
NCIS Special Agent Caitlin(Kate) Todd looked at her partner Special Agent Anthony(Tony) Dinozzo from across her desk as he took his shoes and socks off and put his bare feet on his desk and sighed with his hands behind his head.

"Really Tony? Really? Nobody wants to see or smell your feet." Tony stared at her.

"Kate, we just worked for how many hours straight. They are killing me. Want to rub them?"

She gave him a look.

"Forget it. I would rather perform an autopsy with Ducky."

Tony gave a fake laugh as their boss Leroy Jethro Gibbs rounded the corner.

"Dinozzo, if you know what is good for you you'll put those shoes and socks back on."

Tony got a serious look on his face and hurriedly put his shoes and socks on.

"Wont happen again boss." Gibbs looked at him as he gathered his jacket and was getting ready to go home. He looked at his two agents.

"I'm calling it a night. You had a long day you two. Go home and come back tomorrow."

He walked towards the elevator as Tony and Kate gathered their things. As they were about to leave, Kates cell rang. She answered it.

"Kate Todd. Mom….Mom…calm down….whats wrong?" Tony looked at her with concern. Kate dropped her stuff in shock and began to scream.

"NO! NO! NOT MY SISTER! NOT RACHEL!" Tony dropped his stuff on his desk and ran over to Kate as she hung up the phone in shock; the tears streaming down her face. Tony gently grabbed her arms.

"Kate…Kate what is it whats wrong?" She looked at him dazed.

"Rachel…my sister….was killed…in a car accident. Oh God…..Oh God no not my sister." She burst into tears and Tony held her to him; her head on his chest. He ran his fingers through her hair and spoke.

"Oh my God. Kate I'm so sorry. I know you two were close. I'm sorry." He kissed the top of her head and she looked up. He gently wiped her tears away as she grabbed her things.

"I need to go home and pack. I need to get to Indiana as soon as possible. I need to book a plane ticket…and get organized…and…." She didn't get to finish as she dropped her purse and everything spilled all over the floor. She cursed and wanted to scream and Tony held her again.

"Kate you are in no position to drive. Here is what we are going to do. I am going to help you clean up, and then I am taking you home where I will help you pack. Then WE are going to book plane tickets."

"Tony…you don't have to do that. I'll be fine by myself. Plus you are supposed to leave in a couple of days to go partying with your friends in Vegas. I cant let you give up your trip for me you've been looking forward to it for months."

"Yeah that's true, but Vegas will still be there. I want to do this. You need me and I'm going to be there for you." He kissed her forehead and bent down to pick up Kates things as she stood there in shock. She told herself that she really shouldn't be there in shock. This was Tony. He may goof off, be obnoxious, but he was the most caring, big hearted person she knew.

He finished putting her purse back together, got up and handed it to her. She thanked him. He put his arm around her and they walked out of the building as he called Gibbs on the way out to let him know what was going on. Gibbs told him to take all the time they needed and that he and McGee would be fine. Tony hung up and helped Kate get in the car. He got in the drivers side and closed the door. He looked at Kate and put his hand behind her head.

"Hey….Katie…its going to be ok. Its going to take time, but you'll be ok. I promise."

She burst into tears again and he wiped them away before he drove off. They drove in silence for a few minutes before Kate spoke again.

"Tony….thank you….just….thank you…."

He looked at her, gave her a small smile and looked back at the road.

"You don't have to thank me Kate. "

Truthfully she was really glad he was going with her. She didn't want to be alone. A few minutes later Tony pulled up to her apartment building and shut the car off. They got out of the car and once again he put his arm around her as they walked to her apartment. She opened the door and they walked in; Tony closing the door behind him. Kate threw her stuff on the couch and picked up a picture of her and Rachel. She hugged it to her chest and felt like she was going to faint. She felt herself go backwards and heard Tony calling her name when everything went black.

Tony just took his coat off and put it on the couch when he saw Kate starting to go backwards. He ran to her calling her name catching her just in time.

"Kate. Come on Katie. Wake up for me." He ran to the bathroom to get a cold wash cloth and brought it back to her. He gently ran it over her face and she stirred. She slowly opened her eyes as he put his hand on her cheek.

"Oh thank God. Are you all right?" She groaned.

"What happened?" Tony continued to run the cool wash cloth on her face.

"You were looking at a picture of you and Rachel and you fainted. How do you feel?" She slowly got up and felt a little dizzy and Tony had to grab her.

"Whoa Whoa. Take it easy. Come to think of it, when was the last time you ate?"

She shrugged.

"Well you are going to have something now and I wont take no for an answer. I'm going to get you to bed and I'll bring you something. Come on."

She was too tired and depressed to answer so she gave in. She tried getting up but couldn't, so Tony picked her up and carried her into her bedroom; her head on his shoulder. He gently laid her down on the bed. He then brought her her pajamas that were on her dresser and sat down on the bed. He spoke.

"You get changed, and get under the covers. I'm going to order a pizza, and then I'll bring your lap top in and we'll get our flight situated and then later you'll pack and I'll help ok? Sound good?" She nodded, he smiled, and walked out closing the door behind him.

She slowly got changed and by the time she was done Tony was walking in with her lap top. He sat down with it on her bed next to her and before she knew it she found her head on his chest. She needed this. She needed to be close tonight. He may drive her crazy at times, but he was her partner, her friend.

Tony put his arm around her as he typed. They chose a flight for early tomorrow morning, and Tony was able to cancel his flight, get refunded and book the same flight. They couldn't believe they were able to get two seats together on such short notice. By the time they were done the pizza arrived. Tony closed the lap top and got up to get the pizza. He paid the delivery guy and closed the door. Carrying the box, he stopped in the kitchen to get drinks, plates, and napkins. He could tell Kate needed this. This wasn't the first time he was there to comfort her. The first time he comforted her like this was when Tony the dog died. He winced as he remembered that she decided to name that dog Tony. He then smiled as he was there for her, as she curled up next to him in her bed and he stayed with her for as long as she needed him. It was then like a tradition. Whenever she needed comfort he was there for her just like this.

He walked into the bedroom and put the pizza on the bed. He then kicked off his shoes and sat down on the bed. He put two slices on plates and handed one to Kate. He then laid down next to Kate; his back to the headboard. She wasn't really hungry and just looked at it. He looked at her and sighed.

"Please Katie. Eat something for me. Please?" She gave him a small smile.

"You know. You are the only one that can get away with calling me Katie. Not even my parents can call me that. Thank you again Tony. You always know what I need. Every time I needed comfort you always know what to do. This is our tradition you know." She began to eat her pizza. He smiled at her and took a bite.

An hour later, the pizza was gone and Tony had her laughing to make her feel better. They laid down in bed, her head on his chest and he ran his fingers through her hair and kissed the top of her head. Before she knew it, something came over her and she was asking him to stay.

"I don't want to be alone tonight Tony. Will you stay with me? In here? Please?" He smiled down at her.

"Caitlin I wouldn't even hesitate. I keep an extra over night bag in the car, and I already have my suit case in the car because well you know me….so I don't have to go home and pack. Give me two seconds and let me go get my bag I'll be right back."

He jumped off the bed and walked out and she got up and began to pack. Tony walked back in and found her sitting on the bed; holding a bathrobe and crying. She looked up and smiled through the tears.

"Rachel gave this to me as a present." Tony sat down next to her on the bed and took her in his arms. He didn't say anything as Kate let it all out.

About a half hour later Kate finished packing and Tony got ready for bed. Kate got on one side and Tony got on the other. Tony shut the light and Kate moved over and put her head on his shoulder. He put his arm around her and Kate spoke.

"Tony I know I said it before, but thank you. Thank you so much. I have to tell you when you hold me like this, when I'm in your arms like this I feel safe. Like nothing bad can happen." Tony touched her cheek.

"You are my partner Kate. My best friend. I will always protect you. I will ALWAYS keep you safe. Now try to get some sleep. You have a long day tomorrow."

Kate closed her eyes and Tony watched her for a few minutes before he too closed his eyes and fell asleep.