Chapter 5 plan in action

Disclaimer: ally carter owns everything I only own the plot and some characters.

Thank you for all of those who reviewed. Sorry I have not updated in a long time I just started school and I also couldn't think of anything original for the plan but I hope that this will work. Enjoy.

Cammie pov

We were all sat in the middle of our room thinking of evil things that we could so to the boys that planted bugs in our room. But so far we have zilch. So much for our great and spectacular plan to get revenge on the.

"Okay so what should we do? You know to get the boys back? Because we've been thinking about this for a really long time." asked Liz. Oh sweet innocent Liz. Being a spy/civilian/girl has taught me allot these past few years. And I know a few tricks here and there.

"I've got an idea or two" I said with an evil smile.

"Oh do tell" said Maisy.

"Well I say we put all the bugs back-"I tried to say but got rudely interrupted by Bex.

"Why on earth would we do that?" asked Bex exasperated.

"You didn't let me finish, now carrying on and no interruptions Bex until I've finished." I said looking straight at Bex. Luckily she managed to keep her mouth shut for a long enough for me to explain my plan. "Okay I'll sum it up in 3 simple words" I paused for a bit for the dramatic effect.

"Seduction, trap, embarrassment" I said smiling "not necessarily in that order."

"I like it but there's still one more question. How?" asked Maisy. Bex looked a little unsure of the plan.

"Well that's why we are currently in the middle of our bedroom floor. So we can plan. We've got the basics of the plan all we need to do know is working out what seduction we would use what trap we would catch them in and how we will embarrass the shit out of them." I said.

"Well I can handle the seduction I know exactly how we will do that." Said Maisy with a sly smile coming on her face.

"I'm afraid to know now." I said.

"Well you don't have to know you just have to do what I say" Macey said then got up and walked over to the walk in wardrobe. How come I have the feeling that this plans going to backfire on me?

"Okay so that leaves 2 stages left who wants what?" I asked.

"Well I could take the trap part?" Liz asked in a question.

"Could I help you with that then?" asked Bex.

"Okay so you guys have the trap that means I've got the embarrassment. Oh this is so going to be fun.

We all separated into our own little corners to work on our bit of the plan and then later we would perfect it in like ways that brings it together.

Li and Bex were on Liz's bed; Liz was on her laptop researching something. Probably trying to find the sources for the cameras so we would know who planted what bugs. Bex was writing something down on some paper I have no idea what but I will soon find out.Macey was still in the wardrobe but every now and then she would come out to get some things like make-up. This really isn't going to end well for me. Well I better make sure that the boys are even more embarrassed than I am.

Okay so ideas that I could embarrass the boy

-find secrets and reveal them to the entire school.

-steel all the clothes in the boys win so that they could only walk around school in their pyjama pants (let's hope they are wearing them at the time of steeling them or I will be blinded for the rest of my life) and lock them outside videoing the whole thing.

-kill off every last one of them and sparing no mercy. (Maybe a little extreme, but then again that are who I am.)

-get the entire junior class to kick their buts in P&E (boys are always trying to act stronger than girls might as well show them their not)

-put long lasting hair dye that only comes out with the shampoo that only Macey has position off and put it in their shampoo or hair gel or both.

-spray them with permanent paint each of us with a different colour so that they will end up multi coloured (and seeing as its permanent then they won't be able to get it off for at least 3 day)

Okay so I have 5 ideas and some of them are a bit irrational so that will cancel out 3. I know for a fact that Bex would have loved 3 then again she will adore 4. But my hearts going more towards 2, 5 and 6. But the need is which one will be the one that I use. Okay so 2 could scar some of the girls at the school because some boys might only be wearing their boxers so I guess that one's down the drain but I am saving it till a time when it is needed. If I did 5 then it would only affect the hair and yes it would be funny but I want a bit more than messing with a boy's hair. I need to mess with his cloths and body. (and no I do not mean in that way you filthy minded people) so I guess it's 6. It's always the last one that you come up with that you actually choose.

Well, now I need to talk to the girls about the embarrassment part and see how they are getting on with their parts.

"hey guys I know what we're doing for the embarrassment part I just need to get a few things for it but that won't be hard. How are you guys getting along?" I shouted across the room so that Macey could hear as well through the walk in wardrobe door.

Macey's head then popped out of the door. "I'm almost done with the outfits for you guys so I should be done in about 10 minutes." She replied.

"cool, how about you guys?" I asked Bex and Liz walking over to them.

"yep we're doing pretty good, we've worked out who the boys that planted all the bugs are and you wouldn't be surprised to find out that the boys that we're 'babysitting' are one of the main culprits, but they only planted audio bugs in the room so they aren't complete Pervez" said Bex. Well it doesn't make it any better.

"Bex, Liz, do you know where we will be for the trap?" asked Macey.

"yeah we start in our room then go out to the P&E barn" said Bex I wonder who chose to go to the P&E barn? Not everyone knows that that's Bex's faveriot place to be.

"okay thanks, oh and Cammie did you say you needed to get a few things?" asked Macey from the wardrobe.

"yeah why?" I asked.

"you've got 6minutes and 29 seconds before you need to get your ass in here so I'd hurry up if I was you." She said.

And with that I ran out of the door. I knew exactly where I could get all of the items I needed. Or more specifically from someone. And I defiantly knew that she would help because she was always the trickster when she was around mum or dad. Within 2minutes I was at the door that I needed to be. I knocked twice and heard a "come in" so I turned the door knob and walked into my aunt Abby's office.

"hey squirt, why are you here so late it's like 8'okclock I thought you would be getting closer to the girls?" asked abbey.

"Abby you know as well as I do that I already know the girls" I said walking over to her desk.

"okay so what do you need, what or have to have?" she asked.

"well I need some help with a little prank that I'm doing, and don't worry it won't affect the school running smoothly." I said making sure she heard the last part clearly. She laughed a bit and then began to talk.

"well I shouldn't expect any more or less from you squirt, what you need?" she asked.

"water guns and permanent pain that won't harm skin" I said. At that a broad grin spread across her face.

"sure, and may I ask who you are pranking and why?" she said getting up from her desk and walking into another room.

"the blackthorn boys and because most of them put bugs in mine and the girls room so we want payback" I stated simply looking towards the door.

I could hear Abby laugh from inside the room.

"how many guns?" she asked.

"4" I said.

She then came out holding 4 guns which looked like they were already were filled with paint.

I gave her a questioning look.

"I was planning something on your mum, dad and Joe and I needed allot of guns but I can do that later" she said. sitting back down at her desk. St that I began to laugh.

"you never really stopped pranking did you?" I asked.

"nope" she said popping the 'p'. "and you are exactly the same." With that I began to leave.

"oh and make sure that you do clean up any mess that you caused in the school I don't want the cleaners having to work harder to get permanent paint off the walls." She said smiling. I then closed the door and ran back to my room.

Just as I burst through the door Macey came out ready for me to go in the wardrobe with her. She took one look at what I was holding and a giant grin spread across her face.

"I'm goanna enjoy this" she said.

Then Bex looked over to me and her eyes widened in excitement when she saw the guns.

"That's bloody awesome I so can't wait to use it" she said.

I looked over to Liz to see her worried face.

"don't worry Liz it's not going to hurt them, just think about it as a water fight but with colourful water" I said smiling at her. With those words her face calmed down a bit.

"okay Cammie your up into the wardrobe." She said pointing to the walk in wardrobe.

I lay down the guns in the middle of the floor and walked in the wardrobe with Macey following behind me.

I was shocked with what she had done with the place. It looked like a beauty parlour. A professional one. It had a chair in the middle of the room. make-up scattered around different tables. Different types of hair brushes on some of the same tables as the make-up. and a tone of beauty products likes moisturisers and things like that. Then I saw the tweezers and waxing strips. This was going to be one painful night.

"sit" she commanded. And I did as said.

Within the next 30 minutes I felt unbearable pain with the waxing strips and tweezers, I shall not even say where she used them but it felt really uncomfortable and saw afterwards. But luckily that was all over within 10minutes. Then came onto the hair. From the looks of it she was straitening it and putting some gel in it. I couldn't see how I looked so far though because she covered up all of the mirrors in the room. After she finished my hair she went to make-up. she said that I didn't need that much and that she was going to go for a natural look. This I was thank full for. So after a whole 40 minutes she was finally finished with me.

Well at least I thought she was.

"this on and then you're finished." She said handing me a pile of clothes then pushing me over to the bathroom. I could see that she was dragging Liz into the wardrobe as I was putting my clothes on.

I looked over at the cloths that she gave me and saw incredibly revealing clothes. Or should I say cloth.

It was a purple mini scort that barley covered my butt. It also had a matching top. If you could call it that. It was basically a really small sports bra with lots of material cut off. It also showed allot of cleavage.

I looked to see what shoes I had, they were simple trainers with no bulk underneath and they were the same colour as my outfit.

All in all I looked like a slut. This plan better work if I'm wearing this. although I have worn worse, when I had to honey pot a guy to find out some numbers for my dad. He was against it at the start but eventually he said I could do it.

I looked in the mirror to see a really pretty girl. The girl in the mirror didn't make the sluttly clothes look sluttly at all it made her look hot. She had straitened air that looked really shinny but not too shiny that it would look greasy. And the make-up on her was perfect for her skin tone and it really brought out her eyes. there was no way that girl in the mirror was me. I moved my hand to touch my face and the girl in the mirror did the same? She was me. I changed so much.

when I had gotten over the initial shock of me looking this beautiful I decided to walk out of the bathroom. I instantly noticed that the guns had vanished. One of the girls had probably moved them. I then saw Bex and Liz in exactly the same outfit but in different colour. Bex was bright red and Liz was dark pink. I looked at both of their hair styles and noticed that Bex had had her hair curled. Liz had had her hair curled as well. and they both suited them. I saw what they were doing and by the looks of it they were placing the bugs back where they were found but. I decided that Mace must be putting her make-up and outfit on.

"need any help?" I asked them. They both looked around. As soon as they saw me their mouths' dropped to the floor.

"do I seriously look that bad?" I asked them.

"no, no not at all you look really pretty cam" said Liz.

"she looks more than pretty Liz she looks hot" said Bex.

"I look hot, have you seen a mirror lately you two" I said. That causes Liz to blush. I could tell that she was uncomfortable with the clothes. But if all goes to plan then we shouldn't be spending that long in them.

"okay we get it we all look hot, can we get onto the plan guys?" asked Macey coming out of the wardrobe. she was wearing the same clothes as us just in black and her make-up and hair was done perfectly. She had straightened her hair and but on some light make-up.

"okay then gather round and we will explain" said Bex. So we all gathered in the centre of the room.

After Bex had finished explaining the plan to us we all got into our positions. Me in the bathroom. Macey in the wardrobe. Bex on her bed looking board. And Liz on her bed on her laptop. Luckily she managed to hack into the laptops that the boy who bugged our room had and she was watching a live stream of all of the boys on her laptop looking at their own laptops seeing us. Then the plan began.

"I'd board anyone want to go down to the P&E barn to work out some moves?" Bex asked. "what about you cam, you could teach me some of those moves you did on Mr & Mrs Morgan." Asked Bex.

"yeah sure, hold on a sec though I'm just going to rinse my mouth out with mouth wash." I replied.

"why, it's the P&E barn" she replied acting confused.

"because there might be blackthorn boys down there and I might get lucky. And if I do the I don't want to have breath that stinks" I said. Putting some mouthwash in my mouth gargling it then spitting it out into the sink.

"true, hey Macey did you want to come?" Bex asked.

"yeah sure, I love to watch boy sparring with each other it really shows their muscles if their evenly matched." She said.

When I came into the room I noticed that Liz was still on her laptop. and Macey had come out of the wardrobe the same time I came out of the bathroom.

Then Bex turned to Liz "hey Liz wants to come. You don't have to spar if you want. You can just analyse us with what we did wrong or something along those lines." Bex said.

"umm okay as long as I don't have to spar" she said shutting her laptop. Then we all headed to the P&E barn.

When we got there we noticed that most of the boys from the exchange where already there. Well I guess are plan is working.

Bex leaned over to me and whispered in my ear "stage two is a go"

We decided to make our grand entrance. We strutted in swaying our hips and laughing at something fake. And instantly all eyes were on us. I looked around and noticed that all the boys from blackthorns exchange were here apart from 4. And they were grant, nick, Jonas? (I think that's what Liz said) and Zach. I knew for a fact that they planted bugs in our room so they were either not listening or they are o to us. My guess in the latter.

We all put on our flirty grins. And walked past all the boys. and the thing was none of them were in our grade. This was disturbing.

We finally made our way over to the sparing mats. Where we armed up. Making sure we did lots of stretching and touching the floor in some way. Well Bex and I Macey and Liz were getting the guns ready whilst the boys were distracted.

After a few minutes we got the signal from Macey that the guns were ready when needed. So Bex and I both stood up and looked at each other. Then we looked back at the boy who was staring at us still. This let me tell you I defiantly hate seeing as I am the chameleon but I didn't show it.

"hey guys should we spar with some of the boys for a bit so that they can learn from us?" I asked loud enough so that the boys could hear.

"babe we're not the ones who need the lessons you are. Maybe I could help you in my room?" shouted one of the boys. and then there were agreements from the other boys.

Ugg gross that was such a bad pick up line. Boys are such dicks.

Bex and I then walked over to Macey and Liz who were hiding behind some hay bales.

"where you going babe?" shouted one of the boys.

"hey guys? Do you want a special treat? It'll only happen once" Bex asked in the most flirty tine she could.

And we could hear yesses coming from the boys.

Bex and I then took a gun each from Macey or Liz.

"close your eyes and don't peek till we tell you to" I said in a really flirty tone. I looked around the corner to see that all the boys' eyes were closed. Oh this was just too easy.

We rounded quietly so as the boys wouldn't hear us. We then aimed our gun towards the boys.

"open your eyes boys" said Macey

And as soon as the boy's eyes opened we fired at their bodies and hair, making sure that were weren't getting any in their eyes.

It was hilarious how they acted. They were running around the place trying not to get hit by the multi coloured paint. But all of them were covered in paint once we were finished. I even heard a few of the boys scream every now and then.

Liz then sprinted behind the haystack again and came out. then we all started running towards our dorm with really angry and colourful boys after us.

We managed to get to our dorm just before we were caught. And locked it tight.

As soon as we were all safe in the room we all began laughing uncontrollably at what just happened.

"did…you…see…their…faces?" asked Macey through her laughter.

"they screamed" Bex said through her laughter also.

"I wish we had that on camera" I said.

"we do" replied Liz.

Macey, Bex and I then looked over to Liz who was holding up a camera in her hands.

Those made us all laugh again. after all of the laughing fits we had. We managed to cool down after about an hour. I looked at the clock and realized that it was already 10. Wow we were laughing for a really long time.

"bugs" I said

Then we all found the bugs and crushed them.

Suddenly an idea pooped into my mind. One that would embarrass the boys even further.

"hey guys I know what we could do with the footage" I said. They all turned their heads towards me. "we could show it at breakfast tomorrow that would teach them not to mess with us" I said

They all nodded at that and had grins on their faces. Suddenly I began to yawn making everyone else yawn.

"Guess it's time to go to bed guys night" I said.



"night" I got from all of them.

Then I fell into the land of dreams.

Please review. I made sure to make it long for you guys. I don't know whether it's any good so could you say please. And I welcome criticism if it's put in a nice way