A/N : This story was originally written for the February Drabble Wars under the name of 'Til The World Ends' by my previous pseudonym 'Judas Manifesto.' I'm voicing this to avoid any who think I plagiarized.

Thanks to Beta, TexasBella and Pre-Reader, Frankielynn



No one ever knew it would happen. No one even saw this coming.

It was completely unpredictable, abrupt, causing life as we knew it on Earth to shift back into the days of the beginning. Nature would soon be taking over once more.

The Earth's crust cracked, mountains crumbled, volcanoes exploded, valleys collapsed and the world had burst into angry flames, the heat melting buildings and deteriorating forests into ash. The human population had taken a severe toll, dropping over sixty percent in its numbers from the destruction caused by an Earth-shattering earthquake, along with the intense heat that the sun had cast onto the land from the lack of ozone layer. Any survivors only got away with their lives from being fortunate enough to be in certain spaces of the Earth's plate that remained untouched by the devastation.

The beginning of the end came with the constant uprising of global warming and deterioration of the Earth's mantle under developed and developing countries and finally pushing us over the edge – ending our world. The combination of the warming tied with the collapse of governments and security, slinging the world into uproar and eventually to the apocalypse.

Humanity had overtime ruined their world.

However, this had led to an unexpected uprising of the inhabitants of the supernatural world who had fled deep into the underground. They had dug down further and built an underground city complete with apartment buildings carved room stone and metal. They found solace in caves, ancient cities and even the sewers to escape the scalding sun during the day as well as avoiding the humans that had rebuilt a small city in the heart of an old town called Surrey in North America. It was a pitiful excuse for a city since it was just a cluster of stone cells that housed way too many people for its size.

The humans had taken over the surface and worked hard on making houses stand up to the intense heat of the sun during the day and left the house to gather the necessities. That was when the underworld would hunt. Especially the blood thirsty Vampires that go a month without feeding.

Vampires and Lycans took control of the post-apocalyptic world, leading to a feud between the species as well as smaller, less powerful species that became caught in the middle and had to choose sides. The witches and warlocks had taken the side of the Lycans that wanted the Vampire species to become extinct due to ancient massacres and battles. But the Vampires still had numbers as well as powerful Shapeshifters that did assignments for them during the day since the sun seemed to have no effect on them due to their regeneration powers.

After the world had been shook and devastated by an earthquake that tore every building down, cracked all the streets and knocked out every type of communication known to mankind, there was an hour of complete silence as those who had survived slowly emerged from the wreckage - Vampire, Human and Lycan alike.

The world was quiet. Not completely silent, but an eerie silence that had secrets. There was not a sound coming from anything or anyone. It held a dreary silence that gripped the secrets of death and destruction with bony and unforgiving hands. What remained of the buildings were mere shadows of their former glory, the majority of their facades now lying in crumbles around their base. The roads were littered with debris, garbage and even fallen trees. The devastation was heartbreaking.

I walked through the destruction with a heavy heart and a single, translucent tear dropped from my lower eyelid down over my cheek.

My name is Edward Cullen; I'm a Vampire that survived the 2012 apocalypse that had completely changed the world.

However, the only thing that I could think about as I shoved pieces of drywall and shattered wood from on top of me was where my wife was and the rest of our coven that we considered to be our family. I coughed white dust that I assumed was from the drywall and white sheen covering the air. The air was heavy with the dust and I slapped a palm over my mouth and nose.

Bella Swan had been my beautiful Vampire bride for almost a century before this natural disaster tore us apart. With beautiful chocolate brown eyes with long, wavy black hair that came down to the bottom of her ribcage. She was the only thing in this life of lonesome immortality that made it worth living. Our love was perfect in every way.

Bella was stubborn and short tempered. She was also an expert fighter thanks to her big brother, Emmett; a member in our coven which had a total of eight members, including Bella and I. He wrestled with her constantly and taught her how to fight with the help of Jasper,who was in the Army during his human life. Carlisle and Esme, who had grown to become the mother and father figures for the coven in addition to being our leaders, which was weird in the Vampire world.

Over the years, we had gone from a mutual respect of each other to loving one another and finally to becoming a family. It was uncommon and frowned upon by other Vampires,but it was just the way it was with us.

I crawled over the wreckage of what was left of my home, looking around at my surroundings. Everything was a giant pile of rubble except for the odd building that was either fully intact of missing a corner. My mouth fell open as I took in what I was truly seeing.

I thought of my family. I didn't know if they were alive or not. I desperately hoped that they were because I couldn't live on without my family.

I stood up, stumbling as the blood returned to my still slumbering limbs, brushing off the drywall dust from my plain grey shirt and leather jacket. When I looked down at my feet, I noticed Bella's matching leather jacket and crouched back down to get a closer look. I reached over to grab the jacket, yanking it free of the broken wood splinters and dusted it off so it once more looked black instead of white. I folded it over arm, noticing a hint of Bella's strawberry and vanilla smell still lingering along the collar. I brought the collar around my nose, inhaling the mixture of my scent and hers before I bent down to tighten my boots. That done, I allowed myself to look up and around at the wreckage of what use to be my neighborhood.

Everything was now a massive pile of rubble of what used to be there. Even in the pale light afforded by the moon in the almost pitch black night, it was saddening to look at.

Looking up at the moon, I whispered to myself that somehow, some way, I would find my family and my wife. I knew one way or another…I would find them…I had to.

My boots made faint clicks on the street as I walked through a clear path to the main street, my heart weighing a thousand pounds knowing that my family could be dead.

The streets were quiet and tousled, papers and building debris littering the cracked roads between what used to be busy street corners with shop fronts that were once filled with merchandise and people. Now they were empty with shattered windows and the top halves missing. The smell that lingered in the air was musky from the ash from the drowned fires that must have been put out by something. There were no signs of rain fall so I assumed the fire had just ran out of steam.

I kept my hands in my pockets as I wandered the darkened street, kicking at a small rock the size of a chestnut along the way. My throat burned with a miserable ache whenever I saw tattered billboards with humans on them, showing off their flawless skin that hid the veins that held the crimson life essence Vampires lived for.

My fangs lengthened, digging into my bottom lip as I stared at a woman's neck on one such board. I could almost see her pulse. I longed to randomly find a dying human lying about somewhere and feed but I heard no heartbeat or smelt any odor of a human anywhere. There weren't even the sounds of birds chirping or the buzzing of traffic. Nothing.

I shook my head, clearing my haunting thoughts as my hand left my jean pocket to clutch at my jugular which felt as if it was going to explode from my neck at any second. I could feel the strength quickly fading from my body, it felt like I was going to shrivel up like a prune and collapse unto itself. I needed to feed as soon as possible.

But as I looked out across the empty streets, I knew it would be a one in a million chance that I would be able to find a human with a pulse.

I wished more than ever that Bella was with me, she would have tried to help me deal with my thirst. But just before the world had ended, we had gotten into a fight which had ended with her darting off through the forest and running far, far away from me. I missed her so much and hoped to any God out there that she was alive and well.

I could almost feel her hand clutching mine inside my pocket but was disappointed when I realized it was just the fabric.

I looked up at the cloudless black sky, only illuminated by the strong pale glow the moon was casting on our destroyed planet. I silently prayed, to no one in particular really, to give me back my family.
There was a loud crash of shattered glass and I whipped around to see a shadow moving to hide behind a bus that had fallen over and was lying on its side in a four way intersection.

I cocked my head to the side and examined the area for any more signs of movements as I took one, careful step forward.

"Who's there?" I barked into the night, my vision sharpening and focusing on the darkness, making it clearer. My fangs enlarged and I instinctively crouched into a feral stance.

The hairs on the back of my neck and forearms stood high and alert as my skin erupted with goose bumps. My instincts and intuition told me that I was not alone and that I was in danger; to run. I could smell the foul, musty odor that could only belong to a Lycan.

I took a few more careful steps towards the fallen bus, knowing that something was going to jump out to attack me. I looked around the area and glanced behind me out of paranoia and decided to get over the anticipation by crouching down and launching myself into the air, jumping onto the side of the bus with a growl ripping through my mouth as my eyes narrowed in on the darkness that was hiding danger.

As I predicted, just as my boot hit the crunching metal and glass, a massive Lycan the color of black ash leapt up from the other side, towering over me as it snarled.

It looked like all Lycans…reminiscent of its wolf cousin except that it was twice as big with bigger jowls and stood taller than a human. As if a Gray Wolf had overdosed on steroids. The beast's breath was foul with the scent of rotting flesh and its fur was covered in blood, dirt and dust. It must have fed on already decaying human bodies to survive.

I ducked as he swung a meaty and hairy arm for my head and slipped through one of the empty bus windows to escape him. He snarled furiously and dropped down on all fours to reach an arm in to grab me. I crawled swiftly through the sideways seats and focused on the emergency exit door at the back.

There was another crash as the beast dug its way into the vehicle and I quickly glanced back to see the imbecile struggling to get between the seats. I grinned back at him, flashing my fangs before crashing through the exit door.

I let a growl rip through my throat as I hopped back onto the side of the bus and found the wolf still struggling and snarling in a rage. I lowered myself down behind him, quickly wrapping my arms around the Lycanthrope's neck, swiftly twisting. A squeak and a groan left the beast after the snapping of his neck.

I stared down at the limp form of the wolf, making sure I could hear no heartbeat and that the heat of his body was decreasing.

When I was sure the beast was dead, I lifted myself out of the bus once again and lay back against the cracked glass of the windshield. I closed my eyes and urged my body to come down from the adrenaline and bloodlust so my head would stop spinning.

I imagined holding Bella in my arms once again, laughing as she giggled and blushed while I peppered her neck in kisses. I couldn't help smiling to myself at the very memory, desperately wishing she was beside me.

I took a deep breath before reluctantly opening my eyes to find someone standing there that I had not expected to see ever again.

"Alice?" I gasped as I rolled over and looked at her with my eyes bulging in disbelief.