Chapter rating: K+

A/N: Once again! I thank everyone for the amazung reviews =D You all make me so happy (: (: (: *re-watching GC*

Chapter 3: My Sister

So everything that makes me whole
Ima kimi ni sasageyou
I'm Yours

The feeling of his beloved's naked body next to him is what prince Ouma Shu realises he is missing. His eyes blinked open slowly, his body burning deliciously from the way Gai handled him. He sighed softly into his comfy pillow, inhaling their mixed scent that lingered on the thick bed sheets.

Shu frowned in unease as he realised that Gai had left his bed, again. One of the main reasons as to why Shu loved to wake up next to Gai was because it put him in a brilliant state of mind; reassuring him that his lover was alive, and with him during the morning hours.

His heart clenches painfully as he recalls all the times during their coupling that Gai had almost stopped the entire thing; because Shu had kept biting and nipping at the crystal forming on his face, half hoping that he'd puncture the skin and then infect himself with Gai's madness. Uncontrolled tears sprung up into his tired eyes as he remembered how angry Gai had looked when he had pieced Shu's plan together and he quickly bit his trembling bottom lip to stop himself from crying like a baby.

The prince slowly lifted from the warm sheets as he lazily pulled on a loose pair of pants and he hurriedly left the room, the scent of the two of them lingering for a few more moments before disappearing into the morning air. Since reading the medical records yesterday with Hare and with Gai's response to his plan to make sure that he'd die along with his lover had failed, Shu decided that he'd have to go speak directly to the source of the geostigma; his sister, Mana.

Mana was a bright girl who had first shown the signs of the geostigma from an early age. It was a miracle that she was still alive, but the sluggishly growing crystal had begun to take of her mind and thrown her into the depths of insanity. In her first attack, she had begun to desire her own brother in her bed. She's wait up for hours waiting for him, and if he didn't come, then she'd hunt him down. Shu doesn't know about the other latest attacks but he does hear the occasional rumour from one of his servants now and then.

He took a long breath as he approached the spiralling staircase that would lead to her chamber. He thought about how much Gai would disapprove of him doing this, but Shu quickly shook away the implications as he bounded up the stairs that would give him the answers he desired.

"Koko de onii-san ga nani o shite iru no? (1)" a tired voice spoke up from the velvet room. The walls were the finest shade of pink silk and the heavy curtains that covered the windows were different shades of vibrant red. Shu's eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness as he made out a small figure within arm's reach. A very dim light highlighted the violet eyes of his sister and only the top of her vivacious pink coloured hair.

Taking in the sight of her younger adorable brother, Mana continued in a chirpy voice, "sore wa anata ga watashi no yona o o nozomu nandesuka? (2)" Shu took three steps forward so that he could gaze and read his sister's hidden expressions before answering with "How did Gai get infected with the geostigma?"

Mana's eyes narrowed dangerously "Why are you brining up triton? Is it not enough that that he gets not only your heart, but your body too Shu" she hissed venomously. Shu pretended not to take note of the last comment as he continued his argument, "Answer me, Mana."

His sister's eyes narrowed further as a dangerous glint began to shine inside. "Alright fine; I induced one of Gai's syrups with my blood from the infected part of my skin" she explained. So that was it. Gai had drunk Mana's infected blood, unknowingly shortening his life. Shu kept his voice low to try and control the sudden rage that exploded in him "Why?"

"So that you" Mana had moved quickly, tugging harshly at the waist of Shu's pants to drag him down so that she could stare into his eyes, "would come crawling back to me"

Shu glared as he smacked his sister's hands away, turning on his heel as he began to withdraw and he quickly mumbled a goodbye.

"W-WAIT! Don't you want to die with Gai? Isn't that why you came to see me? Shu!" Mana cried, struggling to her knees to crawl towards her brother. She let out a small 'eep' sound as her weak knees gave way and she crashed face first into the carpet.

Shu paused by the door, let out a heavy sigh and turned back around; he just couldn't leave Mana lying there on the floor like that- Shu just wasn't that kind of person. He gently nudged her shoulder "Are you ok, Mana?" he asked concerned when she didn't respond immediately.

"S-Shu… I-I-I-I'll give you the virus" Mana murmured quietly her head still on the floor, so that Shu couldn't read her expressions, "J-just bite my wrist. The blood t-t-t-there should be enough to at least get you infected"

Shu's brows furrowed, but he didn't complain. After all, this was what he wanted. He gently lifted Mana's pale wrist to his lips and sunk his teeth as painlessly as he could into wielding flesh. The taste of blood made him want to hack, but he swallowed half a mouthful before he yanked Mana's wrist away.

As Shu left, he didn't notice that Mana had lifted her head, her eyes livid as she called for one of her servants to fetch Triton, immediately.

Watashi ga kimi wo terasu
akari ni naru kara
Tatoe kono sekai no ou ni date kese wa shinai

A/N: Wee! Finished the chapter :D I don't know if there shoud be just one more chapter after this or another two… I'm leaning towards two…
Personally, I have nothing really against Mana, but she is a bit of a psycho… and how could she not love Gai? That crazy onna~~!
But thanks for the reviews! (°Δ°)

Trans: (1): What are you doing here brother? , (2): What is it you desire my kind king?