Chapter 5 - Pretty Girl

A/N: Wow so many favorites and reviews! Thank you so much everyone. Sadly I'm moving and it didn't leave me any time to answer your reviews but for those who are actually wondering about Sasuke and Hinata…well sadly that's gonna have to wait. Its odd SasuHina is my second favorite couple but I am a REALLY HARDCORE NaruHina fan but gotta say sometimes SasuHina grows on you. Anyway… the song this chapter is a classic from my high school days. As a reminder go on youtube and search for "Sugarcult- Pretty Girl Piano" or the original song. I really love this song and thought it was appropriate for this chapter. Remember if you have any song suggestions don't be afraid to not it in your review just remember to put the artist's name first and then the title of the song. Also it's probably another month before I can update and that's why I'm treating everyone with a short fresh chapter.

Hinata looked up the soulful black eyes that were looking into her lavender ones. She was feeling the pain in her chest give way to hazy confusion in her mind. Did her friend, lead singer of AKATSUKI and most popular guy at the Konohagakure Academy confess his feelings to her? She was very confused, boys always thought she was a creepy girl when she was younger but unknown to her she went from 'ugly duckling' to 'graceful swan'. However, this brooding and handsome teenager showed his heart to her, something that she had never seen nor experienced. Hinata shifted her eyes from Sasuke and looked at her friends and family whose mouths were agape and were rendered speechless. She then put her attention back on Sasuke and sighed heavily.

"S-Sasuke…I-I really d-don't know…w-what to say…t-to t-think…I-I" she stammered nervously and started twiddling her fingers in that cute manner she always does.

Sasuke just smiled at her and took one step closer to her. He leaned forward her delicate face to where it met his, he then took the smallest sunflower in the bouquet he had and put it on top above Hinata's left ear and tucked in a small piece of her bangs. And without losing a single beat he gently kissed her forehead and returned to his upright posture. Hinata blushed slightly at his gesture and the sound of Lee fainting and Ino snapping pictures and sending out chain text messages through her cell phone were heard.

"Well that pretty much ruined the mood…" Sasuke sighed and turned his head slightly to the group. He then turned his attention back to Hinata and handed her the rest of the bouquet. She took the flowers and held them closely to her face. She drew a small sniff and the smell gave her aching heart a break and confused mind a bit of clarity. She looked back up at Sasuke who just stood there smiling softly at her, trying his best to put her at ease though she didn't want to admit that it was working. Sasuke then leaned forward again close to her face and whispered into her ear, "Please think about it… I'll be waiting..."

Sasuke then pulled himself away again and walked back to the living room and Hinata followed him slowly but stopped and sat down next to her mother and little sister. When Sasuke got to the front door he put on his shoes and quietly opened the door but before he left he gazed at his friends then at Hinata's mother and Sasuke and finally once again to Hinata. She caught his soulful gaze and they met eye to eye; he just simply smiled and lip-synced 'Good night Hinata'. When he disappeared everyone breathed in heavily as if they were holding their breath. The sounds of deep sighing and a bit of 'fan girlish' giggling ensued after. Hinata however remain quiet and stared at the sun flowers in her arms.

"He really does like you Hinata." Lee said first breaking the awkward ice and trying to bring the warmth back. "But I know you still are hung up on Naruto."

"I-I don't know h-how to feel or t-think right now Lee. My h-heart has b-been shattered and my m-mind has been c-clouded. I don't know what's right or left or where to go from here on out. I only see S-Sasuke as a v-very w-wonderful friend but I-I can't see m-myself with him." Hinata said the tears started to form at the corner of her eyes again not wanting to have relived the pain. "B-But I-I can't see myself with N-Naruto either. I-I know I-I have to f-face my f-fears and give S-Sasuke an answer and move on."

"Don't push yourself so hard Hinata it's not good for you health. I mean look you look like you're going to fall apart like soggy noodles or a cake that's been knocked over by the family pet!" Ino cried out as she rushed her way to Hinata's side.

"Geeze Ino couldn't you make your descriptions, I dunno, BETTER?!" Tenten sighed loudly and rubbed the temples on her head in frustration. "Though I hate to admit that Ino is right about you health Hinata you need to find your answer to Sasuke. Look I know it's going to be wrong for me to say this but Lee is right about him. He REALLY likes you. The moment you ran away he went after you and got you those flowers from Ino's family's flower shop. He's always looking at you wanting your attention and opinion; I honestly think it's best to give him a chance."

"But you can't force Hinata to make a decision like that Tenten!" Lee chimed in again and sat up firmly straight. "Just because I say that he REALLY likes her and while you and Ino have points, the true point of the matter is NOT forcing Hinata to choose Sasuke or Naruto and giving Sasuke a defiant answer by tomorrow is just too soon. Hinata just had her heart ripped out and Sasuke expects her to get over it quickly is just not fair!"

"The only thing I think isn't fair is not letting Hinata think for herself…" Hanabi said quietly and everyone turned their attention to her. The young Hyuuga then took a clean tea cup and started pouring tea and handing it off to her older sister before directing herself again to their friends. "While all three of you are good friends and want to be there for sis I think you all should just give her some room. It's nice that you're all helping but this is one thing Hinata needs and WANTS to do by herself. Ether she chooses Sasuke or still crushes on Naruto is her choice but for now I think you all should just let her breathe and just talk about happy things or go out and does something fun that will take the edge off. "

The trio just looked at the young girl who went back to pouring herself tea as if nothing happened. But of course Hanabi was right. They were bring good friends but they needed to give Hinata her own space and make her own decisions, they knew the best things they could do was to do something fun together and just be there for her when she needed them. But of course they were still worried about her. With Naruto not only flat out ignoring Hinata but now Naruto had turned his back on them for a girl who's breath was like fire. For some odd reason the whole Naruto situation between him, Hinata and Sakura didn't sit right and they just couldn't put their finger on it. In the trios train of thought they were interrupted by Hinata.

"Thank you, Lee, Tenten, and Ino…" Hinata said softly as she put her glasses back on. "I'm so grateful to have friends like you three."

The trio just smiled at her and Lee got up from his seat and came up behind Tenten and Hinata. He then encouraged them into a warm group hug and everyone including Hinata's mother and Hanabi joined in. For a few brief moments the heartache was gone and the confusion fog lifted, Hinata felt warm and loved, a feeling all too rare and she cherished it until it ended. It was the best way to say 'You're Welcome.'

It was getting late at night, almost approaching midnight and the image of Hinata flooded Sasuke's mind. Normally he was one to not be persuaded by female charms but for some odd reason Hinata somehow got to him. He didn't know if it was her gentle personality or her amazing talent or the fact she was just beautiful or possibly all three reasons why he had fallen so hard for her. He knew the moment he laid eyes on her he knew that she was just different. Different from every girl he ever met, dated or knew. There was something about her that was warm like the sunshine, motherly, but also mysterious and it just made her that much more desirable. He smirked to himself knowing that Naruto made a huge mistake but at the same time he could feel the angry rising within him because he made his love interest cry tears, tears of sadness, unneeded and unnecessary tears. He took a look at his personal driver from the rear view mirror and nodded at the man. His driver nodded back in confirmation and they look a detour to Naruto's place.

When Sasuke got to his friend's place he walked up to the door and knocked on it gently. A certain white haired and super perverted man answered the door in a drunken smile and let Sasuke in without any hesitation. Jiraiya of course offered Sasuke some of the Sasuke that he was drinking but the teen refused and took off his shoes at the door and neatly set them aside. Sasuke followed his drunken teacher with his eyes and saw that Head Mistress Tsunade was having a drink with him. Sasuke let them be and headed to Naruto's room and stopped right at his door. Something wasn't right to Sasuke and he pressed his ear against the door to see if he could hear anything strange. And sure enough the sound of muffled moaning and squeaking was prominent and he sighed and knew he wouldn't have to wait long for Naruto and a certain pink haired witch to finish their rendezvous. About ten minutes later Naruto opened the door wearing just a towel around his waist and Sakura dressed in one of his over sized band shirts.

"That didn't take long did it now mister dead last…" Sasuke said startling the couple who put their hands over their private parts as if they were trying to 'protect' them. "I give or take you finally out lasted your record over 3 minutes Naruto."

"Sasuke what the hell are you doing here?!" Naruto aid trying not to yell as he shuffled his way around Sasuke and Sakura followed him.

"Oh I'm just here to talk to you but I can see you're still busy and you and your…uh…girlfriend… need to shower… I can smell the funk from here and it's making me want to toss my lunch if you catch my drift." Sasuke replied as he waved his hand in front of his nose sarcastically. "Oh and Sakura… you might want to leave after you're done cleaning up."

"And why should I leave Sasuke? I'm spending the night here." Sakura retorted back at her ex and placed her hands on her hips. "Whatever you want to say to Naruto you can say in front of me…"

Sasuke looked at her plainly, expressionless and shrugged. Sakura then followed Naruto into the bathroom where they proceeded to 'clean' one another in the shower. Surprisingly Sasuke only had to wait only fifteen minutes and they were 'clean' and 'fresh' as daisies. They back tracked to Naruto's room and got properly dressed and when they were done Sasuke entered the room and took a seat at Naruto's desk. Sakura and Naruto sat by one another on his bed and Sakura clinged onto Naruto's arm like glue which really wasn't a bit of a surprise to her ex.

"So why are you Sasuke?" Naruto asked as he slowly unglued himself from Sakura and put on a serious face.

"Before we start, Sakura, this is going to get really ugly and I suggest that you leave this room." Sasuke said his face slowly starting to frown but Sakura stayed put not moving. Sasuke shrugged and got up from Naruto's desk and grabbed his best friend by the collar of his shirt and punched him directly in face. Before Sakura knew it Naruto was up against the door of his room being held once again by the collar of his shirt and the left corner of his mouth was bleeding. The pink haired scholar rushed up to the two and tried to claw Sasuke.

"SASUKE LET HIM GO!" she yelled at the top of her lungs and continued to claw at him and tried to punch him. Her hits had no effect on her ex-boyfriend and he slowly turned his head towards her. For the first time in so long he saw tears running down her face but not just ordinary tears. She was on her knees trying her best to get him off Naruto, begging as if she was a child. For some sickening reason he enjoyed seeing her that way. He then sharply pushed her away and she fell on the floor looking back up at him meeting eye to eye. And for once in her life, Sakura felt scared and saw the anger and hatred in Sasuke's eyes as he peered into her own. She felt the tears of fear run out of her eyes to her face and her body was frozen on the ground. Sasuke then turned his attention to Naruto who was struggling to get out of his grasp.

"I told you that this would get ugly." Sasuke said in a monotone that was laced with ice.

"S-Sasuke…" Naruto managed to gasp out and he looked at his best friend. "W-why?"

"I'll tell you why Naruto…" Sasuke replied as he slowly turned his attention to Naruto and looked him dead in the eye. Cerulean blue met Ebony black and Naruto could see the angry in his friend's eyes and the seriousness in his face. He knew why Sasuke was so angry and Sasuke grip tightened on Naruto's collar. "You made her cry. You broke her heart. She fell for you. She treated you with more respect than this stupid bitch you call your girlfriend. You threw her friendship, my friendship and the friendships with Tenten, Ino and Lee away for Sakura. Why do you think I'm so angry with you? I could fucking end you right now if it wasn't for the fact that I know Hinata would hate me if I did." Sasuke then loosened his grip on Naruto and slowly let him go. Naruto leaned against his door and looked at Sakura who was scared stiff on her knees and then looked back at Sasuke whose eyes and face only grew angrier. "So… tell me Naruto…why?"

"I-I'm sorry Sasuke… I-I love Sakura…I-I wanted her back… I-I had to give up my friendship with Hinata. I-I'm not proud of it. I-I" Naruto stammered before Sasuke interrupted him with his fist punching the side of the door near the left side of his face. Naruto hated to admit that he was terrified of Sasuke. He could feel the heavy heat of his angry lingering in the air as Sasuke kept his fist in place.

"So you threw away her friendship for the sake of another female?" Sasuke asked Naruto who just nodded nervously. Sasuke sighed deeply and with a calm yet menacing voice said, "If you want to make this about girls then I'll level the playing field. I've confessed my feelings to her and to be frankly honest, when she says yes I will make her the happiest woman in the world. And even if she turns me down I will be there for her in the way that you deep down want to be. You can lie to yourself Naruto but you know a well as I that you have fallen for her too. You have just wasted your chance to be with someone who can make you happy and take away the emptiness that a 'certain event' has left in your heart. And when you finally realize your mistake it will be too late." Sasuke then removed his fist from the door and straightened himself out. Naruto took a breath of relief and helped Sakura and she once again clinged to him and continued crying in fear of Sasuke. Sasuke just turned a blind eye to what he considered her fake emotions and thought nothing of it but drama. "And just so you know Naruto, your little girlfriend hasn't quite broken up with Hyuuga Neji yet. They're planning something against Hinata and they're going to deny it to the ends of the universe but you should really check Sakura's cell phone."

Naruto blinked and looked at Sakura and then back at Sasuke. He then saw a light pink phone on his floor and proceeded to pick it up. Sakura knew the game was over the moment Naruto picked up her phone. She stupidly threw it on the ground when she and Naruto were in the heat of their passion. The blond unlocked the phone and saw that there were new unread text messages there and clicked on them. Sure enough Sasuke was right. There were fifty messages, a whole conversation of Sakura and Neji planning to have Hinata get hurt during her performance and have her publically humiliated in front of her entire family and school. From the beginning when Neji and Sakura getting together, to Sakura pretending to be nice to Hinata to get Naruto back, everything was there in black, white, and blue. Naruto couldn't believe it but at the same time he wasn't so surprised. He quickly sent the entire conversation to his own phone without Sakura noticing it and then deleting the messages. He then handed the phone back to her and he stared at her. Feeling horrible and sick to his stomach he slowly opened the door to his room and guided Sakura to the front door and Sasuke followed behind. Naruto then opened the front door and quickly kneeled down and put on Sakura's shoes on her feet. He then quickly stood up and looked at Sakura in grimace. He pushed her out and let a couple of tears roll down his face. He felt the ping of betrayal and saw that she started to cry and get on her knees as if she was pleading for forgiveness. He had had enough.

"No…No more Sakura, I'm tired of playing these stupid games. You set me up and use me and for what, your pretty jealousy? I thought you changed when you came back but I should have known. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to associate with you. I want you to leave me alone. Don't talk to me, don't speak to me, forget that I exist. What you and Neji are planning against Hinata is just unspeakable and I'll stop it even if it means that you get hurt. I'm sorry but Sasuke is right. I'm not going to throw away my friendship with them over you. Good bye Sakura." Naruto said to her in a bitter tone and closed the door on her.

Naruto turned to his friend and looked down at his feet in shame. He was a fool for not listening to Sasuke and an even bigger fool for what he did to Hinata. His guilt took over his emotions and he slowly started to walk back to his room. Sasuke went to the bathroom and got out some bandages for Naruto's wound. Even though he felt that Naruto deserved the wound he still felt bad for hurting his best friend. He walked back to Naruto's room and saw that Naruto had gathered all his "memories" of Sakura and threw it into a big box. Sasuke handed the bandage to Naruto who crookedly put it on and proceeded to head to the back yard with a book of matches. When the duo reached the back yard they were being watched by Jiraiya and Tsunade and little did they know the two old timers heard all the drama and were nice enough to pay and call a cab for Sakura.

The moment Naruto had reached far enough away from the house he struck a match and lit his Sakura "memories" on fire and watched it burn into black ash and white smoke. He felt a weight being lifted off his shoulders and then felt Sasuke's hand on his shoulder. He turned to his friend who had the look of "I hate to say I told you so, idiot." written all over his face. Naruto slowly started to laugh and Sasuke started to laugh too.

"So Naruto you know what you need to do right?" Sasuke asked him patting him on the back for kicking Sakura out.

"Yea… I just hope it's not too late…" Naruto sighed and looked up at the stars and immediately thought of Hinata's beautiful sparkling lavender eyes.

"Oh just so you know Naruto… this makes us rivals." Sasuke included as he kneeled down to the pile of burned ashes and saw that a small piece of a picture of Sakura was unburned. He handed to Naruto who ripped it apart with no hesitation and then scattered it to the evening wind.

"Yea… I know." He replied back silently as the two watch the torn photo fly away.

The next day Hinata was trying to recover emotionally. Hinata was alone in the house and sitting at her piano just tapping away at random keys and sighing to herself. Her mother and father had to go out of town for business and Hanabi was hanging out with Ino and Tenten at Lee's family spa and bathhouse. Earlier she received a call from Master Jiraiya and Mistress Tsunade about Naruto and Sasuke argument and they told her not to go near either of the boys. Hinata of course didn't want anything to do with either of them at the moment and told that to her teachers. But none the less she was still upset and her mind was clouded with Sasuke and Naruto. She liked Sasuke but she wasn't sure if she could like him in the way he felt for her. On the other hand she was still falling hard for Naruto who didn't feel the same way about her. Her emotions were driving her crazy and were tearing her apart. She slammed her hands on the ivory keys in frustration and the sound echoed throughout the mansion. She looked around even though she knew she was alone and regained her composure and apologized to her baby grand piano. Then once again she let her fingers play the notes and she started to sing.

"Pretty girl is suffering while he confesses everything. Pretty soon she'll figure out what his intentions were about. And that's what you get for falling again; you can never get him out of your head. And that's what you get for falling again; you can never get him out of your head."

She then started to press the ivory keys of her piano harder with sending all of her emotions through her fingers and the melody grew louder as well as her voice. Hinata could feel her anger, her heart break and her confusion pouring out and overflowing.

"It's the way that he makes you feel. It's the way that he kisses you. It's the way that he makes you fall in love."

She paused for a quick second and took deep breath before she slowly continued the song again.

"She's beautiful as usual with bruises on her ego and her killer instinct tells her to be aware of evil men. And that's what you get for falling again; you can never get him out of your head. And that's what you get for falling again; you can never get him out of your head."

Once again she started to press the key roughly and singing louder as if she wanted to shout to the entire world. But this time she was heard. A certain raven and blond haired duo were at Hinata's front door with the rest of their friends and Hanabi who was quietly opening the door so they didn't disturb Hinata's performance.

"It's the way that he makes you feel. It's the way that he kisses you. It's the way that he makes you fall in love. It's the way that he makes you feel. It's the way that he kisses you. It's the way that he makes you fall in love, love."

The group quietly watched Hinata as she continued to play. They can see her raw emotions flooding her voice, her fingers, and their ears. Her siren song echoed through Naruto and Sasuke's minds and hearts. Naruto came to apologize to Hinata and Sasuke wanted to see if there was anything he could do for her but that could wait after Hinata's performance. The duo watched on, entranced by her, they could slowly feel themselves slipping into a 'happy place'. Hinata started to play softer but let her voice still shine through.

"Pretty girl... pretty girl...Pretty girl is suffering while he confesses everything. Pretty soon she'll figure out: you can never get him out of your head."

She paused and took another deep breath. Her onlookers admiring her performance and feeling their own past heartbreaks or sadness overtake them as they realize that Hinata was wiping away a tear that she let slip from her eyes and then once again playing the keys with a hard and loud emotion that rang through their souls. It was an ugly truth but a beautiful song.

"It's the way that he makes you cry. It's the way that he's in your mind. It's the way that he makes you fall in love. It's the way that he makes you feel. It's the way that he kisses you. It's the way that he makes you fall in love, love."

When she sang the last note she could hear the sound of quiet clapping behind her and saw her group of friends and her sister. She slowly stood up and approached them and glanced at Sasuke and then Naruto silently. She was a bit confused on why either boy was here but that didn't matter. She placed her hand over her heart to silently show her pain. Naruto understood and felt the ping on guilt overcome him. He didn't know what to say to her or how he should begin to speak to her. He was the biggest ass in the world for what he did to her. But he knew now that he was wrong and he needed to make it right ever since last night when Sasuke taught him a valuable lesson. Naruto slowly approached her step by slow step. Hinata didn't move and allowed him to come closer to her. She noticed the band aid that was patched up on the side of his face and the look of worry came upon her delicate face. Naruto couldn't help but smile at her as she silently pointed to it.

"Oh this? Let's just say I fell down the stairs and I woke up knowing that I did something really fucked up things to you." Naruto said making Hinata giggle and then Naruto moved himself closer to her. He let his blue eyes meet her lavender ones and he leaned down closer to her face. "I'm really sorry Hinata. What I did yesterday was inexcusable. You were there for me when I needed you and yet I turned my back on you for someone who was trying to hurt you. I regret what I have done and I hope you can forgive me."

He broke their intense gaze and looked down his feet in shame. He just couldn't face her anymore. He was beyond embarrassed and felt humiliated by the dastardly deeds. He couldn't blame her if she chose not to forgive him. When he went to turn his eyes back on her, he was greeted with a smile as bright and gently as the rising sun. Naruto could feel his entire self feel her warmth and took it all in. And with her angelic voice she said to him, "I already have Naruto."

End Chapter 5

A/N: I actually enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope everyone enjoyed reading it. Next time we'll see what Hinata will say to Sasuke confession and Naruto comes to terms with his past, parents and possibly his feelings. Also Killer Bee is and his crew are about to make their HUGE premier in the story. And what about Neji and Sakura's evil plans? It's about to get nasty…. Stay tuned!