Hey, remember that time Brennan toasted to love (and really Booth) in front of Jared and Padme?


"You were drunk," he accused, using his index finger to slide the newly delivered shots closer to him and away from her.

She eyed him suspiciously, and then them. "Not that drunk."

He barked out a laugh and shook his head. "I had to carry you from the truck. To the door. To the couch…" he waited pointedly. "And that's where you stayed all night because you couldn't even move another inch."

Her pert nose tilted up. "I could have," she insisted.

Booth laughed again and then slowly inched the shot in her direction. "Fine. But this is the last one. I don't want to carry you anywhere."

She smiled at him and kept her eyes locked with his as they simultaneously knocked back their shots.


"Yes," she replied and led the way out of the bar. But instead of going to the SUV, she snuck down a side alley.

"Bones," Booth groaned, but followed her. "What?"

She turned and walked backward for a moment, giving him a saucy smile barely visible in the dark. Her 'come here' motion with one crooked finger in his direction was like morphine, and he followed, eyes locked on her smile. "Bones," he repeated, this time starting to get an idea of what she had in mind. "Are you serious?"

Her only answer was to lean against the brick wall, lifting her arms above her head and waiting.

"You're drunk," he accused, even as he quickly palmed her hips and pressed himself against her. He could feel the damp coolness of the brick wall behind her and the contrasting heat emanating from between them. "But so am I, and damn if this isn't fucking sexy," he breathed, already reaching down to fist her skirt and pull it up to her waist.

Brennan laughed and unfastened his pants, sliding a quick hand in to stroke him through his boxers.

"Shit," he cursed, already thrusting into her hand. "Okay, hang on," he said as he pressed his hand between her legs and felt her wet heat through her panties.

She groaned. "More, Booth," and wrapped one leg around his thighs. He grunted in reply, knocked her hand out of the way, yanked her panties aside and took his own cock in his hand and stroked into her, burying his face in the crook of her neck and his groans into her hair.

"More," she repeated and rotated against him, gripping his shoulders and matching his rhythm. The angle was exquisite, and the setting was erotic and new. Booth grew harder and thicker inside of her, and it was her turn to groan as she ran her hands down his back until she was grasping his ass in her hands and pulling him deeper and deeper with every thrust.

"Bones, baby," Booth reared his head back, and his glazed eyes met hers, desperate and yearning for release.

She kissed him softly, once, then again, then again, before her head tipped back and her eyes squeezed shut as pleasure spread throughout her limbs and settled back at her core where her orgasm wrenched his from him, and he came inside her with a whoosh of breath.

His hands stroked her sides, her back, her hair, everything he could as he tried to catch his breath. Brennan's hands landed on his chest, and she felt the way his heartbeat settled. A smiled crossed her lips, and then she heard him chuckle.

"Can you move?" he murmured, brushing a kiss against her cheek.

"Mmmm," she hedged. " I might need you to carry me."

Booth groaned and shook his head, wrapping his arm tightly around her waist as he pulled out. He kissed her again, and they stood close as they returned their clothing to normal.

"You know I'd carry you anywhere, Bones," he promised.

"I know," she smiled. "But not tonight. At least, not yet." She winked and grabbed his hand, and they walked back into the night together.



1 1/2 ounces vodka

1 1/2 ounces peach schnapps

3 ounces cranberry juice

Lime wedge for garnish


Place the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice into a chilled cocktail glass or highball filled with fresh with ice. Garnish with a lime wedge.