Hello People, this is the sequel to,'Abstinence'. Enjoy. And I haven't decided on ultimate pairing yet, but no matter what it will be fuji/ryo...whether another is added will be up to you so review or pm me your thoughts.

ps. Just so you know each year for an human is two for an angel...so if an angel were six he's actually...come on people I know you know math. XD

Red Lust

Chapter One: Prince


"You must control them Nanjiroh." A voice thundered down from the heavens.

"How? I will do anything for her, please let us be together, I will do anything." He repeated as he pleaded.

"YOU HAVE CREATED THIS CHILD IN SECRET. IT'S FATE IS SEALED". The voice continued to boom in a thunder-like way.

"She is my WIFE. I never meant for this to happen. Please...let this child, your grandchild, unite us. We can be Angels and Demons, together...let him unite us." He said determinedly.

The voice didn't respond, Nanjiroh began to fidget beneath the lack of communication. However, the voice began and he spoke in a more subdued tone.

"You have six human years Nanjiroh, control them, and their thirst. He will stay above, untill I deem him ready to lead both the worlds of Vampires and Angels."

End Flashback

When angels fall to earth they become demons. Their wings are clipped and they become fiends with fangs. Their thirst for life drives them. They long for the feel of blood on their lips, to allow that heavenly feeling to drive them once more.

They wish to paint the world crimson, at least that seems to be the thoughts of most angels.

But what if an angel were to fall accidentally, what if he had done no wrong, his wings weren't clipped. It was merely a terrible accident. What would he become?


"Ahhh." He yelled as he swung his sword through the air and frowned when he felt resistence. He jumped into the air and spread his black wings, flying into the thick of the raging battle.

'Every time I lift my sword another of my comrads die. And for what...Love'. He thought spitefully.

He wanted the battles over, he hated this. He hated killing others. He never wanted this life. He wanted her. He wanted a family, which is something forbidden for a creature like him. With this war against his own kind.

'I will seal the treaty and claim the love I lost when I fell.'

He was King of Vampires and he wanted her...The Princess of Angels.

"Rinko! I fight for us! For our SON! We will be together once more." He yelled as he sliced through a vampire for , what seemed like, the millionth time. He dropped his sword and fell to his knees. He looked into the sky, calling his beloved back to him.

End Flashback

This never-ending battle continued for years, untill the child reached his sixth birthday. Christmas eve was the holiest of days and when Ryoma was born on this day the other Angels viewed it as a sign. They raised the child in heaven.

The Prince of both the Vampires and the Angels grew into an innocent 12-year old. His golden cat-like eyes were wide with unquenched curiosity. His teeth began to expand as his eyes tinged in red.

He ignored his pulsating fangs and expanded his black and emerald tinted wings. He ignored the gasps that always seemed to follow his flights. As his mind wandered to his best friend. He couldn't help but smile at the thought of the closed eyed prodigy. Unlike Ryoma, Syuusuke's wings were startling white as were every other Angels wings beside his own, and of course his father.

He frowned at the thought. He knows he was different and he also knew why, but only a few others knew as well. One of those people was Fuji Syuusuke.

He blushed as he thought of the older male. He flew higher and higher into the clouds, happily.

'Today, I return to earth.' He thought as a certain giddiness coursed through his veins.

He couldn't quite understand this emotion as he turned beneath the illuminating sun basking in the daylight.

'Ne Ryo-chan, todays the day.' Fuji spoke telepathically.

'Hn, Don't scare me like that Syuu.' Ryoma thought as he swan-dived towards the sakura trees.

'Saa, I can't help it, you're the one that left open your mental link...I just thought I should jump in before you thought something...questionable.' He thought with a slight outward chuckle, at Ryoma's reddening cheeks. Ryoma could practically see his mischievious smirk.

He landed on the balls of his feet beside Syuu, quite gracefully. He turned to face him with a smile so dazzling Ryoma had to gasp, but covered it well with a smirk.

Syuu was easily one of the hottest guys Ryoma has ever met and yes even at 12 he knows he has no affinity for the opposite sex. He plays on the home team.

'Ryoma.' Syuu thought, snapping Ryoma out of his questionable fantasies. He looked up with innocent golden eyes, as Syuu tapped his forehead with a genuinly mischievious smile.

"Mou Syuu-chan, you're so mean." He said as he crossed his arms. Syuusuke threw his head back in mirth as he chuckled.

Ryoma made his eyes water, forcing his eyes to shimmer and jutted out his lower lip and waited for a response, as he shut of his mental link. He knew Syuu was devious but he didn't need to know how devious Ryoma was as well. Let's just say he learned from the best.

"Ne Syuu...you're my friend right." Syuusuke's eyes opened slowly to show he was serious.

"Of course." He said without hesitation. He tried to pull Ryoma in for an embrace but he stayed out of arms reach.

"Then why are you laughing at me, friends don't laugh at friends." Syuusuke stared into Ryomas golden eyes as he placed his hand over his mouth in an attempt to stifle his laughter.

"I'm not laughing at you." He said letting a giggle escape past his lips. Ryoma seemed annoyed but he could also see the mirth within his golden eyes, so Syuu decided if Ryoma wanted to have fun why couldn't he.

He closed his eyes and placed a genial smile on his lips. He sauntered to Ryomas 'angry' form and wrapped an arm around his waist, as he placed his chin on the younger boys shoulder. He whispered into his ear.

"Saa, Ryo-chan if were not friends, does that mean you want to be something more than friends." Ryoma blushed red as he leapt into the sky.

'Air,air,air...why was he so close.' Ryoma thought frantically as Syuusuke laughed exuberantly, at his expense. He saw through the corner of his eye as his best friend went to sit on the root of a sakura tree.

Syuusuke's face became pensive and his eyebrows drew together. His hand swayed in the wind dancing against the fallen petals lost in thought.

Ryoma opened his mental link to Syuu tentatively, trying not to hear something he shouldn't.

'He's leaving.' That singular thought was so gut wrenching it pained Ryoma to have heard it. He felt his best friends pain. Syuusuke was weeping on the inside. Ryoma couldn't bare it and shut off his mental link once more.

'How had I not noticed.' He thought as he did a nose dive. He landed just as gracefully as before and sat beside his friend.

He didn't even notice as Ryoma came to sit beside him.

Ryoma slid his hand across the root, almost hunting untill it met Syuusuke's fingers. He never looked up at Syuusuke because he knew what expression he would have. He intertwinded their fingers and marveled slightly at how perfectly they fit together. He leaned closer to him and rested his head against Syuusuke's shoulder.

"Ten years Syuusuke, I know it's a long time... but when my aging stops, I will come back. I have to, I am your Prince." He said as he lifted their hands to his face, he wrapped his other arm around their intertwined arms and held them together.

"You won't remember me Syuu, untill I take my place among the clouds." Ryoma pulled away keeping their hands together as he gazed into Syuusuke's open azure orbs. His eyes gleamed with unshed tears, and Ryoma's heart squeezed.

"I will be back, even if were apart for a thousand years, this will never change." He said as he drew their intertwined hands up against his fluttering heart. He scooted away to let him grasp what he meant, and rested their hands against the root of the tree. Ryoma turned to gaze at the older male with obvious mirth in his eyes. He heard the hurried footsteps of Alex rushing to him.

"Ryoma-sama, we must leave, Takeuchi-sama wants you."

"Aa, you may leave now." Ryoma said as he waved for the man to leave him. He turned his attention back to his friend beside him. Fuji rose to his feet, startling Ryoma and bowed respectively. He bent his face to Ryoma's level allowing his brown hair to graze Ryoma's cheek, tickling him and he whispered into his ear.

"You should go... my dear Prince of Angels, I wouldn't want you to get into trouble on my account." Fuji said as he released Ryoma's hand. He bent to kiss Ryoma's stunned lips.

"What was that for Syuu." Fuji merely smiled as he replied.

"Thought I should claim my Angel before someone else does." Ryoma blushed red as he turned away.

"But why a kiss, Syuu." He chuckled as he ruffled Ryoma's hair.

"So I would never forget this moment, even if it's only remembered in my dreams." Syuu said wistfully as he looked up at the lighted sky.

"You're leaving right Ryo." Fuji murmured as he leaned in to kiss Ryoma's lips once more. This time Ryoma reached his hand up and his fingers melted into Syuu's brown hair. He kept them together. They pulled away, both with similiar smiles of happiness.

"Syuu, if we should meet again, and you don't remember me...-" He said as Syuu scrunched his eyebrows together. Ryoma's head snapped up with determination flaring within his catlike eyes.

"Then I will make you love me all over again."