Chapter 1

Warnings: Swearing, Beating

Rating: M

I do not own Hetalia!

Germany clicked his pen on the table and frowned. Italy ran past his office for the fifteenth time that hour. Germany sighed and wondered what Italy was doing. "Hey..Italy..vhat are you doing?" He asked coming out his office to see Italy holding some of his clothes. Italy froze and looked at Germany. "Oh...Im just...nothing!" He lied and smiled before running back to his room. Italy grabbed a few more things.

Germany sighed and rubbed his temples getting the familer feeling of a headache coming on. He went back and closed his eyes. He wondered what Italy was really doing...Germany fell asleep as his mind wandered. He thought about the Italian that was always on his mind. Germany wished he could tell the boy how he felt...but he knew that that was impossible. Italy would push him away...Germany could not handle losing Italy.

Italy sighed and watched Germany fall asleep. He had barely managed to get out of this...he was leaving...Italy couldnt bring himself to bother Germany with his presence any more. Italy ran back upstairs and put his things in a small suitcase. Perhaps he should write a note...Italy shook his head. No he knew Germany wouldnt care.

Italy sneaked back down the stairs and looked in Germanys office once more to get a last sneak peek at the man he loved. He was shocked to find him gone. "Vhere do you think you are going?" He heard a growl behind him sending him jumping into the air. "G-Germany..." Italy whimpered at the angered German.

"I..." Italy stammered. "Vhell? Awnser me!" Germany growled and Italy for once in his life found courage. "Im leaving you." Italy said clamly. Germany stopped breathing. "Excuse me? Vhat did you just say? Did you just say you vere leaving me?" Germany hissed stepping closer to the scared Italian. Italy had never seen this kind of anger on Germanys face before.

"I..Yes...please Germany..." Italy said cringing as Germany's eyes widened at what he was saying. "Nein..." Germany said in barely more than a whisper. Italy gave Germany a puzzled look. Germany was looking down and he was trying to control his anger but he looked up and saw Italy edging for the door and he snapped. "Nein!" He said grabbing Italy by the hair. "You are not leaving!" He screamed at the scared Italian.

Germany dragged Italy upstairs to his bedroom and threw him in the bathroom. "You. Vill. Not. Leave. Me. Alone!" Germany hissed at Italy who cringed at the Germans grip that was tightening on his hair. Before he knew what was happening Germany had slapped Italy across the face. "You little bastard!" He hissed and threw Italy on the floor. "I gave you everything! Vhy are you trying to leave? You are nothing without me!" Germany hissed before kicking Italy in the face and leaving.

Italy layed on the floor and cried. How could Germany be this angry with him? It wasnt like he had done anything good for Germany...he was right, he had tried so hard with Italy...only for Italy to dissapoint him over and over. Italy cried on the floor before getting up. He knew his nose was broken and he really didnt care. It just proved his worst fears...Germany hated him...

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