A/N: This story I created for the One Word Challenge, and because I love Luna.

I would like to thank Stephanie O for betaing this for me.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


Luna Lovegood stared dreamily off into space. She drifted lazily throughout Hogwarts' hallways, pausing every now and then for no apparent reason. She passed on by an arguing Ron and Hermione – Hermione was shouting at Ron about how he couldn't see what was right in front of him, and Ron was completely clueless as to what she meant (he wasn't blind after all).

She paid no mind to a snogging Harry and Ginny hiding in an archway just off the corridor she was in.

She left alone the snoozing gorillas covered in a piece of chocolate cake, that she passed on the fifth floor corridor on the left hand side.

She ignored the sound of Professor Snape's and Headmaster Dumbledore's arguing over the plans for the Headmaster's death coming from behind the statue of the stone gargoyle that led to the Headmaster's office.

She momentarily paused to exchange a few words with the Gray Lady before continuing on her way.

She glided out onto the grounds. Looking up she smiled at the cloudy sky. It had just started to drizzle. She skipped barefoot to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. She stopped briefly, bending down to pick a long piece of grass and grab a twig that she had found. She gently wrapped the grass around the twig, before tucking it into her ponytail.

Humming softly she stepped into the forest with light and airy feet; brushing gently by the briars and branches, that attempted to snag on her skin and clothes. She trailed her hand over the bark of trees that she passed as she went deeper into the forest. She waved to the herd of centaurs that she passed, that were skulking under the trees.

She stepped into an empty glade. She stood there eyes unfocused for several minutes. When she heard a rustle from the the other end of the glade, she looked up and smiled lightly. She reached into her book bag and pulled out a chunk of meat. She held it out in her hand. She watched the thestral eat it, and patted him on the nose, before continuing on her way.

As she was walking along the edge of a stream, a unicorn ambled up beside her, and she started to pet her absentmindedly. After about half an hour of walking with the unicorn, she sat on a large rock on the edge of the stream bank. She dangled her feet in the ice cold water. The unicorn laid down beside her, all the while she continued to pet her. She started to hum the tune of the song "Don't Worry, be Happy."

When she finished the song she stood, said goodbye to the unicorn and kissed her on the snout, before gliding away.

She made her way deeper into the forest. She ended up so deep in the forest that the trees were covered in this very, lovely, silky, white yarn. She pulled out a pair of knitting needles from her bag, and used them to help her collect several yards of it. All the while paying no heed to the giant Arachnids and that scuttled around in a large swarm all around her. When she finished she put all of it into her book bag, before starting the journey back to the castle.

After she slid through a patch of briars and into a small clearing she stopped, listening silently for a moment before a wide bright smile appeared on her face. Barely a moment later, a large, fluffy white rabbit hopped into the clearing.

"Aw!" she said, as she scooped him up and cuddled him tightly to her chest.

She skipped happily back to the school, humming "99 Luftballons."

The End