Bold text – Blaine's thoughts

Talking to the Moon

Chapter 9

Blaine's phone was ringing. He didn't answer it. The recorder turned on and he could hear Sebastian's voice.

"Umm, hi. Listen, Lauren called you like hundreds of times, Rachel for uncountable times and everyone else did that at least once. So now it's my turn. I know he left you there without a word and probably you still haven't heard from him - or if you did you don't answer your phone because you've been fucking for the last two weeks endlessly. It's good that we can see you at nights when we have to play but for the after parties and for other things you don't even come to… Even I'm starting to miss you. So would you please call at least Lauren and talk to her because we don't know what's up with you. Yep, that's all." then he hang up.

Blaine was lying on his bed, looking at the ceiling.

Where are you?

He didn't even realize that the sun already went down, the stars came up and the full moon was shining.

He got out of bed, went outside on his balcony, and breathed the fresh air in.

He started singing under his breath.

" I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
I want you back
I want you back
My neighbors think
I'm crazy
But they don't understand
You're all I have
You're all I have

At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself

Talking to the Moon
Try to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon…"

He wiped away a tear-drop from his face, went inside his apartment then collapsed on his bed.

" I miss you, Kurt." he whispered and quietly cried himself to sleep.

" What are we waiting for, Cailsey?!" Kurt was walking up and down in front of a huge shiny door.

"Calm d-" she tried to say something but got interrupted by Kurt.

"Don't tell me to calm down! We've been waiting here for the last two days." Cailsey tried to speak but Kurt didn't let him. "I know, I know. The Moon needs to be full, I don't care. Why the fuck did he want me there two days earlier then? I could've stayed down for two more weeks, but no, Mr. I'm-the-one-who-rules-everything-here-Moon wanted me here earlier just to kill me then? What does he want to do with me, Cailsey? Why did you bring me here? Did I do something wrong?" angry and heartbroken tears escaped from Kurt's eyes and rolled down on his checks.

It made Cailsey's heart ache to see his brother and best friend like this. "I'm so sorry, Kurt, but I don't know what's up here, either. I just got this order to go down and bring you back here…"

" Bullcrap." he answered shortly. He was still walking up and down.

After another few more hours the doors opened and Kurt heard his name. He went inside without thinking.

" Welcome back, Khayri!" the Moon greeted Kurt with a serious face.

Kurt haven't seen the Moon before, and he didn't expected him to be like this in real life.

He looked a bit overweight, wore glasses and had a weird mole under his left eye. He looked really strict and his 'warm smile' scared Kurt a little…

Kurt bowed immediately. If I'd like to meet Blaine ever again I gotta be nice... ugh.

" Your majesty!" he said.

" How do you like the Earth?" the Moon asked.

" Wonderful place with some wonderful people in it." he answered in a bittersweet voice. " I really could use some more time there then only a week…" he added.

" I see." the Moon said and hummed.

Awkward silence was the lord in the room for some long seconds and then the Moon continued. " I've been watching you over that one day, while you were down there…"

"Okay?" Kurt said impatiently because the Moon's speed wasn't the one which he could handle at the moment.

" and I've realized one thing."

" What?"

" You are not into girls." seriously?! I thought everyone knew that up here…

"So what?"

"I sent you down for a girl."

This information was shocking for Kurt.

"You even met that girl, but by that time you and that Blaine guy already became a couple…" Kurt just nodded. He didn't know what to say. "So I've been thinking about what to do with this situation. I talked to some other stars up here and we got the solution."

"Which is?"

"We named another star for that girl and we're gonna send him down in a few minutes. If he gets to find that girl and be happy with her together then I send you back to Blaine."

"Oh, thank y-" he started but got interrupted by the Moon.

"But… if he fails, you and that other star get to disappear forever."

Kurt gulped.

"Okay." he said.

"You can go now. I'll let you know when you can go back."

The Moon gave a meaningful look that he finished his 'speech' so Kurt can leave now.

Kurt left the room, his head was spinning with thoughts. What if Finn will fail? What if I never get to meet Blaine anymore? I won't get the chance to say goodbye, explain why am I leaving. I just want to say 'I love you' one more time – at least...

"Blaine, stop. Blaine… BLAINE!"

Blaine felt an arm grab him and force back onto the pavement. He heard a car honking and some swear words – at least he assumed that – from the driver.

"Are you out of your mind?" he heard his savior.

Sebastian's green eyes were looking at him.

They were sitting on the pavement – I mean Sebastian was, because Blaine was sitting on him.

Out of the blue a hand appeared in Blaine's sight. It was the dresser guy.

Blaine accepted his help and got on his feet, so did Sebastian.

"So, what was this all about?" the dresser guy asked. "Did you want to get hit by a car or what?"

"No." he answered shortly. He didn't know what happened exactly. He didn't even know what he was doing with these two.

"Blaine, you sure you don't want anyone to stay with you for the night or something?" Sebastian asked. "We're really worried about you and you were acting really weird in the past five weeks… and it's just getting worse."

"I'm fine, thank you." Blaine lied.

"No, you're not! You need help…" Blaine gave a dark look, so he added carefully. "… by alcohol on a party."


"Oh, yeah." the dresser guy took the word from Sebastian. Gosh, I really should know this guy's name… "Rachel's throwing a 'house party' for the gang tonight. She said she has someone to introduce to us."

"I heard she met him at Sardi's. He was the 'handsome-waiter' as she told Lauren the story, which I may happened to overhear."

Mr. Dresser sweetly smiled at Sebastian, put his arms around his neck and gave him a sweet kiss.

Oh, so they're really going out. I really should catch up with these things.

"Okay." Blaine said. "I'm going."

The two guys smiled at him at the same time.

"Yay. What if we pick you up at eight?" Mr. Lover asked. I seriously have no idea what his name can be. It's so embarrassing.

"I can go on my own, thank you." he refused the offer.

"Nope. You just barely got hit by a car. If Sebastian wouldn't reach out for you probably you'd be dead by now. So, that wasn't really a question to be honest. We are going to pick you up at eight." he gave Blaine a smirk. This guy had a little cocky style, which explained Blaine why Sebastian was going out with him.

"Fine." he said. He was about to wave goodbye to them, but they showed up next to him immediately. Guarding him from both sides .

"Don't you dare to get rid of us before you enter your apartment." Sebastian said. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"That reminds me..." Blaine started. "I think I didn't thank you for saving me, so thank you."

"No problem." he got a warm smile from his ex then they continued their route to Blaine's place.

The guys went up with the elevator and accompanied him until they reached door 918.

"So, see you guys at eight." he opened his apartment door. "Thanks again… for everything."

"Sure thing." they said at once. "See ya."

"Bye." he gave them a smile then closed the door.

Blaine took a deep breath, while looking at his reflection in the mirror.

"You don't have to be sad all the time. What happened is happened. Kurt and I probably weren't meant for each other… No reason to be sad, Blaine. You're an adult man. You've only known each other for a week… You can have fun."

After another deep breath he rubbed his hair with a towel and started to get ready for the party.

A few minutes later he heard three knocks on his door.

"It's time to move on." he said under his breath for himself, then opened the door.

"Welcome, guys!" Rachel greeted the fresh couple, hugged them then her eyes found Blaine behind them. A huge smile appeared on her face. "Oh my god, Blaine! You came!" and without any warning she jumped on Blaine and locked him into a tight hug.

Blaine just chuckled, while trying to get a good grip on Rachel.

"Yes, I did." he said after putting Rachel back to the ground.

"And I'm happy you did. Come in!" she grabbed his hand. "Look guys, who came here."

"Blaaaaine!" everyone in the room raised their glass and smiled at Blaine. He couldn't stop blushing.

The second Rachel let go of his hand he started panicking. He hasn't been to a party since… No time for sadness. It's time to be happy and have fun. They're happy for you, you happy for them.

Blaine saw a vacant seat next to Lauren. He gulped. They haven't talked in more than a month… Even though they were best friends, and he really hoped they still were.

"May I…erm…Is this seat taken?" he asked bashfully.

"Go ahead. It is a free country after all…" she said, then she whispered something into his boyfriend's ear. Syed nodded then went to talk to the people at the drinking table. When Syed left, Lauren turned to Blaine and waited.

Blaine couldn't decide what was on her mind, but he knew one thing for sure. He has to start the conversation… or the talk.

Although there were million thoughts circling in Blaine's head at once he could only say one word.


"For what exactly?" she asked.

"For locking myself out of the real world, for staying in my apartment and only leaving it for work…"

"Don't say sorry for any of these things. I'm just sad that you didn't let anyone to help." she said and hugged Blaine, which made the man burst into in tears.

"I love you so much, Lauren." he sniffed. He was shaking from silent sobs.

"Shhh, don't cry, sweetheart!" she patted his shoulder and hugged him tighter. "I love you too. You're my best friend and that's never gonna change."

Blaine just buried his face more into Lauren's hair. It felt so good to finally have someone to hug and love.

He only let go when Rachel cleared her throat.

"Guys!" she said and the room went silent. "As you probably all know I invited you here for not only to have a little party, but to introduce you someone special in my life. And now that he's arrived from work I can do that." a huge grin appeared on her face. "Guys, meet my boyfriend. Finn."

A tall guy appeared in the room and stepped next to Rachel, putting his arms around her waist.

"Hello guys." he said excitedly. He had a surprisingly pleasant voice; it calmed Blaine immediately and made him forget about his problems for a few seconds.

Everyone greeted him happily, then continued their conversation with each other.

Finn looked around in relief that no one 'attacked' him with tons of questions, but the second he saw Blaine, his facial expression changed. He started his way to Blaine and held his hand out.

"Finn Hudson." he introduced himself (again). "You're Blaine, right?"

"Umm, yeah. Blaine Anderson." he accepted Finn's hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. Rachel told me so much about you. I'm so glad we got to meet."

"Yeah, pleasure." Blaine didn't know what to do. Finn's smile was wider and happier than a normal person's would be when he meets his partner's friends and it was just weird for him.

"So… care to tell me something about yourself?" Blaine tried to break the – for him - uncomfortable silence.

"Well, I moved here nearly five weeks ago. I'm working at Sardi's as a waiter - the owner said I have a great smile and a huge patience. I met Rachel a few days after I came here, and don't laugh at me or anything but I'm sure it was love at first sight. But I think you know what I'm talking about…"

That last part of Finn's sentence went right into Blaine's feels. People usually made fun of him for believing in love-at-first-sight; only his closest friends could understand that. And when he thought it finally happened to him, life just kicked him in the nuts very hard.

"I'm not sure." he said.

Finn looked puzzled. "But you and Kurt are meant for each other."

Blaine's head started to spin and his face was turning red. He didn't know if he should start crying or shouting. Why did he say 'are'? Kurt left me here, which means we were not meant for each other. That's it.

"That's none of your business." the warning was hearable on his tone.

"It is, indeed. Blaine, I-." Finn started, but he couldn't finish his sentence because Blaine grabbed him by the shirt and pulled his close.

"Now listen to me very carefully. I know that Rachel has a big mouth and you're her soul mate and all that jazz, but dude, you know shit about this. None of you get it. Even I don't understand this whole situation." the whole room went silent. "You're telling me that he's my soul mate, but why would he leave then without any trace?!"

He couldn't hold the tears any longer, he felt like the walls were closing in on him. He had to get out, so he ran.

Next thing he knew he was on his own bed, aimlessly gazing at the stars...

To be continued…

Author's note: I am so sorry guys for this taking me so long but I had a busier summer than I thought... I got into the university, and started to work on to get a driving license too... I can't promise anything specific when will I update the next chapter, but I try to do it faster than I did until now. Sorry, sorry, sorry for writing this slow! I love y'all! xx