Chapter 24

"So Sam, what was it like having a god ride your ass?" Dean couldn't help but tease his brother about the fact that he had been possessed twice already. They were seated at their table for the actual festival that was being held to honor the gods Satet and Hapi, who decided to remain, as well as present the winner of the tournament.

It was actually a surprise when the gods requested that they bestow the honor. Hakim agreed to it and it surprised Dean when they asked Angela to stand with them to bestow honor. He watched as they said something about Sam showing the highest ideals of honor and all that crap. Angela stood there giving Sam a slight smile of encouragement.

Dean could see that as far as Angela was concerned, it was Sam's day. She only did what she had to in order to keep the peace around. Hell he wished that she would have been able to enjoy it more but he could guess that she was happy. He watched as the gods spoke to her after Sam came back and Satet gave her a kiss on the forehead. He figured it was a personal thing and had turned his attention to Sam who was looking surprised that things went pretty well for a case that just fell in their lap. He asked Sam how his day went and Sam filled him in on the god possession.

Sam replied, "Much like a demon except he was more interactive."

"So what was it like watching him use you to throw Angie's chakram?"

"Actually I did that."

"Don't mess with me Sam. From what I read, it takes extensive training to be able to throw it decently," Dean replied not quite sure if Sam was messing with his head or not.

"Dean's right Sam," Bobby added. "It takes a lot so ya don't nick yourself with it."

Sam looked at Bobby and Dean. He figured they wouldn't believe him and hell he wasn't even sure if that was real at times. He did know though that he was in control of his body and he felt the cool feel of the chakram that was now hanging on Angela's belt. He replied, "It was me. The god Hapi just gave me the know-how."

"Just like he fixed your leg?" Dean asked with a raised brow. So far this trip had proven to be something of a mixed adventure. It was a nice diversion from Angela doing her thing about finding a way to break his deal and it took Sam's mind off of it too but it opened the door for stupid and it walked in when he found out that Sam fought with a bum leg. He added, "Which reminds me, what were you thinking of when you decided to fight and risk permanently injuring yourself?"

"I kind of would like to know that myself," Bobby added. He hadn't been able to see the exchange between Angela and Sam but he caught the gist watching her watch Sam and Sam moving like an old man.

Sam knew that Dean and Bobby were going to bite on this and not let go. He sighed and replied, "It was something I had to do."

Dean gave a slight raise of his brow. He could sense that there was something more to the response than what Sam was giving. "Right. Well at least nothing bad happened with that. I always knew you could kick ass and now you just proved it in front of a nice crowd." He took a sip of the beer that he had gotten from the buffet.

"It wasn't about that Dean," Sam replied as he looked at the plate that had been placed in front of him and the hand that put it down.

"No it wasn't and before either of you start on me, it was Sam's choice and it took considerable effort to convince me," Angela replied as she sat down next to Sam with her own plate and mug of mead. "Believe me I was tough with it." She glanced at Sam and gave a slight wink.

Sam noticed it and realized that she was taking attention away from it and she had her reason for it. It worked because Dean started teasing her, "So the warrior princess decides to join us."

Angela gave a slight chuckle and replied, "Don't use that too often Dean. You know I can knock you out with just my pinky." She held up her pinky to tease Dean. She smiled as she took a sip of the mead and relished the heady feeling it gave her.

"Don't I know it," Dean replied with a grin. He took in Angela's appearance and could make out the faint bruises on her arms and one on her left temple. They looked painful and he was sure that Sam noticed them too but was being too much a gentleman to notice or he didn't notice them. "So can't I at least comment on your choice in clothes?"

"Oh ho and where is the shy school boy who couldn't even look me in the eye?" Angela hid her smirk behind another pull of the mead.

"Easy there princess. You know that stuff can go to a person's head," Theodor came up with his own tankard. He gave a hard slap on Angela's shoulder as he laughed at his own joke. He then looked at Sam and said, "Nice work Winchester."

Sam picked up on what was going on and asked, "You're drinking mead Angie?"

"I need a little kick," Angela replied. She looked at Sam and at the expression on his face she added, "I can handle it. Trust me."

Theodor added, "Oh yeah she can. I once saw her drink my brother Fergus under the table with mead. I think it was twenty tankards in before he passed out and she was standing on the table singing some bar tune."

Dean felt like his Christmases had come all at once. "Really?"

Sam caught the look on his brother's face and replied, "Dean."

"No it's all right Sam," Angela replied, "That was one of my finest moments since I discovered I had a head for this." She raised her tankard. "Besides it's been a while since I indulged."

"So we'll get a chance for a performance?" Dean gave his most charming smile.

"You get one every morning."

Theodor laughed as he downed his tankard. "Still the same warrior princess. You really did bring back the spirit of things. Well you and your friends here." He took off laughing leaving the group at their table.

Angela watched as she put a grape in her mouth. She laughed when he tried to flirt with one of the female warriors and said, "There goes another flirt. Reminds me of one of my hunters." She glanced at Dean and gave him a knowing look. "Maybe he needs a lesson in finding his way to a halfway decent pickup line?"

Sam snorted as he took a drink of the beer he had. He hid it as best as he could. He looked at his brother and then added, "Maybe he knows the way to a decent pickup line?"

"Shut up Sam," Dean scowled as he hid behind his beer. He couldn't help but smile. Even when she was under the influence Angela never failed to get back at him.

"I see some making merry is going on here," Haley's voice entered. She was joined with Jason and Alice. "Mind if we join in?"

Dean smirked at Haley, "I'm all for some company."

"Easy there Ace," Haley replied as she slid next to Dean on the bench seat. She whispered something into Dean's ear that had him blush for a moment.

Angela watched with amusement. She motioned for Jason and Alice to sit and said, "It is no trouble and an honor Lady Davenport."

Alice sat next to Bobby and said, "Actually it is an honor for me. Your friends found me and you prevented disaster from occurring. Mostly I want to thank you Angela for sparing my sister. I know the laws well and what you did… Just thank you."

Angela looked at the head of the Davenport family. She knew that she had an audience watching. Bobby asked her, "Why did ya do it?"

Angela looked at the others. She then lighted her eyes on Sam who was studying her. In fact he was the only one who seemed to understand. He learned quite a bit these past few days. She replied, "Well Bobby, there was one thing that I learned a long time ago. I learned that it is easy to kill someone even if they deserve it but to let that person live like I did especially if they have no forgiveness in their hearts, living is a worse punishment than death." She studied everyone's faces and took a pull of her mead.

"So really it was a mercy?" Dean asked the question.

"Yes," Angela replied looking at Dean, "Besides there is always a chance that they could learn that what they did is wrong and make amends."

"I wouldn't hold my breath with Alanna," Alice replied, "But I hope she realizes you gave her a chance."

"It's all I can hope for. It's what I try to do."

"You do it real good," Sam whispered into Angela's ear. He and Dean had traveled with her quite a bit and had seen what she could do. She was a good person as he had told her before and he did again, "And it's you."

Angela couldn't help but give a slight smile. Sam firmly believed that she was a good person. Even Dean hinted as much and Bobby indulged her like a father does a daughter. It was always a warm feeling to hear something like that come honestly.

Jason noticed Angela's expression and could tell that whatever Sam said cheered her immensely. He would regret taking that cheer from her but he was given a chance and he was going to take it. He had his own happiness waiting. Still he could enjoy a couple of more hours with a warrior and a very good friend. He said, "Well in the end that is a mark of honor. Cheers for the champion Sam and the warrior princess, Angela."

Hakim sat with the other heads next to the gods who decided to stay. He expected them to leave after the sentence had been passed but Satet requested to stay. He accepted and the other heads agreed. The festival was to begin that evening and all were invited. Traditionally the gods blessed the flooding at the tournament in Zahir's territory but this year they decided to bless it from here. At first Hakim had no clue as to why but he saw the gods talk to the girl who helped Angela. After watching them converse, he had a good idea of that relationship.

Right now he was watching Angela converse with her companions at their table. His mentor and friend had done much to save the tournament and even though her companions didn't have to, they helped. Hakim could tell though that it wasn't for the tournament but for her. Father had been right when he told him that she was a true leader but never for power. Hakim could see the affection the three men had for her, each different but it was there.

"Your father would have been proud."

Hakim turned to see the goddess looking at him. He quickly averted his eyes in respect. He replied, "Father was better and could have done better. I learned much from him but not all."

"What is learned is done within a lifetime," Satet replied. She turned to look around. She saw Absolution with her companions and they were smiling over something. Off in a corner she saw Gabriel watching the festivities. She knew people couldn't see the archangel unless he wanted them to. She turned to see the boy head watching Absolution with her companions. He was a good boy. She added, "I see that you believe as your father did."

"Father taught me about our duty but I have to owe the teaching of honor to Angela," Hakim beckoned with his head. "She taught me much and it has been a source of inspiration this whole time. Though I was impressed with your daughter's performance." He glanced at the goddess and gave a slight grin.

Satet returned the expression with a slight smirk. The boy was clever but she knew a few things too. She replied, "Well that is much coming from the one who once called his mentor by the name of my daughter."

Hakim couldn't help but blush but he also stammered since he had heard of Satet's reputation as the warrior goddess. He replied, "It was only because I had been studying the nature of the tournament. I saw her in a sparring session with one of father's best men and I assumed quite a bit."

Satet couldn't help but smile. "Don't fear me Hakim. I know that you meant no harm. Many have thought quite a bit of Absolution and are drawn by both her beauty and skill though I think more draws her companions."

Hakim began to realize that the goddess was teasing him. He looked up and saw her smirking. He replied, "I see. Know this my lady that the identity of your daughter remains safe with me."

"I know that will be so. Your family has done its best to keep its honor and has proven trustworthy. We watch and we see. Don't worry, another year has been blessed and the floods have begun." Satet gave a gentle pat to Hakim's face. She knew that he was troubled by one thing and he had to live with it ever since he took over as head of his family. Maybe she should tell him. She added, "The guilty party was brought to justice a long time ago and by a very old friend."

Hakim didn't look at the goddess as she said that. He had wondered about what happened to the one who killed his father. It was never proven who did it and why and it bothered Hakim. His mother technically was supposed to be head but she abdicated. He knew the reason too. It was because of his father dying. His parents were a team though his father always said that it was his mother who was the driving force behind everything.

Hakim didn't look at the goddess but at the other tables and he lighted on Angela. She was laughing at something that Jason was saying and then looked back at the goddess. He had an idea who it was that brought justice to his father's murder. He didn't need to know though. He replied, "Thank you for telling me that justice has been done."

Satet smiled as she excused herself. She walked over to where Hapi was talking with Wosret. She smiled at her daughter as she placed a hand on her shoulder and looked at Hapi. "It seems that another year begins anew."

"I agree love," Hapi replied.

"And you did well daughter. It seems though that our mutual friend wasn't too persuasive," Satet gave a wink towards Wosret.

The young goddess gave a slight smile and replied, "He made his case Mother. I made the choice and I wanted to meet Absolution. I think I understand why he is the way he is." Wosret looked over at Absolution's table. She then added, "Absolution is what she is and that is what makes her worthy of the friends she has."

Satet and Hapi smiled and nodded. Their daughter was perceptive. Perhaps it would do her well to spend more time amongst the mortals. They continued to mingle in with the festivities until late in the night when it died down and people went to sleep satisfied that another year began for prosperity.

It was a nice night walking the main balcony that overlooked the desert. Angela leaned on the rail and took in the sight and breathed in the night air. She rotated her shoulders slightly taking in the soothing power of her wild yam and gave a slight grin. Sam waited until they were back in their quarters before attacking her with the jar. She indulged since she was still sore and it would help with the healing bruises. Dean certainly got entertainment out of it.

Now she was enjoying the late night, and clearing her head from all the mead she had drunk. Bobby made it clear that she was taking her turn driving back to Sioux Falls drunk or no. So staying up and relaxing kind of helped plus the coffee that she managed to persuade a servant to bring her. At least Bobby wouldn't make her drive after a late night but she would take her turn since this trip hardly was the vacation it was supposed to be.

Looking at the landscape, she thought about the tournament and what had occurred. She felt regret that she had to fight Lykos but she thought that she had done right by him even though it was easier to just let him be killed for his treachery. Lycan appreciated her sparing his brother and he told her, "I know it must have been hard for you and I wouldn't blame you if you let them carry out sentence. I thought though that you should know that by sparing Lykos, you've shown everyone the true meaning of honor."

Angela had replied, "Maybe so. I spared him because of you mostly old friend. He is your brother and I am sorry that I drove a wedge between you two."

Angela recalled the look on Lycan's face as she took a sip of coffee. What happened then between Lykos and Lycan was one of the reasons why she tried to keep her distance with the boys in terms of getting too close. She had always thought it was her fault for that and it carried on to the next set of siblings. At least she didn't pit one brother against the other… at least she hoped she didn't. "Noise and confusion," she muttered.

"An interesting description I think."

Angela turned around and saw Cary there. She could see him shake a little as she turned to look at him full on. Apparently she left a lasting mark on the worm but he was getting better at controlling it. She replied, "Why am I not surprised to here Cary? I gave up hearing back from you after I sent you off the last time."

"Do you really think that I was going to give up everything right then and there? How stupid do you think I am?"

Angela leaned against the banister and gave a slight smirk. "Not stupid. A coward maybe but not stupid. I figured that you were going to run back to your boss or hide out for a while and pretend to do something so it would keep me off your back."

"You think you're so smart don't you?"

"I have my moments Cary but I also learned how to read people and trust my instincts," Angela replied as she finished the rest of her coffee. She then stood up and crossed her arms to get down to business. "So why don't you tell me what you are doing here and what was the point of your little message to Dean?

"Are you sure your human pets aren't going to go up in arms for you talking to a demon?" Cary taunted her back.

"We're hardly purists in that matter," Angela replied. "So give."

Cary grumbled. As usual she wasn't going to say anything unless she knew what she was walking into. He might as well get on with what he was doing there. He replied, "The boss has heard about you and your interest in seeing him."

"I take it he wants to see me?"

"Whatever you want but he has expressed interest in meeting you. Now," Cary replied. He started down the hall confident that Angela would follow.

Angela knew that it was probably a bad idea to go in alone but she still had Absolution and her chakram. Neutrality was also still in place and she had to owe some type of thanks to the demon for sending the worm to find Dean. That could mean something entirely to the demon though and she had to be ready for it. She followed Cary without saying anything.

She was lead into a chamber that she recognized as one of the more elaborate guest quarters. She knew because she used to stay in them herself when she was a guest under Hakim's father. At least he was at peace and justice had been served. She took to exploring the room and noted the taste in decoration that fit the rest of the place. The personal items though held her interest.

Looking around, she found some rather expensive wine as well as a few other ends. She suspected that this king of the crossroads was one with a sophisticated palate. In her mind that meant she had to be doubly on alert. The ones who appreciated the sophicatedness of wine and the like usually were the meticulous types in planning for whatever they planned to do. She had that much experience from Lenya and Azazel even though they tended to be heavy handed on brutality.

At one point she came across something silver gleaming lying on a pillow cushion. She was drawn to it and went over to inspect it. She didn't expect it to be something familiar but it put into perspective recent events. She reached out to touch the gleaming sigils.

"I see you've figured it out that I was the one who hired Bela to get Absolution."

Angela took back her hand and took a breath. She slowly turned around to face the demon. He was not what she expected and yet everything she anticipated. She could tell why he was considered the king of the crossroads just by looking at him. She replied, "I kind of figured that it was someone with eccentric tastes and very rich. That is Bela's usual type of clientele though I think she had no idea who you were now did she? Of course she knew about Lenya."

Crowley stood looking at her and appreciated the well toned body and musculature as well as the beauty. He had seen her in action against the little shit Lykos and was rather surprised at her asking for mercy. He had heard the stories too. He replied, "As far as the little human dealing devil goes, she did what I wanted her to do though I didn't quite expect the end results."

Angela couldn't help it and picked up the piping etched with the sigils. She held it like she would a sword and held it up to view with appreciation at the handiwork. She replied, "I suppose you didn't but then again you knew that I wouldn't part with it so easily."

I figured you to be the intelligent type. I was impressed that you took a piece of junk and turned it into a weapon," Crowley replied in appreciation. "However I am curious how you were able to do it. My sources saw that you had help and from an unlikely sort."

"Often happens in my line of work."

"Even if it is from someone that you would otherwise send straight to hell?" Crowley asked the question in a challenge form. He wanted to see her response.

"As I told Cary, I'm hardly a purist. Maybe I have been at the job far to long since I risk quite a bit dealing with sorts like you," Angela replied as she walked forward. She handed the piping back to Crowley after looking him in the eye for a moment. "So what is it that you want to see me about? I do have to sleep since I am leaving in the morning."

Crowley was rather impressed with Absolution. She could have easily killed him but she didn't. Perhaps an arrangement could be worked out but then again the whole thing with Carla was something that he had to be careful to avoid. "Oh I believe you know what it is about love. You see it's very hard to keep secret the fact that someone like yourself is looking for me. The reasons vary as gossip does tend to do but you get the picture."

Angela didn't look at the demon. She didn't feel threatened and maybe she was walking into something bigger than she could handle but she still had to navigate the waters. She replied, "And you know they say that gossip is poison."

Crowley knew it was time to hook the line. "True but when those rumor point to the fact that you want my help to break a deal, well let's just say that it is too good a deal to pass up even if you claim not to want it anymore. I am here to deliver love."

Angela paused. She could feel the demon close in behind her. It was a dark sickly feeling and she could only imagine how Dean felt when he kissed the hell bitch. She had already decided to go through official channels but now after everything, Crowley was hinting that he could help. She was in between a rock and a hard place now. She felt the demon's hand on her shoulder and found that it wasn't as distasteful as Lenya's touch. It had her worried as she thought about what she was going to do. She made her decision and prayed that it wouldn't come back to bite her in the ass later on. Just as long as she kept in mind who this was for.

A/N: And there you have it. It seems like something might be struck with Crowley or maybe not. Be sure to join Angie and the Winchester brothers on their next adventure in 'Trick'steen Candles...