The only reason I am starting this is because it's already finished. This is an rp fic between me and Seliphra. Hopefully, its one of many. I can already say that I and she are working on another one. To which you will not know until it is complete. Also, fanfic updates are going to be even less 'frequent' than they already are. I'm not doing so well in school, so I cannot be on my laptop as much. However, slowly but surely I'm raising my grades, so my mom allows me on. That and I'm going to start getting on after every sleeps.

So, without due, please enjoy Seliphra's and mine rp fic, to which I have decided to title 'Losing face?'

Summery: Rp fic with Seliphra. The monster was losing his touch. Strength disappearing, but only around he who he 'liked'. Izuo.

Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara in any way, shape, or form. If I did, we probably wouldn't be fans of it because there is no way in hell I'd ever be able to think up awesome characters like the ones in this fandom.

Izaya skipped, his gaze locked on the small two-inch screen in his hand a small, trademark smirk neatly in place. He had one hand in his pocket and the other held his phone as he moved, only now looking up to get his bearings straight; Ikebukuro, not too far from Russia Sushi. He hoped Shizuo would throw things at him today; playing with the monster was one of his most favorite games after all. He tucked his phone away now, deciding it would be wise to pay more attention to the surrounding area. If Shizuo turned up after all, Izaya did not want to be caught off guard.

"!" Of course, Shizuo would have found Izaya. He always did. That was how Shizuo worked. Smell the flea out, and try to destroy him.

Izaya's smirk only widened, turning to lock his carmine eyes on the blonde man. "Shizu-chan~! Fancy meeting you here!"

Shizuo growled. "Cut the crap. Now why the hell are you in Ikebukuro? Haven't I told you to stay the hell away?"

"But Shizu-chan! My favorite humans are here... even if you are too," He taunted as he moved, already looking for the best means of escaping Shizuo. He knew it was only a matter of time and a few words before Shizuo would snap and attack him.

Shizuo growled. "Fucking flea." He was already losing his patience and scanning the area for the nearest object to pick up and use against the flea. Izaya smirked, seeing the tell-tale vein popping in Shizuo's head.

"Really Shizu-chan, after all these years one would think you'd come up with a new insult. I mean I have plenty for you~!" That should do it...

Shizuo let loose a feral growl as his hand snapped sideways, easily grabbing, and ripping out some poor innocent street sign. "You're dead, flea!"

And so it begins again, were Izaya's thoughts though his grin spoke tiers of enjoyment in this game they played. He own movement was immediate, three knives flung so fast they were almost invisible towards the blonde, though Izaya knew they would never find a mark. Shizuo dodged all three of the knives as he gave chase, street sign raised high. Shizuo thought nothing of how the street sign seemed a bit heavier than usual. All he thought about was destroying the flea…

Izaya ran for it, jumping over anything that got in his way and knocking over a pile of crates from a vendor would set up outside to slow his pursuer, another knife being tossed at Shizuo. If it missed it would hit only a wall though, he didn't want to harm his precious humans after all.

Shizuo growled as the knife just barely grazed his cheek. All Shizuo thought about was 'ending the damned flea'. All he could focus on was that one person. That one god-damned person.

Izaya threw the odd taunt and knife at his monster as he ran, dodging the odd blow from the sign but he was surprised Shizuo had yet to throw something at him. That would change, surely, as Izaya ducked up a street lined with vending machines. There were at least forty of them along here and Izaya knew how much Shizuo liked throwing vending machines. Shizuo growled. The flea just wanted to die, didn't her? Shizuo abandoned the street sign in favor of one of the vending machines. He couldn't help but notice that he had to use just a bit more strength to lift up the vending machine. However, all thoughts fled when Izaya taunted him again. The vending machine was sent flying.

Shizuo really was too predictable. Sometimes. Other times he was irritatingly hard to read. "Oh my Shizu~chan~! What on earth did that poor vending machine do to you~?" Izaya gave Shizuo a trollish grin his trust flick-blade coming out now. That usually meant he was ready to stand his ground now.

Shizuo just growled as he marched his way up to Izaya. "That vending machine died for a good cause, fucking flea."

"Doubt it," Izaya grinned as he circled automatically, knife pointing at Shizuo's heart as he moved.

Shizuo growled again. He itched to throw something at Izaya, however, nothing was close enough for him to grab. "Get the fuck out of Ikebukuro, fucking flea."

"Make~. Me~." Izaya taunted. He wanted Shizuo angry; he loved seeing those expressions on Shizuo's face. Angry was a good look for him. Shizuo growled again. Screw using weapons. He had his fists… Assuming Shizuo could land a hit and if there was one thing Izaya knew how to do it was escaping Shizuo.

Shizuo growled as his punches missed. "Get back here, Flea!"

"Why would I do that Shizu-chan?" Izaya asked innocently -if that word could be used to describe him- and dodged another blow. He did notice the craters were smaller than usual. "Why Shizu-chan! You're getting soft!"

Shizuo let out a yell that could only be described as pure anger as he yanked yet another street sign from its spot. "FUCKING FLEA!" Shizuo attempted to whack Izaya with the sign as if the sign and Izaya were actually a baseball bat and ball.

Shizuo's swing was slower too and Izaya couldn't be the only one noticing now. Shizuo's strength normally lifted and wrenched up metal like it were a leaf on a branch. Today it was more like breaking a thick stick. One could manage it if they tried hard enough but only with some actual effort. Shizuo, however, only focused on the immediate problem. Izaya. Shizuo wanted just one fucking day where Izaya didn't' mess with him. Was that too much to ask?

Shizuo growled for the who knows what time that day. "Fucking flea!"

Too much to ask? Yes, that was it. Izaya couldn't leave the adorable angry blonde alone after all.

"Now, now! You kiss your mother with that mouth~?" He asked taunting Shizuo's foul language but he skipped up and patted Shizuo twice atop the head before darting off again so as not to be injured.

Shizuo let loose another yell. How dare he? How dare he? The fucking flea! Shizuo gave chase after Izaya, as he always does.

He dared easily though and he was still leading Shizuo through Ikebukuro on a longer chase than was typical for them. Not unheard of though. The day Kasuka had come back to shoot that special and the day they met still ran longer so far.

Shizuo had his eyes set on Izaya. There was no way that the flea would get past him this time. Today, today he'd kill the flea. Shizuo paid no mind as to where they were running. Ikebukuro was Ikebukuro. Shizuo just had to catch up to the damned flea, then...but Izaya never ran full out until he chose to truly escape Shizuo and leave. Until then he ran only fast enough not to get caught, but slow enough that the slower man could keep pace with him. Shizuo let out a growl. Why couldn't he just catch up to that damned flea?

"Fucking flea." He didn't' really recognize the area of Ikebukuro that they were in but that didn't matter to him.

Probably because Izaya planned to lead and then abandon Shizuo in Kabuki-Cho, the red-light district of Shinjuku. They were nearly there now in fact though he doubted Shizuo realized they had gone so far. Shizuo growled. That stupid fucking flea. It'd do the world so much good if he just dropped dead. Shizuo didn't even realize that they were now in Shinjuku. And soon they were there.

"Well Shizu-chan, been a fun time, but I've really gotta go!" Izaya grinned before darting into a brothel to escape through the other side. He knew the unfamiliar surroundings would shock and frighten the blonde enough to let him get away. Shizuo growled. He thought about chasing Izaya some more, only to realize that one; Izaya was out of his sight and two; he had no idea where he was.

Izaya was long since gone though, laughing at his victory over Shizuo again though admittedly someone as handsome as Shizuo was bound to get flirted with by more than a few prostitutes. Here at least Shizuo had no reputation.

Shizuo cursed himself under his breath. This was most definitely not Ikebukuro. Though where he was, he had no idea. So Shizuo had two options. He could wander around forever until he stumbled back into Ikebukuro, or ask someone for directions. The answer was obvious. Shizuo grumbled to himself as he wandered towards some person. Intent on asking directions.

"Hey sweetie~! Looking for a good time~?" She asked her voice sultry and her arms coming up to wrap around Shizuo's neck suggestively when he got close enough to her.

Shizuo's face remained stoic as the woman pretty much clung to him.

"No...I came over to ask for directions back Ikebukuro."

She pouted, "Aww, come on honey~, two thousand yen and I can rock your world~"

Shizuo just shook his head.

"I'm fine. Really. I just need directions." Oh, if this was where he thought it was, the flea was so fucking dead.

"You reaaaally sure hon~?" She asked, leaning against him suggestively now a little annoyed Shizuo didn't seem the least bit turned on by her provocative clothing and more-than-ample fake breasts pressing in to his chest. Shizuo growled a bit under his breath. This chick was lucky he didn't attack women.

"No. Really. I'm fine. I just need some directions." Shizuo was getting a little irritated that he couldn't just get the fucking directions.

"Ugh, fine, whatever," She released him a look of annoyance replacing the seductive one she just wore. "That way, passed the brothel with the green sign and through the arch, that'll take you passed the yakuza bar and then out of Kabuki-Cho. After that it's not too far to the stations."

"Thanks." The fucking flea was going to die for leading him here of all places. Shizuo grumbled to himself as he followed the woman's directions.

She hadn't lied though he was propositioned no less than ten times before he made it safely out of the red-light district. Izaya by now was happily recounting his adventure to Namie who didn't give a shit and ignored him per usual.

Shizuo grumbled to himself. Go home and rest, or go after the flea? Shizuo thought back to their earlier chase, and how it seemed that the items were heavier than usual. Maybe some rest was in order.

This chapter is about 4 out of 68 pages on word once I had it positioned on word like how I liked. It's a usual chase scene. And not much is happening yet. Yet~ I'd love it if you left a review because reviews motivate me for all of my fics, not just the one the review is for.

In any case, I hope you all enjoyed this fic. I'll try to update Tsujo Means Normal, Caged Animal, and Who Am I, as well as the two fics I'm working on the kink meme (I'm missing two, but I can't think of them at the moment) when I can. I'll also update this again after I get the next chapter edited and I think enough people are interested. Thank you for reading.