I own nothing. If I did Owen would never have a shirt on.

"Just say it."

"I'm not cheating on you with Emily."


"But I did cheat on you."

Cristina stared at him. Tears silently fell down her face increasing as the seconds ticked on. Owen held her gaze while willing his tears to stay where they were.

"I-I just…" Owen was struggling to convey what he wanted to say. There was so much to say after months of bottling up his feelings that he had no idea where to start, "I- I think that I just-"

"I have to go." Cristina cut him off.

She got up from the bed walked to their closet and grabbed the first bag she saw, it was Owen's army pack, "Too freaking bad," she thought.

She couldn't be here right now. She felt the walls closing in on her. As she started to grab clothes haphazardly she quickly brushed her tears from her eyes. "Damn it you are not going to let him see anymore tears! He doesn't get anymore from you."

Owen stood in the same place unable to move because he wasn't sure what to do. Should he stop her? If he did he had no idea what he would say. Deep down he was terrified to see her walk out, but he was just too hurt to stop her. He placed a hand on the bed to stabilize himself as the room was beginning to spin slightly.

Cristina balanced the bag on the dresser as she reached for her underwear drawer. As she was shoving her fist into the bag for the third time, it fell to the ground, emptying its contents everywhere.

"Damn it!" Cristina exclaimed as she instantly bent down to pick up scattered items. In the process her head hit the dresser with a hard crack.

The sound got Owen's attention and he walked over to her and crouched down.

The pain from her head broke the dam in the corners of her eyes and she gave up trying to be strong. She sat in a pile on the floor and began to sob, burying her head in her hands.

Owen had no idea what to do. His first instinct was to take her into his arms. Hold her close and take her pain away. But this time he was the cause, and he had no idea what to do. So he cautiously placed his hand on her shoulder.

"That sounded pretty bad, let me have a look." he spoke quietly, gently.

Cristina heard him but was crying so hard that attempting to respond would have been futile. So she said nothing and kept her face buried in her hands.

Minutes passed and their positions on the floor stayed the same.

"I want to make sure you don't have a concussion…just…here let me…" he attempted to carefully peel her left hand from her face.

"Do NOT touch me." Cristina had found her voice. It was weak but it was there.

Owen placed his hands up as if to show innocence and stood up.

Cristina tried to dry her tears with her sleeves, but they were already soaked. She grabbed one of the shirts that had fallen out of the bag. It was one of Owen's green skivvy shirts left over from his days in the military. As she dried her eyes she smelled him on it and the sobbing resumed.

Owen was at a loss. He felt so torn apart inside. He didn't know what to do. He turned and walked into the kitchen, filled a baggy with crushed ice and wrapped it in a paper towel. He returned to her side, crouched down and placed the cool bag on her shoulder.

"Here, just…at least put this on your head."

Her hands moved away from her face as she grabbed the bag and placed it on her forehead. She turned her body and leaned back against the dresser. The anger was still inside her, still burning through her, yet she found the strength to meet his eyes.

Owen's eyes had been shiny throughout this ordeal. But seeing the agony that his wife, his person was in was too much for him to bear. His tears feel silently.

"I know you don't want me anywhere near you right now, but I am worried about you. I am going to sleep on the couch. OK? Tomorrow I will go somewhere else, but I want to make sure you are alright."

Cristina didn't say anything as she let her eyes drift back to the floor.

Owen grabbed a pillow from the bed and went into the closet to grab a spare blanket. As he walked past her he resisted the temptation to touch her in some way.

He went into their living room and sat down on the couch. First he removed his shoes, shirt, and pants, then he set his watch alarm. It was midnight right now, so he set his watch for 2, 4, and 6 so that he could get up and check on his wife. As he lay down he knew that sleep would not be easy to come by tonight, but he figured he was going to try. After all, sometimes that is all you can do.


Cristina waited until Owen was settled on the couch to get up. When she did she turned off the lights in the apartment and walked into the bathroom.

The hot shower felt good - cleansing, though she couldn't wash the dirty feeling she had on her away.

Hopping out of the shower she reached for the robe on the door. It was Owen's, which made her sadness return with a vengeance.

So much of hers was now his, and so much of his was now hers. The idea that she was losing so much made her chest ache. She remembered when she offered to trade him to Teddy for surgery and he had been so hurt and angry. He told her that they mattered. But it didn't seem like that was the case anymore.

Wrapping herself in his robe she tiptoed out of the bathroom and into the kitchen so that she could get a glass of water. Her throat was killing her.

She intentionally ignored the couch on her way into the kitchen, and as she was pouring her glass. But on the way back to her bed she felt the need to stop and stare at the couch. She heard his even breathing and knew that he was sleeping, so she just stared for a few minutes. His body was covered by the blanket, but the moon shining through the window allowed her to see the outline of him.

For a moment she considered curling up with him on the couch. Cuddling with Owen was her favorite stress reliever because it fixed everything. This time was different though, this time…he was the cause of her pain. With that thought, she tore here eyes away from him and carried her glass of water to the nightstand and got into bed still wrapped up in Owen's robe.


Owen startled awake to the sound of his watch alarm. It took him a moment to get his bearings. Then the memories of the past 3 hours came flying back to him. He rubbed his eyes and stood up.

He walked over to the bed and stopped beside a sleeping Cristina. He listened for breath sounds. Satisfied that she was breathing fine he considered going back to the couch. But, he was still concerned about a concussion, so he put a hand on her shoulder and shook her gently.

"Cristina." He whispered.

"Cristina," he tried again a little louder.

"'stina!" he raised his voice.

Her eyes opened. After a second or two she remembered why she was in bed alone and why Owen was waking her up in the middle of the night.

"Does your head hurt?" he asked her as he rummaged around in the drawer of the nightstand for a flashlight?

"Yes." She said quietly.

"I am going to check your pupils." He said as he placed a hand on the back of her head and shined the pen light in one eye, than the other.

"Where are you?" he asked.

"The firehouse." She responded.

"What day is it?"

"March 20th"

"Who am I?"

She said nothing.

"Cristina who am I?" He asked again.

"Dr. Owen Hunt." She exhaled. Her annoyance was apparent. "My head is killing me, I am going to get some drugs."

She swung her feet out of bed and stood up too fast. Her dizzy spell sent her right back into bed.

Owen steadied her with his hand, "Here I will bring you something. Just sit down ok?" He walked into the bathroom and brought back two red pills.

She swallowed them quickly and lay back down.

"I am worried about the dizziness so I am going to wake you again in an hour." He said.

All night he had been focusing on trying to sound irritated to avoid sounding worried. But his voice was beginning to betray him. His guilt and anger were both melding into a feeling of unimaginable pain.


Judging by her voice, she felt nothing but anger.

If only he knew how wrong he was.

He went back to the couch, set his watch, and lay down.


Cristina awoke to a hand on her shoulder squeezing her gently.


She rubbed here eyes gently, avoiding the nasty knot on her forehead. As soon as she was done the penlight shined in both eyes, one at a time.

"Where are you?"

"Owen, I am fine. You can stop waking me up and just let me sleep."

"Just answer the question."

"Owen! Just…leave me the hell alone."

"Not until you answer my question!"

"Fine! It is zero dark thirty in the morning on March 20th. I am at the firehouse with my cheating bastard of a husband." Her voice got louder as she continued to talk.

Owen looked down at the floor and mumbled a sad, "Good night then."


He turned off all the alarms on his watch, returned to his makeshift bed, and tried to fall back asleep.

As was custom, Owen awoke before Cristina and got ready for work. She didn't wake up until he was preparing breakfast.

When he saw her move from the bed he said to her "Do you want some-"

But he was interrupted as the door to the bathroom slammed shut.

"-breakfast." He finished.


"He WHAT?"

"Cheated on me." Cristina said evenly. As she walked into the McDreamy house.

"With…" Meredith prompted.

"Don't know. Not the sunshine nurse though. Someone else."

"I will kill him." Meredith said, as she took Cristina by the hand and pulled her into the house. "I will strap him to the OR table and take his heart out while he is still awake."

"Hmmm." Cristina sat on the arm of the couch and looked bored.

"So what are you going to do?"

"Can I stay here for a while?" Cristina asked while she was looking at the floor.

"Of course, do you want me to come with you to get your stuff?"

Cristina bit her lip in thought, "Maybe after my shift? Are you off today?"

"Yeah, we are taking Zola to the Zoo. But we will be home by 5. You get off at 8 right?"

Cristina nodded.

"OK, let me just go tell Derek that I need him to take care of Zola tonight."

Meredith walked up the stairs and into their bedroom.

"Is that Cristina?" Derek asked as he came out of the bathroom, his hair done perfectly as usual.

"Yeah, she just came over to tell me that Owen cheated on her."

"Hunt did what?"

"Cheated on her, she doesn't even know with who! The worst part is that I don't even know if she cares. She is just sitting on the couch looking at the floor. It's sad!"

"Hmm… wow. Never thought Hunt was that guy."

"Yeah well it doesn't surprise me at all," Meredith announced, "but I need you to watch Zola for me tonight while I help Cristina pack. She is going to stay here for a while."

Derek smiled because he knew that was the only thing he could do. " OK."

"Thank you," Meredith kissed him quickly and turned as if to walk away before she stopped, "Oh and Derek?"

"Yes Dear."

"If you ever cheat on me, I'll kill you." She deadpanned.

"Yes Dear." Derek replied as he kissed her softly.


Cristina got through the first part of her day with no incidents. In fact, she didn't even have to see her cheating bastard of a husband. Plus she got to scrub in on two amazing cardio surgeries and Teddy was on her way to harvest a heart for a transplant tonight. Nothing like blood and guts to help pass the time.

Beep beep beep

She glanced at her pager. The Pit.

"Spoke to soon," She thought.

"On my count 1, 2, 3….let's get a CBC type and cross," Owen rattled off as he listened to the patients heartbeat, "and page cardio."

"Altman is in transit to San Francisco to pick up a heart for a transplant this evening." Nurse Emily informed him.

"The resident on call then," he said as he continued to work.

Two minutes later Cristina came through the door, "What do you have?"

"53 year old man MVA, blunt trauma to the chest and abdomen."

After a quick assessment she looked at Owen and said, "So is there a reason we haven't brought him up to the OR yet?" Her voice was laden with sarcasm…and it was not received well.

"So transporting an unstable patient is a good idea Yang? Guess I missed that day somewhere in my 16 years of training." Owen bit back.

"Well you were probably busy doing other things," Cristina lashed back, "or other people." She muttered quietly.

But he heard.

"That is it. Out." He said, "you have no decency and you are completely devoid of compassion and professionalism. Get out of my pit."

She didn't need to be told twice, "Yes sir, which resident would you like me to send in? Kepner is single, so is Lexie…although I guess that wouldn't really matter to someone like you would it?"

With that she stormed out of the room.

His hands froze, the others in the trauma room looked incredibly uncomfortable. He finished the temporary repair to stabilize the patient and called Karev to supervise the transfer to the OR.

"I'll be 5 minutes behind you," he promised the young surgeon.

He walked off to find Cristina. He poked his head into the basement hallway, but she wasn't there, nor was she in the vent room. He ran to check the resident's lounge and he found her there with Meredith, who glared at him as he entered the room.

"Give us the room?" he looked at Meredith.

"Not a chance," she shot back as she kept a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"Meredith," Cristina spoke, "It's ok."

"I'm not leaving." Meredith announced emphatically as she stood between them with her arms folded.

"Dr. Grey," Owen hissed angrily as he stepped forward, "Leave. Now."

"You don't scare-"

"Meredith," Cristina stood up and pushed her toward the door, "just go."

"Fine," she started to leave, "but I will stay just outside this door…and if I hear anything strange I swear to god-"

"Just GO!" Owen snapped his head around and yelled.

Meredith was taken back by his outburst. She had never seen him this angry. She left, but as promised stayed just outside the door.

"Who in the hell do you think you are?" he spoke quietly.

Cristina looked up, "Obviously I have misestimated my importance in your life."

Owen rolled his eyes, "You know what I am talking about."

Cristina looked as his eyes, then back down. "I was out of line."

"Damn right you were. What in the hell were you thinking?" He paced around the room.

Cristina returned to her seat on the bench in front of her locker. She turned her back to him and said, "I wasn't thinking. I was feeling."

Owen scoffed, "Nice timing to let those caged creatures come out and play." He rubbed his forehead with his fingers, "What the hell am I supposed to do Cristina?"

"Nothing," came her immediate reply, "just- nothing."

He sat down on the same bench facing the opposite way. He took a deep breath before he spoke, "I know I hurt you. I know it was wrong, and unfair and…just…terrible. I know all that. But Cristina it meant nothing, it was just sex."

She looked up at him her eyes wide, "Just sex?"

He nodded, and now it was his turn to look at the ground, "JUST SEX?" she repeated.

"I know how that sounds-"

"No, you know what it is my turn to talk now." She stood up and walked around the bench so that she was standing over him. "SEX was never our problem!"

He kept looking at the ground.

"You look at me! Give me that at least!" He acquiesced to her request and she continued.

"We have great sex Owen. Amazing sex. I have never in my life had so much awesome, mind blowing, unbelievable sex. So THAT is NOT the problem. The problem is that is ALL WE DO!"

As she continued her tears from last night returned, "We have great sex…what we don't have is a connection. We don't connect anymore Owen. So when you say it was just sex, I don't believe you. I know you Owen, you do not need a lot. You do not believe in excess. You are the kind of man who takes only what he needs. So Owen, it couldn't have been just sex."

"Are you finished?" He asked calmly with his hands in his lap.

She nodded.

"It was just sex," He repeated, "we have not touched each other in months. I just needed to feel something," he paused, "other than pain."

Cristina felt her legs giving out and she sat down right on the floor in front of him. Tears still falling.

"I-" he continued, "it was wrong. I am sorry."

She looked up, " I hurt you badly when I had the abortion."

His eyes met hers and he nodded.

"We just seem to keep hurting each other," she continued, "Therapy doesn't seem to be helping."

He nodded again.

"So… I am moving in with Meredith."

He looked at her, his face full of pain. Taking a deep breath he said "No, the firehouse is your home, I can stay with my mom."

She shook her head and focused on the small dots on the carpet, "You know the only reason I bought that place was because you loved it. It wasn't for me."

His face began to turn red and his eyes glossed over.

"I will be out of there tonight, so…"

"Do you want me to help?" he asked quietly.




This is my first fanfic in almost 6 years...so any and all reviews are appreciated! I have the next few parts done and will post them faster if there are reviews!

Also, clearly I don't have a Beta...so if you are interested let me know!