A/N I know I have a lot of stuff I'm supposed to update, but I couldn't help myself. I promise to update them soon, hopefully. The background for this story: Sasuke joins the Akatsuki to get his revenge on Konoha. Towards the end of the war it is revealed the council is working for Madara and Sasuke returns to Konoha believing he gave the order to kill the Uchiha clan. He explains this to the Hokage and it is decided to let him rejoin the village, after he serves his punishment of course. I know that would take at least a year, but I want them to still be around 17. Enjoy, and please tell me if it's worth continuing?

The Evil Genius of Itachi

Sasuke's day was going remarkably well; which was a rare thing for him. He had somehow managed to drag Naruto somewhere besides Icharikku's for lunch and 'train' with Kaikashi. (He really wasn't supposed to take part in 'ninja-like' activities due to his probation. Though it was amazing how often that could be overlooked when there were not enough genin to plant potatoes.) Now he was being called to the Hokage's office. It could be bad, he supposed, but Sasuke had a feeling she would tell him his probation had been served. 'It's about time too,' he thought irately. Sure, he'd abandoned the village, left Sakura on a park bench, almost killed Naruto multiple times, and declared the former council as his greatest enemies that had to be killed. But making him live with Naruto and plant potatoes for the rest of his life was cruel and unusual torture worthy of Orchimaru. Besides, he'd come back of his own free will once he had learned the council was working for Madara all along. It still stunned him the man who had told him the truth about his brother had really been the man behind the massacre. It was only then Sasuke had truly understood the driving force behind all his brother's actions.

"What's wrong, teme? Sacred of the Hokage?" Naruto's voice brought him back to Konoha.

Sasuke gave the blonde a withering look. "Of course not, Dobe."

"I think you are," Naruto gloated in that annoying sing-song tone. "You had that look on your face you get when-" he broke off when the Uchiha turned on him, sharingan activated.

"When what, Dobe?" he growled fiercely.

Out of the corner of his eye Sasuke saw pink hair run up to them and suddenly stop. "Sasuke…Naruto…?" Sakura asked anxiously. Sasuke ignored her; he was searching Naruto's eyes. He had over-reacted again, he knew it. But experience had taught him never to back down, no matter how wrong he was. The far away voice of logic told him that if he fought Naruto it would ruin his chances of getting off probation anytime soon.

Suddenly understanding of the situation dawned in Naruto's eyes and the idiot grinned. "Oi, teme, we better get going. She gets angry when people are late, and even I'm scarred of her when she's angry." Naruto bounced down the street in his normally energetic way. It absolutely disgusted Sasuke.

"Sasuke," Sakura's guarded voice cut into his thoughts. "What was that about?" He regarded her briefly and decided to reply after all. "Nothing." Sasuke started after the blonde ball of energy. Sakura fell into step beside him. He ignored her presence, but still it annoyed him. He could not think of a decent reason for her to walk beside him. He was sure his audience with the Hokage was private; at least it should be. His probation status was none of her concern. Perhaps the infernal woman had a mission in mind for them. She better have. He supposed that if a mission was involved he could tolerate Sakura walking beside him as long as she was silent.

The door to the Hokage's office was thrown open and agitated voices flowed out. "Naruto!" Tsunade snapped, "I think I would know if I summoned you or not!"

"At least tell me if Teme's off probation!"

The Hokage sighed. "Yes, he is."

"Then Team Seven can go on missions again! BELIEVE IT!" Naruto bellowed.

The blonde woman was already shaking her head. "No, I did not say that. I'm afraid Team Seven will not have a mission together for quiet some time…if you ever do."

Sasuke carefully hide his surprise from her; it would give her too much satisfaction. However, he couldn't stop his left eye from twitching in annoyance. She was denying him the right to be on his old team? Not that he would miss them, all three of them were a burden and he had surpassed them all long ago. She was only trying to humiliate him, probably some idea of making him retake all ninja training again. The thought made his blood boil.

"Shishou…" Sakura said quietly. She was pleading for him. That was unexpected. Of course the dobe would, but Sakura gave more credit to his case. She was, after all, the Hokage's apprentice.

"But Baa-chan!" Naruto bellowed, "Teme has to be on our team! HE JUST HAS TO BE!"

Tsunade sighed and rubbed her temples. "I will discuss Sasuke's placement on a shinobi team with you later. Right now I am talking with Sasuke."



Sasuke watched as Sakura began dragging a still protesting Naruto toward the door. The Hokage seemed to make a snap decision then. "Shizune will show him the way out. I want you to stay, Sakura."

"Why does she get to stay?" Naruto whined. Suddenly a smug look formed on his face. "Is this about them? Are they togeth-" Shizune slammed the door shut.

Sasuke wasn't sorry. During his probation he had developed a constant headache because of Naruto. He turned back to the Sanin, his expression demanding her to get to the point.

She sighed and reluctantly began. "We found another part of Itachi's deal with the former council." His eye twitched. The woman continued, "It seems he was concerned about the…" She paused and Sasuke growled. "Look Uchiha," she snapped. "I'm not enjoying this."

"Then hurry up and stop wasting my time."

She stood abruptly. The whole building shook. It was obvious she had been drinking. "Why you ungrateful brat! How dare you cop an attitude with me! Do you think I want to tell my student she has to get married?" Her eyes widened and she slapped a hand to her mouth.

Sakura gasped. "What are you saying?" In her shock the pinkette forgot to be formal. Nobody cared.

"Spit it out," he demanded turning back to the blonde woman. In his gut he knew where this was going, but he wanted it clearly out in the open. Tsunade's eyes narrowed at his rudeness, but she handed him a scroll wordlessly. Sasuke scanned the contents, growing angrier by the second. Itachi was dead, the council was dead. There was no way they could enforce this. He would make sure of it. He glanced at Sakura. She still hadn't worked it out yet. Or maybe she was just that innocent. Either way he didn't care. He met the Hokage's eyes in a challenge. "No."

She sighed and massaged her temples again. "I'm afraid the two of you do not have a choice. There is nothing I or anyone else can do to make this void. I'm sorry." No she wasn't. There was no way she could be truly sorry about this. If she was she would stop it from happening. The ruse didn't fool Sasuke. He knew first hand the power the Hokage wielded. She was stressed, troubled, frustrated, maybe even angry, but she was not sorry. His grip on the roll of paper turned into a chokehold.

"What, exactly, do we have no choice in?" Sakura asked timidly. He could tell she didn't want to hear the answer. Sasuke stoically handed her the scroll. She looked up with a horrified expression. " 'To assure the survival of the Uchiha Clan, Uchiha Sasuke shall be married as soon as he is of age to his female teammate!' " She cried. "Surely, this is just a sick joke?" she pleaded.

"No, I'm afraid it isn't. That is the Third's signature, and I'm sure Sasuke will vouch for Itachi's?"

He scowled, but could not dispute it. "It is."

"Then I'm afraid it's official."

"But why me? Why not his other teammate? He chose her," Sakura was grasping at straws now. He couldn't really blame her, but there was no way he was marring Karin.

"Because I still don't trust her. But besides that, we both- all, actually," Tsunade pointedly looked at Sasuke, "know that you would make the best wife for him. Also, he tolerates you, which is important, and more than even his other teammate gets. My hands are tied, Sakura. If it will help, think of this as something you are doing to keep Konoha safe in the future." Sasuke seriously doubted it was going to help. "Now if one of you would read the fine print below the signatures?"

Sasuke turned to Sakura expectantly. Her hand was trembling and she shook her head. "I- I can't."

Sasuke took it from her and read, "One year without missions will be provided for the production of the required heir to the Uchiha Clan." Sasuke's insides clinched and boiled; but he managed to keep his voice monotone.

"W-when?" Sakura's choked voice interrupted the tense silence.

"The child must be born within a year."

Sasuke noticed her blush, but she managed to rephrase her statement. "No, I was asking about the wedding."

"Oh," the Hokage smiled, "Your only stipulation is that you must be married within six weeks. Other than that it's up to you. So are the preparations and invitations. After all, this is your wedding. It's the only one you get though, so plan accordingly," she lectured.

Sasuke tuned her out. He really didn't care about the wedding. It would be prudent to sit in on the planning though; that crazy best friend of Sakura's would try to ruin his wedding and excluding her would be impossible.

"However," Sasuke tuned back into the conversation then, "I would caution you to keep this relatively quiet. Since your...fiancé-" that word in reference to himself made his stomach churn, "-is the last Uchiha there will be those like Madara who will be interested in controlling any new sharigan users. Until your children can defend themselves, it will be up to the two of you to protect him. Secrecy will help the most, I would think."

Sakura nodded slowly. She was still in shock. Sasuke almost felt sorry for her, except he was the one she had to marry.

The Hokage was also studying her student with concern. "In know this has been a lot to take in. Sakura, go home and get some sleep. I know you're tired from your hospital shift. Sasuke, she is now your responsibility. You are her bodyguard. If anything happens to her I will personally hunt you down. Is that clear?"

He nodded. This was going to be a long year and it hadn't officially started yet.

"Good. Now take your fiancée home." He turned to do as the Hokage ordered. "Oh, and Sasuke?" he paused. "I expect you to step up and explain this to her parents."

He scowled. There was no way he was doing that.