Two months later.

Zayn shuffled around the store floor, following his mother who was weaving in and out of the displays and occasionally stopping to point out garishly coloured ties in an attempt to match them with his suit. It was a week till Liam's college prom and Zayn had gladly accepted Liam's invitation to join him as his date, but the need to buy a suit had totally skipped his mind until a few days ago, when his mother questioned what he would be wearing. Usually these events were strictly college students only but as attendance was expected to be lower than usual the college had made allowance for 'plus-ones', on the condition that they were of a similar age group, and that all responsibility for their actions lay with the student that invited them. Of course Zayn would never do anything to cause trouble for Liam, but the fact that he trusted him made him feel good.

"How about this one?" his mom asked, lightly gripping a dark red tie. Zayn nodded in approval and they moved towards the store owner to pay for the tie.

"Is this for prom?" the store owner, a pleasant looking woman in her 50's, asked.

"Yep," Zayn smiled in return.

"Well an attractive young man like yourself must have a date, hmm?"

"Yeah, I guess I do," he answered, blushing slightly.

"Who's the lucky girl? Someone from school?"


"Well actually-" his mom began.

"-my boyfriend will be accompanying me," Zayn interrupted.

The store owner appeared slightly taken aback before quickly flashing a smile and folding the tie up.

"I hope you two have a wonderful time," she said, placing it into a small carrier bag and handing it over to Zayn in exchange for his money.

"Thanks," he said, flashing a grin before taking the bag and waving goodbye. They made their way down the stairs and out of the store. The air was hot and humid, the blaze of the summer sun made bearable only by a cool gentle breeze that appeared every once in a while. Zayn had arranged to meet Liam in the afternoon to go for something to eat, but all he wanted to do was get home and shower; sweat was already beginning to form on his back from walking all day in the heat and being with him would only make him hotter. He browsed a few more shops with his mother before it was time for him to meet Liam.

"I'm gonna head off now," Zayn proclaimed, "Do you need a lift home?"

"Okay then, no I'll get a taxi, I still have some things I need to do here, then I'm going to meet your nan for a drink, I'll be home in time for dinner."

"Alright mom, see you later." He waved goodbye and then pulled out his phone, dialling Liam's number. The tone rang for a short while before the familiar sound of his boyfriend's voice came down the speaker.

"Hey Zayn," Liam greeted.

"Hey Li, do you mind if we skip eating and go back to mine? I'm sweaty and I need to shower."

"Lovely," he rolled his eyes jokingly, "yeah that's fine with me."

"You love it really."

"I guess... so what time should I come round?"

"I'll pick you up in about half an hour"

"Okay, see you then."

Zayn followed his usual routine and parked up around the corner to wait for Liam, who had once again made an excuse to leave the house. He sent a text announcing his arrival and waited patiently for his boyfriend to appear. A few minutes of checking twitter on his phone passed when he heard a knock on his side window. He looked up to the familiar face and reached across to unlock the door. The boy slid in and closed the car door behind him.

"Hey," Liam greeted. He began to speak again but Zayn cut him off, placing a finger to his mouth to keep him quiet.

"I have something for you." He reached around the back seat and felt around, pulling out a flower wrapped in decorative paper, and presented it to Liam. A note with printed hearts on the back was attached with a ribbon. He turned it over, careful not to crease it, and read the message.

For my boyfriend, I love you x

"Thankyou, it's wonderful," Liam beamed, "no one's ever bought me a rose before."

"Careful, I pricked myself on the thorns god knows how many times wrapping it."

Liam giggled and reached over to place a small kiss on his cheek, wanting more but willing to wait a little while. He took a moment to appreciate the blood-red shade of the petals, inhaling the fragrance and enjoying the kind gesture.

"You're so lovely," Liam proclaimed, the adoration in his voice apparent.

Zayn flashed a smile and started the engine.

They walked inside and Zayn quickly removed his shirt, relishing the freedom from the tight material. He threw the garment onto the sofa and walked towards the stairs when a hand grabbed his and yanked him backwards. Liam pushed him against the door and thrust his mouth onto Zayn's, giving him no choice but to reciprocate the kiss that was being forced upon him. Zayn recovered from the initial shock and sank into the other boys lips, bring his hand up to caress his hair and pull him closer into the kiss. He wrapped his other hand around his waist, bringing their bodies together and initiating a slow grind into each other. Liam broke off to let out a small moan when Zayn interrupted.

"Someone's eager..." he smirked, enjoying the experience of being dominated for once.

"It's been two weeks, excuse me for being a little impatient..." Liam replied, before pushing his mouth back onto the others, extending his tongue asking for permission to enter. Zayn opened his mouth slightly, allowing Liam's tongue to venture inside, the slippery feeling unusual but exciting as always. Liam's hand slowly moved downwards from around his neck, placing it firmly onto his crotch and rubbing his palm across it, causing him to let out a moan from the friction. Zayn gently grabbed hold of his hand and pulled it away in protest.

"I need to shower."

"Okay..." Liam sighed, the frustration at breaking apart clear in his voice.

"Come with me."

Liam grinned.

Zayn turned the nob and watched the water to begin to flow, using his hand to test if it was hot enough. After a few seconds he stepped inside the glass cubicle and turned around, ushering Liam to join him. The boy stepped inside and watched as Zayn let the water soak him, his fringe becoming plastered to his forehead. He tried to hide his growing erection but gave up when he noticed his boyfriend was equally excited. Zayn removed the shower head from it's holder and started to wash him down, letting the flow of water linger a little longer over his groin, getting him worked up. Liam simply stood there, arms folded for the duration, not knowing what to do with himself.

"You're so awkward," Zayn grinned.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I've never showered with anyone else before," Liam replied, feeling a little embarrassed. Zayn smiled, finding his reaction amusing.

"You could win an award for awkwardness," he laughed, placing the shower head back into it's holder. He moved his hand up to Liam's cheek and stroked it lightly, taking a moment to soak in his golden brown eyes. He wanted so badly to show him how much he appreciated him.

"Turn around," he commanded. Liam obliged and rotated his body, facing the wall. Zayn pressed his palm against the curve in his spine, arching his back and pushing his rear further out. He placed both hands on Liam's cheeks and pushed them apart slightly, resting his hard-on in between, slowly grinding while placing kisses on his neck. Both boys let moans of anticipation for what was to come escape their lips.

"I think I want you to fuck me..." Liam whispered, biting his lower lip.

I apologise for taking so long to update. I've experienced a lot over the past year. I moved away from home. I started university. I met someone and fell in love. Then he left. A lot of what we experienced together gave me the inspiration I needed to continue with this. I'm unsure whether he will come back to me or not. Until then I'll continue to write. Part two of this chapter will be up soon.

If anyone would like to follow me, my personal tumblr is 'prayforbritney' and my twitter is 'xxxibdan'.