I not own Static Shock or Smallville.

Virgil was watching Richie work. Richie had been working for about two hours. Clark was amazed by what he was doing. He had never seen anyone work the way Richie did. He seemed to know where everything went without even looking atit or having a plan. "How does he do that without a plan?" Clark asekd Virgil.

"He does have a plan. It's in his head. Richie had endless brain space, and he can make anything. He even made all his own weapons. That's why he's called Gear. He's also a technopath, meaning he has a way with technology." Virgil said.

"Then you and him go together pretty well, don't you. Most technology can't work without electricity." Clark said.

"I guess you're right." Virgil said.

Richie put down the hammer he was holding. "Can you take me to the hardware store? I need something there." He asked, looking at Clark.

"Yeah, sure. let me go get the keys." Clark said. They left the barn and went intot he house. "Hey mom, where are the keys to the truck? Richie needs something from the hardware store." He asked his mother.

"Oh if you're going into town, then will you take these cookies over to Lana at the Talon? I was going to do it, but if you're already going into town, then you can do it for me." Martha said, giving clark the keys, and a bowl of cookies she and Virgil baked before.

"Okay mom. We'll be back later." Clark said. He handed Virgil the bowl, and they all went and got int he truck. Clark drove them into town. He stopped the truck in front of the coffee shop, and they all got out. "The hardware store is across the street. If you need any help, come and ask. I'll be in here if you need me." Clark said, going into the Talon.

"You can go with him Virg. I don't need any help. I'll be back in a minute." Richie said.

"Okay Rich." Virgil said, also going into the Talon. He saw Clark at the counter with a young dark haired girl. They were talking, but Virgil walked up anyway. Clark was handing her the cookies, so Virgil asumed she was Lana. "Hey Clark. Richie will be done in a minute. He told me to come on in. This is a nice place." Virgil said.

"Okay." Clark said.

"Thanks. I'm glad you like the place. I'm Lana Lang. I own the Talon." Lana said.

"Hi Lana. I'm Virgil Hawkins." Virgil said, shaking the girls hand. Lana eeped when their hands touched. "Sorry. Static tends to stick to me." Virgil said, smiling.

"Oh that's alright. I know it was an accident." Lana said. "So how do you know Clark Virgil?" Lana asked the darker teen.

Clark froze up. How would he explain this. "Oh, me and him don't really know each other. Me and my best bud Richie are from out of town, and the Kents are letting us stay on their farm for a little while." Virgil said, the lie rolling off his tounge with ease.

"Oh, that's nice of them. But then again, the Kents are the nicest family I know. I used to live right next to them until I moved." Lana said.

"That's cool." Virgil said.

Richie came into the Talon carring two bags from the hardware store. "Hey guys. I'm done now." He said.

"Oh hey Rich. This is Lana Lang. She's a friend of Clarks." Virgil said.

"Hey it's nice to meet you. I'm Richie Foley." Richie said, shaking the girl's hand. "I hast to be rude, but I have to finish that thing in the barn." He said.

"Oh, right." Clark said. "I have to go Lana. Richie has something in the barn he needs to finish before they go home."

"Oh. Where do you live?" Lana asked.

"Dakota City." Virgil said. "It was very nice to meet you Lana." He said over his shoulder as they left. "Sorry we will never meet again." He whispered

"Why not? If you know me in the future, then haven't you met her?" Clar asked.

"I'm afraid not. We've never met Lana Lang before. I don't think you've ever mentioned her, but that could be so you could protect her, that and heroes don't talk about their normal life a lot, not even with each other." Virgil said.

"Yeah, which suckes since Batman seems to know who we are, but we don't know who he is." Richie said, then looked at Virgil who lifted his eyebrows. "At least I don't. Virgil here knows."

"How do you know?" Clark asked. "Who's Batman?" He asked.

"Batman is part of the Justice League, and I know becuase we've worked together, and I kind of figured it out." Virgil said. "He's also called the Dark Knight. He's pretty cool and one of the few members who have to powers. And I asure you, you will not be the only alien in the J-League. You'll be great."

"Really? People won't think I'm wierd?" Clark asked as they drove back to the farm.

"No. People will love you. You'll be part of a group of dozens of heroes from around the world." Richie said.

"Wow." Clark didn't know what else to say.

When they got back to the farm, Richie and Virgil went to the barn, and Clark went inside to return the keys. "Hey mom. Lana said thanks for the cookies." He said.

"Okay. Thanks for taking them over for me." Martha said. "What's wrong?" She asked, noticing the look in her son's eye.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about what Virgil and Richie just told me. They said that one day people will love me, and I will work with dozens oh heroes from around the world, and some will even be aliens like me." Clark said.

"Really? That's great." Martha said.

"It is. What's the noise?" Clark ran at super speed to the barn. "Did you finish it?" He asked.

"Yeah I finished them. Virgil will you please hold this, and take that one up over the farm?" Richie asked.

"Sure thing Rich." Virgil said, putting his uniform on so that when they get back to Dakota they wouldn't be seen as themselves. Richi had also put his uniform on. Backpac on his back where it usually was.

Martha and Jonathen came in. "Are you leaving already?" Jonathen asked.

"Yes Mr. Kent. It was very nice of you to help us when you did. Thanks." Virgil said, taking his disk out and getting on it.

"Wow." Clark said. It was cool to see Static's powers in action.

"Good bye boys. Be careful." Martha said. "You too Mrs. Kent. I hate to do this to you." Gear said. Static took one of the machines out of the barn, and Richie followed with the other. "It was nice to meet you. Press the button Static." He yelled to his friend.

"What did you mean you hated to do this to us?" Clark asked.

"I have to wipe you memory of seeing us. Lana's too. we can't let you remember, but always have the feeling you will do good things." Richie said as light came over them.

Clark, Martha, and Jonathen never remembered seeing them, and neither did Lana.

Static shot a blast at Slipstream, while Gear threw one of his zapcaps at him. Slipstream went down without much of a fight after being surprised to see Static and Gear back. He told the police he didn't know where the people he blasted went, only that one minute they were there, and the next they weren't. Gear did come research, and found all the people Slipstream had shot, and made a machine to bring them back. Everyone was okay, none were killed, though some were hurt. They were very happy to be back home, and would have thanksed Gear if he had let them know it was him and Static that brought them back.

I hope you like.