Hello I was supposed to publish this before Christmas but it got really hectic, sorry about the delay! This is the final chapter so I hope you enjoy it :)

It's been two months since that event and Izaya has moved in with me. It's hard to think that before that event we were so different. Hunting down only to fight and badmouth each other, and running all over the city like mad men. I guess that was pretty fun, now it'll be a lot more peaceful around the city.

I snuck into the bedroom where Izaya was already sound asleep, and crept into the right side of the bed. My room has transformed into a study room now, and I sleep with Izaya in our new bedroom. It was a bit larger than my room anyway, and has a great view.

The raven had his eyes shut lightly, breathing through his slightly parted lips. I reached my hand over to fix the dark hair that fell onto his face.

"mmm…" Izaya scrunched his face up and cuddled closer to my chest, the sight made me smile and chuckle to myself. With the arm that was already lifted, I wrapped it around his body and pulled him closer. I could smell the sweet scent of the ravens hair now brushed against my chin. Who knew that the flea that used to hate me would be living in the same house as me and sleeping in the same bed.

I glanced down after Izaya placed a light kiss on my chest and now circled his fingers around the scar from the time he sliced it with his pocket knife.

"Now…we both have scars." He lifted his sleepy eyes to look at me as he spoke.

"Yeah, made from the other person."

"hmm? You didn't do it."

With the arm that was wrapped around him, I traced the side of Izayas body until I reached the area of his scar. "It was my fault though, I told you to leave the house. If you didn't, there wouldn't be a scar.

The raven haired snickered and closed his eyes. "Whatever you say Shizu-chan. You just want me to have something to remember you by. " I've come to realise that the informant always seems to know how I'm feeling or what my intentions are. I don't get how he can tell, and when I ask him he just says 'I know, because I love you.' He seems to say that quite a lot, where as I still find it difficult to say those words…but there is always on great outcome to saying it.

"Hey Izaya…"


"I really love you." I observed the minor delay until the words registered in his head. The raven hairs eyes flew open and his face went a deep shade of pink. He tossed his body onto the other side, finding a way to hide his flushed and embarrassed face from me. I know he's always acting so cunning and clever, but when he makes that face and tries to hide it, he looks absolutely adorable. The way he tries to cover it up just makes it even better, it always makes me laugh. Once again I wrapped my arm over his body in a cosy position.

"I love you too…" The informant mumbled.

"You know, we're almost like newlyweds." I proclaimed with a smile on my face.

"Che, go to sleep."

"If you say so my lovely wife."

Izaya didn't reply but as he reached forward to switch off the lamp his face was still able to reach a darker shade of red. The way his personality can change so easily amazes me, there are still so many unknown things about Izaya I have yet to find out about. Every time I find something new, it gives me more to love. I enjoy how we're living right now, just being in each other's presence is enough for me and I hope that doesn't change.

Thankyou to all those who read my story and please leave me a review on what you thought. Byyyee!