A/N: For fooboo24's birthday. Twenty drabbles for twenty years, if I'm correct. Enjoy~ One drabble for every day until the fourteenth. :)

The lyrics from the summary are from Forever Young by One Direction.



Hatred. For a long period of time, that is all Zuko experiences. He despises his father for sending him on this cursed mission to find the Avatar.

The non-existent Avatar.

For all Zuko understands, the search is just a mission for him to leave his homeland. After all, he has shamed his father.

He believed there was no Avatar. One unforgettable century ago, the so-called saviour abandoned his people, leaving them to die.

When Zuko spotted the unmistakable Avatar near a village, hope began swelling within him. A chance to retreat home is at his grasp, and he will not fail.

The village populated with Water Tribe descendants are useless. None can bend their own element – except one. She is courageous, throwing out her life to save the Avatar. But she is pathetic.

Zuko shoves the sweating girl aside. She will not be a threat in the future. She is not important. She cannot defeat the Fire Lord's avenging son.

Little does he know, it is fate that they meet.