I do not own Static Shock, or Smallville. I don't know what year this is. It's after the last episode of Statis is all I know.

Static heard screams as he and Gear flew through the air. It didn't take long to find the source of the screams. People were running from a man with two big guns. Static and Gear took no time in confronting the man. "Just who are you?" Gear asked.

"I'm Slipstream." The man said. (If the name is already taken by a different hero, or villian, then pay no mind to it, I just needed a name to go with him.)

"What do you want?" Static asked.

"To repay Ebon." He said, aiming his guns at the two heroes. He shot the guns before the heroes could think of dodging, or my he was repaying Ebon, when he was suposed to be dead.

The last thing Static heard was Gear's screams, as well as his own, before everything went dark.

Static opened his eyes and instandly saw he was in a field of some sort. He looked around to see if he saw anything that could help him figure out where he was. He then realised, Gear was not with him. "Gear!" He called out over and over again. He stopped after a littel while, knowing he wasn't around. He looked himself over, he was bleeding from his arm, but hat wasn't too bad. His head seamed fine. And he was pretty sure nothing was broken, as well as no internal bleeding. His uniform was okay aside from the wrip where he was bleeding. He heard the sound of a tractor, or what he thought was one, so he looked around. He saw someone coming toward him, and dicided to quickly change clothes. He put his street clothes over top his uniform , and folded his coat, and put it in the bag he had his clothes in. He was good at hiding the bag by now.

The person on the tractor noticed Virgil by this time. "Hey!" He called. "What are you doing here?"

"I don't know." Virgil answered. The man on the tractor was an older man, and seemed trustworthy.

"You don't know?" The man asked. He got off the tractor, and walked over to Virgil. He helped the kid off the ground, not that he needed it. "I'm Jonathen Kent." He said.

Kent? Virgil had heard that name before. "Virgil Hawkins." Virgil said, letting the man help him up. Virgil winced when he stood up. He must have twisted his ankle when he landed.

Jonathen noticed the wince, and also saw blood coming through the fabric on his sleeve. "May I?" He asked. Virgil looked at his arm, and shrugged. What could the man do that his body wouldn't fight on it's own. Jonathen pulled the sleeve of Virgil's yellow and black sweatshirt. Instead of the small scratch Virgil had thought it was, it was bigger than he thought, but not by much, he hadn't looked at it when he took his coat off. "What happened young man?" Jonathen asked.

"I'm not really sure." Vigil said.

"You don't remember?" Jonathen asked. Virgil shook his head. "My house is not far from here, let's go and let my wife wrap that up for you, and take a look at your ankle." He said.

Virgil smiled sheepishly, having hoped the man hadn't seen that. "Okay." He said, realising he didn't have any bandages with him.

Jonathen helped Virgil onto the tractor, and headed back the way he had come. It wasn't long before Virgil saw a farm house in front of them. Jonathen drove up to the back, and helped Virgil into the house, sitting him at the table. "Wait here, I'll go get Martha, my wife. She's probably upstairs." Jonathen said, after getting him a bag of ice. Virgil nodded.

Virgil sat in silence until the back door opened, and a teenage boy walked in. "Mom, Dad, I'm home." He yelled. He then saw Virgil sitting in one of the kitchen chairs, foot on another, with a bag of ice on his ankle. "Hey." He said.

"Hi. I'm Virgil Hawkins." Virgil said. This must be Mr. Kent's son. He thought.

"My name is..." He started to say, but wasn't able to finish as his parents came back into the room.

"Hey son." Jonathen said.

"Hey dad." The teen said.

"I see you've met Virgil. I found him in the field. He said he didn't know how he had gotten there, or why he was bleeding." Jonathen said to both the teen, and his wife.

Martha got the first aid kit, and started to clean Virgil's arm. She noticed the didn't really show any sign of it bothering him like teen notmally would. "Are you okay?" She asked the dark teen.

"I'm fine Mrs. Kent." Virgil said.

"That's good." She said.

"As I was saying before," The teen said. "I'm Clark Kent."

Virgil froze. He knew that name, but also knew it couldn't be the same person. Clark Kent, the reporter, and Superman, was older. He though back to the fight he had with that bangbaby. What was his name? Slipstream, that's right. Slipstream? Oh no. That could mean that he was sent back in time. He looked at the teen. He did look like Superman in a way. It had to be him.

"Are you okay Virgil?" Martha asked.

Virgil jerked his head toward the woman as she finished putting the bandage on. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking of something." He said.

"So Virgil. Where do you live?" Jonathen asked.

"Dakota City." Virgil said.

"Dakota City? That's a long way from here. What brings you to Smallville, Kansas?" The man asked.

Kansas? That could really mean he was sent back in time. How many people were named Clark Kent in Smallville anyway. Not many I'm sure, if any besides Superman. "I don't know. I don't remeber leaving the park." Virgil said. It was true. He hadn't left the park.

"You don't remember? Maybe we should get you to the hospital, and the police. You might have been kidnapped." Martha said.

"I wasn't kidnapped." Virgil said, getting up. He had to find Richie. "I need to go. Thank you for all your help though." Virgil started to leave, but Martha laid a hand on his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

Virgil sighed. "I need to find someone. He might be hurt. I don't know where he landed." He said.

"Landed?" Clark asked.

"Me and my friend Richie were at the park, and the next thing we know, we're being thrown by something. We must have been picked up, and dropped here, at least I hope he was also dropped here. I don't know anything besides that though." Virgil said.

"We'll help you look for your friend." Jonathen said.

"You don't think I'm nuts?" Virgil asked.

"We've heard of stranger." The man said.

Virgil noticed the knowing looked the family gave each other. This had to be Clark Kent, Superman, the alien from Krypton, it had to be. "Okay. Thanks." Virgil said.