I'm still alive, I'm still alive~



Disclaimers: I don't own Vocaloid or any the lyric or anything here except for the idea. And my laptop, I own my laptop.

"So… You were stalking us?"

"Well, kinda… We were actually spying you, not stalking you!" I tried to explain although they don't seem to believe me.

"You do know that spying and stalking is basically the same thing, right?" Len asked looking at me weirdly.

I don't know what to reply so I glance towards Rin to see that she was busy glaring at the other person standing beside Len.

It was a blue hair guy; I think his name was Kaito or something.

"R-rin?" I waved my hand in front of her. "You look like you've seen a ghost?"

"Kaito, what are you doing here?" She asked the blue hair guy sharply ignoring my question.

"Hmm? Me? I just wanted to meet Len, that's all. Can't I meet him or must I ask your permission first?" He replied casually like he hadn't done anything wrong.

"You can meet him anytime you want but tell me this first. Are you dating my twin?"

"WHAT?!" Len and Kaito yelled at the same time face clearly shocked by Rin's statement.


"Of course not, Rin! I already have a girlfriend for God sake." He then opened his phone to show us the picture of his girlfriend. She has a really nice brown hair and was wearing a very bright red dress. "And for your information, we've been dating for about two months now. Why in the world would I cheat on her with Len?"

"Both of you were being really suspicious back then…" Rin muttered quietly.

"When?" He gave us a sceptical look.

"Umm, ah! When you told Len to do something but he doesn't want to because he was scared of me!"

Kaito went quiet for a while then he started to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?!"

"Let me explain." He tried to talk between his laughter. "This is what really happened."


"H-hey, stop." Len pushed the fork away from his mouth.

"But why? Don't you like it?" Kaito chuckled. He then put another piece of the delicious piece of food into his mouth.

"No, I mean y-yes but…"

"But what, Lennie?" Kaito asked, still eating the cake.

"I don't want that now…"

"But I can't wait, Len. It's been ages since we've been together like this. Please?" Kaito was still persistent on making Len eat the cake. He can only visit Len once in a while and it's a rare occasion where he can play with Len without Rin being with him. Sometimes he just wants to have a man to shota talk alone you know?

"B-but what if Rin founds out?" Len just stare at him like he had just killed 10 people. Kaito was eating Rin's orange cake. RIN's orange cake!

"Well, I'll deal with her okay?"

"O-okay then…" Len gave up eventually.

They then took the orange cake and went to eat it upstairs in Len's room for no reason actually.


"And that what really happened. Jeez, Rin. Your imaginations are so weird and ridiculous." Kaito looked at Rin. "Rin? Hello?"

We all looked at Rin. Her face was red and she looks like she was about to explode. Oh no… She opened her mouth and…

"KAITO, YOU SON OF AN ICE-CREAM TRUCK! YOU ATE MY CAKE?! MY ORANGE CAKE?! I'VE BEEN KEEPING THAT CAKE FOR FUTURE USE BUT YOU JUST ATE IT?! I'LL KILL YOU, YOU BAST-" Rin then started to say some incoherent shouting and most of them should be censored…

"Rin, stop! This is a T-rated fic! Stop with your cursing!" Len tried to stop Rin from killing Kaito. Literally. "Kaito will buy you another cake, right Kaito?" Kaito looked terrified from the sudden outburst so he just nods while muttering something inaudible.


"I said I'm sorry and I'll buy you another cake. I'll even buy some oranges for you so don't kill me."

"That's better." Rin smiled like nothing just happened. She then looked at me. "Piko, you should come by later and we can eat the cake together, okay?"

I heard Len and Kaito gasped. I looked at them weirdly and they just shook their head. "Umm, sure. When should I come?"

"When Kaito buys the cake." She then gave a cold glare to Kaito. "I'll call you when the cake is ready." They gasped again. I mouthed them a 'what?' and the just quickly shook their head. This is weird…

"Okay. It's late now and I think I should go. Miki will be worry if I stay here any longer. Bye Rin, bye guys."

"Bye-bye, Piko~" Rin sang.

"Bye, Piko… Nice meeting you." Kaito said weakly.

"Wait, Piko! I need to talk to you about something." Len started to run towards me. "Rin, I'll be home later okay?"

"Len! Don't leave me with her!" Kaito shouted.

"I'm sorry!" Len said while dragging me away from the house.

After we were about 5 meters from the house, he started to talk.

"Piko. Did you know what just happened?"

"Umm, no..? And why did you and Kaito gasped back then?"

"Okay let me explain. First and foremost, you have just witness the effect of eating Rin's orange. So you better not touch her food."


"Next, you know Rin is overprotective over her oranges right? She will only eat them alone. She rarely shares it with other people with the exception of me because I am her cute and lovable twin."


"Exactly. Why did she asked you to eat the cake together?"

"Maybe because she thinks of me as her friend..?"

"No. She never shares her food. Never. Even with her close friends. Even with the cute Gum-" Len suddenly stopped, his face was flushed a little. Oh, I understand now. I then smirked.

"Hmm? Cute who?"

"Nobody, just my cat." He answered quickly.

"Tell me, Len~ Please?" I gave him the most cutest and shota-est face. This will work for sure!

"No." He simply said. I forgot that shota face doesn't work on a shota.

"Fine, then." I walked away.

"Wait, Piko! I forgot to tell you about one more thing!"


"I love you."

"Wait, what?!"

"Nah, just kidding." He then laughed. "Did you and Rin really thought that I was gay?"

"A little bit. I'm sorry for doubting you..?"

"What if I am gay?"

"I guess I'll do nothing but remember, I don't want to be your boyfriend."

"Psh, if I were gay, you would be the last person I'd date."

"Hey! For your information, I'm quite popular among the guys okay?"

"Is that really something to be proud of?"

"I guess not…" We then laughed. "You should go home now, Len. I'm afraid that Kaito would be dead if you leave him with Rin."

"Oh, I forgot about him! Nice talking to you, Piko. Bye!" He then runs toward his house.

"Stupid, Len." I muttered quietly. "Bye!" I yelled.

I then walked slowly to my house. I checked my watch and it was about 10.30 PM! I wonder what my sisters ate for dinner…

"I'm home."

"Piko nii-chan! Where have you been?" Yuki hugged me. "We were all worried sick."

"Piko? You're finally home! Do you know what time is it?" Miki asked me angrily.

I then sighed. "I was at Len's house. Where's Iroha?"

"She's upstairs in her room. I think she was having a karaoke alone or something."

"Hmm, what did you guys ate for dinner?" Yuki then started to cry.

"Miki nee-chan cooked us the weirdest food ever! It was purple and it has some blue streak on it! It tastes like burnt plastic! I needed to go to the bathroom thrice already!" She said between her sobs.

"It wasn't that bad!"

"Did you try eating it, Miki?"

She then stayed silence for a while. "Actually… No." She answered sheepishly.

"So what did you eat?" I looked at her questionably.

"I'm on a diet."

I then sighed again. "You guys go and wait at the table, I'll cook you something really quickly."


I walked towards the kitchen and open the fridge. We have some egg, bacon, and some donuts..? Wait, there was some leftover pizza, why didn't Miki just heated this up?

"Miki! Why didn't you heated up the pizza for dinner?"

"We had pizza?!"

"Didn't you open the fridge?"

"I didn't notice it I guess…"

"You guys are hopeless."

I then heated up the pizza and quickly serve it to them. "I'm going to my room. Goodnight guys. Wash the dishes after you all finish eating."

As I was heading to my room, I can hear Iroha singing something.

'Heyyyyyyy, sexy ladyyyyyyyyyyy~!"

Okay, that was awkward…

Hello again :D

I just realised that I haven't update this fic for about a month therefore I'm sorry Dx


Do you guys have a Twitter? xD

Follow me peeps, but I mainly spazz on KPOP there so beware 8)

"FikaBANA_" *I forgot that I can't put the link -.-*

AND for the Len pairing thing... Idk how to write Gumo/Gumiya. Idk his personality ; ~:

Help me XD

Thanks for reading all my random ranting and if you review Piko will crossdress again 8D

Piko : Say what?! No!

Or even better, Len and Mikuo will join him~

Len & Mikuo : Hell no!

Hushh. Bye-byee awesome peoples who are reading this~