A Little Gift From Me To You Chapter 1- The Lonesome Day

I decided to write this story after my chapter of writing about Obito's birthday. Have fun reading! By the way, Kakashi is 17 at the moment.

It was a normal day in the village of Konohagakure. The sun was shining, the people bustling, children playing, and shinobi training. The ANBU jumped through the trees silently, rarely being seen, as usual.

But today, it wasn't normal to a certain villager. Kakashi. To him, the sky was gray and people were crying and mourning. The shinobi were all weak and did nothing.

But Kakashi himself was a wreck. His hair wasn't spiked, he had both eyes showing, and his clothes were black and ripped and wrinkled. The only nice thing on him at the moment was his mask. He didn't care about anything at the moment. He just wanted to be alone and go die.

Kakashi walked outside of his apartment and slammed the door behind him, scaring the next door neighbor's cat. The lady next door ran out into the hallway at the noise. She saw Kakashi start to head down the stairs when he tripped and fell down them.

Kakashi was in a ball at the bottom of the stairs. He stayed there for only a second, and then pushed himself off the floor. He slumped out of the building as slow as anyone could go.

Once outside, Kakashi just stood in front of the door. He didn't move for a minute, until an older man pushed him out of the way. He looked after the man. Then he turned back around. He had to go to the flower shop.

He entered the Yamanaka Flower Shop. There was a tall, burly man with blonde hair at the counter. Next to him, on the floor, was a girl of about three with long blonde hair. She was hugging one the man's legs.

"Hey, Kakashi! Welcome!" The burly man yelled.

"What was your name again?"

"Inoichi! Can't you remember?"

"Can I have a bouquet of white lilies please?" Kakashi asked, trying to change the topic.

"Yup!" The little girl yelped as she ran into the mass of flowers.

"Ino! Be careful! Make sure they're white lilies!" Inoichi yelled.

A few minutes passed until the little girl stepped out with a beautiful bouquet of white lilies. She put them on the counter and smiled. Kakashi couldn't help to smile back. She was so cute.

"That'll be..." Inoichi stopped as the girl pulled on his legs. He bent down and she whispered in his ear. He then nodded. "My daughter would like you to have these for free." He handed the bouquet to Kakashi. "She says it's a little gift from her to you."

"Thanks." Kakashi said as he walked out the door.

Then Kakashi decided to go on a small walk in one of the village's parks.

He walked into the park. The first thing he saw was a small family: a mother, father, and daughter. They were having a picnic under a few trees and by a small flower garden. Kakashi walked by them and the mother pulled her child back as he glanced at them.

"Must be nice to have friends and a family..." Kakashi mumbled to himself.

The father glared at Kakashi. His eyes told him to leave. And so he did. Kakashi was going to be late anyway.

A few minutes passed as Kakashi walked towards the cemetery. He was almost there when he tripped again and landed in a puddle.

"Damn it!" He yelled in frustration as he got up and wiped himself off.

He entered the cemetery. The short grass tickled his feet. That was when he noticed he wasn't wearing shoes. But he didn't care.

Kakashi lumbered over to a tombstone. He ran his finger over the engraving.

Rin {put last name here}
Friends are all that you need to be happy.

Kakashi pulled his finger off the tombstone and placed the bouquet of flowers in front of it. He bowed his head and a few tears fell from his eyes. At the moment he was sad. But now, he was angry. He pounded his fists on the ground near the tombstone and started to yell at himself.

"Why Rin? Why Rin and not me? I broke my promise to Obito!" Kakashi put his head on the ground. "Father, Obito, Sensei, and now Rin! I loved you all, but now you're gone! I just can't live anymore!"

Kakashi was hitting the ground so hard that the ground started to crack and split. Little pieces of dirt and rock flew into his face at a harder hit. The he stopped. One of the rocks had cut his mask, right above the chin. The mask fell off of his face. He quickly covered it up with his hand.

Kakashi noticed he was getting too worked up. But his best friend just died. He decided to leave and go back to his house.

On the way, the lady from next door stopped him. He tried to keep going, but she had a good grip.

"Kakashi, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing." She gave him the death glare as he said this. "Alright, you got me. It's just that... Well..."

"You know Kakashi, you tell me as we walk back home." The woman smiled and patted Kakashi on the back. He nodded.

Once reaching the apartment, it was the woman that was in tears. She thought the story was just horrible. And she wouldn't stop hugging Kakashi. Then they reached the separate apartments and Kakashi gently pushed her away.

"Good-bye Kakashi. Please don't cry, okay? It makes me cry too."

"Bye, mom." Kakashi gasped at his own words. Mom? Really? I never even knew my mom! He quickly changed his words. "Bye Hana." He said quickly before dashing into his apartment door. He fell to the floor.

"Gah!" He yelled at himself.

He got up and pushed the door open. He looked at the mess of the apartment. For the past three days, he's been mourning. He had been drunk for two of the days, and just angry the other. But today was the funeral, and he was the only one who went. The only one. That made him even angrier. He grabbed the coffee machine off the counter and threw it on the floor in anger. He noticed a few pieces of glass in his legs, but he didn't care. He kept trashing the place.

At the end of the trashing, he noticed that there were blood stains all around the room. He looked down at his legs. The glass had fallen out, and blood was pouring from the cuts. Kakashi started to feel dizzy. He fell to the floor, unconscious.

So, did you like it? Please review!

To all my readers (which is very few people): Never stay up until all typing and watching movies. Not a good thing to do…

Next Chapter- At Thirteen
