Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own VicTORious. But I am watching it now. But that's not the same thing.

Okay, first story! Well, I've actually written stories before, but I'm the type of person who starts something and never finishes. But I PROMISE I will finish all the stories I post. Unless you hate them.

Cat's POV

Jade stomped up, obviously flustered. "Hey, Jade! Why are you-AHHHH!" She yanked my arm and dragged me into the janitor's closet. I saw her check in ever corner for the cranky janitor after slamming and locking the door shut. Once she was sure that nobody was in the room, she turned to face me. Only then could I see makeup and tears streaming down her face like a waterfall. Jade West never cried. Seeing her like this broke my heart. "J-Jade? Tell me what's wrong."


"Didn't you brake up?"

Jade looked into my eyes,"Yes...But it hasn't been long, and he's already eating up some other chick! It's like...He's already forgotten about me..."

I already had a pretty good idea of who this girl was but I still asked,"Who is it?"

This made Jade cry even more. It also made me sure of my answer. I sat on the floor where she had sat down during the conversation. I forced her to look at me. Her normal piercing blue eyes were replaced by a dull blue, reddened around the edges from crying. Tears sparkled on her pale skin. I had never taken time to realise how beautiful she was. I had always been her best friend. But sometimes, I wondered. Was it more than that without me thinking about it? I snapped out of thought when Jade grabbed me and embraced me in a hug. This took me by surprise, but I went with it for a while. I finally shook her lose and looked at her. I said one word that had made her so sad, "Tori."

She nodded. Then, all of a sudden she started growling. It was a deep growl. Like a wolf's. "J-Jade? What's happening? Why do you sound like a wolf?"

She shook her head and the deep growl stopped. "No. No. NO! Cat...Vega did something to me. She gave me some kind of mint looking thing earlier. I think she drugged me with...I don't even know! Some kind of mood swing thing?"

It was obvious that Jade was scared. I didn't know what to do. Nobody ever let me take charge. But now, I was the only one that could. "Stay here," I instructed,"And give me your scissors."

She handed them to me and I stuck them in my backpack. I then ran out of the janitors closet and went to find the only person I could think of who could make something like this.

Jade's POV

I didn't know what to do. With Cat gone, all I could do is think about this, and maybe try to figure out what was happening. It was obvious Vega had drugged me. But there was nothing I could think of that could make me act like I was acting. I tried to comprehend my mood changing patterns.

After I had eaten the mint or whatever it was, I had seen Tori walk over to Beck. She gave me an evil, plotting smile. Only now I remembered people staring at me. Now I knew why they where staring. I was growling. Okay, so I figured out that Tori made me growl. Great. SO helpful.

Then I remembered her grab Beck and start eating him up. That was about when I started tearing up and growling at the same time. Right before I grabbed Cat and dragged her here. So Beck made me mad and teary at the same time. No surprise there.

I'm just glad that nothing seemed to happen around Cat. She was so sweet; she was also oblivious. Or at least, I hope she was. Ever since me and Beck broke up, I had been dropping hints to Cat. Beck always knew I was bi, but he didn't was care. Cat was just so beautiful. That little dimple on her left cheek. Her huge, sparkly hazel eyes. And her hair. Oh God her hair. One of her most amazing features. I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the door open. Cat walked in, looking sad. When she saw me back to normal, she looked a little better. "I couldn't find Sinjin."

"Sinjin? Why were you looking for him?"

She didn't answer me and was slowly backing towards the door. I realized I was growling again. I forced myself to stop, for Cat's sake. Now I my mood pattern theory was thrown off balance a little. Sinjin actually scared me more than made me mad. I found him in my bushes on several occasions. What was it that made me growl?

"Jade? Are you done being a wolf now?" Cat asked me nervously.

"I don't know when it happens, Cat. Just don't be scared, okay?"

"Kay kay."

She sat next to me, very close. I really just wanted to attack her with kisses right then and there. I could feel Cat staring at me warily. "Jade...You're doing it again..."

This time, I couldn't stop myself. I could feel myself growling deep in my throat. The next thing I knew was I was on top of Cat nibbling her ear. I could hear her suppressing a moan. I didn't know what I was doing. I tried my hardest to get myself off of the perky red head, but the mint thing was taking over my thoughts. I moved to her neck and bit it. Then I snapped out of it and rolled off of Cat. She was crying in pain. "Oh my God, Cat! I'm so sorry! I don't know what's going on!"

She was holding onto the place were I bit her. I must have bitten down really hard. I carefully removed my had to look at her neck. I gasped. I had just barely broken the skin. "Cat..I'm so sorry! Vega's mint is making me insane!"

Tears were trickling from her hazel brown eyes. What really confused me was that she didn't look upset or scared. She actually looked calm. I found a band-aid and carefully applied it to her neck. We sat in silence for a while. I broke that silence,"Cat, I'm really sorry...I just don't-"

"Tori," she said, with all the calmness in the world.

I could feel the growl coming, but then it subsided. The mint must be waring off.

"I know what the mint does," Cat said with confidence.

"What? Make me a maniac?"

"No," she giggled,"I think it makes you react when you're around people you're attracted to."


"It's kinda like a love potion with peppermint! And you're attracted to Tori, Beck, and me!"

I stared at her with shock. How could she know all this? I spoke this thought aloud without realizing. She giggled and answered,"My mom says that when it comes to obvious things, I'm clueless, but with very subtle and secret things."

"How long have you known?"

Her face turned serious, as if thinking hard,"With Beck it was obvious. With Tori too. But with me? I always saw your hints as my imagination. Only today when you ate my neck did I realize how much you really loved me."

I sat for a minute, pondering all of this. I stopped when Cat gently touched my chin and turned my head to face her. I don't think either of us realised when our lips met. It just happened.

We broke the kiss and I said in a meaningful tone,"I love you, Cat Valentine."

She giggled,"I love you too, Jade West."

We hugged and got up. We exited the janitors together and ran to Sikowitz's class. We had missed Science, but nobody seemed to notice. We entered right on time. I flopped myself into the chair next to Cat, still thinking about what had just happened.

Even I'm kinda confused on the whole mint/drug thing. But its pretty much what Cat said, a love potion with peppermint. I will say it won't come into play for the rest of the story, except maybe a little mention here and there. But...Yeah...Oh! Almost forgot! Reviews would make me happy and also help me improve my stories to viewer's likings! I might take a few suggestions here and there, but I already have the next chapter planned so, yeah. TTFN. TA TA FOR NOW.