Hey there! Shadowmistx98 here!

I'm trying to write this new story :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater.

"W-wait! Don't-! Kid!"

"I'm sorry, Maka... but I guess this is the right thing to do... not only for me but for you too..."

"N-no! Please! Don't leave me! You're my life Kid! I love you!"

"I'm sorry Maka... but I love Liz..."

"No, no, no! You said you love me!"

"I-I'm really sorry..."


"Ah!" Maka quickly sat up panting heavily from her bed. She looked at the window and saw that it was a crescent moon tonight. She sighed in relief.

"Don't worry, Maka... It's just... another bad dream..." she bowed her head and rested her hands on her knees.

"Everything's alright now..." she lied down on her bed again facing her side. She saw her cat, Blair, peacefully resting on the mountain of dirty clothes she'd been tossing on the floor everyday. She closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

"My name is Maka Albarn. 15 years old. 3rd year highschool. Everything was so perfect back then. Me and Kid were still in love until Ms. Popular and her little sister showed up. They ruined everything that I had. And ever since that break-up with Kid, I started having nightmares about it. My parents where so worried that they talked about us leaving for a new place. Something that would give me a peace in mind. I agreed to it hoping that I would never see their ugly faces again. I wouldn't see the people around me laughing and gossiping about me. They're all the same. They where never really my true friends. They always say 'You'll get better' or 'It just wasn't meant to be' and then leave me and join to Liz and Patty's side. Only one friend remained to me and it was Tsubaki. She never left my side and is always there to cheer me up. Tomorrow is my last day in my old school... hopefully. Me and my family are leaving after school."

Maka opened her eyes as the warm rays of the sun hit her face. She stood up and changed her clothes into her school uniform. After that she caressed Blair's back and left her room.

"Oh, look! The princess is awake!" Spirit, Maka's dad, looked up at Maka climbing down the stairs as he sipped his coffee. Maka rolled her eyes and sat down at the table.

"Good morning Maka!" Kami, Maka's mom, smiled at her as she served her breakfast at the table.

"Yeah... a very pleasant morning..." Maka sarcastically greeted.

"Oh, c'mon dear, don't be like that... It's our last day here in this house after all" Spirit said. Maka looked around and saw that their house was nearly empty.

"Yeah, I guess so..." Maka sighed. Then a beep from outside surprised them.

"Oh, it looks like the bus is already there. Bye, Maka!" Kami waved goodbye at her. Maka stood up, grabbed her bag and left.

"Bye mom, dad!" Maka closed the door and ran to the bus. As she entered it and walked at the aisle, the students start whispering.

"Hey, isn't she that girl?" "Yup! That's Maka! The sarcastic emo! Ehehehe"

Maka caught the person who said that and grabbed him by the collar.

"You know I can hear you loud and clear" Maka's sharp green eyes looked at him. The boy gulped.

"Hey! If you're going to fight, go somewhere else! You're not breaking my bus again!" the driver shouted. Maka let go of his collar and she puts her index and middle finger infront of her two eyes and infront of his. "I'm watching you" she said as she walked up to her seat. Then she saw someone sitting on it.

"Hey! Move it punk!" Maka said to the girl.

"U-uh! Y-yes ma'am!" she got off her seat. Maka sat and placed her bag beside her. No one actually sat beside her ever since that day. Everyone thought she was a beast when she almost broke Liz's arm. Tsubaki didn't take the bus so she was always alone. After a few stops and they finally got to school. Maka hopped out off the bus and ran into the school. There she saw Tsubaki sitting at the edge of the fountain.

"Hey, Tsubaki..." Maka greeted.

"Oh! Hey there, Maka! I was waiting for you!" Tsubaki stood up and smiled.

"Yeah, thanks.." Maka and Tsubaki walked to the entrance of the school.

"Sooo.. How does it feel?" Tsubaki asked. "Feel what?"

"To be finally moving out of this city!" Tsubaki said. You can say she was happy for Maka. "Oh, that? Happy I guess.." Maka smiled.

"You know I always dreamt of leaving this city but my family has other plans" Tsubaki continued to talk. Maka was completely paying attention when she saw Liz wrapping her arms around Kid's and Patty following them cheerfully. She made a disgusted face and got back to walking.

"Maka? Is everything alright?" Tsubaki worriedly asked. "Yeah! Everything's fine!" Tsubaki sighed in relief as they entered their classroom. After many hours of lesson the dismissal bell finally rang. Maka stretched her arms out.

"Hey, Maka, do you want to eat in the cafeteria?" Tsubaki approached her.

"Uum, yeah, sure. I'd be happy to" Maka smiled as she followed Tsubaki to the cafeteria. They picked their food and sat at a table. They talked about many stuff and laughed about it.

"Um, Maka, excuse me. I'm just going to the comfort room. I'll be right back!" Tsubaki stood up and left. Maka smiled in response and contied to eat her soup. Then somebody bumped into her that made the soup go to her cheek instead of her mouth. Maka looked at her side and saw that it was Liz. Liz continued to walk but Maka knew she was smirking. Maka wiped off the soup on her face, stood up and angrily slammed the table. Everybody at the cafeteria turned silent and looked at her.

"What's your problem, Liz! ?" Maka looked at her angrily.

"My problem? None! I have a perfect life aaand a perfect boyfriend. What more could I ask for?" Liz shot back at her.

"Oh, you're still bringing that topic up huh?" Maka approached her and came to her face to face.

"Of course! I can't believe my boyfriend picked someone like you before me. A flat-chested girl.." Liz grinned. "Ooooooh..." the students where looking at both of them.

"Well, I can't believe he replaced me with someone like you! A girl who always flirts! A girl who flirts with teachers to keep her grades up!" Maka shouted at her. "Ooooooooooooh!" the students knew what will happen next. Liz slapped Maka in the face. Maka grabbed the nearest food she could get and slammed it into Liz's face.

"Ah! Why you little...!" Liz pushed Maka backwards making her fall. Maka grabbed her hands making her fall on to her. "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" the students where ranting.

"You fight like an old lady Liz, what's wrong with you?" Maka kicked Liz's stomach.

"Oow..." Liz groaned. "Ehem!" a man coughed in front of the two. The students went silent.

"Professor Justin!" one student shouted. "You two... up and go to the guidance office" Professor Justin left with the two of them following him. Tsubaki got back from the CR and saw the two of them following Professor Justin. Tsubaki gasped. "Maka..."

-In the Guidance Office-

"What have you done Ms. Albarn? Bruising my star student!" Professor Justin said.

"Star student? She doesn't even study and you call her star student?" Maka was enraged. Professor sighed.

"Fine, I'll let this slip today since it's your last day here, Ms. Albarn... You may go... But Ms. Albarn, you should really change your attitude for the the better. You're moving into a new school after all" he said.

"Look, she started it!" Maka shouted.

"Ms. Albarn! Do you want me to call your parents?"


"Then leave already..."

Maka and Liz got up and left the office. Kid, Patty and Tsubaki where there waiting for them to come out.

"Liz! Are you ok?" Kid and Patty approached Liz. Liz hugged him.

"I-I'm fine!" Liz cried . "Urgh! What a plastic!" Maka thought.

"Sis, you're crying!" Patty said. "I'm fine really!" Liz broke her and Kid's hug. Kid looked at Maka.

"That was really stupid Maka..." his voice was husky.

"What the hell! Dude, she started the fight!" Maka said.

"I don't care who started it! You shouldn't have done it Maka! Look at what you did to Liz!" Kid said. Maka felt like crying.

"Her? I didn't even do anything to her! She-!" Tsubaki grabbed Maka's shoulder. Maka looked at her.

"She's had enough, don't you think? It's been a hard day for her... You should think about other's feelings, Kid... Let's go Maka" Tsubaki grabbed Maka's hand and dragged her out of the tension area.

"Tsubaki...?" Maka started. "Hm?"

"Thank you... for saving my butt earlier... I didn't know what to say..."

"It's ok... It's ok to cry, Maka..." Maka looked at her and stopped. She bowed her head and sniffed.

"Why? Why did he have to leave me for that girl?" Maka cried. Tsubaki hugged her.

"It's ok, Maka... Just let it all out..."

Maka opened the door and closed it to their house.

"Oh, Maka, dear! Pack your things now, we're leaving by 7:00" Spirit said. Maka looked at the wall clock. It was 4:30.

"Ok..." Maka went upstairs. Kami and Spirit looked at each other. "I'll go see what's wrong" Kami followed her. Kami carefully opened her door.

"Maka? What's wro-" Kami saw her clothes scattered at the floor.

"Maka! I thought I told you to clean your room yesterday!"

"Sorry, mom... I just wasn't in the mood yesterday..." Maka sadly replied to her mother. Kamie saw that she was sad.

"Maka... why are your eyes puffy? Did you cry?" Kamie approached Maka and sat on her bed. Maka nodded.

"Is it about Kid?" Kami asked.

"Me and Liz had another fight... She started it but Kid still defended her! I don't know why! Why am I feeling this, mom?" Maka bursted out in tears as she hugged Kami.

"Shhh... It's ok, honey... Clearly he isn't really meant for you... He's mad! Do you want me to talk to his father?" Kami angrily said.


"Stop crying, Maka. He's not worth it..." Kami caressed Maka's hair.

"Thank you, mama... I'll pack my things now..."

"Are you sure your ok?" Maka nodded.

"Well ok then, I'll leave you here" Kami left her room and went downsairs.

"Well...?" Spirit looked at Kami.

"Your daughter has love problems"

"What? Is it that Kid again? I'll get him for this!" Spirit said. Kami sighed.

"C'mon dear, let it go. We're going to leave this city soon for good. Maka will be able to forget him" Kami said. Spirit groaned and continued to pack his things. After 2 hours they where all ready to go.

"Maka! Get in the car now!" Kami called to her.

"I'm coming" Maka got out of the house carrying her things and Blair. She got in the car and the engine started. "Here we go..." Spirit drove the car and they started to move. After 1 hour they passed a poster saying 'Welcome to Sunshine City'. She looked at it.

"Sunshine City, huh? What a lame name..."

Sooooo... how was it? Please review :)
In this story, there's too much drama... and I can't help but cry! :'(

Thanks for reading! :)