth trapped his bottom lip and roughly bit on it making him let out a pained gasp, leading to the brunet's oral cavern getting invaded by a slick tongue. The brunet teen never thought he would receive such an aggressive kiss that bordered on being sadistic. The thrusting got more punishing causing the brunet to scream his heart out and his throat raw. Each stroke hit his prostate with deadly accuracy and immense pressure. He couldn't keep his eyes open, the pleasure was too much. Unconsciously he spread his legs wider and arched his back to the point where he looked like he was going to break in half.

"Riku…please…no more! I can't…I can't…" This only spurred the man to go faster and thrust harder.

"Sora, you love me right?" He looked at the younger boy with those eyes, those insane threatening eyes that served to strike fear into the young brunet. He furiously nodded his head getting a big happy grin from the older man.

"Good." He stopped thrusting, making the youngster nervously fret and wonder if he had done something wrong.

"You've been a good boy these past few days. I'm thinking about giving you a nice reward… What do you say?" That mischievous glint was present in those green eyes, and by that glint alone the teen knew that he could never trust the man with anything. Strong arms hooked themselves underneath his body and hauled him up, bringing him against a strong and muscled bare chest. The silver haired man started up the stairs toward the second level of the house, no doubt headed for the bedrooms. Sora noticed with a wince that they were both still connected, allowing him to feel the man's hard throbbing erection inside him. Every time they advanced a step, the tip of Riku's cock would brush against his bundle of nerves making the teen gasp and writhe in pleasure. Sora blamed it on his instincts when he grinded his hips against the silver haired man, creating a sort of friction between both bodies. A pair of lips pressed themselves against his own, giving him a kiss gentler than the one before but equal in passion.

He found himself on the silver haired man's bed, said man between his legs giving him the ride of his life as both bodies were completely naked and moved as if they were one. Riku's pace was steady, but his thrusts were rough and forceful making him plunge deeper within the brunet. The small brunet whined in response, his hands were at his sides clenching on to the bed sheets for dear life. All too suddenly, the man turned gentle and softened his thrusts by joining their hips together and moving in undulating motions. Slowly he rocked, making the brunet let out a series of whimpering sounds that unknowingly to him intensified the older man's arousal.

"God Sora, you're so fucking gorgeous…I don't think I'll ever be able to let you go." The most frightening part of that statement was that Sora knew he wasn't lying. The gentleness was gone and abruptly replaced by ruthlessness. Riku tightly gripped his hips and fucked him without mercy, the speed and force of his thrusts making the volume of Sora's cries, and of skin slapping against skin, increase as well.

"Ah!...Ah! AH!...nnngh Ah!" His eyes were closed, his head was thrown back, and his face was twisted into one of sheer pleasure. Riku moaned at the sight. The brunet was very expressive when it came to his emotions and that pleasured expression was the one that Riku sought out the most. The boy was getting more vocal letting the silver haired man know that he was getting close to climaxing. He grabbed his student's neglected manhood, stroking it in time with his thrusts and bringing him even closer to release. With one final shriek the boy came, releasing his load on Riku's hands and over his stomach. His inner walls clamped around the elder's member, bringing him to release and making him shoot his load into the brunet's orifice, and unable to control the lust-filled growl that emitted from his throat as he filled the brunet. He collapsed on the youngster, both of their bodies remaining connected as both of them tried catching their breath, both too exhausted to even twitch a muscle.

"Riku?" The older man hummed in response.

"Can you…get off…please?" The young brunet hesitantly asked, scared about how the other would react. They stayed in the same position as they gazed into other's eyes, one with admiration and the other with fear. A scant second later, Riku grudgingly pulled out and got off the brunet, lying down on the bed beside him. No one said a word until the younger of the two decided to speak up.

"Why?" he asked, tears brimming his azure eyes and taking the older man by surprise.

"Why?" repeated the brunet.

"Why what?" said the silver haired man in response.

"Why do you do this?" His voice sounded shaky and broken. Riku turned towards the younger boy and gazed into those undeniably seductive pools of blue. Those blue orbs that had him mesmerized since the beginning of the school year where he first met Sora. At first he deemed the boy insanely cute and a good candidate for eye candy but still kept a firm grip on himself, reminding himself that Sora was off limits. Relationships between students and teachers were illegal and being ten years older than the boy, he didn't want to be jailed for child molesting. However, during the course of time, the small attraction grew into infatuation, the infatuation grew into obsession, and the obsession evolved into something much more darker that went out of his control

All of it came to the point where he was obsessed with making the brunet his.

A pale hand caressed a tanned baby-soft cheek.

Riku didn't just want his body, he wanted Sora's everything and if the brunet wanted him too, then he would be willing to give him his all.

"What do you think?" He said to the brunet. The tears he had been shedding made his blue eyes glisten. He didn't say anything.

"It's because I love you." There, he had said it. The worse that could happen was the brunet not feeling the same way and pushing him away. He didn't want to see his reaction and opted for closing his eyes and getting some rest. And it was a good thing he decided to go to sleep, because he would have seen the disgust etched on that beautiful, blue-eyed face.

'Love me?' he sneered.

No matter what the cost, Sora knew deep in his heart that one fateful day he would escape from the cruelty of his abductor.