Hiroko Hana here with my newest story! :D Yes, I'm actually writing again, I know you're used to seeing Panda-chan more than I, but I is what you get. So, the summary kind of sucks, but the story itself rocks AND there's yaoi every other-other chapter! I know not everyone is into CharacterXOC kind of stuff, but seriously give this a chance! If you don't like it, you can flame me all to hell if you want! Deal?


OH YEAH! Disclaimer: If I owned Maximum Ride than Fang would have come out of the closet a long time ago.


Chapter 1: Drunken Discovery

Fang sighed, taking a seat in the back of the diner and pulling open his laptop, opening the internet and signing in to his blog. He scanned through and did the usual stuff, checking new comments and answering questions, but as he was scanning through his email a live chat popped up. Fang raised an eyebrow and clicked on the flashing balloon.

It appeared the person contacting him was named Maxine Balade. At least that was the pen name…

Hello? Fang typed, feeling unsure. Wonderful, I've been waiting for hours for you to log on to your email! Maxine Balade said. I'm sorry? Fang asked.

Fang, it's me! Then it hit Fang; Balade is French for "Ride," Maxine Balade=Maxine Ride=Maximum Ride. That made him feel rather stupid that he didn't catch on faster.

Max! Thank god, I've been tearing my hair out trying to find you guys.

That's not relieving…

What do you mean?

I was kind of hoping everyone was with you…

They're not with you?


Fang sighed. The Flock had been attacked and everyone was separated, Fang's been trying to track them all down ever since.

Where are you then? Fang asked.


What? How did you get there?

It's where I ended up. Where are you?

Los Angeles.

At least you're still in America…

Well, you try to stay there, I'll have to get a plane ticket but I'll be over.

Do you even have cash?

I'll worry about that, you worry about keeping yourself safe until I can get there.

Okay, I'll work on tracking everyone down until you can get a plane ticket. Contact me when you can get one, so I can give you a proper location.

Alright, talk with you later.



Fang turned off the internet and shut his laptop down just as the waitress was walking up. The first thing Fang noticed about her was that her hair was a rusty red. Fang immediately sat up straight at the sight of her red hair. The second thing he noticed was her shapely body. Small waist, nice hips, large bust. The third thing he noticed was her face. High cheekbones, narrow, dull blue eyes, thick pink lips, thick lashes, fine eyebrows, and fair skin. All in all, she was hot in Fang's book. Almost made him glad he bathed recently and didn't smell…

"Hey, babe," was her greeting. Her voice was like velvet, and seemed a little seductive to Fang, "Hi," Fang greeted as well, "My name is Alice, I'll be your server this afternoon," she smiled pearly white, perfect teeth. "What drink could I get for a stud such as yourself?"

"Sweet tea, please," Fang said, managing a usual half smile and Alice winked before departing. He watched as her hips swayed as she strutted away. Fang spotted the stilettos, six inches of lace and leather. Yes, Fang knew well he was with Max already, but is it wrong to browse?

As Fang waited for his drink he would spot Alice watching him with a seductive grin, winking and grinning at him as she passed to serve other customers. She was very flirtatious. Fang didn't seem to have a problem with that.

Finally she came with his drink, "One sweet tea," she said, leaning close to him to place his water on the other side of him. "And what would you like to order, babe?"

"The chicken soup is fine thank you," Fang said and Alice smiled, "One chicken soup coming up!" she said and scurried to the counter to give the order to the chef. Soon enough she returned with the soup, again leaning close—practically putting her breast in his face—as she placed his soup on the table.

"So I haven't seen you here before, you not from around here?" she asked and Fang shrugged, "I'm just travelling through, so no," Fang said, taking a sip from his tea, "Oh really?" Alice asked, sitting down on the other side of the booth, "Where are you traveling from?"

"All over," Fang said, watching Alice as she leaned over the table, her breast practically spilling out onto the tabletop. He tried to make his peeking less obvious by drinking from his tea. "Oh, where're you heading?"

"Russia," Fang said casually and Alice seemed extremely intrigued, "Ooh, are you an international business man?" she asked and Fang shook his head, "Not even close, I probably won't have enough money to buy a plane ticket, especially since I'm wasting it on meals…" Alice grinned ear to ear, her smile seductive as ever, "I think I can help you with your money problems,"

"Oh really?" Fang said, casually eating his soup, "Finish your meal and meet me outside. Consider it free," she smiled sweetly and stood from the table, planting a moist kiss on his cheek before leaving. Fang saw the gloss from her lips shimmering on his skin and chuckled lightly before wiping it off.

Fang very slowly ate his meal, not feeling he'd have to scarf it down because danger could be anywhere. Very casually he rose from the table, stuffed his hands in his pockets and calmly walked out. Glancing left and right and spotting Alice on the street corner. He walked up beside her, "So how is it you can help me?" he asked and she smiled, "Just follow me, babe, we'll discuss it when we get there."

Fang was very wary but outwardly he was collected. Alice offered her arm and he locked his with hers and she led the way. Fang noted that it was getting dark. He also noted the exact streets they took, writing them out in his head and creating an inner map in case he needed to escape and backtrack, naturally he wouldn't trust someone who said they could "help." Even if she did turn him on.

Fang walked along quietly, keeping on guard and scanning his surroundings for possible threats. He noticed how they started to walk through the… illegal part of town, where you'd more likely find someone selling heroin instead of a map of the star's homes. Naturally, Fang grew even more wary.

"Almost there," Alice announced and Fang nodded, peering behind him where a group of men gathered, his raptor vision allowing him to see some of them glancing his way now and then. Possible Erasers? Or possible muggers? Possibly both… Fang thought and he and Alice rounded another corner and he was blinded by a neon sign, because L.A. was full of 'em. The sign read "The Jaded Lotus," with a flashing nude woman, all private areas covered by a lotus flower.

"Come on," Alice said, and Fang realized he had stopped walking to stare at the peculiar sign. "Right," he said and followed her inside to see the dim lighted lobby, chairs and veiled beds lined the walls where girls and guys alike grinded and made love with shameless lust to the heavy beat of club music. Fang was definitely at loss for words, and that's saying something, since he doesn't talk much anyway.

"C'mon, let me introduce you to Jack," Alice said, pulling him across the room. Fang saw the three halls branching out from each wall; they were lined with doors with "Do Not Disturb" signs. In one corner was a desk where a young man sat reading a "Women's Sports Weekly" magazine. He had spiky, dark blonde hair and bright green eyes. And he must've been about Fang's height. He looked a lot like Dylan, which made Fang dislike him immediately.

"Hey Jack," Alice greeted and the young man looked up, "Alice! How nice, you were almost late—who's your little friend? Another customer?"

"Jack, this is…"

"Nick," Fang said, "Yeah, and Nick needed some cash, so I thought he could work here at the brothel."

Brothel? Oh shit… I can't do this with wings, a winged man-whore is not normal… Fang thought, "Oh, how nice, that's fine with me. You can show him the ropes Alice," Jack said and returned to reading his magazine. "C'mon Nick," Alice said and Fang shook his head, "Yeah, sorry, I wasn't aware that this is what you had in mind, I think I'm going to—"

"C'mon," Alice pouted, sliding close to him, her hands on his chest, "No, I can't do this," Fang argued, trying to ignore her large, pleading eyes, those batting lashes, those trembling luscious lips. Damn, she could do the puppy eyes better than Angel…!

"Nonsense," Alice said, her hands wandering low, "No, I really can't, Alice, I—"

"It's real easy, let me demonstrate," Alice said in a low, playful voice, shoving Fang and he stumbled back onto one of the veiled beds. Her strength was shocking, catching Fang by surprise. Before he knew it she was on top of him, straddling his hips.

"Alice…" Fang growled and she smiled, grinding against his groin, "Hush up, you'll like this," she whispered, leaning down and kissing him, her hips continuing to move. Fang waited for her to pull out of the kiss, her lips working down his jaw line, her hands wandering up his shirt. "Alice, I'm only going to ask you once: Get off," he said, his body tensing as he hoped she didn't feel his wings. He felt himself hardening, urges going off the walls.

His common sense was scolding; "No Fang! Stop, and get the fuck out of there!" while every other part of him was screaming; "Damn! More! More!"

"Mm… you'll have to try harder than that, Nick," Alice said. Fang began to fidget with half uneasiness and half anticipation as Alice fiddled with his pants button and zipper as her lips wandered lower and lower. Fang then leaned forward, raising her chin up and leaned closer to her face, his own hand wandering up under the side of her shirt. Alice smiled as if she just won a fight.

Right before their lips touched, Fang's wandering hand shoved Alice aside. "Sorry," he said and jumped out of the canopy that veiled the bed, "You're hot and all but you seem like a bitch," Fang shrugged, "Duces, and I'm out!" Fang said and took off. He clearly heard Alice's wave of vulgarities, but he didn't look back. She could be turning into an Eraser for all he cared, he was gone. But not the throbbing hard-on.

Fang scanned his internal map, running the way back to the diner. When he reached the diner, he kept running. It seemed every place was too public for a lift off, so he just ran. Of course, to look a little less suspicious he slowed down, but eventually he grew tired and was at the point of just dragging himself.

His mouth and throat had gone dry and his muscles ached. He felt thankful when he spotted a bar close by. He fished around in his pocket, counting his money. He could pay for enough scotch to get him drunk, why not?

Fang exhaustedly walked into the bar that was relatively busy tonight and sat himself down at the counter, sighing heavily, letting his head fall. "You drinking age, sir?" said the bartender, who was a kind looking middle aged man. Fang passed him a fake ID, saying he was twenty-one and the bartender nodded with approval, "What can I get you then?" he asked, smiling, "I think I'll start with a beer," Fang said and the man nodded and went off to fetch the glass.

Fang noticed the young man next to him glancing at him repeatedly. The guy looked a lot like Fang; jet black, long, shaggy hair, dark eyes—although his bangs masked his right eye, he was actually taller than Fang and his skin was a paler olive tone. He also wore dark clothes like Fang. Fang raised an eyebrow at the guy the next time he glance at him, "Sorry," the guy said, "You just don't look so good, you look like you ran a mile,"

"I did… several…" Fang deadpanned; his voice a little coarse. He's been talking way too much already. "Ran into trouble?" the guy asked and Fang nodded, "More like… street girl trouble," Fang corrected and the guy chuckled, "Yeah, you got to watch out for them, those lovely ladies are crafty," Fang chuckled, but it was more like a simple noise to match his half smile.

The bartender returned and passed Fang his beer, Fang handed the man some money, "Thanks," he said and Fang nodded and chugged down his beer. Quickly feeling the buzz in his head, he was a bit of a lightweight… "So why are you drinkin' tonight?" Fang asked the guy, "Just because I can, it's Friday, my girl is out, I'm bored," the guy shrugged, chuckling again before shooting back his scotch, "What about you?" he asked and Fang also shrugged, "Just getting wasted and wasting cash, it's been a rough couple days…"

"Ah, no better therapy, eh?" the guy laughed and Fang chuckled, his throat hurting. He swallowed hard. "Yeah… so you're in a relationship?"

"Not exactly, it's… complicated…" the guy said and Fang nodded in understanding, "you?"

"Uh… yeah, but she's halfway across the world right now," Fang said and the guy nodded, "I see, I guess that's why you were playin' with the prostitutes?" the guy nudged Fang playfully and Fang shook his head, smiling at the joke though, taking another couple chugs of beer before speaking, "It wasn't like that," he said and the guy raised an eyebrow, "Oh, really? They come on to you?"

"Yeah, it was damn terrifying," Fang joked and the guy laughed, "Nice, they are kind of scary," he agreed. "So how long have you been here?" Fang asked, gesturing to refer to the bar, "It's been about ten minutes now,"

"Ah, you've had barely enough time to drink," Fang said and the guy grinned, "That's about to change—would you care to get hammered with me?"

"I've got nothin' better to do," Fang said and the two smiled at each other. "I'm Derek by the way," said the guy. "Nick," said Fang.

It was about over an hour later and the two had gotten completely smashed on beer, wine, scotch, vodka, and whiskey. At this point, Fang was completely broke, but it didn't matter since Derek was insistent on paying for everything now. "And that's why you don't go to clubs on girls' night," Derek finished and Fang was already howling with laughter, his voice had gone raspy from all the talking and laughing. "Dude, you got kidnapped by a ton of chicks!" he said between laughs and Derek laughed along, "Yeah, I underestimated them…"

"Oh, man… that is fucking gold…" Fang said, his laughter beginning to calm, "damn, I got to take a piss," he stated and Derek nodded, "Ditto—hey Jim!" he called to the bartender, "Another order of scotch man!" he said and stood from his stool, staggering a moment before standing still, Fang followed, also failing to move normally. His vision whirled and blurred.

The two leaned on each other, laughing their way to the bathroom. "Worst porn you've ever seen?" Derek asked as they reached the door, "Oh, dude, don't even get me started," Fang laughed. The two quickly finished their business and returned to the counter and in perfect unison they tossed back their scotch and placed the glasses down. "Hey, Jim! What bottles you got for sale?" Derek asked, "We got some twelve years old Jameson's Whiskey, and—"

"Perfect," Derek cut him off, "We'll take three!" Jim shrugged and bagged the bottles, Derek paid and nodded his head towards the door, "Wanna go on an adventure?" he asked and Fang nodded vigorously, grinning like an idiot. The two departed from the bar, cackling like maniacs.

The two walked down the sidewalks, the warm night air settling on their skin. "So do you live here in Los Angeles?" Fang asked and Derek shook his head, "Nah, my girl and I are just hangin' here for a while, we travel a lot, always on the move, you know?"

"Do I ever," Fang said "I'm not usually in one place for a long time, You could say I'm nomadic," Fang giggled, finding that word to sound kind of funny, "Ah, we have a lot in common Nick," Derek said, throwing his arm over Fang's shoulders, causing the two to walk even more off balance.

"Yeah, guess we do…" Fang said and frowned, "You okay?" Derek asked and Fang suddenly let loose a large belch, "Oh! Rancid!" Derek laughed and Fang snickered. The two found themselves sitting on a bench outside a hotel, relaxing as the air grew colder as it got later.

"Damn, I'm burnin' up!" Derek said and yanked his shirt off, revealing a plain white shirt that was nearly torn in half. For a moment Fang thought he saw something shimmer on Derek's back, but by the time he stopped rubbing his eyes Derek had already leaned back against the bench.

"Ah, this was a good night," Derek smiled, "I hadn't had fun in a while, it's always all work and no play,"

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Fang said, the sober part in his mind thinking of how the Flock is always on the run, how they're always fighting for survival. "Life's tough, what can I say?" Fang said and Derek chuckled, twisting to crack his back.

Fang saw it again, an odd shimmer at the base of Derek's spine… What is that? Fang thought, his eyes narrowing. "Dude, what's that?" Fang asked, pointing off in a random direction. Derek turned to see what Fang was referring to and Fang got a good look at the base of Derek's spine. Fang's eyes widen.

"Dude…" he said, "that is either the coolest damn tattoo I have ever seen or you have… scales." Derek whirled, looking very sober, and not extremely happy about Fang's discovery.


Sora: It was dreadful, that was a horrible cliffhanger. -_-

Hiroko: Ngh! Sora? What're you doing here? Where's Panda-chan?

Sora: Panda-chan isn't here anymore Hiro-sama, it's just you and your alter ego now. :)

Hiroko: *pales* But... if I set my Pengwolf on you... I'll just be telling it to attack me...

Sora: Exactly. Now please, remove this "story" before you make a fool of yourself.

Hiroko: NEVER! The wonderful community that is FanFiction will know of this tale!


Hiroko: Chigau!

Sora: FINE! Then LET the readers R&R and crush your little soul! I DON'T CARE!

Hiroko: You forget Sora... I HAVE NO SOUL! *evil laugh* Anyway, R&R people! :D