Hi Guys! This my first story ever so I'm sorry if I'm using wrong! So I hope you enjoy this story. If you have an comments, suggestions, or question please review! Thanks so much! DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN GLEE :(, I wish but sadly no. So without any further a do, onto the story!

She knew she couldn't put this off any longer. She had been lying there for twenty minutes. No matter how long she put this off it wasn't going away. This person, this wasn't Rachel. Rachel wouldn't be nervous about this, the only thing that should make her this nervous is if she was going to or not going to get the solo in glee club. Rachel was to focused on her dreams to ever let something like this happen. But this person is Rachel and this was happening and no matter how hard she tried to ignore it.

She had run into her room after school and glee club. That two had been, to say the least, a blur. She couldn't focus at all and anyone could hear the notes she sang were only half-hearted. Her boyfriend, Jesse, had asked her about her lack luster attitude in rehearsal but she had replied saying that she was tired and then declined his offer to take her out to dinner and instead was happily surprised by her dads who had decided to take her out to dinner afterwards and then her favorite vegan bakery and then, because it was a Monday, out to a movie. Her fathers were firm supporters in the fact that Mondays always needed a bit of brightening up. Of course the fact that a hot actor that her dad, Leroy, liked might have had a bit to do with it. Anyway by now it was 10:30. She had thrown her bag on the floor and flopped onto the bed. She hair laid there until she couldn't put it off any longer. She finally decided to suck it up and be brave.

She grabbed her bag and fumbled with it for a few seconds before snatching what she had been looking for. The item she had cleverly snatched from the nurse's office when the elderly nurse was turned around. She ripped open the white box and pulled out the white stick inside of it. This small piece of plastic would change her life forever.

She stood up and walked into the bathroom and closed the door as quietly as she possibley could. One of the best parts of being an only child in her opinion was her very spacious bedroom. She was able to have a nice bed, an excersize area, a changing space, and mirror for practicing for when she was on Broadway or receiving an award as well as a pretty nice bathroom.

She read the instructions on the box and she was about to do it, really she was, but she couldn't. She knew she would have to eventually but something wasn't right. Something felt wrong. She thought for just a minute before figuring it out; when she got the answer she wasn't even going to be able to tell anyone, she would have to keep it inside. This wasn't how it went in movies and Rachel much prefered the way it happened in movies. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her cell phone and called the first person she could think of. That's what happened in movies, they called someone at random and then that person became even closer with the caller. Rachel, however, didn't like making rash decisions and instead carefully thought through who she would call; the person who would be there when her life would possibly be changed forever.

Kurt was to close with Finn, not that that would usually be a problem but considering... she would much prefer someone who wasn't to comfy with Finn. Kurt would never just tell Finn but it was quite obvious that the boy had a crush on Finn. Or at least he did. Mercedes… blabbermouth. Tina to easy to get information out of. Not that she held her against it but the girl was painfully shy and would probably be easy interrogate. She can't let anyone find out her secret. Santana? No. Brittany… no… She likes Brittany but Brittany is to close with Santana and Santana finding out would be disaterous. Plus, Brittany meant well but wasn't always the smartest tool in the shed and wouldn't be all of that consoling.

She sat on her bed not wanting to do the obvious choice that, depending on how you look at it, could also be the strangest choice. Her last choice. Throwing her pride a side she dialed an unfamiliar number yet one she, ironically, had always dreamed of calling.

"Quinn?" Rachel whispered quietly. Quinn and Rachel weren't friends. No one could call them that. But they weren't enemies anymore. Ever since Sectionals and Rachel had told Finn about Quinn's baby daddy secret there had been a silent agreement between them, they were teammates, nothing more nothing less.

"Rachel" Quinn growled into the receiver. By now it was 11, which wasn't too late for Quinn on the average day but the last couple of months had not been average. Quinn was seven (almost eight) months pregnant and had finally fallen asleep when Rachel had called. She had been surprised, shocked really, to see Rachel's name on the caller ID. She would never tell anyone but Rachel's number was in her contacts and she had more than once thought about calling that number. There was something about Rachel that she liked. Well, liked wasn't exactly the right word, Rachel more like fascinated her. She had always had a strange feeling about her, one she had always put off as hatred. But lately she wasn't so sure that's what it was.

"Quinn, will you… could you… Can you please come over?" Rachel pleaded. Quinn was taken aback. She had never been to the Berry residence before and she was sure someone else could just deal with Rachel's crazy, maybe Jesse or even Finn. But there was something about Rachel's desperate voice made her not snap at the Drama Queen like she usually did but try to let her down gently.

"Rachel..." Quinn was all she said. While it hurt her to let her down, Quinn heard the desperate tone of Rachel's voice, but her and Rachel were hardly friends and she was tired and hadn't been sleeping well lately.

"Please Quinn..." She practically begged. She didn't really consciously understand why she needed Quinn so badly but it was as if something inside of her was telling her she needed Quinn here. In her need for Quinn she felt desperate. She needed to tell her, she needed to say something to convince Quinn to come over. So she let the secret she had been keeping in for two weeks slip "I think I might be pregnant." Quinn gasped.

This couldn't be happening. Not to Rachel. To determined, gifted, smart, Rachel. She would never want what had happened to her to happen to anyone, including, maybe even especially, Rachel. It felt like something had fallen on her, like the terrible news was bricks and they just fell on her shoulder. Quinn knew she felt much to upset about this, maybe it was hormones, or maybe it was the fact that she really did care about Rachel more than she would admit.

"Rachel... I thought you knew better."

"You're one to talk..." Rachel muttered in return before biting her tongue and feeling guilty. She had never been good at thinking first and talking second.

"Whatever. Why do you think you're pregnant anyway? I thought you were still a virgin." Quinn questioned

"I'm… I'm not a virgin." Rachel whispered. Now it was Quinn's turn to feel bad. She shouldn't have assumed. She just thought after what Rachel had said to all the girls before glee club about Jesse that she was and that wasn't fair.

"I'm sorry… I shouldn't have…"

"No, it's okay. It's just my periods late, I haven't been feeling great, and please, please just come over!" Rachel begged into the phone. Quinn softened.

"Okay Rachel, have you even taken a pregnancy test? It's the only way to know for sure."

"No that's why I need you to come over. I just, I can't be alone."

"Fine, I'll come-"

"Oh thank you Quinn thank you thank you!"

"Yes Berry, You're welcome. Do you mind if I tell Puck?" Quinn rolled her eyes at herself. Why she was doing this, she would never know.

"What? Why would you tell Puck?" Rachel stammered out clearly taken surprised by the blonde's request.

"Because, I happen to be living with Puck at the moment."

"No Quinn, Please! You can't tell Puck! Please just sneak out!" Rachel whined. She was about to put on some fake tears when she realized that would seem stupid and young and she didn't want Quinn to think of her like that.

"Alright, but only because you sound desperate, I'll be right over." Quinn sighed. She hung up her phone, threw on a dress and put up her cheerio's ponytail, something she hadn't worn in quite a while, as well as shoes and a small cardigan and snuck (well as sneaky she could be when her stomach felt like a blimp) downstairs and hopped into Puck's truck.

Rachel was tense. Her hands were sweating and she kept checking the door to make sure her dads weren't awake. Finally she saw the iconic figure of Puck's "Lady Pleaser" truck and she leapt up from her perch at the window. She tiptoe ran to the front door and greeted Quinn with a big huge. Quinn was a bit taken aback by this form of affection but she couldn't deny that she enjoyed the hug just a little bit. When she pulled away, Rachel thanked her in a very enthusiastic whisper.

"I can't thank you enough Quinn. This means the world to me."

"Your welcome, Rach. Don't you have a stick to pee on?" Quinn hissed back. But neither Quinn nor Rachel could ignore the fact that this time Quinn used a nickname that was actually not offensive for Rachel. Not RuPaul, or Manhands, or even Berry, but Rach, a name that seemed almost affectionate. However this wasn't enough to lift Rachel's spirits so glumly she nodded.

"Well get on with it." Quinn commanded as HBIC-y as she could muster as she followed Rachel into her friend's very pink room. It was very pink. She felt as if she just walked into her old Barbie's dream house. She sat herself on the pink bed and instinctivly laid her hand on her stomach. Rachel walked right into her bathroom and picked up the pregnancy test from on top of her phone.

Quinn sat outside quietly but in her head was nothing but screams. She knew Rachel was annoying and bossy but she also knew Rachel was intellegent and Rachel was safe and Quinn could not believe perfect little Rachel was pregnant. It had to be a mistake. Then she pictured Rachel with her own current body. She felt a guilty stab of happiness at this before remembering that she no longer was jealous of Rachel. She had Puck and she loved Puck, there was no reason to put Finn in the picture. She had never really loved Finn, not really. Honestly, she wouldn't have cared if Finn had moved on to another girl but she had never liked the idea of Finn with Rachel, she just couldn't explain it.

Rachel's phone buzzed indicating the time needed for the test to formulate results was over. One deep breathe and Rachel picked it up and looked down. She blinked but there it was. Her heart sunk at the site of that those stupid little lines. Not one line but two. Those two lives would change her life forever. Those two little lines meant she, Rachel Berry was pregnant. She pulled the door open and Quinn stood up expectantly.

"Quinn..." Rachel stammered, tears falling from her face. Without saying it Quinn knew the results. She walked quickly over to Rachel and hugged her tightly trying to silently convey everything she couldn't put into words.

"Rach..." Quinn whispered in her ear as she held her tightly. Rachel pulled away gently and sat on the bed.

"What am I going to do?" She asked looking into Quinn's eyes as if those beautiful hazel eyes contained all of the answers.

"Rachel, this sucks. I know, like seriously I know. But your life isn't over." Rachel broke her gaze into Quinn's eyes and her eyes trailed down to where Quinn's baby bump was. She knew then that she had made the right choice in calling Quinn. She couldn't think of anything to say. There was no words strong enough to thank Quinn so she just looked right into those gorgeous eyes. And in that moment Quinn knew what she was saying.

"Please don't tell."

"I won't! You know I won't. But you also know that they will find out one day."

"Yes I know. But just not today... Or tomorrow. Or any time soon." Rachel said looking at the ground. She was ashamed of herself. She should be able to trust the people she loved. But for some reason she just couldn't trust anyone but Quinn yet. Quinn had some sort of safety about her that the others didn't.

Quinn didn't know what to say. She knew what she wanted to ask but she didn't. She held tight and started rubbing her stomach unintentionally. Rachel noticed and her eyes fell downward once again. Quinn stopped. She needed to say something.

"Of all the glee girls who would have expected US to be the pregnant ones. I was sure Santana or Britt would be pregnant before me." Quinn said with a false cheery tone and an even more fake smile.


"I know."

The two sat in silence for a while. Rachel looked at her hands and Quinn looked at a small chip in the paint on the wall. Rachel stood up and announced she was thirsty. Quinn stood too and followed her to the kitchen.

As Rachel was filling up a mug with little gold stars on it Quinn looked at the clock on the oven. 12:30. Quinn walked up to Rachel and told her she really needed to get going but to call her if she needed anything, but her cell not Pucks landline as not to wake up Puck or his annoying mother. Rachel nodded. Quinn waked to the door and was about to leave when Rachel stopped her.

"Quinn I know we're not great friends but, thank you so much for coming over."

"No problem Rachel. I know how heard this must be for you. Like actually, I know."

Rachel gave the faintest trace of a smile, the first one since she found out she was pregnant. Quinn was literally out the door when it burst out. The question she had been holding in.

"Rachel, who's the father?"

Rachel looked at her shoes once more and felt her face turn red with shame.

"I don't know."