I'm sad.

I will never admit it to anyone but I am. I feel like I am mourning. I'm not sure if that's ironic since I am the dead one. I wish I could keep thinking about that one aspect instead of the actual problem. Maybe you really are the problem. Just a problem. Intended to entertain children, but not accepting of my position. Wanting to stay with them once they've grown. No that's stupid. It's only that one kid. Just the one.

It's her pretty face that gets to me. That's all. It's such a dainty shade of pink. It looks delicious. Maybe if I take a bite I'll get my fill and move on. I mean, it's not like I actually enjoy her or anything. She just looks tasty. She is made out of bubble gum after all. Wouldn't ever actually like someone so stuck up. So very not fun. She used to be so very interesting. When she was younger. She wasn't as cute then though. I didn't feel any need to nibble at her. I bet she's as sweet as the nightosphere is dark. I bet her brain is so very bogged down with sugar that she won't even look at you any more without Finn being there to mediate. Even if she does wear that stupid t-shirt.

It's dark out and I sit outside her castle. She won't notice me. She hasn't noticed me waiting there since she was thirteen. There was a little bout of her being that recently and it was pretty cool except that this young princess had a thing for Finn. I didn't really like that but then again I never really was as fond of little Peebles as I am Bonnie. Even if she would give me more cavities this way. I reach up and feel at my face. Press my hands against a hot blush. Tilt my head up to see if she's in the balcony again. No such luck.

I'm tired of sitting here. It'll be daylight soon. I transform into a bat and fly away, like I always do. Always. I think that maybe tomorrow I'll do something else. I know I won't though. This is how I spend my early mornings. The rest of the night is my playground, but these wee hours, as the sun is threatening to shine, they are for her. They have been for her since she was an early to rise ten year old with a short puff of hair. I giggle at the thought. Why can't I have both? The little Bubblegum's personality and the current one's body and age. That sounds too blunt to say aloud. I won't tell anyone.

When I get back to my cave house Finn is waiting for me with an action movie to watch. I happily oblige him. I can't focus now though. I keep remembering that day he was trying so desperately to get the Princess to go to a 'date night' with him. Despite his age and my knowledge of how she absolutely did not think of him that way I was frightened that she would accept. I don't know why. I just didn't want it. I even went so far as to let wolves loose in her room rather than risk it. I wonder if he would hate me if he knew. I don't know if he would mind now, I've heard about his little flame princess. He doesn't miss that lock of bubblegum hair I snagged one day as a prank. It really only stays close by in case he figures it out and I need to return it. Honest.

Once Finn and Jake have left I float on into bed. I pull the gummy blob out from my side table drawer and stare at it. Just stare it at. I turn it over and over in my hands. I bring it close to my face. Red is delectable. I am curious about how pink tastes. My fangs sink in the corner and I take a tiny sip. It tastes sweet. Sickeningly so. I put it back in it's place and curl up under the covers. I wake up when night falls with a toothache. I physically could not care less but I still peck at the fang with my sharp nails. I wonder if her delicate baby pink skin is any sweeter than her fuchsia hair.