Well here we are readers, the final chapter of the story I made and took me a long time to complete. Here's the conclusion of the story, so Lessie shippers, enjoy!

At this point, there are no more POVs for the two of them because this is the final chapter.

I don't own Jessie =)

1 month later

The Ross family was planning to do a surprise for Luke. Emma dressed Jessie up in an overflowing red dress, Bertram cooked for the food, Ravi and Zuri took care of decorating the house, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross decided to stall Luke for the meantime. Luke dressed up in his romantic outfit because Mr. Ross told him that he needs to dress up right for the night because he wanted to show him something. Connie, no longer creepy, helps out because she wants to be with Ravi for that special day.

Jessie was looking at herself on the mirror, admiring the dress she's in now and let out a sigh, worried if she can make it for the surprise. Mrs. Ross then knocked on Jessie's door.

"Hon, is it ok I come inside?"

"Oh, sure!"

As she got inside Jessie's room, she then talked to Jessie.

"Jessie, dear, I hope you're happy that this is something you should be happy for."

"Mrs. Ross, I thank you enough for this… surprise, but what is it?"

"If I told you it won't be a surprise, will it?"

"Oh sorry Mrs. Ross. I hope I don't mess this one up."

"I trust you that you'll make it. Besides, I'm sure you'll make my son happy."

"Mrs. Ross, I hope you're right."

Mrs. Ross then got up from her chair and came close to Jessie as they both looked in the mirror. "You know what Jessie, you've grown up to be a strong willed woman that Luke admires. Because of you, he started to mature both in heart and mind. I mean, who wouldn't say no to a girl who is pretty and determined?"

"Thanks for telling me these things. I appreciate you telling me those things."

"You're welcome."

"Now we just wait. When it's time, go ahead."

At Central Park, despite that it's nighttime, Luke and Mr. Ross were walking where the stars and the moon can be seen.

"Dad, can I ask why we're here?"

"Well son, just a little walk."

"I see, the night is pretty."

"I know you'll say that. Listen, When I 1st met your mom, it was a starry night. We saw those same stars and we both agreed that they were pretty that night."

"Just to be honest, you're not annoyed at me loving Jessie?"

"Oh please, I saw couples who are younger than the girl they love. Trust me, it doesn't sound bad. Age doesn't matter after all. I know you're willing to love her fully and not like others like what Jessie told me and your mom about her previous relationships."

"Wait, you know about her romantic trainwrecks?"

"Well she told us those things while we're having a good conversation with her. To be honest, we actually made a good choice to have Jessie as your nanny ever since Zuri brought her in."

"So I owe Zuri then?"

"Not really, but thanking her is nice."

Mr. Ross hugged his son and continued, "You know what Luke, I'm really happy for you because your love for Jessie healed her. Not everyone can do that."

"I know right…"

"Well we better head back home; your mom might be worried."

"Good point."

What Luke didn't know was they already have a surprise waiting for both him and Jessie. As they got back home, the house was dark. Mr. Ross and Luke were confused on why it's all dark, and the lights went out, and all of a sudden-


Mrs. Ross, Emma, Connie, Zuri and Ravi were there, and Mrs. Ross said, "Hope you liked the surprise, Luke!"

"Mom… you guys! I didn't know you'll surprise me!"

Zuri continued, "This one's for you and Jessie. Because you two deserve it!"

"Oh thanks Zuri! By the way where's Bertram?"

"Way ahead of you."

He saw Bertram sitting next to the piano, ready to play some notes. "And now, a great melody."

Bertram started playing the piano, a melody called 'Rhapsody in Blackwing', something Bertram learned to play while serving in the Ross family for years. Then, Jessie showed up in the top of the stairs, all dressed like a princess. Luke was quite in awe with her beauty in the dress and was glad. She went down the steps one by one and Luke waited for her at the bottom. When she was now at the bottom, Luke offered her his hand.

"Can I have this dance, my princess?"

"Why thank you."

As both Jessie and Luke danced to the beautiful melody Jessie is amazed on how great Luke danced.

"I didn't know you can dance that good!"

"Well, my parents teaching me to dance like this have been paid off."

As the song ended, it ended with Luke holding Jessie in his arms. Everyone clapped and cheered.

Later while everyone else was having fun, Jessie asked Luke if she can accompany her to the terrace overlooking the city.

"Luke, can I talk to you?"


While outside, amidst the full moon and clear night sky, Jessie knew she had to talk to him about what happened during those times.

"Luke, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"I wonder, where were you all that time I was bed-ridden?"

"I was there."

"What do you mean 'I was there'?"

"Do you really think I will just let you be alone in the ward?"

"You mean… you just stayed there… for me?"

"Jessie, I can't leave you alone in the ward. You almost died saving my life back in the park. So I put away everything I did just to keep you company until you were awake again."

"Luke, you didn't need to do that. But I appreciated that you sacrificed every bit of time just to be with me during that time. I owe you."


"If you weren't there, I would have not known everything you told me while in a coma."

"You mean-"

"I heard everything you told me while I was unconscious. That was very sweet of you to tell those things to me… which other boys back in Texas never told me."

"Thanks again… You know, I never made them up. I had it all in my heart for so long."

"Well I should have been listening to you all this time. But you know what?"

"What is it Jessie?"

She kissed Luke on the lips and Luke didn't let go. Then, after the kiss, she told him. "For all those times I needed someone to be with, all along, it was you."

"Thanks… again."

"You're welcome Luke."

"Well, shall we go back now, I know you're hungry."

"Well, I am starving, let's go back inside. Shall we?"

Jessie held his hand and Luke agreed, "Yeah, I'm hungry too. Let's go."

As they went back inside to enjoy the company of each other, fireworks came flying in the sky, causing Jessie and Luke to look back and be awed in the beauty of the fireworks. There was no better time for the two young lovebirds to see that anything is possible through the power of love.

As long as they each other's backs, they know they'll have each other.

"I love you Jessie."

"I love you too Luke."

As they kissed in the fireworks, love indeed was in bloom in the city of dreams.

Finally, it's finished! The part when Jessie called for Luke to talk in the terrace was homage from The Lizzie McGuire Movie. Hope you enjoyed this story, so leave comments!