So…late update, I know. I hope this short chapter makes up for the late update. I hope you enjoy it. (And yes, I will be trying to update this faster.)


"Die Arthur! Die!" shouted Wales, ducking as a duck was thrown at his head. Ireland pointed his hand out from behind the tree he was hiding, shooting out a ray of green light at the undefended Francis. The Frenchman yelped and pressed himself against the boulder he was behind, glancing up once to throw an apple – with surprising accuracy – towards Scotland. The Scottish man bellowed in a war-like fashion and threw a bolt of magic towards Australia. The Australian laughed loudly.

"You all will be eating Vegemite after this! I can't believe you never invite me over to your get-togethers!"

"There's a reason for that!" called out England, shooting out a frog from his wand, which landed right on Ireland's face. The Irishman let out a squeal and shoved t away. Wales stepped out, waving his staff around.

"Die wankers!" he shouted, shooting out a bolt of sparkles (rainbow ones) into the air. Arthur and Kyle let out matching laughs from where they were hidden. Francis sort of cowered.

"Nice staff, Gavyn! You compensating for something?" called England cheekily.

To understand why we are where we are, let's go back a few hours.

There was a graveyard-like silence that had descended upon the house since the challenge had been tossed out. Well, it wasn't a challenge, per se. A sort of violent sibling rivalry thing. Which involved magic. And weapons. And possibly blood.

Francis watched Arthur pace, looking worried for the man's sanity. A minute ago the Englishman had been staring at his wand and cackling away. It was slightly…disconcerting.

"They've probably got the magic books out. I really should have hidden them away. I wonder if they brought their weapons. I swear if Faolan brought his…" Arthur muttered under his breath, still pacing and occasionally glancing out of the window. France decided to take a chance.

"Why are we waiting for Australie?"

"Hmmm? Oh, because he's coming with my reinforcements."

"And what's zat?"

"Vegemite. And possibly his snake."

France freaked out a bit, internally of course.

"Are you sure zat's safe?"

"Who said anything about safe? They're probably going to try to kill me. Why should I go easy?"

A knock on the door sounded out, making England beam and rush down the stairs. Throwing the door open, he was greeted by a tall blond, skin tanned darkly and green eyes bright.

"G'day Mum!" he greeted enthusiastically, dropping the milk he brought and catching the Brit in a surprised kind of hug, lifting him off his feet. Arthur looked vaguely embarrassed at the fact that he was shorted than his ex-colony. Australia squeezed the older blond until he hugged back, albeit grudgingly.

"Hello Kyle. Now put me down, you big git. This is hardly a decent."

"'Course it is. I'm giving me mum a hug," pouted the Australian, putting England down carefully and grinning, lifting the milk up.

"I brought the milk."

"So I see. Come on in. we've got some time to sort things out before we have to relocate."

"Relocate?" asked Francis, sending a smile to the Australian before shifting his cerulean eyes back to Arthur. The Englishman nodded, putting the milk away and turning to his two allies.

"I have a plan."

The plan didn't really go…well, according to plan.

"There might be some errors in translation from paper to real life!" called out Kyle as he dodged a glittering pink hammer that had been shot at him. The hammer smashed into a tree and promptly exploded into pink. The poor tree looked ready for Valentine's.

"Really? I hadn't noticed!" replied England sarcastically, barking out a spell and making Scotland's kilt try to fly. No one really wanted to see the view they were shown. Seems like the whole 'nothing under kilt' thing was true after all. Allistor made a nearby tree reach out to Kyle and pull him.

"Zis is not fun! 'Ow do you do zis every time you visit?" asked France, a wok over his head in an attempt to protect it and a bag of crab apples at his feet. He lobbed one out at Ireland, barely managing to avoid it as it came back to attack him. It even had little teeth.

"Mum! This tree's a pervert!" shouted Kyle, breaking free of the tree's grasp and whistling at his koala. It let out an evil sounding screech and leaped for Wales' eyes. The Welshman cursed and shoved it away from himself, making it into a flower.

A girl rushed into the garden, looking around worriedly.

"Mr Kirkland? I heard noises and I-" She was abruptly cut off as a line of gold hit her chest. She let out an ear-piercing scream as her clothes started dissolving slowly. The brothers didn't really notice it. She ran off.

"God Faolan! I didn't know you wanted me naked!" shouted England, nimbly sidestepping a spell and grinning. There was a laugh from the Irishman.

"Trust me, Art. I have no interest in seeing your whitewashed skin and skinny arse."


Which leads us back to the situation at hand. Gavyn let out a roar. His manliness had been questioned!

"Take that back!"


There was a scary muttering of words and then a burst of light that tossed everyone back a good few steps. Once it cleared it revealed a rather amusing sight.

"Shut up," grumbled Gavyn, glaring resolutely at the table. Arthur was doing the same thing, staring hard at his tea. Faloan snorted, unable to stop the chuckle from escaping. Kyle had given up on propriety and was doubled over laughing, his face red from his mirth. Francis had excused himself to go to the bathroom. Apparently that had been too funny. Allistor was wheezing in breaths, banging on the table like it was supposed to help.

"It's not funny," added Arthur. He and his brother went largely ignored. They both glanced at each other and let out twin winces. Erupting from their sandy hair were pairs of donkey's ears, twitching slightly.

"I hate you," grumbled Arthur, returning his glare to his tea.

"I hate you too," replied Gavyn just as seriously.

"And I love this! It's going on that social networking thing, you know, Tweeter and FaceWall," laughed Faolan.

So? What do you think? Good? Bad? Okay? Please review! I really do enjoy them even if I don't personally reply to each. (And let's face it, that might get to be a bit creepy.)

