Between the struggles of finding out that he's of magical heritage and the growing strain on their relationship, Fai D. Flourite disobeys his foster father Ashura to go to Hogwarts. Between the stress of learning the works of the Wizarding world and being away from Kuro how will Fai deal with these sudden changes?

Year One | Part One

Age 9-10

Fai stared outside his window, excitement clear on his face. Having planned to spend time with Kurogane at the near by castle for days he couldn't wait for his best friend to finally arrive at his house. As Fai waited at the window, he noticed a figure move to his right. Looking towards it, he recognized the person to be none other than Kurogane himself. He stood up out of his chair quickly and bolted out the door, exclaiming in a sing-songy voice, "Kuro-puu, you're late!"

Greatly surprised at the pleasant weather, something that was odd for the cold natured Wales, Kurogane walked up the small gravel path to Fai's house. A look that could be called a mixture of excitement but annoyance was shadowing his face as a small blond bounded out the door. Sending a glare toward Fai as the blond called him yet another strange name Kurogane stopped just short of the other. "What did I tell you, idiot? Stop calling me those silly names."

"Aw, but it's not fun calling you Kurogane, Kuro!" Fai exclaimed, a ridiculously goofy smile on his face. "So, are you ready to go?" Shifting his weight the red eyed boy sighed, knowing it was foolish to try and correct him. "Yeah, I can't be late for dinner. Hahaue will be mad if I stay out to late."

Fai nodded, his long hair falling into his eyes as he stated, "Père would get mad at me too!" Rolling his eyes at Fai's over the top antics Kurogane simply walked out the gate. "Come on already. I want to go see that castle!"

Walking towards Kurgoane when he paused for a second, Fai exclaimed, "Wait Kuro-beau, I forgot something!" With that he dashed back into the house, up the stairs and into his room. Looking around, Fai spotted the plushy of a white creature that sort of looked like a mixture between a rabbit and some other creature. Smiling, he picked the stuffed animal up and ran back down the stairs and outside.

Still standing at the gate outside, Kurogane began to mutter under his breath. Deciding on wither or not he should go see what his friend was up to, the young man could only blink as Fai flounced out of his house. "You're bringing a meat bun?" He dead panned. Lifting a hand to cover his eyes Kurogane could only give a heavy sigh.

Bringing the plushy closer to his body, Fai huffed, "Mokona's a Mokona, not a meat bun Kuro-vil." Not even casting the 'meat bun' a second look Kurogane began to lead the way. "Yeah, yeah. Just come on we got a bit of a walk." Living on the opposite side of the island from the castle the boys had a good ten minute walk. Judging the time from the sun's position Kurogane knew he had a good hour and a half to explore with Fai before dinner.

The walk, despite being 10 minutes long, seemed short to Fai. After all, looking at the scenery; which was breathtaking despite the lack of trees, was a pleasant walk. Plus the opportunity to tease Kurogane kept him busy and distracted. Soon, they arrived at the castle. Despite never being finished, it was an attractive tourist site. But today nobody was there and it was a perfect opportunity for young boys to explore. "This is going to be fun Kuro-rin!"

Nodding his head in a silent agreement Kurogane ignored the annoying nick name that Fai had picked up from his father and stepped closer to the uncompleted walls of Castle Beaumaris. The crimsoned eyed young boy didn't know what it was about the place but the prospect of exploring was just to great a thrill. Looking to Fai before he stepped under the small walkway rails Kurogane gave a crooked smirk. "Come on lets get closer!"

Fai clutched his Mokona doll closer to him and followed Kurogane into the walkway. The walls and the castle seemed big and maybe even slightly intimidating, but he put a smile on his face so that Kurogane wouldn't have a reason to call him a coward. "Where do you think we should explore first Kuro?"

Glancing back at Fai, Kurogane watched as he clutched at his meat bun. After a small battle on wither he should offer to help or not, the red eyed boy pushed on. He needs to grow up anyway... However as they walked deeper into the center of the castle Kurogane couldn't help but glance back at Fai. Keeping his worry at bay, Kurogane didn't take the time to watch as two large owls circled over head. Fai, unlike Kurogane, had noticed the owls and dropped his plushy in surprise and fear. "K-Kuro, are those owls?" The blonde-haired boy tried to keep his voice steady, but it had shook slightly despite his effort.

Lifting his eyes upward Kurogane almost cursed aloud. Shit.. Glaring at the owns the young boy tried to scare them away by waving his hands. As the birds continued to descend Kurogane stopped to ponder on why there were two of them. Knowing exactly what the bird carried Kurogane turned around to look at Fai. "Your a wizard too?"

Fai shook his head slightly. "Wizards don't exist...And even if they did...I don't think I'd be one." But one thought kept running through Fai's head, "Too"? Does he mean he's a wizard? But...They don't exist...

Glancing at his friend with worried eyes Kurogane mentally shook himself. There was no way Fai would get a letter and not be a wizard. Knowing that his friend could turn down the school invitation Kurogane wanted nothing more then for him to accept. "Fai... I'm a wizard." Pausing for a second Kurogane wondered how he could explain. "You got that letter because your also a wizard..." Walking toward his friend slowly Kurogane picked up the letter and handed it to Fai. "Just read it."

Fai took the letter gingerly and reluctantly, half-expecting this to be a prank and half-believing what Kurogane had just told him. There had been some odd occurrences in Fai's life. Once, while alone and lost, he had made his Mokona doll appear before him and an arrow that had led him home. But those had only been dreams, he shook his head and opened the letter.

"HOGWARTS SCHOOL of WITCHCRAFT and WIZARDRY," Fai looked up at Kurogane for a second, but kept reading,

"Headmaster: Clow Reed

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Flourite,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress ." He paused for a second, taking this all in. "My owl...? I don't have one." Pausing for a second as he took all this in, Fai put on a teasing grin to mask his nervousness. "Kuro-jolie, do you have an owl at home?"

Smirking at Fai as he watched him read the letter, Kurogane could only imagine what was going through the blonds head. Knowing Fai he would think it was all a joke that Kurogane had cleverly devised but sooner or later it would all sink it. Eager to tell his Hahaue that his letter had finally arrived, the boy was even more excited to tell her about Fai's.

"Sure you can use our house owl when mother sends in my return letter." To thrilled to even read the welcoming note Kurogane found the supply list and began to read aloud.




First-year students will require:

sets of plain work robes (black)

plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)

by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi

by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Pausing for a second Kurogane looked up at his friend. "We can even bring a pet!"

Fai's eyes widened. He had always wanted a pet! "Can I bring a cat?" His apparent nervousness and skepticism were gone, replaced by eagerness. A small smile lifted Kurogane's lips as he watched Fai practically bubble with unmasked excitement. Hiding behind his hand the young boy managed to bring his emotions back under control as he grabbed Fai's wrist. "It says you can, but hurry up! Hahaue will be excited to know you got in!"

Fai quickly grabbed his Mokona doll as Kurogane practically dragged Fai out of the castle. "Do you think père will be happy to know I'm a wizard?" Despite his excitement, the one thing Fai was afraid of was being rejected because of his known wizarding status. But, as he thought about it, Fai dismissed the idea. Père will definitely be happy for me!

Jogging down the road as he towed Fai behind him, Kurogane couldn't wait to get home. Having been waiting on the letter for days now the young wizard was excited about his up coming school year with Fai. Aware of Fai panting behind him Kurogane slowed his pace and allowed his fingers to let go of Fai's wrist. His own flesh scraping across Fai's palm Kurogane was amazed at how soft the blonde's skin was.

Unable to hide the smirk that grew on his lips Kurogane wondered how long Fai would last at the hands of his father during a training session. "Geez... your so lazy." Casting a teasing look over his shoulder Kurogane wondered if he saw a slight bit of hesitation in Fai's eyes. Knowing that the blonde had an odd habit of getting uneasy when he thought Ashura would be mad, Kurogane wondered how the man would react to this new information about his foster son.

"No I'm not!" Fai panted. "You're just a super human." Fai rolled his eyes and put on a fake smile to hide his uneasiness about the thought of telling his père that he was a wizard. "Kuro...If père gets mad at me for being a wizard...Do you think I could stay with you at your house?"

Not wanting his friend to worry, Kurogane gently picked up Fai's hand again. "We'll have Hahaue and Chichiue tell him. No one will stand up to them." Giving the blonde's hand a comforting squeeze Kurogane tugged Fai closer. "Come on, we're almost home."

Heartened by Kurogane's thoughtful and comforting words, Fai nodded and walked with Kurogane towards their homes. Having lived across the street from one another for years, Kurogane didn't bother to stop at Fai's first. Knowing Ashura wouldn't be home for another few hours the boys instead walked up the path to the red eyed boy's home. Swinging the door open wide while he tugged Fai inside Kurogane called for his mother. "Hahaue guess what!"

"What is it Kurogane?" A woman, looking around the age of late-20s or early 30s, walked into the room with a warm smile upon her face. Letting go of Fai's hand the young boy dashed over to his mother. "My letter came into do day!"

A gentle frown began to crease the woman's brow as her eyes drifted to Fai. "Did it now?" Kurogane could tell his Hahaue was worried about Fai knowing of the Wizarding world. "But Hahaue, Fai's a wizard too!"

A look of total surprise flashed over the woman's face before she smiled. "Well then, congratulations Fai-kun."

"Thank you mère. Kuro and I are so excited to go to Hogwarts! It'll be fun." Fai spun around, excitement flashing in his brilliant-blue eyes. "Don't you agree Kuro?"

Turning back to rest his red gaze of his best friend Kurogane nodded slowly. Picturing Diagon Alley in his mind the young boy stopped to think for a moment. "Hahaue, how will Fai buy his supplies?" The thought of telling the blonde's father was still on Kuro's mind as he judged Fai's reaction.

She smiled thoughtfully and answered, "We'll think of something."

Fai stopped spinning for a moment, confused. "My père has some money; couldn't he just pay for it?" Giving the young boy a nod Lady Suwa turned on her heels as she walked deeper into the house. "That he can Fai-kun." Pausing for a moment to ponder on how to explain the Wizarding world's style of banking, the woman lead the boys into a small parlor.

"Mr. Suwa and I shall speak with your father later tonight when he returns, Fai-kun. Hopefully if an adult were to explain the situation it would be easier to understand then coming from a child's mouth." Casting a teasing wink in the boy's direction Kurogane's mother opened a small paper sliding door. "Dear, Kurogane's received his letter."

Settled down at a small table, Lord Suwa quietly turned his eyes toward his wife. An exact replica of Kurogane, even if older, looked back at the children with a smile. "I assume Fai-kun must have received a letter as well."

"I sure did!" Fai ran up to Lord Suwa and handed him his letter. "See?"

Kurogane's father nodded and ruffled Fai's hair, stating, "Seems like we have two wizards here instead one." Fai giggled and pulled away, taking the letter with him. "Why don't you and Kurogane go outside and play in the front garden while your waiting for you father to come home Fai?" Lady Suwa said, getting on her knees so she was eye level with Fai.

"Okay! Come on Kuro-puu!" Fai grabbed his best friend's arm and excitedly pulled him outside. Allowing himself to be tugged along, Kurogane smothered a small smile behind Fai's back. Grateful that, for once, his friend had something real to be happy about, the young boy didn't want to spoil Fai's fun.

Stepping through the front door the boys turned left on the small walk way that lead to the Suwa's home garden. Encircled by a low stone wall the garden was comparatively small to the Suwa's home in Japan. Small winding ponds ran through the garden like a snake, the ever green color of the water reflecting the boy's features as they walked over a wooden bridge. Small stones created a second path over the water, beside them white water lilly's floated above the waters surface. Koi fish darted every which way as the young blond tried to scoop one up.

After several failed attempts at catching one, Fai gave up and stood up. "Let's go to the fountain." Not waiting for Kurogane's consent, Fai dragged Kurogane towards the fountain situated in the middle of garden and sat down. "Hey Kuro, is your père and mère wizards too?"

Being dragged along once more by the blond Kurogane couldn't help but feel like a dog at that moment. Resisting the urge to pull his hand away from Fai, the black haired young boy calmly sat down beside his friend. Turning his gave toward the other with a slightly muffled look Kurogane nodded. "Of course Chichiue is a wizard but Hahaue is a witch."

Shifting his red eyes toward the fountain as the tranquil garden around them helped to sooth his nerves Kurogane stretched out his legs as he leaned back on his hands. Looking up at the setting sun the young boy smiled. "To think that Fai would get a letter too..."

"Hey Kuro. Why am I a wizard and père isn't? I don't understand. To be a wizard your parents have to be one too, right?" Fai stared up at the sky, not looking at Kurogane. I wonder if Yuui was a wizard to..I wish he was here to get a letter. The blonde's small, delicate hands shook slightly at the thought of his lost twin. To stop them from trembling, he clutched his Mokona doll tighter. He hoped Kurogane hadn't noticed them shaking.

Lowering his gaze to look at his friend Kurogane shook his head. "Not all the time. Some muggle-" He paused looking for a better word. "How do I explain? Well some wizards can come from a none magical family. Its sort of like a random gene I guess. Because your Chichiue is a muggle, or a none magical person, that would make you a muggle born."

Resting his red eyes on Fai, the young boy couldn't help but notice that the blond seemed a bit uneasy. Even after being around Fai for years Kurogane hardly knew anything of the new wizard's past. Wondering if it had something to do with the pained look in Fai's eyes Kurogane decided against bringing up the subject and chose instead to change it.

"Would you want to come with us to Diagon Alley tomorrow?"

Fai, grateful for the subject change, looked towards Kurogane and smiled. "Sure!" Then he paused, "Wait, where is Diagon Alley? I've never heard of it."

Smirking at his friend Kurogane sighed. "Of course you haven't heard of it. If everyone knew about wizards they're be sure to be a war or something!" Rolling his eyes at the silliness of muggles Kurogane tilted his head. "Diagon Alley is hidden in London. Hahaue normally uses Flu Powder to get there. Its pretty cool! She throws it into the fire and it turns green before she can step in. After that she just vanishes!" Unable to keep himself from giggling at Fai's look of utter confusion Kurogane leaned back once more to gaze at the night sky.

"You'll see. Its really cool but at the same time its scary. I remember my first time, Hahaue had to hold my hand cus she thought I'd get lost." A light blush crept across his cheeks as Kurogane remembered the embarrassment of arriving while holding his mother's hand.

Fai smirked as he imagined Kurogane, while holding his mother's hand, get engulfed in green flames. "What, was the warrior too afraid to go by himself?" Truthfully, Fai was secretly hoping Kurogane could do the same for him, but he doubted his friend would. Nevertheless, it didn't stop him from hoping so.

Flushing bright red Kurogane hid his embarrassment behind a bluff. "As if moron. Hahaue is a lady who would needs to be escorted. If anything happened to her Chichiue would train me to the ground." Feeling his face cool down Kurogane beat back a small yawn. "I wonder when your Chichiue will be getting home?"

Fai rubbed his eye. He had been getting tired for some time now but it was getting increasingly hard to keep his eyes open. "Dunno..." Fai couldn't help but yawn. Looking at Kurogane, Fai murmured, while laying his head on Kurogane's lap, "I'm tired Kuro-beau." Soon, Fai's breathing became rhythmic, a sign that the young blond was fast asleep.

Body jerking in surprise Kurogane could only look down at the blond haired idiot who'd made himself at home upon his laps. "Oi..." He muttered, eyes taking in the peaceful expression upon Fai's face. "... You could have asked first." He sighed gruffly.

Lifting a tanned hand with slight hesitation Kurogane smoothed the blond tresses from Fai's face as his own Hahaue had always done for him. "Baka... don't you know your not supposed to fall asleep in another boy's lap?"

Fai, whom was still sleeping on Kurogane's lap, started trembling and his peaceful smile turned into a frown. He muttered something incoherently and his hand reached for something to pull close to him. Finding nothing, the young boy whimpered and brought his hand close to his body. As his nightmare got worse, so did his trembling and his whimpering got more frequent as if calling for help.

Pulling Fai deeper into his lap, Kurogane quietly muttered soothing words to the blond. Watching as the other's hand searched desperately for something in which to hold on to, Kurogane gave in and laced his fingers through Fai's own. An old lullaby came to mind, one that Kurogane's Hahaue had sang to him as a baby. Quietly humming the tune, Kurogane continued to gaze down at his friend with a worried expression.

Slowly Fai stopped trembling as Kurogane's lullaby reached his ears and his whimpering started to cease. With his hand still intertwined with Kurogane's, a peaceful smile once again graced his lips. He pulled the red-eyed boy's hand closer to him and snuggled close to it, his nightmares now gone.

Smirking at the gentle expression that Fai now wore, Kurogane allowed him to cuddle with his hand. He should be using that meat bun not me! But even as he tried to find a way to blame the close contact on Fai, the red eyed young boy couldn't help but feel at peace with Fai so close to him.

Keeping his eyes open for Fai's Chichiue, Kurogane spotted a tall figure walking up the main steps of the house. Looking down at Fai, the young boy debated on waking the blond up. Knowing that his friend would want to tell his foster father the news first hand Kurogane couldn't help but feel a bit worried. Would Ashura take all this in stride? Or would he think they were crazy?

Fai slowly opened his eyes, the sudden silence waking him from his slumber. Tired, he looked up at Kurogane with blurry eyes and mumbled sleepily, "Is père here yet?"

Quickly masking his gentle look Kurogane nodded stiffly. He wouldn't admit it but he was worried for his friend. While he'd never seen Ashura get mad he'd always been told that the silent ones were the worst when it came to getting angry. Gently lifting Fai off of his lap, fully expecting a disappointed look from the other Kurogane stood up and offered his hand. "Come on, lets go see Hahaue."

Wishing he would've kept sleeping on Kurogane's lap, he took his friend's hand and stood up slowly. The blond moved close to Kurogane so they were shoulder to shoulder and rested his head on Kurogane's shoulder, still sleepy. "Okay." He muttered, resisting the urge to fall asleep again.

Thankful that the dark hid his sudden blush, Kurogane took a deep breath only to inhale Fai's unique scent. Eyes widening at the sudden close contact Kurogane hesitantly wrapped an arm around the blond in a reassuring squeeze. Unsure if the contact was for Fai or even his own sake, Kurogane quickly stepped away and gruffly cleared his throat.

"Well then... lets get this over with." Turning to look at Fai he adverted his gaze after a moment. "And don't worry... Hahaue and Chichiue are here so there's no need to be scared." Once again Kurogane didn't know if it was for Fai's benefit or his own.

Fai gave a small smile, sensing Kurogane's uneasiness. Grabbing his friend's arm, he walked towards the entrance of the house. Both friends entered the house to see a tall man with long black hair talking to Kurogane's mother and father. The man wore a black suit, and he held a brown suitcase in his hand that was actually quite heavy and full despite it's outer appearance.

As the boys stepped into the hallway Kurogane heard Fai's father speaking. "Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Suwa for watching over my son. I was held back after an important meeting so I really appreciate your help."

Bowing slightly Kurogane's mother smiled. "It really was no trouble, the boys play so well together and Fai-kun certainly keeps Kuro-chan out of trouble."

Blushing at his mother's nickname Kurogane gruffly cleared his throat once more. "Oh before we forget Mr. Flourite, my wife and I have something we'd like to speak to you about concerning Fai." Standing next to Lady Suwa, Kurogane's father had a pleasant smile upon his face as he motioned for Ashura to follow them into the living room.

Instantly Ashura's face changed. Where his facial features had once been a pleasant calm the older man now had a tense expression in his eyes. Turning back to look at the blond Ashura smiled but as Kurogane watched it didn't reach his eyes. "Oh I hope he hasn't been causing you any trouble has he?"

Fai had seen that smile once before, but he ignored it. If he got scared now he wouldn't be able to summon up the courage to tell Ashura the news. "Père, I'm-I'm a wizard." He stuttered, looking up at his father with uneasiness. When he didn't get a reaction, Fai, with trembling fingers, took out his letter and handed it to his father, whom looked over it carefully.

"So your a wizard huh?"

First Installment: Year One
Chapter One
Chapter Two Coming Soon!
Release Date:Weekly

Jaylea So I just wanted to say a few words before you run off hitting that Fav button and maybe review. :) I had a lot of fun writing this and I can't say how much I appreciate ~ShadowedLove97 (from DA) for helping me to create this! Even if this is a fandom with pre-made characters and locations a lot of thought still went into making this cross over. As you read farther on you'll come to some of the simplest parts of the story yet it was those simple things such as picking out a wand that the most thought went into~ I really can't wait to hear what you think about the story and hopefully you'll like the coming chapters that we post.