A/n: thanks for all of the lovely reviews! I have a few things I'd like to make clear; because an anonymous reviewer pointed out that I wasn't very clear about this. In the last chapter, when Cato says Katniss makes him feel things, he means things other than bloodlust and such. He doesn't necessarily like her yet, but he feels confused that he actually has the ability to feel things other than rage and a sort of sadistic pleasure. So, he's not in love with her…yet, that will take a lot of time for both of them. They will be later in the story, as made obvious by the prologue (which, by the way, is set way into the Games). Also, I did directly quote some things directly from the book, and will probably continue to do so throughout this story. Sorry for the long authors note, I jus wanted to clear some things up .


"The thing is… well, winning won't help in my case, because the girl I like…she came with me." The crowd gasps, and some of them burst into tears of despair at the tragedy that is the star- crossed lover's fate. Caesar sighs sympathetically as the cameras flash to a close up of Katniss. She is sitting, eyes trained on the hands clasped tightly in her lap. The color of the blush spreads across her cheeks could rival the fiery red of her dress. Even on the large television in District Two's private screening room, I can tell she's embarrassed. And not in the traditional schoolgirl "oh! He likes me too!" way. More in an "I can't believe you did that in front of the whole country I'm going to strangle you" kind of way. So, Loverboy thinks he's got a chance with her? He's about to find out how wrong he is. She is MINE. The girl on fire belongs to me. Who cares if I only want her so that no one else has the pride in knowing they were the one to extinguish the flames in her eyes? Nobody takes what is mine. I have officially staked my claim on her. Breadboy, you've just signed your own death warrant.


I can not believe he just did that! I thought of all people, I could trust my best friend, but apparently he's out to get me too. What was he thinking, making me look weak like that in front of all of Panem! He humiliated me out there, and for what? An edge? To throw me off my game? As soon as he's off stage and out of camera sight, I shove him. Peeta goes toppling back into a potted plant, and it shatters. Dirt and blood mix on the white tiled floor. I start screaming unintelligible things at him, things even I don't understand. Two large arms clumsily grab me from behind, and I realize that the whole time I've been screaming, I've been inching closer and closer to Peeta. I whirl around to see who has dared try and stop my tirade. The smell of liquor quickly overwhelms me, and I know without the confirming glare that Haymitch has tried to prevent me from murdering my fellow tribute. "Whoa, there sweetheart! Don't go killing the lad who's just given you an unbeatable edge." I grit my teeth and spit, "An edge? He made me look weak!" Haymitch shakes his head as though disappointed in me. "No, sweetheart, he made you look desirable. Your costumes, yeah they'll stick in their mind for a while, but this is the Capitol we're talking about. They live for this kind of thing. Before, you were just the giddy, brainless girl whose dress caught fire when she twirled. Now, now they'll have to remember you."

I let his words sink in, then carefully respond. "Did you…could you have believed I loved him too?" Haymitch shrugs. "Not the best reaction, certainly not the one I was hoping for, but we can work with it. Besides, if we'd told you our strategy, you'd have totally failed us with your response. You're a horrible actress." So it's all a strategy. I turn to Peeta. "You're not really in love with me?" I demand. "No. Well, not like that. You're my best friend, I love you the same way I would a sister. It's just a strategy Haymitch and I came up with after you kind of failed at your practice interviews with him." I sigh in relief. "Oh, well then I'm sorry about your hands. And for blowing up on you… just give me a little warning next time you drop a bomb like that on national television." He grins before replying," will do, Kat." I frown at the nickname, but let it slide since I kind of just assaulted him. Just then Effie rushes up, eyes wide. "Katniss! Mind your manners! Pushing people is downright rude!" Haymitch lets out a loud laugh at her obliviousness. "It's all right Effie, it was just a misunderstanding," Peeta tries to smooth things over before they get out of hand. Effie, ever the drama queen, still feels the need to call a few peacekeepers over. "This young man needs immediate medical attention!" Haymitch and I roll our eyes as Peeta tries to protest. "Effie, it's all right, it's just a few scratches." Effie heaves a dramatic sigh. "No, I insist! You could need stitches!" Peeta looks helplessly over his shoulder at us as the peacekeepers lead him to the infirmary. Great, I've lost a tribute before the interviews! Who knows how long they'll keep him in the infirmary before the Games!" apparently alcohol turns Haymitch into a drama queen too. "Haymitch, why don't you and I head back to the room and Effie can go check on Peeta, okay?" He nods drunkenly before attempting to push him self off the wall. Instead of walking forward, he falls flat on his face. Effie wrinkles her nose in distaste before stepping over him and heading in the direction the peacekeepers took Peeta.

I can't believe she just left me here with an unconscious Haymitch. I may be a tough girl from the Seam, but I can't carry a dead weight that's at least twice my size. I crouch down beside Haymitch and check to make sure he's still breathing. The stench of liquor assures me that he is indeed alive. I gag and attempt to lift him. I get him almost sitting up before he slips from my grasp and falls back to the floor. The loud thump must have alerted someone to our presence, because somewhere down the hall I hear a door open. I ignore it, assuming it's a capitol escort who'll just sigh in disgust and go back to their district's private recap of the interviews. I go back to trying to at least drag Haymitch to the elevators. I pause when I hear footsteps approaching from behind. Perhaps not all the capitol escorts are as stuck up as Effie, and one has deigned to help me. "Need some help there, girl on fire?" Or maybe some higher power hates me and has decided to send Cato of all people. I release my grip on Haymitch and turn to face Cato. "I said do you need help?" he repeats slowly, as though I'm some sort of imbecile.

Though it kills me to accept help, especially from him, I nod tersely. I step back from my drunken mentor's body, and Cato leans down and scoops him up as though he weighs no more than a small child. Slinging Haymitch over his shoulder, Cato leads the way to the elevators. We wait for it in silence; the only sounds echoing in the hall are Haymitch's loud breaths and the muffled sounds of tonight's recap. Finally, the transparent glass box arrives, and the three of us pile in. I punch the button for the pent house and step back to grip the rails. Elevators- especially ones like this- remind me of the mines back home, and by extension, the mine explosion that killed my father. The last few times I've been in one of these, I've been a little more preoccupied, but now I have time to panic. My knuckles turn white, and my chest tightens. I know in the back of my mind I'm being ridiculous, but that doesn't stop the panic that fills me now. I can see that

Cato is looking at me strangely from the corner of my eye. The whole ride is fairly quick; as it has been each time I'm in here. I rush out of the elevator as soon as the doors open. I couldn't have stayed in there a second longer, or I would have gone mad. I am thankful that the penthouse is the only room on this floor, and we only have to walk a short hallway before we can enter the apartment.

I open the door and Cato steps inside, Haymitch still completely out. After unceremoniously dropping Haymitch on the couch, Cato waltzes over to the fridge and helps himself to a bottle of water. After taking a long swig, he smacks his lips annoyingly. "Oh, go ahead and help yourself to our things, I don't mind," I say drily. "Thanks, I will. It's the least you can offer me after I carried your drunken 'mentor' up here for you." He's got a point, I concede to myself. "Your place is nicer than mine." He remarks. I roll my eyes at his attempt at conversation. Neither of us is that type of person - at least, I don't imagine Cato to be a "people person". I myself avoid pretty much all social contact, unless it comes from Gale, Prim, Peeta, and occasionally Haymitch (though our conversations consist mostly of us insulting one another.) "Yeah, sure. You can go now." "Aren't you going to thank me for my help?" I clench my fists to keep from hitting something – preferably the idiot in front of me. "Thank you for your help. Now please leave." The words of gratitude that come from my mouth are so insincere a Capitolite could see through them. "I don't think I will. I'd like to get to know you better, little diamond. What goes on in that pretty little head of yours, huh?" His tone is so condescending that I fight to keep from punching him right there on the spot. "Why do you care so much? In a few weeks, one of us will be killing the other. I don't know what you find so fascinating about me, but I really don't want to know you. I'm sure all that lies behind the pretty boy/ ruthless killer mask is a sick and twisted mind. So, if you don't mind, please leave before I call for the peacekeepers and have them escort you out." To my surprise, he actually stands and leaves, but not before throwing me a confident smirk over his shoulder. I slam the door behind him. Once again, Cato has gotten inside my head.


She's right. All that's behind my exterior is a twisted mind. One that enjoys killing; practically lives for it. One that cannot stop thinking of all the different ways to put the out the light that shines so brightly from her eyes.

A/n: in my mind the tributes train for two weeks, that way the games last almost a month. That's why Katniss says they'll be killing each other in a few weeks, not a few days.

A/n 2 : I apologize for both the quality and length of this chapter. It is unbeta'd, I just wanted to get it out before I take a short break (see the following full note for details.) however, I will continue to write while on the break, though nothing will be published.