Author's note: I know, you're waiting for Flames. Flames is finished, just waiting for some final touches. This story is complete, though, so I wanted to post a chapter or two to see if you like it. I hope you forgive me. Please review or tell me if you like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Zorro, nor do I make any money from writing this story. Dialogue and situations used from the episode are property of ZPI, the rest of the story is my property and cannot be printed or used without my permission.


Alejandro sighed as he watched his son leave the tavern. Sergeant Mendoza paused before eating another bite of Victoria's lovely mutton stew. "What's wrong, Don Alejandro? Don't you like the stew? I think it is especially fine today!" He smiled at his dinner companion.

"Sergeant, I'm getting old." Alejandro sighed again.

Mendoza scoffed at this. "Oh, Don Alejandro, don't be silly. You are not old!"

"My son is getting old," Alejandro added sadly.

Mendoza turned to look at the door where Diego had just left, then back at Alejandro. "I am sorry Don Alejandro…what are you talking about?"

"I turn 50 next month, Mendoza. Did you know that?" Alejandro asked.

"Sí! I know! And Señorita Escalante is planning a wonderful buffet for your party!" Alejandro chuckled at Mendoza's obvious excitement.

"Yes, I know. But… what a man wants in life is to see his family happy. Diego needs a wife. I want grandchildren!" Alejandro said emphatically. "Ah," Alejandro waved his hands at Mendoza as if he knew it was impossible, "Ignore an old man, Sergeant. I guess I'm just feeling my age today." Alejandro groaned as he got up to follow his single, childless son out of the tavern.

Mendoza took his time finishing the bite he'd just put in his mouth. He looked at the plate of food in front of him, then looked over to watch Victoria walking around talking with her guests. She saw his attention, and walked over to his table. "And how is it today, Sergeant?" Victoria asked pleasantly. He hungrily finished the last few bites.

"Oh, Señorita Escalante, it is wonderful!" He beamed up at the taverness. "You know, Diego thought it was the best he'd ever had. Yes! He told me to tell you that. The best he'd ever eaten…even in Spain!" Mendoza said excitedly. Victoria eyed the animated sergeant warily as she gathered the dishes from the table. "Oh, let me help you with this." He stood and gathered his own dishes and followed her to the kitchen.

As she started to push the overeager sergeant out of her kitchen after dumping the dishes, he looked at an empty wall. "I know! You know what your tavern needs?" he asked, full of enthusiasm.

Victoria put her hands on her hips. The sergeant meant well, but she had work to do! "Oh, what is that, Sergeant? Blackberry pie?"

"Oh, no," Mendoza blushed. "Though blackberry pie would be lovely—" he stopped as Victoria narrowed her eyes at him. "What would make your kitchen so much more wonderful? A painting. I think a painting would fit this wall so nicely. Don't you think?"

Victoria was confused. "A painting?"

"Sí! Sí! A painting. Have you ever seen Diego paint? He paints lovely pictures. He could paint you a meadow or maybe some pretty flowers to go right here." He walked over to the wall in question. "Diego makes wonderful paintings. You are such good friends I'm sure he would paint one for you!"

"Sergeant, I'm very busy…" She tried to urge Mendoza out of her kitchen again.

"Sí, Diego is very busy I know," Mendoza replied sadly.

"That's not what I said!" She was getting annoyed now. "I said I was busy! And Diego is never busy! What on earth are you talking about?"

Sergeant Mendoza took up defense of his friend. "Oh, Diego does lots of things! He teaches the children about science. You know I went to the school last week and he shut all the windows and made water glow purple! You could see it in the dark! He and Dr. Hernandez are always talking about some experiment he's done or some new medicine he's found. Unfortunately for me, he is very good at doing paperwork for all the people. Did you know he could have been a lawyer? He's always giving me papers and they make the alcalde very angry." Mendoza's happy mood seemed to disappear. His shoulders slumped. "I better get back to work."

He left a stunned Victoria staring after him. What was that about? She followed him out the kitchen door and looked across the plaza at The Guardian office. There was Diego, shaking hands with a farmer and his wife. He rolled up a piece of paper and pointed at the alcalde's office, still talking to the couple. The man shook Diego's hand once again and headed across the plaza with Diego's papers. They followed a dejected looking Mendoza into the alcalde's office. She looked back to watch Diego. He turned and she blushed when he caught her staring at him. He waved, she waved back and they both went back inside.

Victoria found herself curious. Sure, Diego was her friend. But she always assumed he just did things a rich caballero did. He was a landowner…one of the biggest in the territory. He had tenants to see, business to do. Whatever rich people did. But what else did he do? She walked toward the sink, but stopped at the empty wall. She never noticed it before. It was rather dull looking. She looked around the kitchen. Very clean, very functional. But no color. Maybe a little color would… what was she thinking? She shook her head at herself. A wall is a wall. It doesn't need anything. She attacked the dishes, which did need washing.