Thanks for all the reviews guys! Here's the next chapter in Kim's POV. Hope you like it:)


"You can do this! Go up and talk to him!" Liv told me, rubbing my shoulders like one of those wrestling coaches, "Just don't do anything weird… or anything that would make him think you're from like another planet or something… or anything that would make him think you're a crazy stalker… or anyth-"

"Okay I get it!" I whisper yelled.

"Good. So basically nothing at all Kimish," Liv said, patting my head.

I snorted, "Well thanks."

"Anytime darling," Liv smiled cheerfully. Well someone's in a peppy mood.

"Shhh!" the librarian hissed. Well someone's not in a peppy mood.

"Sorry!" I whisper yelled at her politely.

Olivia rolled her eyes, "You're such a kiss up."

"Am not!" I protested.

"Oh you totally are!" Olivia exclaimed.

"SHHH!" the librarian hissed again, death glaring us.

"I'm so sorry about her," I apologized, "She just needs to learn the importance of being quiet in the library."

The old librarian's death glare turned into something resembling a smile and her wrinkles didn't look quite as bad, "Well dearie, I'm glad some youngens can fully understand how crucial good library skills are in our society! Well done Barbra!"

"Thanks!" I whispered cheerfully, giving her a big smile.

I turned back to Liv, who was covering her face with a book. I pushed it down so I could see her expression. Turns out she was only using the book as a cover so Mrs. Ingram wouldn't see her laughing. She doubled over in silent laughter and I had to pull her behind a shelf so the librarian wouldn't get angry at us and kick us out. I was on her good side as of right now and I wanted to keep it that way.

"What is so funny?" I whisper yelled, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes.

"You are such a kiss up!" she cried, wiping tears from her eyes.

"I am not," I growled.

"She just doesn't understand the importance of being quiet in the library," Liv mocked.

"Okay I don't sound like that! And why shouldn't I be on Mrs. Ingram's good side huh?" I asked.

"Well, for one thing she called you Barbara."

I was quiet for a minute, trying to think of a good comeback.

"Well… she's old! She probably has a bad memory," I defended.

"Kim, she's like 50. She's really not that old," Liv laughed.

"Shut up," I growled, "Remind me again why we're here?"

Liv huffed in frustration, "Because I needed to give you a pep talk before you went into the lunch room to talk to Jared!"

"Oh yeah," I remembered, "Yeah that's not gonna happen."

"What! Why not?" she whined.

I sighed, "Sweetie, here's how things work between me and Jared. I don't touch, talk, or make eye contact with him. I admire him from afar and that's it. He doesn't know I exist, but it's an established thing between us."

"Now that's pathetic Kim!" Liv said incredulously, "You love him! Why wouldn't you want to talk to him?"

"Simple," I stated, "I'd rather he not know exist then think I'm a stuttering, bumbling, spazzy, moronic, oddball of an idiot."

Liv sighed, "You're not any of those things! Well… you do sorta stutter and you trip over the flood and you're pretty odd oh and- wait! That's not the point! No, you're not any of those things!"

"Well I will be around him! I'll go up to him and stutter for a while, then say something stupid, then make up some excuse to leave. That'll be his only impression of me because I'll be too embarrassed to ever say anything to him again!"

"Why are you thinking so negative?" she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air, "Think of the sad moose story!"

"Oh my god, not that again!"

Okay so one time when Liv and I were in second grade, this lady came to read us some stories. She read us this one story, the only one Liv can remember, where there was a moose who was always thinking bad things were going to happen to him. Like he would be invited to a picnic but not go because he thought it was going to rain. So yeah, he was always expecting bad things to happen, so he missed out on all this fun stuff until one day he was like whatever! And he had a party.

I think a party with a bunch of mooses would suck. I mean, they'll eat some trees, take a shit, and then go home. That's a moose's life for ya. But whenever I tell that to Liv, she says I'm thinking just like the moose and a moose party might be the most rocking thing I've ever been to but I wouldn't know it. I highly doubt that though.

"And then the moose decided that he was-"

"I know how the story goes Olivia, you tell it every other damn day!" I exclaim.

"Well then why aren't you more optimistic? The glass is half full Kim!"

"I know that! I just… Jared makes me so nervous! I just need to figure out how to calm my nerves around him," I told her earnestly.

"Well you got about five seconds to figure that out because he just walked in the library right now."

I whipped around and sure enough, Jared was walking in with one of his buddies. Not one of his old jock buddies. The new one who's always brooding. Pat or something.

"Dude, just talk to her man. Play it cool," I heard Pat or something tell him.

"Aw man I'm so nervous," Jared told him, wiggling his arms and legs. Hoooooottt.

"Crap!" I whispered to Olivia, "We have to find a way out of here!"

"What! Why? They're obviously talking about you! Stop hiding behind this crummy little bookshelf and go out there! Talk to him," she told me. I had to shoosh her like 5 gazillion times cuz her voice kept getting louder and louder. Sometimes she didn't know how to use her inside voice. Me and Mrs. Ingram should really talk to her about that.

"No I'm not ready!" I hissed.

"But they're talking about you!"

"You don't know that! They could be talking about some other girl in the library," I said.

"Yes, because there are so many other girls in the library right now," Liv said sarcastically, gesturing around to the completed deserted library. Well, except for Mrs. Ingram.

"Maybe he has a thing for Mrs. In-"

"Don't you dare even finish that sentence," Olivia said sternly.

"Well you never know!"

"Don't be such a baby Kim," she told me. Wow like I was gonna fall for that one. I watched her walk to the edge of the bookcase and peek around. She nodded a few times and looked like she was mouthing something to someone. What the hell?

I gasped, "You planned this didn't you?!"

"Pshh no," she said, turning to me and looking guilty.

"You talked to Pat about it didn't you!" I accused, putting my hands on my hips.

"Okay first of all, it's Paul," she sighed, "And maybe we did plan it."

"Are you even friends with him?" I asked incredulously.

"Well, we are partners in Biology. But it was his idea! I just agreed," Liv told me, "Besides, Paul said Jared really likes you, too!"

I felt my eyes go wide, "He said that?"

"Yes! So go out there and get him tiger!" and then she pushed me out from behind the bookshelf at the same time Paul pushed Jared towards me. We sort of met in the middle, him towering over me like a tower. … a tower? Really Kim?

We both looked at each other and laughed awkwardly at the same time.

"Hey," he muttered at the same time I muttered, "Hi."

We laughed awkwardly again in this big ball of awkward and scratched the backs of our necks in unison. And then it got really quiet and I could hear Olivia whisper yelling for me to say something.

"Er… you like the library?" I asked, shuffling my feet a little.

"Er… well… do you like the library?" he asked, looking me in the eyes intently.

"It's okay I guess," I muttered.

"Oh yeah. I-I-I think that, too," he nodded.

We both just stood there again. I tried to look anywhere but him while I seemed to be the only thing he could look at. He was burning holes in my skin again with his eyes and it wasn't pleasant, I can tell you that. Unless it's from a ballet instructor, I hate to be too closely analyzed because I get super insecure. I decided to end the conversation before it got any more awkward. So I looked up at him and attempted to smile.

"Well, see you in English I guess."

And then I walked away, right out the door. I went straight into the girl's bathroom, smiling like an idiot as I slid down the wall. Olivia came in ten seconds after me. I know she was yelling at me about something, probably the awkwardness of our conversation. She stood over me, her hands in the air, shaking her head back and forth. But I didn't hear one word that came out of her mouth. I was too busy beaming my ass off at the fact that I'd actually had an actual conversation with Jared! And I didn't throw up!

Olivia may have been yelling at me about what a stupid idiot I was (in a friendly way), but personally, I think we made excellent progress.

Kim and Jared may be the awkwardest couple in the world right now. Haha I wasn't even gonna write them like this when I first started, but then it got pretty hilarious and so I decided to keep it in. Every couple has their awkward beginning stage right?

I uploaded a new story called And She Will Be Loved. It's a Brady/OC imprint story with a twist. Please go check it out and Six Months of Hope, too please!

Thanks and review! :)