I finally got around to finishing this! It's really short but I just had a random thought one night and it took me another 4 weeks to finish it. So please, Enjoy!

Tsubasa sighed and collapsed onto his bed the second he got home from the ice-cream parlour with Yuuu. It had been a long night for him, filled with refusing to buy Yuuu another ice-cream but somehow always buying one anyway. His wallet was now empty of any form of money, just because of that face. The one Yuuu always pulled when he wanted something but couldn't get it. It was just so cute you couldn't say no.

He could hear the TV on in the lounge room where Yuuu would be watching some form of childish show. Tsubasa was exhausted though and instead of telling the younger boy to turn the TV off, he changed into a pair of pyjama pants and went to bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

Yuuu on the other hand sat on the couch watching TV, not wanting to go to Tsubasa and tell him the truth. The truth was that Yuuu felt sick. He had eaten too much ice-cream. He sat in front of the TV trying very hard to keep the ice-cream in his body but eventually found himself running to the closest bathroom and vomiting into the toilet. Luckily for him, the closest bathroom was the one in Tsubasa's room and his vomiting woke the older teen.

Tsubasa woke slowly, only half aware of the vomiting in the bathroom. When he did realise he got out of bed and walked into the bathroom to see Yuuu on his knees, tears sliding down his face. Tsubasa knelt beside the boy and rubbed his back, calming the orange haired blader a bit.

After a short while Yuuu stopped vomiting and Tsubasa pushed him into the shower before going to the kitchen. Once he got there he opened the bottom drawer and got a cloth, putting it on the bench while he opened the medicine cupboard and got Medicine as well. He listened as Yuuu got out of the shower and dampened the cloth with cold water before walking back into his bedroom where Yuuu now sat on the floor in his pyjamas.

"Here, drink this," He said, handing the younger boy a measuring cup with the right amount of medicine in it.

Yuuu put the measuring cup to his lips, making sure to drink every last drop of the medicine before he gave back the cup. "Thanks Tsubasa." Tsubasa nodded, gave him the cloth and walked out to put the measuring cup in the sink.

Upon returning to the bedroom he found Yuu had crawled onto the bed, the cloth draped across his forehead. The older boy smiled and walked around to the other side of the bed, getting back in to go to sleep. As soon as he got into the bed Yuu rolled over, green eyes looking up sadly. "I'm sorry Tsubasa."

He looked like he was about to cry. Even at midnight, Tsubasa still would've rathered see the younger boy acting like he was on a sugar high than see him crying. He wrapped his arms around Yuu, quietly murmuring 'Go to sleep' into his hairline before feeling the younger snuggle into him, knowing the other felt safe and would be able to sleep.

*Cough* Finished badly at 3:30am *Cough* Review people! It's been a while since I posted anything so I'd love to see your reactions to this before I post another Kyouya/Nile!