A few days after Gabriel was born Damon and Bonnie were allowed to take him home. They were so excited to take their bundle of joy back to the boarding house. Looking forward to the start of the long haul of being parents. Now it had been almost a week since they had been home with their child and they were learning the ropes and getting to know their sons pattern and needs.

Bonnie had just gotten through with checking up on Gabriel when the door bell rang. Everyone else was out and she was home by herself besides Gabriel. Bonnie walked to the door and saw Caroline standing there.

Bonnie smiled. "Hey Care."

Caroline leaned in to give her friend a hug. "Bonnie so nice to see you."

Bonnie hugged back. "What brings you by?"

Caroline released the hug. "I haven't seen you in days just wanted to come by and check on you and Gabriel."

"Come on in." Bonnie said steeping aside.

"Where's Damon and Stefan?" Caroline asked noticing that the house was quiet as she stepped inside.

"They're out running an errand." Bonnie answered. "But Damon says that they won't be gone for too long."

Caroline looked around. "Where's the little one?"

Bonnie gestured towards the stairs. "I put him down for his nap, he's been asleep for an hour now."

Caroline pouted. "Aw."

Bonnie laughed. "Don't worry Care you'll get plenty of times to hold him and interact with him."

"I was really hoping to holding him on the way over." Caroline said "But I don't want to disturb his sleep."

"He could wake up at anytime." Bonnie pointed out.

"That's true." Caroline said

Bonnie started to walk towards the kitchen. "Are you hungry?"

Caroline followed. "Hungry for what?" Sometimes vampires could still crave human food.

"Blood." Bonnie explained "I was on my way to getting me some before you rang the door bell."

Caroline nodded her head. "I'll take a bag."

Bonnie went over to the fridge and got two blood bags one for her and one for Caroline. "Here you go." She said handing one to Caroline.

"Thanks." Caroline said.

Bonnie opened her bag and poured it into a cup. She made sure that she drunk plenty of blood and act some human food. Both were needed to keep up her energy as well as to feed Gabriel her breast milk.

Caroline drunk her blood right from the bag. "So how's being a new mother so far?"

"Exhausting." Bonnie said

Caroline laughed.

"But it also has been wonderful, great, and exciting." Bonnie warmly said "I love being a new Mom and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world."

"You'll make the best Mother ever." Caroline exclaimed.

Bonnie sipped on the blood from her cup. "Thanks Care!"

"What about Damon how's he's doing in parent hood so far?" Caroline wanted to know.

"So far he's been a very loving Father to Gabriel." Bonnie answered. "He had been helping me taking care of him, feeding him, changing him, watching over him and reading him his bedtime stories. Damon is being the perfect Dad."

Caroline shook her head. "I can't believe that this is Damon Salvatore that we are talking about."

Bonnie chuckled. "I know but they say that having a child can change a man for the better."

"Damon became the better man when he fell in love with you." Caroline said

"What a sweet thing for you to say." Bonnie said

"I'm just telling you the truth." Caroline said

The baby monitor lit up and the sounds of Bonnie's son crying came from the speakers.

"He's awake." Caroline noted.

Bonnie put down her now almost empty cup of blood. "He is. Looks like you'll be able to hold him today after all."


The following day Damon entered the boarding house. He had ran out to the store to get some things needed for Bonnie and their son. After putting the items away he walked up the stairs and entered into the nursery. The site that he saw warmed his heart. Bonnie had their son cradled in her arms breastfeeding him as she hummed a tune to him. Breast feeding bonded a mother to her child like no other. It had been learned that Bonnie's breast milk was a combination of a normal woman's breast milk as well as some blood. Since Bonnie and Damon were both vampires, their child would end up being a vampire-witch hybrid much like Bonnie was.

Since he would still have quite a bit of human in him, he was going to need both blood and human food to give his body nutrition.

Damon cleared his throat. "Hello my vampire-witch."

Bonnie looked over at Damon. "Damon you're back."

"Yes I got every thing that you needed." Damon let her know.

"Good." Bonnie said

Damon stepped up to him. "How are you doing?"

Bonnie noticed that he had often asked this question since she gave birth. Going out of his way to make sure that she and their son was always taken care of and had everything that they needed. "I'm fine."

Damon reached down running a finger over the tiny fists that was clutched against her breast as he feed. "I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that he is ours you know."

"Yeah I know." Bonnie said

Damon watched as their son drunk from her nipple. "Such a miracle."

"He is very rare a child created by not just one but two vampires." Bonnie said "That is what makes him so special."

"We did good." Damon told her.

Bonnie grinned. "You're right we did!" She removed Gabriel from her breast.

"He's finished eating?" Damon guessed.

"For now." Bonnie said pulling down her shirt.

"Why don't you let me take him." Damon suggested

"Sure." Bonnie rose to her feet handing their son over.

Damon carefully took him as if he were handling the finest piece of China. Gabriel felt so small and lite in his arms. "There's my boy."

A warm feeling came over Bonnie watching Father and Son interact. Damon had already developed a life time bonding with their son. "You're so wonderful with him."

"So are you." Damon told her with a smile.

Bonnie yawned.

Damon looked at her as he held Gabriel. "You tired?"

"Just a little." Bonnie waved her hand. "I'll be okay."

"Why don't you get some rest. I'll take over watching Gabe." Damon said

Bonnie shrugged a shoulder. "Alright I'll take a nap for about an hour."

"How about making it two." Damon nicely commented.

"Two it is." Bonnie said she kissed Damon on his lips. "See you then."

"Yeah later." Damon said.

Bonnie walked out going to their bedroom to take a nap.

Damon turned his attention to taking care of their child and showing him fatherly love.


Elena was busy trying to get laid by Ford. She used sex with Ford to try to keep her mind off of the fact that Damon was with Bonnie. She was already bitter because of Damon and Bonnie being together period but finding out that Bonnie had Damon's child heightened those feelings of bitterness and anger.

She was in a hot make out session with Ford and they were moments away from fucking again.

"Make a baby with me Ford." Elena breathlessly demanded.

Ford pulled away taken aback. "What did you say?"

Elena let out of a breath. "I said let's make a baby together."

Ford blinked his eyes. "You must be joking."

"I'm not." Elena stated.

"Elena I'm no where near ready to be a Dad." Ford pointed out "We aren't serious enough to parent a child."

"But having a child could be a wonderful thing for us." Elena said

Ford ran a hand through his hair. "Where in the hell is this coming from?"

Elena folded her arms over her bare chest. "I thought you said that you loved me."

"I do." Ford looked at her. "But just because I love you doesn't mean that I'm ready to make a child with you."

"Fine." Elena said clearly put off by his answer.

Ford shook his head. "What's up with this baby talk?"

"Well Bonnie had a baby…" Elena started to say.

Ford held up a hand. "Wait this is about Damon again?"

"No." Elena lied.

"Tell the truth." Ford said "You want a child my me because Damon has one with Bonnie and you what to one up them or something?"

Elena leaned forward. "No this has nothing to do with Bonnie or Damon."

Ford got out of the bed to get away from her. "But every time I turn around you seem to be upset that Damon and Bonnie are together."

"Why won't you believe me when I tell you that I'm over them?" Elena whined.

"Because you say things to make me believe that you're not." Ford said looking frustrated "I won't be a fool if you're going to pine over some other man. I'll leave you before that happens."

Elena's lips trembled. "Don't leave me Ford, I need you."

Ford looked at her. "I will if you still have a thing for Damon Salvatore."

"I don't how many times do I have to prove that to you?"" Elena asked "Please stay."

"I'll stay for now. But I'm serious Elena. I won't be a made a fool out of." Ford told her.

"Okay I get it." Elena said

Ford sighed. "I'm going to go and get a drink."

Elena sat up in the bed she needed to get a baby one way or the other and she wouldn't stop until she had one.