Alright, this is the last chapter guys. I hope you'll like it. Tell me what you think :)

Tinchie: Yes the review was most definitely good enough for me to put up the last chapter (3 it was simply wonderful thank you. And I am thinking of making a sequel, maybe if he had a relationship or something? Or probably how he joined the Akatsuki. I'm not sure yet. Either way, thank you for your review and I hope you enjoy the last chapter :)

"Auntie is gone Yori."

"I know Nobuyuki. I know." They were both sitting in front of Zetsu's grave. They used their jutsu to come back into the village once it was dark. They both sat in front of his grave, their knees pulled up to their chests. The half moon shone brightly above them, just starting rise over the horizon.

"She wasn't as strong as she said she was." Nobuyuki laughed.

"Yeah." Yori smiled. But then it fell. "Let's not talk about her anymore." In order to officially be done with the whole thing, they burned the scroll.

"But she betrayed us Yori. I never thought she would be able to do that."

"Yeah, I know. Neither did I." Tears started to well up in Nobuyuki's eyes.

"Hayato betrayed us, Father betrayed us, the Grass Village betrayed us, and even Aunt Emi betrayed us."

"Yeah." They were silent for a moment.

"Brother… you would never betray me, would you?"

Yori looked at Nobuyuki, a hurt expression across his face.

"I'm sorry." Nobuyuki said, tears starting to fall. He looked back at Zetsu's grave.

"Remember what Zetsu said." Yori said. "Before he died."

"He said that we can always rely on each other." Nobuyuki said, almost as a whisper.

"And he was right. He said he didn't know about anyone else, but we could rely on each other."

"I guess he was right. But…"

"I know what you mean, Nobu." Nobuyuki looked over at Yori shocked.

"If I learned anything from all of this," He said, "The only one you can ever truly rely on is yourself." He said with a hardened stare. But then he looked at Nobuyuki and his gaze softened.

"At least Zetsu never betrayed us." Nobuyuki said quietly.

"Yeah. He even protected us a bit."

"Mm." Nobuyuki started to cry.

The twins just sat there. Staring at Zetsu's grave, sometimes looking at the moon.

"Nobuyuki." Yori said.


"What if I could make it to where we both KNEW we could trust each other." He said. Nobuyuki looked at him confused. "In the scroll. I saw a jutsu… it would make us closer than ever. We would know each other's thoughts. We wouldn't have to worry about trusting each other. We would BE each other." He said. Nobuyuki looked like he was getting it. "We would be one, and then we wouldn't have to worry about whether we can trust anyone else ever again. We won't have to worry about others, and we would never be alone. We would always have each other, and we could always trust each other." He said excitedly.

Nobuyuki looked down sadly.

"I hurt Yori. I just want the hurt to go away." he said. Yori went behind his brother and gave him a comforting hug. "Aunti hurt me, and so did dad and Hayato and Zetsu did when he died. I don't want to keep living with the ones I love dieing and betraying me. Leaving me alone." he cried. "I'm scared you'll die or something too and I'll be left completely alone."

"I will never betray you, I won't be able to after this." he said, gathering his chakura for the jutsu. "And if one of us dies, we both die together. So if I die, you won't be left behind." he said. Nobuyuki was beginning to sob, but Yori continued to comfort him.

"We will be one brother, and we will never be betrayed again."

_hours later_

"B-brother…." a light voice asked, Nobuyuki's voice.
"Yes." a dark one answered, what was once Yori's voice.

"I feel strange."

"I know. We are one now." Nobuyuki opened his eye. He didn't see anything.

"Brother, am I blind now?"

"No, one moment." Yori focused and the world became visible again, teeth like green things opening around them. He looked and around their head and part of their torso was a giant green plant. He studied it for a moment, and realized it was a venus flytrap. He smiled.

"That suits us, doesn't it?" the deep voice said.

"Yes, it does." The lighter one replied. It took them a moment to figure out how, they had to focus together to move, but they lifted their hands. One was black and the other was pure white.

"I do believe I am the black side," the dark voice said, "And you are the white."

"Oh, I see." the light voice said. They pulled out a mirror from their bag, and looked at themselves.

"Haha, your eye looks funny." The light voice laughed.

"haha yeah your right. But I look cool." the dark voice chuckled. They both smiled at that, and realized that their teeth are sharp.

"That will make eating much easier." The light side said.

"Yes, it will." the dark side replied.

"I'm hungry, can we go get some food?" the light side asked.

"Yeah, let's go." the dark side answered.

They turned to leave but then stopped.

"Who are we? Are we Yori? Or are we Nobuyuki?" The light side asked. They thought for a moment, and looked back at their friend's grave. A little venus flytrap was growing next to his grave.

"No. We are neither." they looked at the half moon and smiled gently. "We are Zetsu."