A/N: This came about from a late night conversation with a friend. I don't own the characters, BBC does.

One little spoiler

"You fooled the entire camp!" Rory grinned at his daughter, they were swapping stories about being around in the Roman Empire, him as the Lone Centurion, Amy had an ancestor in Pompeii and Rory had just explained about 'Cleopatra'.

River just smiled at him and Rory's grin faded, his daughter might've been a master at keeping secrets but he could tell when she knew nothing about a certain event. "Spoilers, Father dear," River smirked and Rory sighed.

"It wasn't a big one at least," he shrugged before sitting next to her. Five minutes passed with both father and daughter just enjoying the sun in companionable silence, River was happy to just relax for once and since she was with her father she knew there wouldn't be any surprises. Amy had asked the Doctor to take her to the nearest B&Q citing 'son-in-law duties' when he complained and so Rory was left to his own devices until River had shown up and promptly stolen one of his sandwiches with a cheeky grin.

The faint sound of the Benny Hill theme broke through the quiet of the Pond-Williams garden and River sat up, she waited a few seconds before recognising her mother's voice and smiled. "Dad, Mum's home." She shook Rory awake gently before standing up just as Amy and the Doctor walked through the back door.

"River! And how is my daughter today?" Amy grinned and grabbed River in a hug, "You should visit more often, we miss you."

River smiled, "I miss you too Mum, but I am in prison."

"Which is all the Doctor's fault anyway," Rory pointed out as he came over to join his family.

"How is it my fault?" The Doctor, now free of the plants he'd been carrying, wrapped an arm around River's waist and kissed her cheek, "Not everything is my fault."

"No, but this is," River smirked at his outraged look and whispered something in his ear that made the look change into a stupid grin.

"Oi, parents." Amy thumped him on the arm and he moved away,

"What was that for?"

"Dirty thoughts about my daughter."

"But, I wasn't thinking any dirty thoughts!"

"I know River, and I can guess what she whispered to you. Behave." Amy turned to Rory, "So how was your day?"

River knew she probably shouldn't mention the spoiler but Rory had got her into trouble more than once when they were younger so now it was time to return the favour, "Actually Mum," she interrupted, ignoring Rory as he tried to get Amy's attention again, "Dad let slip of a little spoiler earlier."

Amy and the Doctor both turned to Rory with identical evil grins, River felt bad for a second for mentioning it as Rory started backing away but that soon faded when, instead of something ominous like the 'Jaws' theme, Amy started humming the Benny Hill theme again. What followed was the best twenty minutes of River's life. Her mother and husband chasing her poor father around the garden to the tune of Benny Hill.