Author Note# 1: short chapter to wrap things up.

Author Note# 2: I would like everyone who stuck with this fic for the last 4 yrs! I am sorry it took so long to finish. But real life sometimes gets in the way and at times inspiration is not always there. It has been hard to finish it since my beloved Dinozzo is no longer on the show but this last chapter wraps things up. Again, thank you for the comments and alerts and sharing the love we all have for these characters.

Tim begged for the opportunity to accompany Fornell to New York and eventually the badgering paid off. As long as he stayed in the background and did not directly engage Senior, he could be considered a liaison with the Bureau. Fornell's group was finalizing the sequence of events while on the plane en route to New York City. Tim listened but did not participate. None of the FBI agents knew his personal connection to Tony and he wanted it to continue as such.

They arrived at the 5th Avenue office complex at 11 am. Fornell was armed with warrants and wanted the man's arrest to be as high profile as possible. The bastard deserved some humiliation.

A group of ten FBI agents, accompanied by NYPD officers entered the expansive, opulent lobby. They showed their badges to security; they waved them in. They located their target floor. The group filled two elevators as they ascended to their destination.

Fornell led the charge into the offices. "Excuse me…" A secretary attempted to stop them as they walked in.

"FBI, Ma'am." Fornell looked around at the group. "We are looking for Anthony Dinozzo, Senior."

"H-He is in a m-meeting." The frightened woman answered.

"Where?" Fornell replied in a serious tone that the woman shrunk slightly.

"I will let him know that you are here."

"Unnecessary. We have warrants." He turned to the group. "Let's go, boys."

The group, including Tim walked into the vast offices. They searched for a large meeting space and found the Boardroom. Fornell burst into the room. Those in the room jumped up as they saw a large group enter. Fornell walked up to Senior.

"What is the meaning of this?" Senior looked angry as he surveyed the group.

In front of the twenty or so people in the room, Fornell grabbed Senior and pulled him up. "Anthony Dinozzo, Senior: you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Federal Agent Anthony McGee Dinozzo."

Gasps were heard throughout the room and Senior tried to allay the chatter. "They are lying. This is preposterous!"

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you." He cuffed Senior behind his back, causing the older man to curse obscenities at him.

Fornell looked to the group. "Search his office while the others search his home." As he led the irate Senior out, Fornell nodded at McGee who had tears in his eyes but a large smile on his face.


One Year Later

The road to recovery was difficult for Tony. He required months of physical therapy. But unfortunately, he still had a residual limp and could not pass the physical requirements to return to the field. He not only suffered physical ailments but mentally as well. He entered intensive outpatient therapy to deal with the trauma of his injury. It brought up many repressed memories of the harm his father did to him all those years ago. Tony was thankful for his family and Jethro for supporting him. He would not have survived without them.

Dinozzo Senior entered a plea and received forty years in prison. Tony finally felt safe that his lifelong nightmare was over and he could safely move on with his life.

Jethro and Tony were enjoying throwing a BBQ for their NCIS friends and the McGee's. While certainly someone going to prison was not necessarily a reason to throw a party, Tony wanted to have a lighthearted celebration with the people he loved the most. He was due to start as a FLETC instructor in the next few weeks. He was excited to start a new chapter in his life. As difficult as it was to give up field work, he was a well respected NCIS agent and could impart his wisdom on a new generation of rising agents.

He stood in the kitchen, for a quick moment of quiet. He rubbed his leg as he swallowed an Ibuprofen pill. His limb still ached, especially after physical therapy. Liz walked in.

"Hi, honey." She smiled warmly as she reached out to hug Tony.

"Hi." He answered quietly as he treasured the embrace of his mother. He loved the perfume she wore. He rested his head on her shoulder, not caring if he looked like a baby.

"You look good."

"Thanks. I'm feeling okay. It's just the leg really."

"No more headaches?"


She breathed a sigh of relief. Tony suffered from debilitating headaches for the first few months after his injury.

"Mom…I just wanted to thank you for being here for me. For caring about me."

She touched his face. "Oh, sweetheart. We are so happy you are okay." Her voice cracked. "We love you so much. Always remember that."

It took a long time for him to come to the realization that he was worthy…he was loved…he was wanted. He wasn't going to let his birth father ruin his entire life. He now had a mom and dad…a brother and sister who loved him unconditionally. It was the most amazing feeling in the world!

Liz wiped her eyes and kissed him on the cheek and left the kitchen as Jethro walked in. Tony's face lit up and his heart swelled as he looked upon the man who stayed with him through thick and thin. Tony was a wreck after his injury. Self doubt and fear encompassed him. He tried to push Jethro away but Gibbs wouldn't let him. He knew it was self protection that Tony attempted but through patience and love, they persevered and came out the end only stronger.

"Hi there." Tony smiled widely as Gibbs stood in front of him. He leaned in and their lips met. After they stepped back to catch their breath, Jethro embraced his love. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too." Tony answered as he reveled in the feeling of the older man.

"We'll be okay, Tony. We can handle anything."

The End.