
Ryoma POV

"Ryoma wait." I paused as I heard his voice. I really didn't expect him to follow me. I squeezed my eyes and debated whether or not to turn around. My mind was lost in it's own world and I couldn't help but want him to say it. Just once I wanted him to say Ryo-chan, because I know when he does. He'll know everything. He'll remember everything.

"What Syuu?" I turned to face him but I couldn't bring my eyes to his face. I noticed the tennis players all headed to the courts. My elders shot me furtive glances. My voice sounded tired. I know but..

"I just wanted to see wanted to play tennis?" My eyes snapped to his face in confusion. His eyes open and sincere as his hands fidgeted. Did he want to say something else?

"Doubles?" I watched as he chuckled. His trembling fingertips running over his lips in contemplation.

"Saa, I don't think we would be able to verse. Besides we wouldn't want it to rain." He looked at the sky, smiling softly. He still blushes. He should do it more often. I blinked as I realized how long I was staring at him. I pulled my cap lower and rethought his words.

Did he just say what I think he just said? That couldn't be right. He- then he...remembers? My eyes watered in shock as my mouth snapped shut. I spoke quietly trying to modulate my voice.

"What makes you think it would rain?" He glanced at me, tilting his head to the side as he kept his face angled to the cloudless sky. It grew dark and we could hear thunder crashing in the distance.

"A dream, it was more like a memory." He chuckled once more, humorlessly. It was a dry almost pained, bitter laughter.

"That I don't remember. At least not exactly." He moved closer to me. His hand flipped out as a single raindrop fell to the ground.

"Play doubles with me. I just need to...understand something." His eyes were determined and fearful, it was a paralyzing sight. We watched in bemusement as the sky lightened immediately. Grandfather. He truly was a meddlesome man. I nodded, as we began our trek to the waiting tennis team.

If this was so he could remember I would gladly play with him.

As we stepped in the gate I heard groans around the crowded courts, and noticed the horrorstruck looks. I never really considered what we must look like to others. Though my skill was only known partially by my elders, I must assume they have seen Syuu's techniques as well. I smirked in anticipation. I watched as Syuu gave a light nod to Kaido.

"That's 1000 yen." Kaido turned to a gaping Momo and held out his hand expectantly.

"Bu-but my food. Noooo!" He fell to the ground and sobbed.

"Nya Momo-chan you shouldn't have bet against Fujiko." Eiji crouched on the floor beside Momo's fallen form and scolded the young man.

"Hey Ryoma! How did he get you to play doubles with him?"

"Is this your thank you to Kaido?" We stood side by side, arms crossed, as we stared at the people on the court. I looked at his nonchalant form from through the corner of my left eye.

"You knew about that?" His smile became a cheshire grin of mock innocence. His eyes darkened slightly probably thinking about more he could have done to Shinji.

"Hn. Your jealousy, and Kaido's...cooperation." I hesitated, grimacing at the thought of eating as much wasabi as Shinji had to.

"I'm not surprised. Do you want some wasabi too? It's pretty delicious." He licked his lips and chuckled at my grimace.

"So, who wants to verse us first?" I changed the subject as I felt Marui throw two rackets towards me, from behind.

I was a blur as I heard the rackets approach and caught them in each hand. I caught the ball that he whizzed through the air with my right racket, and rallied the ball between the two rackets. I smirked as I tossed the racket in my left hand to Syuu. Which he caught effortlessly, without even looking at me.

It was nice to see our sinc hasn't changed as the rally continued between the rackets eventhough we each held one now. It was a light show of our compatibility.

I listened as Syuu chuckled. Oh, this is going to be alot of fun.

"Ryoma, you two are playing. Together?" I turned to the old-hag and spoke though I was slightly annoyed. Obviously she remembered our matches before. She seemed slightly out of breath. My guess is she ran here from her office, when she heard. She is not going to ruin my fun.


"Are you sure? I mean none of them are good enough t-" I cut her off with a cold glare.

"What they don't know... will hurt them." I listened into the minds of the confused and laughed aloud at Yuki- chans observations.

"O.k. One match no sets. Whoever plays them, give it all you've got. And Ryoma try not to damage the court and Syuusuke try not to leave my players too psychologically scarred." She turned away from the gaping tennis players as me and Syuu chuckled.

"Hai!" We took our places with Syuu at the baseline and me in front.

"We'll go first." Atobe and Tezuka walked to the other side, and Tezuka went to the baseline as Atobe went to the front.

Go easy on them please. I stared at fearful violet eyes.

I see you still caught flickers of the second memory. Before I pulled out. Hmm? I watched through the corner of my eyes as Yukimura bowed in a ninety degree angle.

Please! The people around him balked at the sight in confusion.

"Hai." I gave him a nod as acknowledgement, and strode to the back court. I needed to know how much he remembered. So I looked into his mind as I tilted my head in his direction. He remembered everything about our matches but thinks it was all a very detailed dream.

I lifted my head and looked at him. I couldn't help but smile a smile so big it crinkled my eyes. I was so happy. He's remembering. He starting to love me again.

"Ten percent Syuu." I watched as eyes widened around the court.

"But I've never passed five percent." His eyes scrunched in confusion. It was so cute, his head even tilted to the sid-

"Nani!" Was the collective response around the court as Yukimura sighed. Inui flipped through his notebook that held detailed data of Syuu. He was confused, that much was obvious. Considering everyone on the court had lost to Syuu at some point. They all knew the tensai never expressed any care about tennis but they never knew how much he held back from the team. He would gauge his players then use his strength accordingly. Every tennis player that lost to him with the exception of Atobe, Tezuka, Yukimura, Sanada and my four elders fell to the ground, in a huddle. They cried to their hearts content, as their heads were shrouded in darkness.

"Bu-bu-bu-bu." Inui sputtered as papers fell from his frantic grasp.

"I think Inui just malfunctioned." I said bluntly.

"So, Ryoma... how much did you use when you beat us?" Marui popped his gum. Way to diffuse the situation.

"One percent." I smirked as Marui's playfull mood dissapeared. Kevin, Billy, and Shiraishi fell to the ground and cradled their heads against their knees, as storm clouds formed over their heads. Soft whimpers filled the air.

"So where were we?" I looked behind myself as I crouched with my racket in my right hand. Syuu stood still, but he gave off the aura of complete readiness. He continued bouncing the ball against his racket. His eyes opened as I tossed him a playful wink. Yup there's his blushing smile.

"You guys can go first." He spoke quickly smacking the ball across the net. Directly into the hand of Tezuka, with so much force his hand flew backward. The ball slipped from his grasp and embedded itself in the fence behind him.

I watched as Tezuka plucked it from the fence and bounced the ball in his right hand. So he's a lefty too. Interesting.

"Look Tezuka's serious, he's using his left hand." Wow, not so interesting anymore.

He smacked it across the field with a shattering speed, and I just stood still. I rested my racket against my right knee, bouncing it lightly checking the strings. I heard the ball hit the fence and knew Syuu was doing the same.

"15- love Tezuka/Atobe pair to lead." The audience began murmuring as I frowned.

"Why didn't you hit the ball? Was it too fast for you?" I pulled my hat lower and shrugged. Moving away from the narcisistic diva.

"Ne Syuu, you wanna switch? His voice is hurting my ears." I looked up at Syuu, blinking my eyes as I mentally became a puppy. Syuu ran his fingers through my hair in agreement, and chuckled. I watched Tezuka run at Atobe from behind, in an attempt to restrain him.

"You little brat." He screeched as he tried once more to launch his body at mine.

"Mada mada dane." I smirked as I looked back at him.

"Sure, Ryoma... you know I don't mind." I turned back to his waiting blue orbs and held them as I spoke into his mind. Trust in your dreams. His eyes opened curiously.

"So the brat is scared." Atobe sneered as he stood beside the fence.

"More like...I don't want to be charged with animal cruelty." I walked to the baseline as Syuu laughed.

"Why's that?" Atobe said through clenched teeth.

"Cause I'd burn a monkey alive." I said bluntly as I looked at him with an extremly annoyed expression. Honestly how stupid could he truly get.

Syuu was at the net before Atobe could respond. He held up both hands in an innocent way. I almost laughed, I guess they can't see the fire dancing in his eyes. If only Atobe took one step closer. I'm fairly positive he would be smited by an angel.

"How about we just play?" He spoke calmly as his eyes squinted dangerously. We both took our stance, settling in the center of the court. We listened as people began muttering something about the Australian Formation.

"I thought this was your first time playing doubles?" Oishi asked from the sidelines.

"What makes you think that?" I smirked and winked at Syuu in front of me as I saw him stiffen slightly. Most likely from confusion.

Tezuka served once more as a loud 'pop' filled the court. It was truly a bullet, but it wasn't fast enough for me. I pivoted on my right foot and ran in the direction of what others saw as a green blur. The ball was on the other side before Tezuka could even get out of his serving stance. It hit the floor with such impact, that it flew over the fence. And it looked as if it would continue forever, but it just dropped, landing gracefully in the waiting hands of Yukimura.

I smirked at him. I promised. I won't pass five percent. But I will not begrudge them a good game.

Yukimura slowly nodded his head in understanding.

"Old hag, are you going to call that." I snapped at her.

"15-15." She sputtered, as people remained silent, and slightly fearful.

"Ryoma, there's no need to be rude just because you have to restrain yourself." He looked back at me with opened eyes.

"Che, I can't even use my left hand." I muttered as Syuu continued to stare at me unrelenting. It was a tense few moments, and I knew what he wanted me to say.

"Che, Gomen Sumi-chan." I did a slight bow in her direction before directing a glare(pout) at Syuu which he just chuckled at. It was a light banter on the surface but it was nostalgic for me. He smiled, closing his eyes as he turned away.

Tezuka served the ball once more and a rally ensued between Tezuka and Syuu. I realized no matter how hard he hit the ball it kept going back to him, like a magnetic pull.

"Tezuka zone." Oh! So that's what it was. Well, he's doing it wrong. I stopped all movement, as Syuu and I switched positions with him now in back and me in front. I sat gracefully in the center of the court, and waited.

What Tezuka didn't realize was that this technique was designed by my father on the battle field. It was made specifically for an angels use. Basically the power all angels wings possess which is the ability to bend wind to your rule. Which of course is necessary in flight. However during battle, he created this as a form of protection. He could; decrease the attacks velocity, pull all attacks to him or deflect them.

In the case of tennis well..

"Ne Syuu, can you make him stop doing that move wrong?" He looked down at me with his blushing smile.

The ball flew to the right side of the court as Syuu stayed in the center. The air became denser as if he was preparing for flight and it pooled around Syuu forcing the ball to drop before it crossed the net.

"Fault- 15-30, advantage Fuji/Echizen pair."

"Syuu...That was mean at least let it come over the net." I chided barely concealing a chuckle.

"Sorry, O.k. do it again Tezuka." He served the ball once more with a shattering speed in hopes of breaking Syuu's Samurai Zone. He knew the weakness of his own zone. I watched him smirk slightly as he believed that that would have an effect on this zone.

As the ball crossed the net, I took that as my cue to jump in. The ball slowed down dramatically as I leaped into the air and smashed the ball to the other side of the net.

I landed gracefully on the balls of my feet as the court cracked beneath the pressure of the ball. It swirled in a circle, self combusting as it's speed increased, before shattering into a million little pieces.

"Ryoma." Syuu spoke warningly.

"Sorry Syuu, I couldn't help myself." I ducked my head sheepishly. We both chuckled at the shocked faces as Atobe ran his hands through the torn pieces of the ball, marveling at the fissure.

"15-40 Fuji/Echizen pair to lead" Tezuka served the ball one last time and I moved to the side with a light jump (a sign between me and Syuu). Syuu lobbed the ball and Atobe leaped to the air with a smirk.

"Rondo to Destruction!" He smashed the ball to me and I couldn't help the flash of worry, eventhough I knew I could get it. I couldn't do it with five percent, my wrists would break, I can't break my promise.

It's ok Ryoma move a little bit to your left. I got it. I sidestepped quickly and watched as Syuu performed a move I hadn't seen before. He crouched slightly arms outstretched. He spun as the ball collided with the sweet spot of his racket sending it to the baseline.

"Tsubame Gaeshi" It was one of his counters but I could tell he wasn't done air became denser as it hit the ground. I could feel the Hakugei as the ball returned to Syuu's hand. It was nice to see it again. He entered my mind of his own will. At first it shocked me. Untill I realized I had left my mind open after I spoke to Yukimura, which is probably why he knew about the promise.

I smirked as we won. Way to mix your counters, and he called me a show off.

"Che, this was boring. Ja ne." I pulled my cap down and tossed the racket by Marui. I left them before someone could glomp me but it seemed Syuu wasn't as lucky, as his best friend jumped on his back.

I was on the roof in a blur. I needed to see them. I ripped open my backpack, pulling them out and smiled at the memories. I needed to remember because if I don't who will. Rain began to pour and I could hear the ruckus on the courts as they all ran to their dorms. I cradled the camera, for it held what precious thing's remained.

All of these memories. I began to doubt whether or not he would ever remember. Or if all I would be left with, would be my memories. All these photographs, all the snapshots of our love. I wanted them to be ours again. I didn't have the heart to destroy this. It was his, all those years ago. These drawings and photographs were all ours. Three weeks worth of pure love.

I walked into the dorm, soaked from head to toe. Syuu stood by the window as rain poured down. Lights flashed violently across the the twilight sky. I listened as Syuu sang softly.

"What I've been living for
Though we're tethered, to the story we must tell
When I saw you, well I knew we'd tell it well
With the whisper, we will tame the vicious scenes
Like a feather, bringing kingdoms to their knees"

"Syuu?" He hastily wiped his eyes as he turned to face my with closed eyes and a fake smile. He took in my drenched form as I walked closer. Lightning flashed around the room, playing havoc against the darkness.

"Ryoma you're gonna get sick. Where's you're mom?" He stood defiantly as water prickled down, plastering his hair to his face. He ignored my question as he grabbed two towels and wrapped them around us.

"What's wrong?" He stared at me dropping his mask completly as he clutched his head. He stumbled toward me as his breathing became haggard. He hugged me.

'Ryoma I thought you were going to leave before I could-'

He practically hung over me, keeping our bodies together.Syuu hugged tighter as another memory crashed. Burying his face into my shoulder, as the weight of his body sent us crashing to the bed.

'I'm so sorry Syuu. You won't remember, but I will always remember you.'

Tears fell from his blue eyes as memories assaulted his conscious mind.

'Ne Ry aren't the stars pretty.'

"Ryo-chan." He whimpered as another memory hit him.

'Our bond is strong, Ryoma. I'll remember you.'

"I'll remember...I'll remember." He gasped. Tears streamed down his face.

'It's never too late, Ryoma...and you'll come back.'

'I promise Ryoma...I love you.'

He clutched his head. His breathing began to calm down and I was worried. The rain stopped as Syuu slept. I was so worried. He was in so much pain. Would he remember everything? I moved away from him. I needed to think. I leaped onto the roof from the balcony of our window. The sun was setting and the sky was beautiful once more. It was refreshing, a new begining perhaps. I didn't even hear the approach.

A hand clamped down on my shoulder, as I whirled around and directly into a bone crushing hug.

"Ryo- chan, my Ryo-chan. Ryoma." I felt the tears on my shoulder but every part of my body was in shock. He pulled back and cupped my chin, forcing my eyes to his.

I released a raspy breath as tears prickled around my eyes.


"Never too late." He murmured as he leaned in to kiss my lips. It was a deep, hungry, wanting kiss. A shattering light enveloped Syuu as the kiss continued, the bind breaking. All remembered their King.

We could hear cracking around us as light after light fell from the sky. All lining up in rows, around us. My hands fisted in his hair as his wrapped around my waist hoisting me into the air.

"Ahem." We pulled apart, slightly as Syuu placed a tender chaste kiss on my lips once more. We looked at the intruder of such a blissful moment and blinked. We were surrounded by angels.

"You're released Ryoma." I stared at him in confusion as the bindings on my wings fell away. I was shocked, I expanded my emerald/black wings and smiled.

"Takeuchi-sama." I bowed before the King of Angels. He chuckled and put up a hand to stop me.

"Please Ryoma, the throne is yours. You are King." He bowed to me in a show of power.
"This is your legion." He waved his hands before he flew into the sky. I looked around the roof at rows of bowing angels. I glanced off the roof as the rows continued. We were surrounded by every angel on earth, and they were all bowing... to me.

A/N- THAT'S IT! 'Reign of Blood' is next enjoy- It will be rated M- so you can find it accordingly. ;P