I do not own any of the Disney franchises, characters and elements that appear in this story. The OCs Tracy and Serena are mine.

Knight of Renaissance Light: Ecthros, Odotherex, Theodore
Malovent, Kyra, Adrian, Shawn

Rise of the Kingdom

Serena teleported throughout the lands of the Disney Kingdom in a frantic search for Malovent. Since she had abandoned their fight at the ruins of Disney Castle she had no idea where he had gone. As far as she knew Odotherex hadn't killed him. His death would lessen the amount of evil in the kingdom and that certainly hadn't happened.

"What are the chances he gave up and went to the Dark Lands?" she muttered to herself as she did a quick sweep of Hawaii's horizon.

Zero. Not that him giving up would help any. He still needs to be killed.

The thought of killing even someone as cruel and violent and monstrous of Malovent caused bile to rise in her throat. As much as the idea horrified her she knew she didn't really have a choice. Tracy had her hands more than full with Odotherex and that didn't help loosen the tight knot in her stomach.

"Get it together, Serena. You've got a home to save." She appeared in Lady and Tramp's Midwestern town and, upon finding only a plague of demons and shadows skirting around lampposts, gave an annoyed huff. "But first I got to find the guy."

She dropped to the ground and let magic engulf her fist. She slammed it into the concrete and the pulse eradicated the evil beasts roaming the streets. She hastily placed a few magic orbs into the streetlights, enough to keep the people protected.

She was feeling more confident in her abilities. Tracy, creative as always, had shown her only some of the tricks she was capable of. She just had to think outside of the box. And more than anything, she had to do as Mickey said. She had to believe in herself.

Serena appeared at Arthur's castle and immediately recoiled when a black blast shot through the wall of the castle, causing stone to crumble to the ground below. "Found you," she said with narrowed green eyes.

She teleported inside the castle to find Malovent in a stand-off with Merlin. Demons circled around them, snarling and clawing and their red eyes glowing. The old wizard was struggling to remain on his feet, his magic stuttering in his hands. There was a long scratch on one side of his face, blood tinging his long white beard.

"This kingdom will never be yours," rasped Merlin.

He fired a blast but Malovent easily cast the weak attack aside. "Oh, it will. The only challenge would have been you Magic Bearers but it seems you're already defeated."

He snapped his fingers and the demons charged forwards with guttural roars. Serena appeared in front of Merlin, eliciting a shout of surprise from the wizard and cry of outrage from Malovent. She gave a snap of her own and white magic engulfed the demons, rendering them to dust.

Serena raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, but I don't recall being defeated."

She raised her arm and a blast of magic struck Malovent, sending him crashing through the castle wall and outside.

"Serena," Merlin breathed, settling a hand against her arm. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet. I haven't beaten him." She eyed the newly-made hole with wary eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Only my pride is harmed," said Merlin, disappointment in his eyes. "I have failed."

"You haven't failed. You're just scared. Trust me, so am I. But belief is a pretty powerful tool." Her hands lit with pure white magic and Serena flew over to the opening. "It's what keeps the magic going."

Merlin gave a wry smile. "You are wiser than I."

"Not even close," said Serena with a laugh. "Even Mickey had trouble with his magic." A great furious roar sounded and she flinched. "Got to go. I'll handle him, don't worry!"

She teleported outside to see Malovent rising from the rubble. "You little whelp," he growled. "You're interfering with my plans!"

Serena gave a snort. "Hey, it's either me or Odotherex. Though you don't exactly have great chances either way."

A dark magic blast shot towards her and she blocked it with a shield. Malovent flew into the air, his eyes narrowed into slits. "Not going to run away this time?"

"I wasn't running," countered Serena. She stamped her foot and magic ropes shot into the air and circled around Malovent, causing him to howl in pain as the purity singed him. "I had other matters to attend to."

Malovent sent a pulse of dark magic to the ground and Serena was thrown from her feet. Her momentary lack of concentration caused the ropes to disappear and he shot towards her, grabbing her neck. Just as his hand lit with a red aura something struck his back, burning his cloak and flesh.

He reared back with a shout and whipped around. Merlin stood in the gap made in the castle wall, his hands now blazing with magic. "You leave her alone!" he bellowed.

Refusing to tackle two Magic Bearers at once, Malovent took Serena by the arm and teleported them. Serena had a moment to process lush greenery before a fierce pain rocketed through her bones and she was sent sailing towards the ground. A strangled sounded left her lips as her entire body rattled from the impact.

"A helmet," she wheezed, grateful that her head had managed to avoid being cracked open. "Mickey should have ordered a helmet with this armour."

She climbed shakily to her feet and found herself the recipient of over a dozen stares peering at her from the treetops. A claw fell upon her shoulder and Serena sent out another wave of magic, destroying the demons that were fruitlessly scrabbling at the tall, looming tree trunks.

Serena processed that the earthquake had ceased, which meant that Tracy must have found Odotherex. "Okay, at least I don't have to worry about being swallowed by a hole," she muttered.

"Where are you?!"

Malovent's shout sent birds flying from the branches in fear. Serena sorely wished she could join them as she braced her feet and put her hands out to her sides. A massive black wave rolled down from the sky and Serena went to meet it, flinging out her arms. Her magic collided with Malovent's attack and the backlash sent them both tumbling.

But this time Serena didn't strike the ground. A thick arm wrapped around her waist and Serena let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks."

"Are you crazy?" Terk exploded.

"I know, sorry. I'll get him out of here."

"That's not what I meant! You're gonna get yourself killed!"

Serena glanced around her, seeing all the gorillas taking refuge in the trees. Her eyes fell on Tantor clinging to the tree trunk, which bent drastically under his weight, and her brow raised. "How did he—? Never mind." Locking eyes with Tarzan, who was regarding her seriously from the tree branch across from her, she asked, "Everyone okay?"

"Fine. What about you?"

"Is there anything we can do to help?" asked Jane worriedly.

"No, I'm fine."

Another blast rang out and struck one of the trees. A few gorillas were knocked from their perch and Serena quickly aimed her hand towards them. A white glow surrounded the gorillas and she levitated them back to safety.

"Sorry! Leaving now!"

"Wait," called Tarzan, but the girl had already vanished through the canopy of leaves.

There was a great white light and the commotion ceased, leaving only the noises of the inhabitants of the jungle and the low growling of the demons below as they continued to spawn. Just as helplessness began to descend upon him a scroll appeared before him, glittering with magic. He unfurled it and he read the contents with Jane leaning over his shoulder.

"I will gather anyone who is willing to come with us," said Tarzan firmly. "Please send him our answer."

"I will," said Jane, taking the scroll from him.

"What is it?" asked Terk impatiently.

"It's from our king. He wants everyone available and wanting to fight to gather at Disney Castle."

Serena gave an annoyed hiss when she discovered they were now above the waters of Atlantica and near the shores of Eric and Ariel's castle. Her attempt to bring Malovent to an empty location failed. He interfered with her teleportation, using his magic to swing them abruptly to a populated location.

"Will you stop that?" she snapped.

"You'll never be able to defeat me," growled Malovent. "You can't even overcome my simple travelling spell."

Serena ducked a dark magic blast and she scowled. She thrust out her hands and a wave of white light collided with the villain. He cried out in pain and Serena was about to use his moment of weakness to unleash another attack when he sent a hasty magic blast toward the castle.


She teleported in front of the blast and sent out a shield. Vibrations rattled through her body from the impact and the black orb fizzled out of existence. Malovent righted himself, his cloak bearing more scorch marks.

"How do you expect to defeat me when you rush to defend every meaningless life I threaten?"

Footsteps sounded behind her and Serena peeked over her shoulder. Carlotta, Grimsby and Eric's dog, Max, came out onto the balcony to investigate the sudden noise.

"My word!" Grimsby exclaimed.

Serena grit her teeth. "What's the matter? Don't think you can fight me fair and square?"

Malovent gave a cruel laugh. "I don't do fair."

He extended his arms to the side and Serena's eyes widened as dozens and dozens of black spikes formed in the air, aimed directly at her and the castle. Carlotta gave a frightened gasp and Serena said with a slight squeak in her voice, "You should probably take cover inside."

The spikes were unleashed and Serena flung her arms out. A great white sparkly shield extended and enveloped the castle. Serena could feel the strain in her magic, not used to such grandiose spells. She took a sharp breath and focussed, keeping the shield steady as the spikes collided.

It sounded like hail pounding against a windshield. They shattered against the surface of her shield, one after another. Serena took a frantic glance at her shield, heart pounding when she spotted thin cracks forming.

Come on! You're powerful! You incapacitated Ecthros not once but twice! Where's that strength now?

Serena peeked behind her, at Eric's friends huddled together, and rage roared inside her. Malovent was using them as distractions, as nothing more than dust, to try and drain her so he could kill her and then them.

He was willing to kill without a second thought. Just like Ecthros. Just like Odotherex. But there was no remorse or regret. Just sickening glee.

Shawn had lost his life. That was already one too many in this war.

Her green eyes blazed and she thrust her arms out. The shield rocketed forwards and Malovent immediately stopped his attack. Serena teleported right beside him and grabbed his arm. In a second they were above the abandoned town of Duckburg.

"Time to stop running, Malovent. If you want this kingdom you're going to need to kill me."

Malovent's lips twisted into a snarl. "My pleasure."

It took Tracy a little bit longer to find Odotherex.

For once in her life she was acting cautiously. She knew it was critical that once she found Odotherex she made the first move. It was quite possibly the only opportunity she would get to do so.

From all that she heard of Odotherex she doubted she would be able to sneak up on him. With each land she teleported into the tension in her shoulders knotted a little tighter. If the area she checked was quiet she moved on. She needed to find a scene of extraordinary chaos.

She eventually found it in China.

The ground was uneven and split apart and the buildings were now mostly piles of rubble as the earthquake continued to decimate the landscape. Odotherex had the soldiers of Shang's army in a vice-grip of black ropes and shadows were terrorizing the citizens.

Tracy's magic gave a painful twinge and she knew she had arrived in the nick of time. She spun on her heel, pinpointed Ecthros a distance away, and slammed a blast towards him at the same she threw up a shield to block Odotherex's attack.

Ecthros was sent spiralling into a mound of debris. The shadows dissipated and Tracy swung back to face Odotherex, whose outraged expression shifted briefly to his minion. Her magic ropes overtook his and the soldiers were released to the ground, gasping for breath.

Tracy shot into the air as her ropes seeped into the ground, threading through the cracks and with one more great rumble the earth joined back together. Odotherex folded his hands together and regarded the blonde with narrowed eyes.

"You will regret your interference."

Tracy gave a mock-pout. "Aw. You stole my line!"

"Whoa, watch it," warned Yao.

"You do not want to mess with him," said Ling warily.

"He almost killed us," said Chien-Po shakily.

"Relax. I got this," assured Tracy.

Odotherex gave a disbelieving scoff. "Very well. If you wish to die who am I to deny you?"

The magic blast was quick and Tracy barely managed to teleport out of the way in time. Chien-Po dove out of its path and it struck the ground. "Sorry!" Tracy called.

Odotherex attacked again and Tracy flung up a shield. The blast formed cracks in the magic but it held. She flung out her arms and Odotherex flicked his hand and he cancelled out her attack with his own. "I do not know what you think you will accomplish here."

"If you can't figure that out, you're clearly not as smart as everyone says you are."

She raised a hand and used her magic to pull a still-recovering Ecthros out of the rubble. Tracy thrust him at Odotherex and just as he raised his hand to divert his minion away from him Tracy snapped her fingers, transporting the three of them to a field, where not a single living soul was in sight.

"That dude needs to pay attention more," Tracy remarked with a smirk.

Odotherex's hand curled around Ecthros throat. "It is shameful that she's correct."

"I am sorry," rasped Ecthros.

"If you continue to be worthless to me you will be sorry."

Tracy sent out a wave of magic and Odotherex avoided it. He dropped Ecthros to the ground and the young man merged with the shadows. Tracy shot an orb of magic and Odotherex sent out a blast of his own. Tracy guided the orb to swerve around it and Odotherex just managed to destroy it before it struck him.

Odotherex gave an irritated growl and he charged forwards. They collided throughout the air, white and dark magic blasts twisting and swirling. Tracy knew Odotherex would be difficult to battle but she didn't think she would have such a hard time landing an attack.

But she was also proving to be a difficult opponent. Her blue eyes never left him, calculating his movements and making split-second decisions to defend and attack. Anger roared within Odotherex as she continuously evaded him.


Tracy felt the gravity shift and she gasped as she was wrenched downwards to the ground. The second she made contact with the dirt shadows surged forwards and covered her, pinning her to the ground. She tried blasting them away but they reproduced at a rapid rate, keeping her contained.

Odotherex floated above her, his arms outstretched. "The games are over. This kingdom will be mine. Your death will serve to destroy their spirits. No one can defeat me."

"That's pretty arrogant," said Tracy.

A shadow slid over her mouth, preventing her from speaking. As Odotherex attacked, Tracy closed her eyes.


A massive white explosion rocked the area. Shadows curled into wisps and Ecthros was uprooted from his hiding place, flinging through the air with a pained cry. Odotherex was thrust upwards and when he recovered, it was to find the blonde standing on her feet, brushing dirt from the dulled armour that covered most of her body.

"Ecthros!" Odotherex bellowed.

Tracy set her hands on her hips as Ecthros straggled to his feet, agony visible on his face. His skin was burned from her magic. He wasn't close to being as strong as Odotherex and could not withstand the attacks nearly as well.

But though fire seemed to sear through his flesh he summoned his shadows. They grabbed at the blonde and she fell to her knees, her breaths coming out ragged and uneven. A dazzling white light slammed into the shadows and Tracy blinked down at her hands, which were bare.

"That…that wasn't me."

She glanced over her shoulder and her eyes widened as she watched Mickey stride over the hill, followed by a vast army consisting of the inhabitants of the Disney Kingdom. The RLS Legacy soared above and Shang's men came stampeding over the hill along with the others.

"You really need to stop running off!" Jim called down to her with a grin.

Tracy climbed to her feet and teleported over to Mickey. "What are you doing here?" she asked incredulously.

"You never had to fight this battle alone," said Mickey firmly. "I sent out word to anyone who wanted to help fight with you."


Mickey clasped her shoulders. "We got this. We'll handle the shadows. All you have to worry about is him."

Just as the words left his mouth a dark magic attack rocketed towards them and the ground started to shake again. Tracy raised a hand and dispelled his attack while she stamped her foot against the earth. A white glow coated the soil and the earthquake ceased.

"That's really annoying," said Tracy with a scowl.

Odotherex's eyes narrowed into slits. The girl was more powerful than he thought she was, but still not stronger than him. He had thought he had destroyed Mickey's spirit and yet there the infernal creature was, his hands ablaze with magic.

"You and your insufferable determination. It's all for not!"

"So you keep saying," said Tracy with a roll of her eyes. "Get some new material, will you?"

"For the kingdom!" bellowed Mickey.

"For the kingdom!"

The chant rose like a rolling clap of thunder, enhanced by the roars of Simba and his pride. Tracy flew into the air as they charged forwards, swords and magic clashing with the shadows. Odotherex tried to force yet another earthquake, imagining the gaps swallowing the army into nothingness, but the girl's magic held firm and he could not break it.

He met her eyes, which bore no fear, and she asked innocently, "Scared?"

And he knew that those insects below did not matter. All that mattered was this hellion and that she learn to cower before him.


The two focussed on each other, exchanging fire. Tracy found herself being thrown to the ground and bombarded with attacks more and more but she refused to stay down. She kept her distance and didn't use too much excess magic. She couldn't continue to show her true strength to Odotherex, not yet. If she went at full-power frequently he would only kick his up another notch and she wasn't experienced enough to unleash her full magic for long.

He only used the amount of strength necessary.

If he knew that she was holding back on purpose and not because using too much magic at once winded her than that would be it. But if she kept dodging his attacks, kept him occupied, she could distract him until the villains' essences were returned.

But as the minutes passed and her body started to ache and her limbs protested the continuous beating, Tracy knew she could not keep it up for long.


The call rose over the hill like an angel singing from the skies and for the second time that day, another crowd appeared, entirely opposite from the first. Odotherex stilled and watched as Leah waved the empty Purifier, standing next to none other than his archenemy.

"I'm sorry I'm late," said Ted with a smile. "I had one last thing to take care of."

"We got 'em!" said Leah cheerfully.

"The joy you feel is misplaced," said Odotherex with a scoff. "You may have returned their essences but the evil still encompasses this kingdom. And now you have just sealed your fate." Turning to face the villains that had accompanied Ted, he declared, "Whatever tales this boy has woven, it is all lies. Your assistance in my takeover is welcome."

With her chin raised, Maleficent said clearly, "And who are you?"

"I am Lord Odotherex. Your future ruler. You will know no purity or magic and no infernal laws will dictate the success or failure of your actions."

Captain Hook gave a derisive snort. "So long as the kingdom exists we are bound to that infernal rule."

"Once I am in power I will be able to shatter it. My power is unfathomable."

"Really?" drawled Hades. "Looks like you're havin' a hard time takin' down that twerp."

Odotherex's eyes slowly narrowed. "You refuse?"


"If it is because you are under the impression I ordered your incapacitation I assure you that is not the case."

"We are aware," said Scar flatly.

"If this kingdom will fall into any evil hands, it will be ours," declared Maleficent. "Not those of an outsider!"

She raised her scepter and she was surrounded by green magic. Tracy watched as she turned into her dragon form, her mighty fire obliterating a chunk of shadows. As Odotherex stared in mute fury Tracy grinned.

"Huh. That was unexpected."

And at the desolate town of Duckburg, an exhausted Serena looked over to see Peter Pan and Tinker Bell waving at her while Sara gave a mock-salute. As Minnie and the others of the make-shift army battled the demons, Serena looked over at Malovent. He was badly burned, panting heavily, and rage boiled in his eyes.

"You little whelp!" he screamed at Sara. "You traitor!"

The girl's expression immediately turned to terror as a dark magic blast soared towards her. Serena teleported herself in front of Sara and thrust out a shield. "I'm getting really tired of this game," Serena said with a hard breath.

The villains were back. Now in order to restore the balance completely there were two things left to do. Serena thought of her friends, of her home, and everything she cared about that Malovent wanted to take away from her.

As Malovent surged forwards, the air around him crackling with black magic, Serena closed her eyes and raised her hands. Warmth bubbled within her, building like lava in a volcano, and her entire body went numb as magic overtook her. Seeing the magic wrap around her body, Minnie ordered Genie to create a protective barrier around Sara, unsure of how her body was fare to such purity after her tenure in the Dark Lands.

Everyone ducked and shielded their vision as the area was encased with white. Malovent's scream was full of more than just agony—it was unearthly.

The light settled. The black sky was now streaked with a crystal blue. Disney Magic twinkled to life in the air, a mere spark of what it used to be. All that was left of Malovent was a charred piece of cloak.

He was dead.

As she fell towards the ground, her energy spent, Odotherex appeared from a cloud of black smoke and seized her by the throat.