Author's Notes:

This was an interesting and challenging venture, and not quite what I expected from the onset. While it was fun to collaborate it took a great deal of give and take, and compromise, yet in the end I believe it made for a good story. Lilarin and I differ in our views on some things, and that added a different dimension to the story that would not have existed if we had written in isolation.

This chapter completes the story, and I hope it does so satisfactorily. In the end it was lilarin's brain child, and I felt it was only fitting to end it the way she envisioned from the start.

So thank you to all those who reviewed faithfully throughout the entire journey – your words always inspire, and truly helped shape the story.

Bleach and its characters belong to Tite Kubo

Beta: lilarin

Chapter Eleven: Four to Love

They all stared, transfixed and unmoving as the door to the gallery closed behind Grimmjow. Urahara finally sprang into action, helping Szayel from the floor. Around them the room had become uncomfortably silent. Nelliel met Ulquiorra's eyes and began to cry.

"Oh honey," Szayel began as he dusted himself off and massaged his cheek, "I just wanted to give you what you truly desired for your birthday. I guess this was just a little more messed up then I believed."

Nelliel looked to Szayel, and then to Orihime, and finally Ulquiorra.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered before she ran up the stairs and headed for her office. The door slammed loudly behind her.

Ulquiorra stood stunned. His whole world was tumbling down around him, and as much as he had suspected certain things were not right, the fact that his best friend had indeed slept with Nelliel…

Orihime sobbed softly beside him and he turned to her. He had suspected this, but had she? He reached out and pulled her against him. To hell with everyone else, the truth was out, and denying it now was pointless.

"I'm so sorry Orihime," he tried to soothe her pain. "I suspected something was up with Nelliel, but I didn't think she and Grimmjow…"

He couldn't say it. Not out loud. Not to Orihime. Not when she was obviously so distraught over her boyfriend's infidelity.

"Are they any different than us?" Orihime looked up at him. "Just because they may have consummated the attraction they felt for each other, does it make us any less culpable?"

He smoothed back her hair and planted a light kiss against her forehead.

"If I could fix this I would," he said, "But the truth is that I am in love with you and I would rather Nelliel find that same love than live in the sham that has become our relationship."

She blushed at his declaration and nodded.

"I do love Grimmjow," she said softly, "But I believe that I am not the woman he needs. If I was he wouldn't have sought something with Nelliel, knowing the consequences of such an action." She stared at him intently, "Grimmjow loves you, like a brother or maybe even deeper than that because you can't choose your family. He would never do such a thing if he…well if everything was okay between us…and Nelliel is so much like him…"

The tears began to fall again, and Ulquiorra felt helpless. No matter how she felt about him, she had invested three years of her life into her relationship, much as he had with Nelliel. The thought that it was suddenly over was still painful, and he wondered if he would ever be able to look his friend in the eyes again. Not because he had betrayed him, but because he had hurt Orihime.

Yet hadn't he done the same to Nelliel? He had been living a lie ever since the brunch when he had first met Orihime. He had spent the few months comparing Nelliel to Orihime, and looking for reasons to justify his growing desire for his best friend's woman. He was no better than Grimmjow. And he owed Nelliel an apology as well.

"I should go make sure Nelliel is alright," he said softly as he stroked Orihime's hair tenderly, trying to calm her. She nodded against his chest. "Come with me," he suggested. "This involves all of us."

"You should discuss this with her privately," she replied.

"I do not want to leave you alone either," he said and then grabbing her hand continued, "Follow me."

She went with him silently up the stairs and as far as Nelliel's office.

"I can wait out here," she went to a chair located in a seating area.

He wasn't going to force the issue. Instead he knocked on Nelliel's office door.

"Nelliel," he called out, "We need to discuss what just happened."

"I can't face you right now," she cried out.

"Please Nelliel," he pleaded. "Nothing will be solved like this. We need to talk."

She did not respond, but after a moment he heard the door unlock and she opened it and peered out. Her skin was pale and her eyes were red from crying.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered and catching sight of Orihime began to cry again. "Please forgive me."

Orihime stared silently at Nelliel. Ulquiorra could see her fighting the emotions she was feeling. No matter what she felt for Grimmjow, or how her feelings may have changed for the man, Nelliel was still the woman who had stolen his heart from her. It was only natural that she should resent her.

Yet Orihime surprised him when she suddenly stood and walked over to Nelliel. Pulling the woman against her she said gently, "None of us are innocent in this."

Ulquiorra did not miss the stunned expression on Nelliel's face. She had expected animosity, not understanding. And in that moment he felt his heart constrict painfully because he loved them both, each differently, and that love made him desire to see them both happy.

"Maybe we should go inside and talk about this," Ulquiorra suggested.

Orihime released Nelliel and they walked in and sat down on the oversized couch that was across from Nelliel's desk.

"I never meant for this to happen," Nelliel began. Looking at Ulquiorra she continued, "I love you Ulquiorra, and yet I betrayed you with your best friend. I knew it was wrong – we both did. Yet whenever we were together it was like…I can't explain…we just couldn't stop how we felt…and then…then…last week…"

She lowered her head and placed her hands over her face. Her shoulders heaved as she cried loudly. Orihime rubbed her back, but her expression was unreadable and Ulquiorra was amazed that she could be so kind to Nelliel considering what had happened.

Nelliel looked up again and sobbed, "I know Grimmjow is your friend, and Orihime is mine," she glanced at the woman beside her and then back to Ulquiorra, "It was wrong to allow myself to get so swept up in my desires, but I just didn't think. Whenever Grimmjow was around it was like I couldn't control myself…"

He walked over and knelt before her. His hand grasped one of hers that was covering her face and he forced her to look at him.

"I love you Nelliel. I always will. But sometimes loving someone and being in love with them are very different."

"But I betrayed you…"

"And I almost did the same to you," he replied.

Her eyes opened wide and she turned to Orihime and understanding dawned on her.

"You two…," she turned back to Ulquiorra, "Oh God, you and Orihime…you love her?"

He nodded and looked to Orihime, "I believe I do."

"And you Orihime?" Nelliel asked.

She nodded as well.

"Well aren't we a bunch of idiots," Nelliel laughed ruefully, "All four of us trying to hide what was truly inside our hearts…"

"All in an effort to protect the other from heartache," Orihime whispered.

"And in the end we have hurt the ones we love the most," Ulquiorra stood and began to pace. "I should have said something sooner Nelliel. I should have come to you when I began to sense that things between us were not what they used to be. And then when I felt this attraction to Orihime, I was afraid that I was just looking for problems, so that I could justify my feelings for her. I was a coward and it cost us dearly."

She stood and walked over to him. Taking his hand in hers she said, "We all hold blame I suppose, Grimmjow and I most of all…"

"We should find him," Orihime spoke from her place on the couch. "Grimmjow believes he is the only one at fault, and I'm afraid he could do something foolish as a result."

Nelliel grew frantic as she gripped Ulquiorra's hand tighter.

"Ulquiorra, she is right. You have to find Grimmjow and make him come back."

He looked at Nelliel and then Orihime. Both women were worried, and as angry as he was at Grimmjow for crossing a line he should have known not to, he couldn't let this go. He had held a grudge as a youth and it had almost cost him his friend. Besides Nelliel was right, they all shared blame, even if he and Orihime hadn't gone as far as their partners, it was only a matter of time before they would have.

"I think I know where he will be," he said as he headed for the door. "Do you want to wait here for us, or go back to the apartment?"

Nelliel looked to Orihime and said, "Maybe it would be best to wait here. I don't think I could drive right now."

He nodded and then headed out the door. Many of the guests had left already, and Szayel and Chizuru were beginning to clean up.

"Stay away from the women," Ulquiorra instructed Granz. "But do not leave before I return. I don't want them left in the building alone."

Granz seemed a little more subdued. Apparently getting punched in the face twice in one evening was enough to quiet him down. He acknowledged Ulquiorra's instructions, and went back to cleaning.

Ulquiorra hailed a cab. He knew where Grimmjow would be, but he had drunk too much himself this evening to drive. Besides, Rick's was not in the best part of town and on a Friday night, the car would not be safe even if he found a spot outside the bar.

Inside the cab he took advantage of the quiet to gather his thoughts. The shock of the night's revelations was beginning to wear off, as was his buzz from the alcohol. Now the sobering reality of the situation hit him hard. They had all done things that they should not have done. Trust had been broken, and promises cast aside. Rebuilding their lives would not be so easy, but he had to try. And making peace with his best friend was the starting point. He only hoped he wasn't too late.

Ulquiorra opened the door to Rick's and walked inside. His gaze went to the bar and he spotted Grimmjow slouched over, a glass in his hand. He wondered just how many his friend had managed to drink before he found him. If he was drunk it may be harder to deal with him.

Composing himself, he walked over to the bar and stood behind the empty stool next to Grimmjow. He placed his hand on his friend's wrist, stopping Grimmjow from bring the glass of amber liquid to his lips.

"I left the girls back at the gallery. Both are pretty upset, but more so they are afraid you will do something stupid if left to your own devices." Ulquiorra glanced at the glass in Grimmjow's hand. The man reeked of alcohol. "Perhaps I am too late."

His voice should have been cold. He should have had nothing but angry words for his friend, but instead his voice was soft, his concern for Grimmjow evident. He was angry at his friend, yet he was scared for him as well, and the conflicting emotions were ripping his gut to shreds.

He removed his hand and, pulling back the barstool, sat down. Once more he grabbed his friend's arm, not as much to prevent him from drinking any more, but rather to keep him from bolting from the bar. Turning he stared at the man, but Grimmjow wouldn't return his gaze.

"Grimmjow, talk to me," Ulquiorra pleaded, yet the man remained silent. An awkward silence grew between them, but he refused to back down. "Please."

Just when Ulquiorra thought Grimmjow would never speak, he opened his mouth and mumbled, "I am sorry."

"I already spoke with Nelliel, and believe me I understand what you have been going through. You and me," he paused to take a deep breath, "we are both at fault. I need to apologize, too."

Slowly, Grimmjow lifted his head and met Ulquiorra's gaze. He couldn't discern what the man was thinking, but he knew he was probably confused. Ulquiorra rarely gave away what he was feeling, but he knew his emotions were evident in his voice.

"You were my first friend-the only one I ever considered to be my best friend-and I am still willing to call you this," Ulquiorra said hoarsely, "that is if you are willing to forgive me as well." Grimmjow's eyes narrowed; a question in his gaze.

"I am in love with Orihime. It started with a simple infatuation, but I understand now that it is far more, and if tonight had not ended as it did, I would have left Nelliel because I could not continue to live a lie. I have lied to you and to the woman that I was supposed to love and protect. And if I could I would have taken Orihime for myself."

Grimmjow opened his mouth to respond, but then quickly shut it as he seemed to decide exactly what to say. When he did speak his voice was coarse, "But you didn't."

"I almost did," Ulquiorra admitted, "Last weekend while you were away. But I couldn't do it. I didn't want to take your woman. I wanted to take her as my woman."

Grimmjow lowered the glass he had been holding and pushed it away from him. He stared a moment more before letting out a loud, self depreciating laugh. "Holy shit, what a fucking moron I have been. I was so wrapped up in myself that I failed to see what had been staring me in the face." Grimmjow rubbed his face with his hands and turned to Ulquiorra. "That dress she wore tonight, it was fucking gorgeous, and she looked like a true princess, but it was for you. She was so happy as she pranced about the room, not knowing I was watching her, because she was going to see you, and she had primped and taken great care to make sure she looked that way, to please you."

Ulquiorra felt a slow heat rise to his cheeks, and his heart swelled with a feeling of great pleasure. Grimmjow laughed, a little more rueful this time, as he caught sight of Ulquiorra's expression.

"What a damn, fucking fool I have been," Grimmjow spoke low.

"We all have been."

"But how do we fix this?" Grimmjow asked. "How can you forgive me?"

Ulquiorra paused as he thought about his answer. Speaking from the heart he said, "You saved my life when we were younger, and then you turned around and stabbed me in the back by spreading those rumors that I was gay," Grimmjow tried to interject but Ulquiorra put up his hand and continued, "I almost lost you then, and then a few years later I did lose you, and I was lost without you in my life. Now that you are back, I do not want to lose your friendship again."

"So you forgive me?"

"No," he was blunt and Grimmjow inhaled sharply. "I can't right now. Not completely. Not yet. But then can you truly forgive me?"

Grimmjow stared at him. "I love Orihime," his friend whispered. "I only want her happiness, and the fact that she has chosen you to love makes me breathe easier. But I suppose if you had taken her behind my back I would have beaten the shit out of you."

"Would you like to go out back?" Ulquiorra asked, but he was not angry. His words more teasing and Grimmjow smiled.

"I am in no condition to take you."

"You will never be in the condition you need to be to take me," Ulquiorra replied and to his shock Grimmjow began to cry.

Shaking his head he said, "I fucked things up so badly. I mean I am always fucking things up, but this was the lowest of low, and I did it to you, my best friend." He looked down at the bar, "I never wanted to be like my old man," his voice became so low Ulquiorra had to strain to hear, "But if I had stayed with Orihime I would have ended up resenting her the way he had resented my mom, and maybe I would have become a disgusting animal like he had and hurt Orihime, or worse any kids we had together."

"You are a better man than your father," Ulquiorra stated. "And I do not question your love for Orihime. I just have one thing to say and I want to make sure you understand me completely."

Grimmjow looked up, his eyes red from the alcohol and the tears.

"If you ever touch another woman, and do to Nelliel what you did to Orihime, I will castrate you myself."

Grimmjow stared a moment before a grin spread across his face.

"You are such a drama queen," he laughed.

"I am serious."

Grimmjow sobered a bit, "I know you are, and I want you to know that I never wanted this to happen, and if Nelliel would have me I would never do such a thing again."

Ulquiorra nodded and both men grew silent once. After a few minutes Ulquiorra said, "We should go back to the gallery. The girls are worried sick."

Grimmjow stood, swaying a moment before getting his bearings again. Ulquiorra stood as well but was almost knocked from his feet by his friend as the man grasped him tightly in a hug.

"I am so sorry Ulquiorra," he whispered. "As much as a prick as you can be, you are my prick and I love you."

"You are drunk."

"A little," Grimmjow laughed, "But I still love you man."

Ulquiorra turned to the bartender, "Could we have a large black coffee to go."

The man smiled knowingly and went about getting the drink.

They drove back to the gallery in a taxi. Even after sobering up a bit, neither man was in any condition to drive. Still, with the conversation in the bar now over, and Grimmjow slowly finishing off the coffee he ordered before they left, there was nothing left to say - at least nothing that came naturally anymore. So they rode in silence.

After a while his friend let out a loud sigh and Ulquiorra glanced in his direction. Grimmjow held the cup in one hand, the other gripped his pants tightly, and Ulquiorra began to feel bad for the man. All his life he had never been an affectionate man, but suddenly he felt a deep desire to connect with his friend, and since the right words were lost on him he decided to make his feelings known in another.

Reaching over he laid his hand on top of Grimmjow's and spoke softly. The words were the truth. Ulquiorra knew that Nelliel loved Grimmjow, and he knew that his friend at that moment was most likely doubting her affections. He felt responsible in a way. Nelliel had only stayed out of loyalty and concern for him. So he told Grimmjow exactly that, and his friend surprised him by twisting his hand so he could grip Ulquiorra's even tighter.

Squeezing it firmly he asked softly, "What will become of the four of us?"

Ulquiorra once more spoke with honesty, "I don't know, but we will figure it out."

Their hands remained locked, each giving the other strength. And when they arrived at the gallery, Ulquiorra felt confident that in time it would work out.

They found the girls still sitting on the couch, a bottle of wine on the floor. They looked up as they entered the room, both smiling in relief at the sight of Grimmjow. Orihime walked over to where the two men stood and reached for Grimmjow, pulling him into a quick, but tight hug. She then moved aside, closer to where Ulquiorra stood and Nelliel joined the group. They all remained silently facing each other in a close circle, and as he looked at each one his heart began to ache with his love for them. He couldn't imagine losing any one of these three, yet he wondered again how they would overcome this situation.

Just then Orihime reached for his hand and her other hand, he noticed, now grasped Grimmjow's as well. He followed suit and grabbed Nelliel's, and she completed the action by taking Grimmjow's remaining free hand.

"No more lies – promise," Orihime spoke with determination.

Each one nodded in agreement. Ulquiorra knew it wasn't the end, merely just a new beginning. The road ahead would not be easy. There was still much to be worked out, but he was confident that in time they would heal, each in their own way. He refused to lose his friend again, and in his heart he would always love Nelliel. Those feelings would always anchor him to them

He looked to Orihime. He loved her and was eager to begin his life with her, yet even that would take time. He wanted to do this right, and he wanted her to understand exactly how much she meant to him.

Once more he squeezed both women's hands tightly. Yes, he loved them both, and he loved Grimmjow too, despite all they had been through, or more so because of it.

He knew they would find a way to make this work, because in the end they were four people, who loved each other – and that realization filled him with hope.