"Don't say anything J'onn," Flash said as the Martian watched him board the Watchtower from the Zeta. He looked around the room to make sure no one heard him. Thankfully no one else was in the room, "I cannot handle anyangry heroes about… what happened."

J'onn nodded slightly. He was well aware of the effect of knowing what happened to Flash on his day off would have on other heroes. Slight mocking of his allergies and a new found protectiveness from some of the heroes for a while.

"I have not told anyone Flash," he stated. Flash smiled.

"Great. Now got any missions for me?" he asked.

"I am afraid not Flash," he said walking out of the room with Flash following.

"Aw… c'mon J'onn. I'm fine! See?" he said running in front of him.

"It is not because you were indisposed of that we do not have a mission for you Flash. We simply do not have many missions as of right now," he explained. Flash pouted.

"It's about the beets isn't it?" he asked keeping at it.

"It is not about your reaction Flash," he continued.

"Fine. But if I find out that it was the case then I'm not going to be happy," he said zipping off. J'onn inwardly sighed. It had only been yesterday that he had his incident and he already wanted a mission. J'onn knew it was to hide the fact that he was in the hospital and nearly died. But rules were rules, after going to the hospital a league member was not supposed to have a mission for at least two days. J'onn just hoped that no one really needed him or that if he was deployed no one found out. He could allow the Flash that much.


Flash ran into the cafeteria shoving the idea of beets and hospitals out of his mind and trying to run into his hero mind set. The mindset of a younger brother. And that would start with saying hello to his favorite alien big sister like person.

"Hey Sha-" he said before he found himself having trouble breathing. His throat felt tight, oxygen being cut off.

"Hello Flash," she said with a smile eating a forkful of something bright red. Something that made him take a slight step back. His stomach began doing flip flops. His old enemy. Beets, "How was your day off?"

Flash tried to slow his increasing his heart beat and get more air into his body.

"Fine," he squeaked. Shayera raised a brow curiously at Flash.

"Is there something wrong? Did you not eat today?" she asked. He started to laugh but ended up coughing with the gag reflex he was getting from the beets. A concerned look came to Shayera's face.

"Flash?" she asked. He looked at her through the cowl with a hurt look on his face.

"Sorry. I need to go. See yah later Shay," he said bolting out of the cafeteria. Her face darkened and her wings began to puff out. He was hiding something from her. And she was going to find out what. If it was another one of his pranks then so help him he better live up to his namesake as Fastest Man alive.

She stood up and tossed what was left of her lunch and began her search of what Flash was planning.


"Dammit. Shay is going to be pissed," he said groaned as he sat on a box in one of the storage rooms hiding and trying to think of how to respond to Shay when he saw her next. Heaven forbid he tell her that he was afraid of her lunch. That would be real bad. One, because of the mocking that was sure to follow. And two, the rumors of why she had a sudden hatred for the red veggie but only when he was around. Hey, Shay actually liked the devil veggie.

He leaned his back against the box behind him and tried to think. How to go about this…


"He's planning something," Shayera explained to John. She had run into him while looking for their scarlet clad friend.

"All because he ran from you?" he asked.

"He squeaked to. He looked nervous. He's definitely hiding something from me," she said, her feathers looking rather puffy and her face rather mad.

"Alright, I'll help you," he said to the Thegarian warrior.

"Thank you," she said as she continued on the search. Unaware that she was being watched by a league member. J'onn watched as they left and began toward Flash's hiding spot. He had to admit he was curious as to what Flash did. And if it had something to do with his little leave.

He made his way through the walls and straight toward Flash's hiding storage room. In the room he saw Flash just about asleep on the boxes.

"Flash," he said to the person. Flash jumped up his eyes in his mask were wide and white.

"J'onn?" he asked to the air feeling silly. J'onn appeared before Flash making him sigh, "Don't do that. You scared the heck out of me."

J'onn didn't change his expression, "Hawk girl is looking for you Flash. She believes you are planning something."

Flash moaned hitting the back of his head against the box, "Stupid beets."

J'onn raised a nonexistent brow curiously. Flash looked J'onn in the eye.

"She was eating beets and I kind of started acting weird," he explained. J'onn seemed unimpressed.

"I do not see why you hide this Flash. It would be better if we were able to help you so there is not a repeat," he said. Wally could hear of yesterday linger in the air.

"You're not the one with the allergy J'onn. It's nothing big. Beets are nothing in comparison to other allergies like nuts or milk or wheat. I'll be fine. Just bad coincidence. Promise J'onn."

J'onn looked at him skeptically.

"I will not say anything. But should a problem arise I will not lie about your problem," he stated. A relieved look came to Flash's face.

"Thanks J'onn. You're the best," he said standing up with a smile.


"Has anyone seen Flash?" Wonder Woman asked. She knew he had taken the day off yesterday but she had yet to see or hear from him today. And Flash was one to always check in or just say hi on a daily basis. Yet she had heard no word from the very chatty young hero.

"I haven't," Superman said now wondering where the speedster was.

"I saw him," said a familiar voice. Shayera walked up to them with a determined look on her face, "He was in the cafeteria and then bolted. I think he's up to something."


Batman finally finished with the preparation of the party he was asked (blackmailed) to do, walk down the hall to pass J'onn and Flash.

"J'onn. Flash," he said in his usual gruff voice.

"Batman," J'onn said respectively.

"Hey Bats. What's up?" he asked childishly.

"You have an allergy," he stoically stated. Flash paled slightly.

"You god damn Bats," he sighed, "Let me guess, you heard about me going to the hospital yesterday?"

Batman raised a brow. Flash realized his mistake and groaned.

"How'd you find out?"

"Your medical file. You were in the hospital?" he questioned in what Flash liked to call, his vigilante voice.

"Uh… yeah," he said softly. Batman scowled.

"Checkup. Now," he growled making Flash wince.

"Jeez Bats I think I'm good now so thanks but no thanks," he said quickly.

"Flash. You had a reaction. And I will not have you as a liability because of your reaction. You will get a checkup now."

And with that Flash was led down the hall by Batman and J'onn to his impending doom. I mean checkup.


"And you need me to find Flash?" Question asked suspiciously to the four founders who asked, "And why would that be?"

"He's planning something. And we want to find him and find out what," Shayera declared boldly. Question however had other ideas of what was going on. Perhaps Flash held a secret. One that could very well be a key to something very important.

"Very well," he said opening his laptop and quickly typing something that only confused the founders behind him, "He's in the medical ward. He is with Batman and Martian Man hunter," he said stoically though curiosity was evident on why Flash would be there with two of the most unemotional heroes in the league. He heard the feet of the founders leave the room as he began to try and learn what happened at a distance. When Flash was in the medical ward it was better to stay away and watch rather than get involved with the inevitable over protective founders that were to come. Everyone in the league knew, nothing came good from a sick or injured Flash.


"How many times do I have to tell you? I. Am. Fine," Wally hissed. Batman didn't even so much as flinch as he looked at the heart monitor and compared it to his average readings.

"Your heart is a three beats slower than your average rating," he stated stoically. Wally rolled his eyes only to receive a hit to the head by the ever stoic Batman.


"This is serious Flash," he stated.

"Sure it is Batman. Sure it is," he said sarcastically.

"Flash," J'onn said looking through his medical records as Batman asked, "This will be quick if you allow us to be."

Wally sighed. He really didn't like being without his mask getting a checkup. He felt naked. And not in the good way either.

"We don't like this anymore than you do Flash," Batman stated.

"Yeah, yeah. I know," Flash moaned as a light was directed to his eyes.


It didn't take long for the other founders to make it to the med bay. Their curiosity grew once they heard about Flash in the Med Bay. Considering how much he hated it in there and it was not easy to get him to have a checkup unless something happened recently. An uneasy feeling spread between the founders that perhaps it wasn't a prank, but something seriously wrong with their ever cheerful friend.

"Are we about done yet Bats?" they heard Flash's voice whine, "Cause I could really go for a pizza right now."

"Not much longer Flash," Batman stated coolly.

"Aw great!" he said happily.

Superman raised a brow and walked in front of the group, leading them inside the med bay.

"Superman!" Flash squeaked quickly hiding his face behind a clipboard. Despite trusting them with his life he still felt uneasy about people seeing his face on the Watchtower. Even the founders.

"Flash? Is everything alright?" he asked bluntly as the other Founders walked up toward Flash, Batman and J'onn.

"His readings are normal," J'onn said simply.

"Even after visiting the hospital yesterday," Batman grunted. Wally flinched behind the clip board. He dropped it on his lap and glared at Batman.

"Hey!" he squeaked. Shayera raised a brow.

"Hospital?" asked John in a way that made Wally flinch. He recognized the voice easily. It was the I'm-older-than-you-and-an-ex-marine-that-knows-best-for-you-and-why-didn't-you-tell-me-that-you-were-in-the-hospital? He wished Batman had not said anything.

"Bats," he whined to the older hero.

"Wally," Wonder Woman asked in a motherly tone that made Wally feel almost instantly guilty, "Why didn't you tell us that you were in the hospital? What happened?"

"Well… I… uh…. J'onn knew," he said pointing at the Martian.

"And you had asked me not to tell others about your predicament," he said simply. More questions came to the founder's minds.

"Predica-?" Superman began.

"Flash ate something that didn't agree with him," Batman explained. Though apparently not well enough with the snickering from Green Lantern.

"I thought you had an iron stomach hot shot," he joked, "Eat too much?"

Wally rolled his eyes.

"I see this is going to get worse before it gets better," he grumbled.

"Flash had an allergic reaction," Batman explained a little more clearly.

"BATS!" he cried out.

"Flash? Allergic? To what?" asked Diana. Wally's face began to turn red. He was not getting out of this one. Dammit.

"Whoa Flash. Your face is as red as a Beet. You feeling alright?" John asked. At the very mention of Beets his face began to pale. His stomach began to do flips. Batman raised a brow at the 180 in Flash at the very mention of the vegetable. A realization came to Diana. At least a partial one.

"Flash? Do you not like Beets?" she asked. He averted his eyes. John raised a brow.

"Flash?" John growled. Flash sighed.

"I'm not getting out of this am I?" he asked. The silence answered his question.

"Well I gottago!" he said zipping out of the room, or at least trying to as he ran into a wall of green lantern's light and promptly landing on his butt, "Really John?"

"What's going on Hot Shot?" he questioned.

"Flash… if something is going on you should tell us," Superman said trying to sound diplomatic.

"Flash had an allergic reaction to beets making him faint and getting him sent to the hospital," Batman stated bluntly.


"Guys, going to the cafeteria is not going to kill me," Flash said trying to make his way past Shayera and John.

"Look Flash, why don't you eat with us?"

"Great! Let's go to the cafeteria," he said trying to get past them. John pushed him back and began dragging him down the hall.

"Sorry Flash."

"But Guys!" he whined, "It's taco day!"

But Shayera and John wouldn't listen. As of at that moment, Superman and Wonder Woman were removing any beets that might be in the cafeteria. Much to the confusion of many other heroes. Besides Question who had helped set up the removal of said vegetable.

Um. Well, this is an unexpected chapter two. To those who read it… um… thank you… and please review…