My first Loonatics Fanfic. Please go easy on me, I never wrote one before. Have fun reading it and please review! I don't own the Loonatics!

Oh my… baby

Chapter 1: The Transformation

Tech E. Coyote was in his lab, working on his newest invention.

The green genius held up what looked like a yellow and green water gun, which was a ray gun.

He took a screwdriver and screwed in the nut.

"Tech!-Tech!-Tech!-Tech!-Tech!" the high pitched voice of Rev Runner rang through the lair.

The red roadrunner skidded into the coyote's lab.

"What is it Rev?" Tech asked, adjusting the trigger of the ray gun.

"Can-I –help-with-your-new-invention?-Can-I?-Can-I?-Can-I?-Can-I?-Can-I?" Rev asked jumping up and down like an excited child.

"Actually Rev, I'm finished. But I do need to test it out."

Rev let out a happy gasp.

Just then Duck walked then.

"What kind of doo-hickey did you build this time dog boy?" Duck asked grabbing Tech's new invention, juggling it in his hands.

"Don't drop the Molecular Aging Ray!" Tech exclaimed, as Duck dropped it.

A bright blue beam bounced around the room.

"Duck!" Tech growled.

Duck laughed guiltily.


Tech was about to pounce on him when the beam hit him.

He let out a howl of pain as he started to shrink and age backwards.

Before long, he was a pile of his uniform.

"You-disintegrated-Tech!-Ace-is-going-to-have-your-head-this-is-all-your-fault!-" Rev babbled angrily.

"L-let's not get too hasty Rev. It was an accident." Duck replied, backing up.

"What's going on here?" Lexi, the pink rabbit, asked, walking in. "I thought I heard Tech howl."

"Tech-created-a-new-invention-and-me-and-him-were-going-to-test-it-out-then-Duck-came-in-drop-Tech's-invention-and-now-Tech-has-disintegrated!" Rev exclaimed.

Slam and Ace came in.

The yellow rabbit leader raised a brow.

"What's up docs?" he asked.

"Duck disintegrated Tech." Lexi replied.

"Raggliphlxx" The purple Tasmanian answered.

"I think ya right big guy. Tech would ya been regenerated by now." Ace replied.

Then Tech's uniform started to move.

"Rawagle move!" Slam exclaimed pointing at Tech's uniform.

They turned their attention to see a coyote pups head pop out.

His yellow olive green eyes looked at the five heroes.

He let out a happy yip, tail wagging happily.

"Awww," Lexi gushed. "He's so cute!"

Tech's tongue rolled out, panting happily.

Lexi picked him up, cradling him in her arms.

He grabbed her finger, sticking it in his mouth, sucking on it.

"Awww," they gushed, except Duck.

"Ew, he's slobbering all over you." Duck replied.

"First things first guys, we got to see what's up with him," Ace replied.

They took Tech to the medical wing and started analyzing him.

Rev was scanning him, and making sure he didn't have anything wrong with him.

"He's-thirteen-months-old,-healthy,-but-I'm-gonna-have-to-work-on-his-invention-since-Duck-broke-it-which-may-take-a-while." Rev told them.

Tech took a hold of Rev's finger and stuck it in his mouth.

"Ew. Why does he keep on sticking everyone's finger in his mouth?" Duck asked.

"He's a baby Duck, he's probably just hungry." Ace replied.

As if right on cue, Tech's stomach growled.

He let go of Rev's finger and started crying.

"Shh, it's okay Tech. Let's go fix you a bottle of milk." Lexi cooed, picking up Tech and walking out of the medical lab.

Slam licked his lips, the thought of food coming into his mind.

He followed them.

Lexi went into the kitchen, with a crying baby Tech.

She sat him on the counter.

"Let's see if we can find a bottle for you." She replied.

Tech continued to cry.

"I know you're hungry Tech, I'm trying to find a bottle so I can feed you." Lexi told him.

Duck came in, with his ears covered.

"Will you feed him already? I can't hear myself think!"

"I'm trying too! I can't find a bottle." Lexi explained, propping Tech on her shoulder.

The little coyote's lip was quivering, tears falling down his face.

"Wait a minute! I think I have a bottle in my room. Duck watch him. I'll be back in a minute." The pink rabbit answered, placing Tech in Duck's arms, running out of the kitchen.

"What am I supposed to do with him?"

Tech and Duck looked at each other, then Tech resumed crying.

"Aw man. What am I going to do with you?" Duck asked him, which caused Tech to cry louder.

Rev zoomed in and started going through the fridge.

"Hey Rev. Since you have a little brother you think that you can take care of him?"

Rev looked at Duck then at the baby coyote that was his best friend.

Rev sighed and took Tech out of Duck's arms.

"Well-first-we-need-to-put-a-diaper-on-him-in-case-he-has-any-accidents.-We-also-need-baby-toys-bottles-pajamas-baby-food-and-other-baby-items." Rev replied, rocking the little coyote.

Tech calmed down a little bit but was still crying.

"Aw-don't-worry-Tech-I-know-you're-hungry-and-we're-trying-to-feed-you-but-we-don't-have-the-appropirate-items-for-you." Rev soothed.

Lexi came back in with a bottle.

"I found a bottle. Now to fill it up with milk and give it to him." Lexi replied.

She filled it up with milk and stuck in the microwave.

Tech started bawling.

The microwave let out a soft ding and squirted the milk on her wrist, making sure it was lukewarm.

"Okay Tech, now open up." She cooed, putting the nipple in the little coyote's mouth.

He shut his eyes, gulping down the warm milk.

"Rev, run to the story and get some baby items."

"You-can-count-on-me-Lexi!" Rev replied, running out of the base.

Tech pulled away from the bottle, which was now empty.

He started to cry again.

Lexi propped him on her shoulder and pat his back.

He let out a loud burp.

"Such a good boy," Lexi praised.

Tech yawned, then stuck his thumb in his mouth.

"I see dat a little someone is sleepy." Ace replied, walking in.

Tech smiled, his eyes half closed in sleep.

Rev came back with a box of baby items.


"I think we get it Rev," Ace replied taking the box.

He sat the box on the table, pulling out the diapers and a pair of baby pajamas.

"Hey Lex, bring the tyke over here so we can get him diapered and laid down for a nap." Ace replied.

"Sure thing Ace," Lexi replied, laying Tech on the table.

"Ew, I don't want to eat on the table, knowing that Tech's butt was on it." Duck complained.

"Relax Duck. It's just to get him to take a nap. It's not like he's gonna use the bathroom on it." Lexi replied, powdering him.

Tech let out a small giggle as Lexi strapped the diaper on him.

"Now to put some pajamas on you so you'll be snug as a bug in a rug." Lexi cooed at him, putting Rev's old footie pajamas on him.

The pajamas were blue with a fluffy white sheep on the left side of the chest.

Tech yawned.

Ace picked him up.

"Time ta put this little Loonatic down for his nap."

Tech yawned again, snuggling against his leader's chest.

"Oh-I-forgot-the-playpen-and-highchair!-I'll-be-right-back!" Rev replied, running out.

Tech looked up from Ace's chest, his eyes drooping.

Lexi went up to them.

She took Tech from Ace and started to rock him.

She started to sing a soft lullaby to him.

Tech rubbed his cheek against her chest, a smile spreading on his face as he continued to suck his thumb.

Rev came back a short couple of minutes with a playpen and highchair.

Ace took the highchair into the kitchen as Rev set up the playpen.

Tech was fast asleep, still sucking his thumb.

Rev put pillows and blankets into it.

"Okay,-lay-him-down-and-we-should-check-on-him-later." Rev replied.

Lexi nodded, laying Tech in the playpen.

"Sweet dreams Tech." Lexi replied, kissing his cheek.