A/N I'm sorry this sucks. But I love Thresh, so I thought I would do something with him. I was reading some fanfics for insperation, and came up with this. Reviews would be nice, and thanks for reading!

I do not see the ruthless killing machine I thought sword boy was. I see a broken young man pleading for his girl to stay with him. I see him break down and be in pain because of what I did to his knife girl. And I begin to feel a bit guilty. Even from this far away, I can see the hate he has for me in his eyes. Because I killed her. I see it now. Sword boy isn't just some killer; he truly cared for knife girl. He loved the girl with all the knives. The capitol has made him into this monster; there is a real person with real feeling in there. Her cannon goes off, and I know I have to get out of here. Fast.

I stumble through the weeds and thistles, sword boy close on my heels. One false move and I'm gone. He's getting closer; I can hear his footsteps now. It's time, I think. As I run, I think of the mockingjay tune we use at home, and all the sweet moments in my life. I remember the moment in the training centre where Rue took sword boys' weapon and he thought it was the district ten male. I begin to chuckle, and forget where I am for a moment, until I trip over a root and fall helplessly to the ground with a painful thud.

I turn over onto my backside, wiping the sweat off my forehead and spitting out dirt as I try to pick myself up again. But sword boy kicks me back down. There's no escape now. I really hope he makes this quick. He starts laughing, screaming profanities at me. He yells something about Clove – that must have been knife girl's name. He holds up his sword and brings it down straight on my stomach. The blood makes patterns on my dark skin, and stains the wheat bushes next to me.

Is this the way he wants it? Slow and painful? Alright then, let's give Panem a good show. Just like those sappy soap operas on TV, add the romance and get every person hooked.
"It's funny really," I whisper. "How can you call twelve Lover Boy, but you were just the same with that girl from your district?" I regret the words faster than they fell out. Now he'll give the audience a bloody show with me. Stupid, stupid me. Tears form in my eyes.
"Oh, yes, that's fucking hilarious eleven. But would you like to know the difference between me and lover boy?" he asks. "He still has his girl," Pain. It's in his voice. You can see it in his eyes. It's everywhere.
All I can make out is "I'm sorry". That's not for sword boy, it's for Rue. And my friends and family at home. I'm sorry for disappointing you all.
"Sorry's just a word eleven." He thought it was for him.

"No, no, n-" I screech. He pulls out a bunch of Clove's knives.
"I'm going to kill you the way she wanted to." He says. "I'll do it for her. For Clove."
He picks up a petite, deadly looking one about the size of my thumb. "This was her favourite, eleven"
I see my mother smile, and Rue's laugh, before everything goes dark.