Bright blue optics snapped open.

The only sound was his cooling fans working overtime trying to bring down the heat of his frame. His body, he noted, was for the most part numb. He couldn't feel a thing, though he could still move. If the scraping of his fingers against the table were anything to go by.

He lifted his head to try to get a look of where he was at. To his dismay it was dark. Not because there wasn't enough light because he can see just fine with how limited it is, but because the room itself was dreary. Judging by the tools that are in his line of sight, he was in some kind of med-bay and not a clean one, the tools were rusted beyond belief. But the color of the walls, a dingy rusted brown and not vibrant orange, told him he was defiantly not in the Arks' med-bay in the care of the CMO.

Suddenly a blinding light shined into his optics. Instinctively, he brought up an arm to shield the light. When no arm appeared realization struck. He was strapped down.

A clawed hand grabbed his helm and slammed it back onto the table resulting in a loud thud and a painful gasp. Feeling suddenly shot down his body in the form of pain then once again gone.

"C'mon wake up! Don't do this.."

That voice. He knew that voice. It was one that brought joy into this nerve wrecking situation. He tried to find the owner of said voice but couldn't see anyone. Everything to him was just a never ending scene of bright light. Just then a figure came into view. At first blurry. He couldn't see any detail that would tell him who the mech expect for the bright line of red light.

Instantly he knew who was there standing with him and it was not the owner of the voice he heard. As the shape became more defined so did the slight fear that trickled through his body.

"Please buddy, you can't leave, not again..."

There was that voice again. It just kept coming back to taunt him. But that didn't matter at the moment. What did was the mech before him. The mask came into view first. Next the cannon on his shoulder. Then ever so slowly the the rest became noticeable.

"We just got you back. I just got you back."

There right above him was the one mech he could never have standing above him. That fear he was feeling before was back and was in full force now.

He needed to get back to the Ark. Back to him. He promised when he went out on the mission that nothing would go wrong. That he'd be fine and back before he knew it. And it's been Primus knows how many days. He's probably going crazy, tearing everything up by now. He always could give the twins a run for their money when it came to protective instincts.

He let him down. He broke his promise.

"Prowl...please come back to me."

His optics widened when a hand reached for his helm once more. He could feel the hands creep inside his CPU, poking and touching everything that they thought were of use to them, and before he knew it he was hit with pain. He couldn't help the scream that escaped from him mouth.

The blinding pain traveled through his once numb body. He knew what the mech was doing and had to stop it. He had to stop Soundwave and there was only one thing he could do. Ratchet has told him to only use this option in a last ditch effort. He had a feeling that that effort was now. He had a feeling that if he didn't do this now it would surely mean the end of the Autobots.

Through the pain he was able to access the file in his CPU that would start the process. He heard the Decepticon's third in command growl when the process started and he was kicked out from accessing the files he needed. Taking what he had, the Decepticon unhooked himself from the Autobot's CPU before the emergency shut down attacked the stolen files.


Prowl felt his mind shutting itself down. One by one the files locked themselves away, refusing access to anyone or thing.

As he started shutting down into stasis he felt the third in command enter his CPU one last time before everything went black.

He just wanted to go home, back to Jazz.

Jazz was forced out of the med-bay buy a very irritated medic. It wasn't his fault. Really it wasn't. What else was he supposed to do other than hover Ratchet when his bond mate had a near spark failure?

He sure as slag wasn't going to sit down and do nothing, so now Jazz is pacing the hallway.

Everything seemed to be going great. Prowl was just remembering who he, as well as everyone else, was. He thought that they finally had a break.

He didn't know what happened exactly, he was sleeping one moment then jolting awake the next due to Prowl screaming. He didn't understand what caused the poor mech to be in so much pain. He was scared. Some of that emotion was leaked from Prowl's side of the bond sure, but most of the feeling was coming from himself.

Now he was worried. Ratchet wouldn't say much when they got the second in command to the med-bay. The cranky medic just went straight to hooking the Praxin to spark and CPU monitors. He scanned for basically everything he could think of, but nothing came up.

Jazz stopped pacing and leaned against the wall. Sliding down said wall, he put his face in his hands. He didn't know what to do. For all he knew he lost his bond mate again, and this time he might not get him back.

He looked up when the sound of doors opening met his audios. His overly bright visor met the tired optics of the medic. Ratchet walked over and sat down next to the third in command. He sighed and put his head back against the wall.

"How is he?"

Ratchet took a deep breath before looking at the distraught mech. "He'll live," Jazz let out the breath he didn't know he was holding, "but with what processor damage I'm not sure exactly."

Jazz nodded as long as he was alive. "Can I see him?" He waited for the medic to nod before getting to his feet and walk to the med-bay.

"Jazz," he stopped and turned looking at the now standing mech, "He's sleeping for now, but when he wakes up, I can't promise that he'll remember.."

The third in command drew in a shaky breath before nodding, he didn't trust his voice at this point.

Walking through the doors, he made a beeline for the table with Prowl laying on it. He looked so much more peaceful then he did just an hour before.

He sat down and reached out for a white hand. It felt unnaturally limp in his own. If it wasn't for the steady beeping of the spark monitor and the colorful frame, he would think that Prowl was offline and that thought scared him.

It was uncommon for Jazz to be in this position. Sitting by a bed in the med-bay scared shit-less and wondering if whoever was there will survive. He didn't know how the twins could do this so many times. He was instantly grateful that he didn't get hurt often. He would hate to have Prowl sit by while he was laying there.

He laid his head down on the table stoking a thumb over the hand still in his grasp. listening to the steady and there beeping of the spark monitor, telling him that his mate is very much alive, Jazz started to fall into recharge.

No longer being able to stay awake he let darkness of recharge wash over him.

He just prayed to any god out there that Prowl would be okay.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait! I hate myself for it... Also sorry it's not as long as it could/should be but I tired. Hopefully it wont take so long next time to update? Maybe..?

Also thanks to everyone that reviewed/faved/followed so far! Hopefully you guys are still out there haha

Anyway review, fav, follow!

~VaRa xxx