DISCLAIMER: It's ridiculous the little that I own for this story. It basically boils down to the bad grammar. That's MINE AND YOU CAN'T TAKE IT FROM ME. Everything else belong to someone else.


based on "The Full House" between Ch 18 and 19

7. More like guidelines...

John walked upstairs of 221B, slowly flipping through mail that hadn't been picked up in a couple of days, amazed that in this age of technology people still took the time and money to send handwritten fanmail now that Sherlock had "come back to life."

He walked into the sitting room, intending to add the newest mail to the stack skewered on the mantel that he would eventually have to sort through. He blinked for a minute at the sight of Molly Hooper standing facing the bookcase wearing Sherlock's blue dressing gown, hair loose around her shoulders. It was something he hadn't expected to begin getting used to.

"Hello, Molly."

She turned around and smiled at him. "Oh, John, hullo!"

John dropped the mail on the table and slipped off his coat. "Where's Sherlock?"

Molly scrunched her nose. "I don't know, actually. He went out about an hour ago." She lifted up her hands so he could see the books held in them. "I'm trying to find a place for these here, somewhere. I hadn't gotten around to completely unpacking from the move, so I had a box or two of little things left."

John nodded and walked into the kitchen, noting a box that Molly had managed place on the corner of the table beside Sherlock's latest experiments. A lightly colored piece of paper with what looked like several types of handwriting (including Sherlock's) caught his attention. Just below the daisies in what he assumed to be Molly's handwriting, he saw 'Hooper House Rules'.



"What is this?" John had picked up the paper, holding up for Molly to see. She blushed slightly, and John could almost call her laughter nervous.

"Oh, that's nothing, really, just...something that needed to be done," she told him, turning back to look at the bookshelf.

"'Clothing at all times', 'No five patch problems', violin playing limits, 'showers for individuals'?" John shook his head and let out a small chuckle. "Molly, did you put up rules at your flat?"

Molly looked back him and shrugged a bit. "John, I had both Sherlock and Irene in my one-bedroom flat. I absolutely needed rules or else I was sure that I would go absolutely mad."

"So you mean that these were actually...followed? By Sherlock? And Irene?" John asked, astonished, re-reading the list. "You're telling me that they BOTH followed rule number eight? Willingly?"

Molly smiled sheepishly. "Well, both Sherlock and Irene did set some rules as well, so that made it easier to get them to agree. We had them on the fridge," She paused, color rising to her cheeks a bit. "But you know, towards the end, they really more like guidelines anyway."

John laughed and shook his head, staring at the piece of paper incredulously. "Do you mind if I keep this?"

Molly blinked a bit in surprise. "Umm..sure, I guess. Don't really need them now, do we? Why would you want them?"

"I just..." John shook his head and laughed again. "Molly, I really do think you might be a bit magic. And its nice to have proof."


Welp, there you have it kids! I'm actually embarrassed that this took me so long to finish. The Full House ended (with 50 chapters!) ages ago and this was supposed to be a quick little interlude.

I want to thank all of you that have been reading this story, that have reviewed, that have added to favorites and watch tags. It really means the world to me, you even don't understand.

I want to take this opportunity to give the BIGGEST thanks to Emcee Frodis, who through the course of this has not only been lovely and gracious and the best beta reader but I am glad to say that she's really become my friend, the Sherlock to my Watson, the Moffat to my Gatiss. She has also interwoven my crazy and bizarre ideas into her own stories (now that this is complete, I wonder if you guys have caught on) and indulged me quite a lot. I wanted to give something back to you, darling. Thank you so much.

For those of you who may not be aware, I also draw. You can find me on tumblr as (artbylexie) and (theconsultingenabler) and if you check out The Full House on AO3, you'll see the illustrations that I've been making chapter by chapter for that fic (I haven't finished quite yet, but SOON!).

Thank you all again.

